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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw, dues live different berlin. tonight a legend of german football, friends, beck and bower has died. the rain, as when a footballs best players ever winning the world cup for germany, both as a player and the leader as a manager will have a look at his life and legacy. also coming up tonight, a leading has full, a commander killed and then they are striking, living on he's the highest ranking member to be killed since the october subject a mazda attacks on his wrist. the
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brit golf is good to have you with us. the world of sports is morning, the passing of a german football icon in front back in bower, the man nick named the kaiser or the emperor, died sunday at the age of 78. spec. and bower was one of the most successful players in soccer, helping clinch the world cup for germany, both as a player. and then as a coach later in his lot inspection, bio was accused of bringing corruption to the beautiful k right here. just to deal with me now is my colleague chris harrington with the w sports christmas. talk about mr. beck and board the man known as the kaiser. what did he mean to the sport? yeah, i think he was synonymous with winning when it comes to how he was looked at and digested here in germany. he was a winner. everywhere he went, the kaiser, you, for those unaware needs ever in english, so that pretty much speaks that you know, to his long lasting reputation in terms of this board. but he came up through as the buyer and as the buyer and as a mazda and the buddies, the guy, he was
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a handful of times. they're one of europe and champions, 3 europe in cups, as well as buying munich. one of only 3 men to have one woke up as a player and a coach and i to 74 with west germany. the one that broke up here in germany in 1990 versus argentine that he was calling the shots as a manager and then they want another one. you know, he was quite remarkable. and he actually went across the pon, overseas play with other legends like pay late for the new york cosmos. we did hear certain things in the report about. so dark clouds, you know, about these allegations of dubious payments that lead to germany being a worth the world cup in 2006 because of his health. i believe the prosecutors stop pursuing him. and sadly he passed away on sunday. his family let the will know and their grieving, and they would like everyone to respect. you know, this time,
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what does he mean for germany? you know, i, i think he's been in america. i can only pretty much compare him to the likes of a michael jordan in a sport. you know, when, when you think about the sport of football as they refer to it here in germany. he speaks volumes. i, i think his name carries a lot of weight, as i mentioned him being a winner everywhere he with it. and he was in my or every where he went also. and here here's a small story in 1974, west germany. evan costa, the 1st germ black made his debut with the world cuz he wouldn't have played. i interviewed evan costs of that. he told me himself that he would not have played if it weren't for fraud. beckoned bower this was, you know, back in the mid seventies. a lot of different opinions, you know, in terms of race here in germany, funds back in bar seemed to be a person with a great personality, according to evan cost, so that everyone seemed to love him. obviously, he will be missed in germany. i think never forgotten, of course,
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but in terms of someone replacing him and what he represented me for the sport, i don't think that will happen. i think calling him the emperor is feeling, considering, you know, he had to go to touch everywhere. he, when he was, you know, the world cup is the ultimate prize in the sport when he then as a player and as a manager, i think is remarkable. and um, the, i mean, what can you say? i think it's, it's a horrible loss to this country and to this border football. yeah. front speaking of our good at the age of 78, chris is always gonna have you in studio. thank you. thank you. a human secretary of state anthony blanket is en route to israel as part of a week long diplomatic tour aimed at trying to prevent the more in garza from spreading. he's been holding to lots of leaders from across the region. like it says, the meetings are aimed at coming tensions. washington has repeatedly rejected calls for a troops, but linking is underscoring the need to protect civilians and to increase aid to guns. lincoln spoke to reporters and saudi arabia right before boarding
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a plane bound for israel. we're heading now to israel, where i'll have an opportunity to share with is rarely leaders everything i've heard just far on this trip and also to talk to them about the future direction of the military campaign. and god, i will press on the absolute imperative to do more to protect civilians. and to do more to make sure that you mandatory the system is getting into the hands of those who need it and is really drawn strong in southern lebanon and has reported the killed. a senior commander of the hezbollah militant group has bullet put out a statement, confirming that one of his commanders with um, his son alta will was killed in a strike on monday. but it provided no further details. liberty, security sources say that he was a member of hezbollah as a lead 11 force, and that he died in an attack on the vehicle in the southern village of cube bet. so is a border with israel. this is the 2nd high profile killing inside loving on this
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year. last week, i lost his deputy leader, so late or warry was killed in a blast in a route suburb of correspondence of us out to charlotte in bay, which gave us more information on the role of this has bullet comment. as you know, the security sources did provide him as it was almost always his good name had jo. uh, it was something that we knew it was a comment on our end as well as a lead or the one forces at the most senior has been, has come under, killed so far in the conflict as any of our sources they live in on said he played at leads in google in direct thank and so patient in the south has a lot more time has been left posted for those of us that we did with leaders, including good secretaries and about to say, send us a land and money. it's military commander who was killed in a city in 2008 and other 4th to show it to him sitting next to the affordable either of the either on in the quotes for cost them. so they money who was killed
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by a us thrones to like and by the 4 days ago. so you must be me very important comparison official and has been law and honest. let me get your take on this. there is a lot of fear that the, the war in gaza, it could be expanded to the could be a wider conflict in the region, particularly between israel and hezbollah. we know that the us secretary of state anthony blinking, that's one reason why he's traveling back to israel again as we speak. and what did you make with this, with this death, this killing? this latest one. what is it due to the chances of hezbollah and israel going to more? as you know, this start connects today. it's hard to believe this. try towards having today is coincident. and so let's try a cabin before the us to continue. as you mentioned that you, i said it's a good 30 allstate blinking out. i think it's ideal. and one day before germans foreign minister, mrs. fair book, i vaguely been on the blinking was holding folks on guys in the united,
