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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to live from berlin. russia launch has a large scale air assaults on you. frame error rate shelters fill up early monday and mid the attack it bringing officials say multiple ways of proves and ballistic missiles hit residential and industrial facilities injury. several people also coming up on the show tops us diplomat. anthony blanket and germany's foreign minister and elaina bare bach are in israel for talks. as worries grows at the conflicts put in gulf the entire region and no surprises in bangladesh as the election. prime minister, shake casino wins. another term after
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a campaign marked by violence turn out was low after the main office issue boy called at the vote. calling at a ship plus oppenheimer dominates on the golden gloves. the bio picked about the maker of the atomic bomb. when the best director and best after and more, hollywood is bound for it's a biggest parties and strides from movie production. we stand still last year, the . i'm sorry, richardson, welcome. you're brand new and officials say russia launched a large scale missile a sold early on monday, prompting an air raid alert for the entire country and residents and keeps on shelter for ukraine's air. force of the country was under threat from several ways of cruise missiles and from ballistic missiles. in some regions. local officials said several people were injured in residential areas and a fire broke out and an industrial site that was hit of course on it and keeps on
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your phone. the car has more on that air rate alerts. when we were looking at about 6 am this morning to and read the notes and all across ukraine with the port is really, you know, urging residents to take these, wanting seriously and headed to shelters. and they'll be able to recreate. and if will, you know, kind of wound off, i'm open a dozen bumble across, taking off from russian territory the one to a wave of crews besides. and there were reports of explosions and separate papers in the police show in the pro and car keys. and the reports are now coming in as a total to use, you know, assess the damage we're hitting into called keep reach. they are seeing a rockets hit a private house that the people under the rubble a risky operation going on there in separate issue with holding for the parties and saying that people there also wounded rockets residential areas. but from everything that we've seen so far, it seems that you know, most cities including kids seem to be spade. the kind of massive damage that we saw
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earlier, the seal wind rush, ebony launched, a huge area bombardment of ukrainian month would be clean in cities in, in late december and an early to seal. so now thank you so much for being such a speed there. um, as we're seeing russia stepping up, it's a salt, continued military aid for ukraine is also looking increasingly uncertain. is that already affecting your brains ability to protect itself from russian attacks to when you know you're cleaning the porter piece of really been wanting for months? the question has been stopped by making hype decision besides to use in the winter to talk at the end of energy infrastructure to plunge. that's the piece that you know it to the court in the dock of today. you know, i have to say that all the temperatures and key to or are below freezing minus 14 degrees celsius, here in the log in the white of each and here and you create of all settled relies heavily on its west of boston. those for advanced a defense systems, including especially the, the featured a system designed to the us, which you can use us to protect its cities and critical infrastructure from
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hypersonic besides. and of course, the fios, you'll know is that if, if, if most go continues the space and intensity of the enter the phones, we could see a scenario with, you know, ukraine could be left without a protection. so there was a real sense of urgency here with the foreign minister to be typically about with the audrey and wisdom partners to provide more independence systems, ms. signs and ammunition. and really saying that there is no plan b. if this does not happen. sonya, thank you so much for reporting and take care. that is sonya found a car for us in case of turning out of the warrant. garza and a team from the world health organization has visited the arkansas hospital in the territory and describe chaotic scenes. w h o staff. so they were delivering medical supplies and beds to the hospital and witnessed a large numbers of wounded people being brought in for urgent treatment after an explosion, w h o staff them from inside the hospital, which they said was in dire need of medical supplies, the hospital which is described as cause is most important, is also dealing with critical shortages of medical staff organizations planning to
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facilitate the deployment of emergency medical teams and to help support the overwork to doctors and nurses and the w h. i was coordinators that evacuation orders and fears fighting had forced most medical staff to leave. he urge for the protection of the ox from hostilities. this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the south that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. yesterday they said they had one doctor working with overnight and miss emergency department. it's really a galaxy in the hospital. director just spoke to us and he said his one request is that this hospital be protected even though many of his stuff is left and us secretary of state anthony blinking is due and as well for talks on the war and gaza as appears grow that the conflict could widen across the region speaking and
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caused her blinking said it was imperative to protect civilians in gaza as well as bottling hamas, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the us of germany and many other countries. and so the blinking on a tip of magic drive to prevent the spread of the israel, how much will have to meetings and cut to the us secretary of state for and on sunday, the wall between israel and how much in gaza could metastasize on threatened security . new why the middle east in doha blinking laid out his goals and he had praise raise hosts in all of my meetings over the last 2 days, we discussed ongoing efforts to better protect civilians and gaza and to get more humanitarian assistance to them. and to get the remaining hostages out and home with their loved ones. the cutter was instrumental in negotiations that led to the simultaneous release of more than $100.00 hostages, including american citizens,
