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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the does it need to be news live and from berlin tonight, a legend of german football, bronze, beck and bower has died. you ranked as one of the footballs. best players ever winning the gold cup for germany, both as a player and as a manager will have a look at his wife and leg is also coming up tonight. the leading has pulled a commander killed and then they are striking, loving on who's the highest ranking member of the group to be killed since the october 7th attacks on israel and russia. a launch is a large scale air assault on the print. the attack killed several people, many others were injured. an air raid and large went into effect for the entire country.
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the break off is good to have you with us on this monday. the world of sports is morning. the passing of a german football icon front back in bower. the man next named the kaiser or the emperor, died sunday at the age of $78.00. just making power was one of the most successful players in soccer, helping clinch the world cup for germany, both as a player and then as a coach later in life, they can power was accused of bringing corruption to the beautiful. yeah. to my colleague chris harrington. dw sports is here in the studio with me now to talk about that can power. so what do we know crestview talk to me about this, this powering figure? yeah, back in bower, the emperor. it could have been called king by this because he had the golden touch everywhere he went, he won,
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he came up through as the buyer and quickly established himself with the senior level. they want 3 or 4, but it's like a titles 3 year period cuts. that's the equivalent of the champions league. he's only one of 3 men to have won the world cup as a player and as a manager in 1974 with west germany, he was a captain of the team, then one. and then in 1990 came back for some more and one as a manager, you know, i think he will be greatly lost here in germany in the sport. you know it. well, i mean, a lot of people are already morning. i know lot of people are going to miss and talk to me about what he meant to the people here in germany. you're not thinking is considered the greatest german football or ever, you know, as an american, i compare him to what michael jordan is to basketball and, you know, considering how elegant he was on and off the page. you know, that was a lot of what people had to say they admired, you know, his persona off the page. and he actually went across the pod,
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played in new york with other legends like pay away. and as a person, i learned one small story about him in 1974 as he was a captive for west germany. evan costa was the 1st black german football, or today view for west germany. they haven't costa told me himself he would not have played if not, if it weren't for beck and bower, he wasn't in the lineup, beckoned bower insisted that he would get an opportunity to play so that really, you know, i touch your media and in particular way because it says that he cared a lot more than just the sport and the acolytes that he received. but as you mentioned, a dark cloud hung over his head because of the world cup the summer fairytale in 2006. but he had been struck with his health for quite some time in the, in the prosecutors decided to stop pursuing him. so you know that part of his legacy, i think, goes on, touched chris heritage, impaired with the life and the legacy of front speaking about press. thank you.
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thank you. and is really drones strike in southern lebanon is reportedly killed. a senior commander of the hezbollah militant group has the put out a statement confirming that one of his commanders with some son of a wheel was killed and a strike on monday. but they provided no further details, liberties and security source to say that he was a member of hezbollah as a lead road, one force that he died in an attack on the vehicle in the southern village of care, but seldom near the border with his real. this is the 2nd high profile kelly inside lebanon on this year. last week, mazda is deputy leader, salt lake. a roy was killed in a blast in a bay root supper. alright for more now i want to bring in our correspondence help us out shortly and they roots. a bus is good to see you. we've got an elite hezbollah commander killed it today by, in his rarely strike. talk to me, what do we know about the importance of this, this person for hezbollah? and is this a setback for husband?
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as you know, the security sources did provide him as it was almost always his good name had jo. uh, that was some thought we and it was a comment on our end, as well as a leader of the one forces. at the most cindy or his blogs come when they're killed so far in the conflict. cindy or sources they live in on said he played at leads in google in direct thank it's so patient and the south has a lot more time as well posted for those of us that we ended with leaders, including good secretaries and about to say it has sent us a loud and mug money. it's military commander who was killed in a city in 2008 and other for the showed him a sitting next to the a former leader of where that, you know, on in the quotes for cost them. so they money who was killed by a us thrones to like and by the god the 4 days ago. so you must be very important comparison official and has well and honest. let me get your take on this. there is a lot of fear that the,
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the war in gaza it could expand because it could be a wider conflict in the region, particularly between israel and hezbollah. we know that the us secretary of state anthony blinking, that's one reason why he's traveling back to israel again as we speak. and what do you make with this, with this death, this killing, this latest one? what does it do to the chances of hezbollah and israel going to more? as you know, this start connects today. it's hard to believe this to i towards having today is going to that. so let's try a cabin before the us to continue. as you mentioned that you, i said it's a custodial statement and cannot i think it's ideal. and one day before governments for them and this time is better book i haven't really been on the blinking was holding folks on does that in the united auto baby i had. so the cuts are and on monday to day before he didn't go into. so i, you know, i think the quick start that goes to these, of course, that he sees,
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are needed to avoid the word that it's collation. so we don't know, you know, as you see it's a, it's not the coincidence of some people saying got some people saying it's a, the thought can think of from both sides have been since 2 months and the could be a go father. we don't. how is it being reported there in lab and on and you know it, so the situation is quite the complicated now and, and then leave it on the people are this society is divided in some way. and then you know that there's and the thought can think of comments on leaders of his ballasa. it's like you kind of need to investigate the situation alone. the stuff on board there hopefully been on, on the field so far. the escalation is existing here invaded with, and they really weren't even on but one of this security sources and they've been said above this device today, this is
