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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news. why? but from berlin tonight, a legend of german football friends beckon bower has died. range as one of the best players ever in football, winning the world cup for germany, both as a player and a manager will have a look at his life and legacy. also coming up tonight shuttle diplomacy in the middle east, the us secretary of state is on his way to israel. as a country's military announces a shift in store energy in gauze and russia. launching a large scale aerosol on you. crazy attack. killed several people entering many more. an error rate alert was an effect for the entire country. and the good news,
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the 1st lunar lander to head to the moon and half a century has successfully less than into space. the bad news, it probably won't be able to recharge it's bad or the brit golf our viewers once you're going to be us in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. the world of sports is morning. the passing of a german football icon front that can bower, the man nick named the kaiser or the emperor, died on sunday at the age of 78, spick and bower was one of the most successful players in soccer. helping clinch the world cup title for germany, both as a player and then as coach later in his life, they can. bower was accused of bringing corruption to the beautiful game. we have more now in this report. he was one of the nice that a miss gibbons in the world,
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france that gonzales every way he went successful to attend his entire life in. so i can do for the people i was born of. i go in and people say that very goes have punctual voted anticipating i think that i have all of those characteristics dogged, easy category. good. second valid was a paste war child born in munich. in 1945, he began playing football, and at the age he started his professional career. that's fine. munich, at the age of 19 fans gave him the nickname the kaiser. due to his commanding start of play with the club, he went every major trophy that was as captain. he led the german national team. they became european champions and then wilts champions didn't 1974, dec invalid is considered the occupied v throw style of play. always the free man on the fields. intensively based on was my whole life has been defined by football
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. the, by soon as i could walk, i began kissing a bull and the vision, and then i managed to perfect that to, let's little to need. and this is how he was marketed. second by it was also a world class business man. he was the 1st gen and play with his a manager and own brand new top quality date. the only thing he wasn't good at was singing. nevertheless, he managed to get in the german music shots the, in 1977, his career took him to new york, cause most the kinds of played alongside footballs through the stop had a. and he became the, the celebrity jim and football the. and he will hold himself k did back in that was portrayed he ended his career on the pitch at the age of 38 and then became manager of the german team leading into world cup success in 1990
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his career that to him to many patients including jobs that by munich, and a deep uh, footballs, world governing body. it was back in bass, hardwood, one gemini, the rights to host the 2006. well, the top, it starts on the thinking about what kind of vision does the bed most of this world cup will be an example of friendliness of organizational talent . and when the games over the people will say, germany organized a great $12.00 cost per page, though, so, so then it goes out to give in foxtrot the 2006 will cost became as some of the times that retails for the heights as they've driven self confidence, it also helped to send a positive image of the country, a broad transforming of his ideas of what german was spots in 2015, debit corruption navigations to do with the 2006 world cup. the spotlight fell on
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back in power and his reputation suffered badly. he withdrew from the public high personal struggles, followed with the loss of his son and some health problems including 2 hospital preparations. second valid, denied the corruption allegations against him, right till the very end. he was without doubt, germany's football, the of the century and someone who knew that can bower personally joins me now appear. barsky. he's a former german football or in world cup winter and back in 1990 peer. it's good to have you with this. you won the world cup with west germany back in 1990 and fonts, bacon. bower. he was your coach. how influential was he in that success in that victory for you? a yeah, absolute pleasure. playing on the him and the goal is very, very high. and it was very difficult to make the best to that and, and get
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a good idea for me is just being via and leaving us to play a fantastic play a visa. and we were afraid to do something wrong, so very odd and good luck. we got to look up 12 feet. you knew him probably better than most people and he was, he was considered one of the greatest play. yours ever. what do you think made him so special? yeah, he was actually, he was spending for every see what the football and gives us fun. taishan inc. hot mug success and beauty for classes and leadership on the pitch and also also pitch. she was image a great guy in the, in the, in the promotions. and she was actually also val expected in the football of