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and a pause and the fighting that during that time enabled us to double the flow of humanitarian aid to civilians and guys. so these displays, palestinians caught in the crossfire of this conflict in gaza, help con, come soon enough. on the us, secretary of state made his position on the status of the testing. civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow. they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza at the funeral of 2 palestinian journalists killed in my power on his radio striking the south of the gaza strip. the prospect of p seems far away thinking set the kid things were on the imaginable tragedy that he was deeply sorry for the family's loss. the us top diplomats middle east tool continues on monday with visits that include israel and the occupied westberg. and germany's for administer and elaina barrow block is also on
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a trip to the middle east. it is her 4th visit to the region since the october 7th attacks were block held talks with the is really presidents and for administer. she also is pushing for move toward a 2 state solution for his riley's and palestinians. once the current fighting is over, is tom o scott guys, i must never be a source of danger to the existence of the state of israel in the future. but it's also in the refute of effect, the guys that belongs to the police, steven young people, they must not be driven out. they must not be ready to use right, l e, up to a patient or settlement of gaza fund. guys. i keep we have our chief political correspondent and you know has a report in from jerusalem. she has more on what's on n o in a box agenda. suppose you'll be visiting a palestinian village and so you'll be holding political thoughts with apollo senior and council pod all molly t. now that is of course, always
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a tight rope. well, for her gemini is very much in favor of a 2 state solution for the babble girl also make it clear to the policy new representatives that germany does stand in solidarity with israel when it comes to fighting any attempts to wipe israel of the map. the very much the 2 state solution that she's got on her rate of the same time. she's also going to sell the palestinians that germany very much sees the suffering that is going on. and that the ones that to and germany has increased its humanitarian assistance to the palestinians since october 3 fold. so that's now is some of about 200000000 euro. so the fall but as on the battle will also make it clear to the palestinians. the germany believes it does take a reformed palestinian authority if the region is to achieve sustainable p. so eventually elections will also have to be held by the palestinians. and now what's
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the address? the issue of our rising, the settler violence in the occupied west van will that be a topic on her trip? yes, it will. she said in a statement after she spoke to is ray, the president has hook and is really counts upon the foreign minister cuts that she does see the suffering on all sides in gaza. all survive is rarely families are still hoping for the relatives or friends to return from her mosque of 70. but of course, she also said that sets a violence in the west fund is an extremely dangerous issue. it has gone up tremendously and that must and to so this is a very clear signal that she's going to be sending that as well. again, today, she says that it does of close the territories in the policy you need in the west side used such as belong to the palestinians. and that israel has no rights to reduce that territory. it's palestinian territory and that this is one of the
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preconditions if you ever want to achieve the 2 state solution. so tell us more about that. what is berlin's preference here from a german perspective. what does bare box one to see for the future of the region on elena babbled goals? the 3 fold i would say. so one is finding ways of easing not suffering. that is happening at the moment. so germany is very much pushing for mobile to crossings, to be open for an easy, a way of delivering humanitarian assistance to the people in the region to make it a life easier, essentially for the people who all is threatened with the vase. and there are lots of bureaucratic hurdles if you will, empty is negotiating. all those details with her account of positive varies regions . and to there is this attempt to convince the palestinian authority. you said the security can only be guaranteed if they also guarantee israel safety. so the 2
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state solution that is something where the discussions are beginning. uh now also very much in line with what the americans are saying and then 3. and that's what that goal is also try and help prevent these conflict from escalating, from spreading into other countries. 11 on is very much a big concern of our cars. escalate on, elena bab, off the trip to the palestinian authorities on to israel. here is also going to travel to egypt until 11 on web based will be one of the main topic. so, you know, thank you so much for reporting there. that's archie political correspondent, nina has an interest along we can turn to some other world news headlines of the missing panel that blew off an alaska airlines jet on friday has now been recovered. us officials say the door plugs been found in a teacher's back yard in oregon and investigators a pilots had reported pressurization warning lights on 3 earlier flights of the boeing 737 max 9 jack in the united states. a major winter storm has dumped
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heavy snow and freezing rain across new england. up to 30 centimeters of snow were reported in massachusetts. boston airport reported hundreds of cancelled or to a flight and more than $10000.00 households were left without electricity. and us lawmakers have announced a bi partisan deal on federal funding for the current fiscal year. the agreement on a $1600000000.00 funding limit comes after weeks of negotiation. and, and mark's major step toward avoiding a government shutdown. farmers across, in germany have for gone a week long stripe to protest the government's plans to cut agricultural subsidies . the government has already rolled back its decision to slash fuel subsidies for farmers after weeks of angry demonstrations. protest plan for the next 7 days will include rallies to disrupt the traffic in several regions. and a procession of tractors is expected to block off a central road here in berlin,