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a very painful diag. another one said thinks were laid off. now we don't know, we have to wait and see how, what would be the sports was, will of who responded almost unconcernedly in the root with the latest tonight. a boss. thank you. thank you. alright, here's some other stories now that are making headlines around the world. but frances, have said that israel's military campaign in gotcha, as calls quotes an exceptionally great and mandatory in crisis and inconceivable suffering for the civilian population. speaking at his yearly addressed of diplomats, the pontiff also called for an immediate cease fire on every front and described the homos by october 7th attacks. it is real as an atrocious acting of a stream is in a terrorist fringe. prime minister, elizabeth born has resigned as part of a government re shuffle through to the president emanuel macro, and has not yet named her successor for and who was appointed back in may. 2022 is only the 2nd woman prime minister in france's history. she will act as
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a caretaker until the new government is may be convicted. terrorist honors for david is once again sewing norway over his present condition. he's asking a court to end his life, elation in prison, saying he violates his human rights. the far right extremist killed, 77 people, many of them teenagers in a bombing and shooting rampage in norway back in 2011. it's a robotic the lunar lander has suffered a technical problem on its way to the movie. paragraph lander is launched aboard a rocket from cape canaveral in florida. it's separated successfully from the rocket assigned to say the spacecraft. solar panels are not pointing at the sun. so that means it can't recharge. it's bad. back here on earth. ukraine has been hit by yet another wave of russian air strikes that killed at least 4 people. this will struck targets across the country, including a shopping center in high rise buildings keeps air forces. so that they destroyed more than
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a dozen missiles before they reached their targets. snow covers the remains of a destroyed home near high caves. rushes strikes had here just up to stephen o'clock on a bitterly cold morning. this man was among those injured but managed to walk out of the recon locals watched on in shock as the body of a woman was pulled from the rumble. it was an explosion. not thought my sister was alive at 1st was only later at the ceiling fell down and she was crushed. smith solves also landed in the eastern region of south or asia. 5 people were wounded in the blasts which shattered glass and seemed debris flying. through i
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saw that there was going to be an air raid and bombing, so we quickly ran to the bomb shelter. later we got a phone call and found out what happened to the building or when we were in the shelter at 7 am. if we were at home, nothing good would come out of it. anyone would have been frightened towards the strikes prompted a return to subway evacuations in keys. hundreds of people hiring to be underground as warning sounded across the capital. ukraine's military suited intercepted a chain of 51 of russia's crews, marseilles on monday morning. the strikes came is russian officials announced they were moving 300 people from the board, a city of the old, the wrong juice, a ukrainian shelling. it's the biggest evacuation from a major russian city since the conflict began nearly 2 years ago. were here in germany, thousands of farmers have delivered
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a harvest of the traffic blockades across the country. they oppose plans by the government to reduce subsidies on fuel that's used in farming. more disruption is expected this week when trained drivers are due to go on a 3 day stripe. they're seeking higher wages. the industrial action is raising more questions over the strength of europe, largest economy, which is struggling with low growth and more inflation. they are serious driving hundreds of tractors. german farmers rolled into the center of berlin. they want the government to roll back plans, cuts the diesel subsidies, which will make fuel for agricultural vehicles, more expensive or as my max assigned fast, you can just see, hold around, the people are unhappy with the government. i think that's why more and whole people are joining us. you can see it here. shipping companies are here. trades people out here. oh, hard working people from the middle class. well, also struggling with rising prices and other things thing applies the zone,
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save yourself to the tenants in the home, the german government has already repealed some of the cuts. but many of the farmers say it's not enough. they found support among the conservative opposition for the most data by the deeds books on it is clear to see germany. is that a tipping point? the government has pro the rise this country in a way we haven't seen in decades to the palm think, i'm sorry. one of the protest main targets is german economy minister of all the topic. one is warns against extremist leanings among those taking part in the rally is because you can offices from the cold for a government of it through i being circulated. extreme is groups of being formed and natural. the symbols are being opened, the display is becoming clear that something has shifted and reads cindy is lifting the boundaries of legitimate democratic protest and freedom of expression. so that
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one used to be on speaker will not seems to be legitimized how big recently experienced the farmers anger himself. last week, a group of protesters tried to storm a fairy, he was on the german farmers association has distance itself from the incident. and in berlin to some fear that the protest movements could be exploited by the far right only, i just hope that the a f t party doesn't benefit too much from this. that wouldn't help us in germany in the long to him. i. but what's wrong? the farmers wants to continue protesting all week. they want to make it clear to the government that they aren't ready to back down. and here's a reminder of our top story, this our a legend of german stuff all front speaking about where his died. he rained to as one of the football best players ever winning to both cult for germany, both as a player and leader as a man is more news and analysis on our website and our social media channels coming
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up next year. our current affairs program, quotesoft. i'll be back in the top of the hour with more world news talk to see the, [000:00:00;00] the fees due for fund via do gravitational wave squeeze. are about how do i the drums for the to the feet. and what's the perfect care for approx side? find the on says get with


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