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those kind of yeah, you know, possibly come in 2006. so all together and he was leaving for football and he gave germany so much and he changed also a little bit, maybe the view about germany during the walk up. so we have also some really kind parts. yeah, i mean, some kind parts as you say, and at the same time, i know his legacy was painted somewhat after 2006. they were allegations of corruption with bringing the world cup here to germany. i mean, what are your thoughts about those accusations? a m, i knew bacon bull and he was never interested in fi, goes in numbers, and she actually is not a good business man. he was not really thinking about any contracts and, and i think there was something wrong. but i think especially big and boy,
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you didn't do anything wrong because she is never into the interest, doesn't those things. and so it's not, it was never lies for dicing. you know, there is, there's a lot of money now in professional football today. i'm not telling you something that you don't know, beckon bower. he was one of the 1st football superstars. i'm how did he change the game for players who came after him, and would you say that today is superstar soccer players? are they in part a product back in about one? yeah, if you see them interest the city, for example, they try really to bring the bar for in terms of company nation. and i, if i can remember bank and buy it, this is times of buying muni. he played a lot of called the nation football,
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taking the good foot board, most of the fighting, tackling football. and i think and he was there an event you invented the, the dictation to go for, for the, the, the positive and patient equal and bring the more forward and in not only fighting and playing on boys and, and he stands at the store for great football and in terms of and developing and company nations in foot board, and i see many similarities cdm and bought lona and also in the cost of buying me when he came back and bow. 1990 world cup winner pierre the barsky pierre . we appreciate you taking the time to be with us tonight. we appreciate you sharing your thoughts and your memories of front back and bower. thank you. things
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are in other things. now us secretary of state antony blinking is due to arrive in israel as part of a week long diplomatic tour. it's aimed to trying to prevent the board in gaza from spreading. he's been holding to onto the leaders from across the region. we can says the meetings are aimed at calming tensions. washington has repeatedly rejected calls for a truce, but blinking is underscoring the need to protect civilians and to increase a to gaza. the lincoln spoke to reporters in saudi arabia right before boarding a plane bound for israel. we're heading now to israel, where i'll have an opportunity to share with is rarely leaders everything i've heard thus far on the strip and also to talk to them about the future direction of the military campaign and gaza. i will press on the absolute imperative to do more to protect civilians and to do more to make sure that you mandatory the system is getting into the hands of those who need it. all right,
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wonderful. in our special correspondence on the abraham, she joins us now from jerusalem. i a, this is blinking 5th visit since the october 7th attacks by how much and is real, what's on his agenda desktop as well. the secretary of state is visiting israel is real at a very critical time. he's just concluded a number of visits around the region. and so he'll be bringing the messages that he's been hearing from you as partners in the region to a israel as we have just heard. it's the big message will be trying to prevent this for this conflict. from a spreading at the us does not want to see another, a full fledged front to break out between israel and his bella in lebanon. there's also the ongoing, a disruptions in the navigation, in the red sea. because of,
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you know, many the what these in a human as well and so stopping the conflict from spreading will be big on the agenda. he's also going to want to uh, discuss with a partners in israel plans for the day after the us has been clear that it does not want to see mass displacement of palestinians from the gaza strip. and that they do want to see palestinian governance under some sort of revitalized palestinian authority. the posting of story is not in does not govern gaza, but it does govern the west bank. but it does. it has not had elections in a very long time. and it does not really enjoy the trust of palestinians. and so he's gonna want to, uh, you know, bring that message again to israel, where we've heard a number of senior ministers actually call for you know, immigration, what they call a voluntary immigration of cousins to countries. like egypt,
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but for palestinians when they hear words like voluntary emigration, they think this will be a, you know, force displacement and the united states has said that they don't want to see that happen. and they don't do want to see palestinians return to northern, gaza in the earliest possible opportunity. it. what about the military conflict here, blinking it says that he wants to talk about a future direction of israel's military campaign in gauze that what does that mean? and is there any reason to think that he'll be successful in getting there will be united states has been for a while now a saying senior official, the secretary of state, the vice president and the president. that too many innocent people have died in gaza as a result of this, a war. and so the do want to see israel put more effort into protecting civilian life. will that make a difference?