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as farmers bring their frustrations to the governments and door stuff. so let's get the very latest from our political correspondent, matthew more joining us from a very cold morning at the brandenburg gate. matthew, i certainly looks like some of the farmers have already arrived there. they have promised to paralyze traffic throughout germany. can you tell us what you're seeing there? of the that's right. glad is that. and they have power lies. there's the san boulevard . the street beside me is normally 1st thing with traffic on monday morning like this fall actually. and the moment is to talk with tractors you can hear. and the last thing, but as we've heard the horns layering on this is just the central gallon. but this pull test start, this is this the 1st day of all week. a full test, we will call monday and a and a must have demonstration here in the city in the cafeteria at the end of the week . but today, this is just one of hundreds of full tests across germany. i think by the end of today that will be a jam and that hasn't come across some sort of disturbance in the daily life
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because of the truck. so it's on the farmers pull testing across the country. the block roads move to ways here outside let a few blocks and train. i spoke to 11 for protesting farmers this morning and came in on the train and he said his train was delayed because of the farmers have blocked. one of the train tracks company, i'm outside the 3 lines outside breland. so it's just, this is just one of many places where the farmers are getting together to express really deep, deep outside and satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the government. yeah. about a number of changes that are being brought 10 on the farms association of said a 51, the recently called for full test that have never been seen before in this country . i'll tell us a little bit more about what exactly at issue here. we have the farmers upset by the federal government's plans reduction in agricultural subsidies. and yet some of those measures have already been rolled back. i take it, that's not enough for the farmers were protesting today. yeah,
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exactly. they, the plan was to reduce some, some subsidies the for diesel. um that the farmers rely on um for that try. it says the government had the full test last month here and valid and decided that they would, they would delete some of those. those changes for speaking to farmers today. there's simply this, this is the underlying or for station was the government hasn't gone away. i don't think the changes to the subsidies will not deal with that. i can go the frustration the rates, frankly speaking to them. the see this isn't, it's actually a bit more than just the politics. it's about the ceiling that the government here in berlin, which is a core less than a 3 recall, less than government. the 1st of its kind to modern germany is simply not in touch with the people out there in the country that they're not listening. the things take too long that they're too busy arguing with each other on the disconnect between the, the ordinary damage and the government is going why you to, by the day i'm,
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what striking is that normally you come to full text on the farmers they, they say we want this change on that change. what states are we, the farmers were calling for a change in government so much so that this has been kind of a focal point if you like. um for, for white or for station amongst germans. there's not just pharmacist today, i spoke to people who are, who are working and, and money exchanges who come to support the farmers. it gives you a sense that this is a bigger problem than just the agriculture industry for the government. and, and it kind of changed with a mood, the dramatic would change, i would say in the country, and you see that i'm pulling play a just last week frustration and, and the disapproval of the government a shot record highs. i mean, not seen since the euro crisis, 15 or 40 years ago, and i think this year, these full tests are an expression of just scrolling frustration with the economy, with the government. that things aren't going to well here in germany. but thank
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you so much for your reporting. that is matthew moore for us in berlin. so we can look to bangladesh now, where a prime minister shade casino has won a 4th consecutive terminal office after her ruling party swept national elections on sunday. the country's elections commission size has seen as allow me. lead has won the vast majority of seats in parliament, but turn out was only around 40 percent for a vote marred by violence. and boy caught it by the main on position as the longest serving female prime minister in the white. she cuz he not a fit to maintain her grip on file, but she has won an election with no affective eyes of the main opposition. the bundle dish and ashley's party did not take part in the election. questioning. the great, the ability of the valid under has the nice room, but the opposition by court has not the doors. the power from prime minister. i
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have my echo debility to people to the people where the people accepted or not, or that they have accepted. this is, that's what i love, that is important. the position being between the gulf when crippled dude campaign by incarcerating thousands of the members on put a degree warranty redid charges. it says several of its members were killed in an election campaign leaked for the binding. but the ruling of, i mean the accused, the b and b o 5 and the tax is going to undermine the government, have cases against me for arson and stuff like that. there's a systematic repression going on for last many years. do you have any tanks that it's on election? the you and the us have criticize the intrusion of democracy under has the nose. but regional bowers, india, china,