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automated. so the cuts are and on monday today, before he didn't go into his side. and then the quick start that goes to these, of course that he sees are needed to avoid the wide discoloration. so we don't know, you know, as you see it's a, it's not a coincidence to some people saying some people saying it's a, the document from both sides have been since 2 months and the could be a go father. we don't. that was correspondence of a soccer shalley reporting there from the root. in garza medics and patients both are fleeting, the territories main hospital. due to fighting between these really forces and from us militants 18 from the world health organization. visiting the l. oxer hospital issued a public plate to keep the hospital running. israel's military is in the area of seeking to root out a mos which multiple countries classify as
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a terrorist organization. footage filled by w h o team that's on the high risk mission in gaza. and in the hospital, in the middle area, the middle part of that goes and script in the emergency department where they're training children, several children on the floor. and then they've already behind the w h. o and other u. n. agencies are here delivering critical supplies and hospital beds to help alleviate shortages. they're also hoping to support over work doctors and nurses by potentially bringing an emergency medical teams to assist them. but local staff is what they need. the most is safety guarantee the this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing,
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in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day. even though this hospital is under enormous pressure. the one request that the hospital director said is that the international community needs to make sure that this hospital, another hospital stay protected, that they're not getting strong, that they're not going to be activated, but they're able to that's the critical message for today. over the weekend, the organization said evacuated, more than 600 patients from here, citing quote, troubling reports of increasing hostilities. while axa is described as the most important remaining hospital in the heart of gaza. it's not the only one dealing with critical shortages of both supplies and staff. the w h o says most hospitals in the gaza strip are not functioning at all. the rest are only partially functional at the she for hospital both in, for structural damage to the medical facility and evacuations of medical staff are
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making it harder for patients to access medical care. and i'm just trying to guide them as i waited a month for the surgery at the o. g for hospitalization, and i've lost most of the use of my hand. it really hurts of i constantly have to take painkillers on the 2nd items that can happen to the hotel. w h o says it is already cancelled supply deliveries for 4th time in less than 2 weeks. it's calling 1st east fire and says without safety guarantees. it's mission will be nearly impossible. a french foreign minister elizabeth born has resigned as part of a government re shuffle president. emanuel micron is not yet named bass successor for and will continue in her duties until the new government is announced. and the coming days borne was only the 2nd woman prime minister to serve in french history, her resignation. it comes to mid political attentions over immigration policies
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of bringing coal stangler. now he's a freelance journalist who's based in mar, say it co give us some more background here. the reason for this resignation or so i think there are a couple of things. there's one more short term reason than one more long term structural reason. the short term reason is that immigration reform that you just mentioned, this bill that was passed last month, a very harsh bill that was celebrated by the far right. i'm reading the pen as a ideological victory for her parties until the clamps down really on the rights of immigrants and, and for an people living on french soil, quite big on a bridge, right? citizenship making it harder for foreigners to access social welfare programs. and so that bill cause a lot of friction, but it's also the way that the bill got passed when that 1st version of legislation was coming to the national assembly, which president microns party has a relative majority in the national assembly deputies in my crones own coalition.
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that were expressing reservations, doubts about this very harsh piece of legislation, and you had the far right national riley saying they're ready to go forward. and the government went ahead with the do anyways, relying on those 88 far right votes to get to go across. and that point, you know, i think points of this other bigger structural issue which i was just gonna mention is the fact that macros collision does not have an absolute majority in the national assembly. so it's difficult to really, to get things to get things done. it pretty, quite simply, elizabeth born over 18 months, but we're struggling to get things through the national assembly. wherever macros party doesn't have a very solid majority time. okay, so, so she's gone macro and it still has this term to, to serve out so, so what, what happens next? i mean, looking from the outside. um tell us, you know, why is this a big story as well? you know, it's, it's a, it's, it's a big service. i think we, with the structural reason, i think, is the most important a factor here. whoever is going to succeed, elizabeth board is still going to be facing the same difficult situation with the
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court challenges. how do you would get legislation across the finish on him? you don't have an absolute majority in the national assembly. one way to do it is to try to lean more and more to the right. and that's been the approach of my court since his re election since those are his elections and in 2022. 1 way to do it is to lean on more and more and the right. and we've seen that happen over the course of, of his 2nd term. i use it in the language that he uses, we saw in this immigration bill. um and you know, that's, i think one thing to look at the potential dressing more and more to the right. but i think the ultimate thing is, you know, there's not, whoever succeeds board is going to be facing with the same structural issue. and it could even exacerbated when you have those european elections, of course, coming up in june of this year. what happens if the far right does it as well? there could be potentially have to have new elections in france. that's your question. a lot of people are asking again, whoever succeeds born, very good points, journalist colt's thing was there was the latest from our safe coal. thank you. thank you. to you watching the w news of next hour magazine show her looks at
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different ideals of beauty and who set the standards of what is and isn't considered beautiful. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the date i hope to see you then the questions got any issues or thoughts save who the . it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. hard not to feel that something really is happening here.
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what is happening is degrees and size a team of climate researches that.


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