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the united states is arguably, israel's stronger style are set. so if, if, if, if they wouldn't, if it's really, government will listen to anyone. it should be the united states, but, you know, people in the region posting and say, well, this is the, this is not the 1st visit since the conflict has started. and so far as far as they're concerned, that hasn't elevated the suffering of civilians and has not persuaded it's really officials to, to, to, to, to tone down the campaign. so it's difficult to say at this point, but it's certainly something that the secretary state said he will be addressing a here in israel, corresponded to abraham in jerusalem's with the latest july, i guess, always thank you. and it's really jerome striking southern lebanon on his reportedly killed a senior commander of the hezbollah was to group as bullets without a statement that confirmed one of his commanders which on his son else a wheel was killed into strike. on monday,
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it did not provide any further details. lebanese and security sources said that he was a member of hezbollah as elite rod one force that he died during the attack on the vehicle in the southern village of tibbets, of the border with israel. this is the 2nd high profile, killing inside lebanon, just this year, last week, unless his deputy leader sali a rory was killed in a blast and they were silver or of correspondence, a boss l to shortly. and b roots gave us more details about the role of that as bullet command. you know, the security sources said to fight him as we found that we had his good name had july. that was something that we and there was a comment on our end as well as a lead or the one forces the most senior has been, has come under, killed so far in the conflict, send your sources they live in on said he played at leads in google in direct, thank and so patient in the south has been a lot more times as well posted for those of us that we did with leaders,
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including good secretaries, you know, not to say it has. and this allowed and less money. it's military commander who was killed in city in 2008. and on the 4th the showed him a sitting next to the affordable either of the either on in the quotes for cost. and so they money who was killed by a us thrones to like and by the god the 4 days ago. so he must be very important comparison official and has the law is due to reduce from berlin. here are some of the other stories. now that are making headlines around the world, bridge prime minister, elizabeth born and it has resigned as part of a government re shuffle president emanuel macro and has not yet named her successor for. and he was appointed back in may of 20. 22 is only the 2nd woman to serve as prime minister in french history. she will act as care take originally, new government is from the convicted terrorist under his breath. it is once again suing norway over his jail conditions. he's asking a court to end his isolation in prison,
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saying that it violates his human rights. the far right extreme is killed. the 77 people, many of them teenagers, in a bombing and shooting rampage in norway back in 2011. the farmers across germany have begun a week long strikes to protest the government's plans to cut agricultural subsidies . tractor rallies and demonstrations have already begun to disrupt the traffic and trained services and parts of the country for tests of also enclosed a major road right here in the center of berlin. ukraine, it has been hit by another wave of russian air strikes. they killed at least 4 people. the souls instruct targets across the country, including a shopping center and high rise buildings, keeps air forces so that they destroyed more than a dozen missiles before they reached their torques. snow covers the remains of a destroyed home near high caves. rushes strikes head here just up to stephen o'clock on a bitterly cold morning. this man was among those injured but managed to
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walk out of the recon locals watched on in shock as the body of a woman was pulled from the rumble. it was an explosion that my sister was alive at 1st was only later at, the ceiling fell down and she was crushed. smith solves also landed in the eastern region of south or asia. 5 people were wounded in the blasts which shattered glass and seemed debris flying through, i saw that there was going to be an a rated bombing, so we quickly ran to the bomb shelter. later we got a phone call and found out what happened to the building. we were in the shelter at 7 am. if we were at home,
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nothing good would come out of it. anyone would have been franken towards the strikes prompted a return to subway evacuations in keys. hundreds of people hiring to be underground as warning sounded across the capital. ukraine's military suit it interested a chain of 51 of russia's cruise missiles on monday morning. the strikes came is russian officials announced they were moving 300 people from the border. city of delta rome, choose a ukrainian shelling. it's the biggest evacuation from a major russian city since the conflict began nearly 2 years ago. well, despite the finding russia and ukraine are negotiating exchanges of prisoners. last week they exchanged a record number of p o w 's. it was the 1st swap in months, but many soldiers remain in captivity. our correspondence sonya followed the car as soon as this report from the ukrainian capital key the same micros