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and russia have developed strong business and security dies with testing us government and have to largely remain silent on our domestic policies. what we are seeing is really a silent single freedom of expression. so all this has, has scholarly fits into last year, and therefore we don't believe that a bun with the sweeping from the press to close, which is the worst retreating of civic space. a country can have the, despite the criticism, has he not, is credited for us, spectacular drawing for country once considered to be the board and the white millions has been lifted out if i would be under her truly. but her critics argue they cannot make success, has come at the cost of democracy and human rights, leaving many in the country afoot on $170000000000.00 people with little feet in the system that go one step to turn into some other news now and in los angeles, it was a big night for the movie oppenheimer at the annual golden gloves,
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picking up the best drama and for other awards that included christopher nolan as best director and kelly and murphy as best drama after for the title role in other categories, lily gladstone became the 1st indigenous golden soap winner for her role in killers of the flower moon. and emma stone was named best actress in a comedy for her performances in for things. the golden gloves kick off, holly was award season for culminates with the oscars. in march, i spoke to entertainment journalist occasionally matthews, who without the golden gloves in a way and they hurt her personal highlights. yes. you know, it was my 2nd time in a year uh, going and being around all the best cities. there was a lot going on. so many celebrities walk in the red carpet. i bought the hosted. okay job. i'm going to be honest with you, comedian, joy coy. i didn't know nothing about him before hand. i'm kind of just learning and catching up, but i thought he did an ok job just so i love. if i'm being honest,
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if i'm being honest now just an ok job, i think the highlight was just it was packed full of star powers in the audience presenting, walk into red carpet. people really seem to be in a good mood and the old gloves are back, you know, where you are drinking and eating and having a good time in the uh, a list from television land is mixing would be a list of the feature film roll. so i love that i'm a golden gloves, voter so i bought it and i saw a lot of the the things that i voted for turner pollution. they actually one so. okay. golden globes. okay. so back to business as usual, a little bit um, did any of the winners come as surprises to you? to know, i predicted that anatomy of the fall would be a favorite. you know why? i saw the feel i'm back in may at the cannes film festival in the minute i saw it. i said, oh, this is a sleeper from the us. but once they see it, they're gonna just be taking the bath with all the twist. and the turns you think,
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you know where it's going and that it doesn't go as well as for anybody, but it's just a great fill. the zone of interest is also a great fan, but i also knew that you know, a lot of people love the box office success a barbie is transcend, didn't know that it's reach, i think the 1000000000 dollar mark at the box office. so i knew that would be a favorite a we know that there was oppenheimer of kind of opening the same weekend as barbie, and they were calling it barbie. a gardenheimer. so those sills were on a surprise succession. the tv show they ended had his final season cleaned up, also with the war. so that was not a surprise. what a surprise is lily gladstone winning for her performance and killers of the flower, a flower meeting which is a feeling by martin scorsese. she becomes the 1st native american woman in the us to win a golden globe. so was so wonderful to see her going stage and, and take her award and talk about her for heritage and her mother inspiring her.
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and it was really just hard for me. and so well deserved, just fantastic film run, don't walk if you haven't seen it. you mentioned the barber's name or rivalry there barbie. a when change of this with the 9 and on the nation for the ended up only getting 2 prizes. i mean, my oppenheimer snagging 5 awards. what do you think the jury choose wisely here? or? you know, i think they do, but here's the thing. both of the films are great for their own reasons. we love barbie was fun. family fun people knows everything about barbie. it was a box office success, so pretty much everyone had seen the family, enjoy it. but you can't really compare it to all the time, which is a drama. and so it's kind of bio graphical feeling. we all know what it's about and it's just, it's so intense. you know what i mean to have a comedy on one side is drama in the other. they're not even in the same league, both great films, both wonderfully active great directors but just very, very, very different fields. but i do think they got it right. i mean, i think that it is best picture. i think it definitely should be the best drama. i
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thought that the performance by robert downey junior kelly in murphy and you know, christopher know and being the director did that just a phenomenal job. i mentioned this is just the start of hollywood awards season for the oscar is coming up in march. does this tell us at all in which direction that might go? i think you need to look at german actress sandra cooler for anatomy of us all. and just being the director, let me tell you, i definitely think that this is the type of film that the academy will love. and i would not be surprised when the oscar nominations are announced. and i think another 2 or 3 weeks late january do not be surprised if you see those people in that film be nominated and do not be surprised. not only if they win the foreign language category, but possibly possibly best picture k j. thank you so much for that. that's entertainment journalist k j matthews, and l. a. thank you. and the 1st and your west moon landing mission in
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more than half a century has blasted off from cape canaveral in florida. aboard the vulcan rock. it is privately built, a pair of red lunar lander. it will speak to gather data about the lunar surface ahead of plan to future human missions. a new era, also a board or the ashes of the star trek creator gene roddenberry. the own crude spacecraft is expected to touch down on the moon next month pressure just before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story. at this hour. people in ukraine took shelter as the military warrant of a large scale and russian missile assaults. local officials say several people were injured as waves of proves and ballistic missiles hit residential and industrial sites. an error rate alert for the entire country class that for about an hour.
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