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church in key a demonstration for soldiers captured by the russians. i went to bed time story from my dad. it says natalia is one of the organize of features for you. many of our soldiers being killed the captain's captivity and tortured for protecting and defending our country. this is an appeal to our society to look around and open the eyes to what is happening. what do we do sell for storing homes . if there's that people bunch of issues with lots of green reminders of the war and never funded, we may need your fits the splits listed. my recent prison exchange between new cream and russia, the biggest since the war began. it was a ratio of record between moscow and keith. to you on his son was an
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amended he was captured with the russians embodied, forwarded to in the summer of 2022 she lost heard from our team just before he was speaking. she says, business, well, of course your muscle, your stick is not the only possibility to get some information is when there is a prison that exchange an april, a civilian who was released, said he was in the same cell with him. you saw him, he lost weight, but he hasn't lost faith. he knows his mother loves him and said she will not stay side. and you can watch the many women like talk to you on the hills. determined to take a stand as in recent months, we've seen a growing number of demonstrations across the ukraine. like this one to be in downtown keith. the people who gathered your are on the sun to be angry. the desperate for answers the pressing, the government for more information about the loved ones missing in action, in some cases for over the order in the off. many one,
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the authorities to step up behind the scenes negotiations with russia and use the it's a sure to have a good show. we need to communicate more with our enemy. strange is that signs in order to get our soldiers released to home. so certainly not sure who up to send me corpus. this is my boyfriend. he's been in captivity for more than a year. more negotiations are needed so that we have more exchanges. tatiana has a message for the other one that i have a strong desire to address. some of us on the other side. is it so hard to set up for your children? i want some return. we're not asking for more, just take us and give us hours fully snagging america's attempt to return into the mood. a lunar lander that was launched into space earlier today has run into technical difficulties. the ashtray bonding technologies, eric ryan lander, was launched aboard
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a rocket from cape canaveral in florida. see that right there? it's. it's separated successfully from the rocket. but then the spacecraft experienced what's known as an anomaly. stopped it from pointing it's solar panels at the sun. and without the ability to charge batteries and to maintain a power supply, this mission will be going nowhere. and this is the 1st, the lunar lander to be sent to the movie by the us. and since the apollo missions of the 1970s right from where i want to bring in keith kelly, now he's editor of nasa, watch dot com keys. good to see you. happy new year when i hear mission control use the word anomaly immediately. i think of the 1986 challenger disaster of how does it apply to this situation? well, yeah, so, i mean, those are 2 totally different things, but yeah, it's nasa has ways of saying things like having a bad day. it would be another way to appraise this since i still worked at nasa. but it's a problem in essence that i only have one little spacecraft model here,
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but it's supposed to be pointing at the sun as you mentioned. it's not. and without the power, you can't run the computers of the landing system. so unless they fix that, that's kind of it, it's just going to go ceiling pass to move. what, what can they fix it? i mean, categories here on earth can be and they exhausted other possibilities. you know, oh don't, it is always a backup to back up to backups. and there could be some ways that you can just turn in the spacecraft really quick ways. you would normally not want to, to get the batteries charge, then you'd have some time to worry about how to fix things. it could be a software called a bad command. it could be a number of things, so they're not done yet, but they get to do this quickly for the batteries run down because they're not being charged. so there's a little sense of urgency. i know people watching this may may think, you know, the last time nasa tried to send anything to the moon was what? 1972 or so it's been about half a century and here they're trying to do it again. and on their 1st launch,
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they have a technical problem. how much of a setback would you say this is for the program before also it's credibility. yeah, well the last time i did that i was in high school have around here. it's been a while and you go say, well why is that so hard? yeah. especially when china is doing crazy stuff in india and so forth. it's rocket science now. there was good news today, the old, the rock that watched it to bulk in centers. the 1st time it was launched, brand new rocket american engines. it's just great stuff. so there was a success today. unfortunately, when the spacecraft separate it from the rock, that's where the problems began. so i the only answer i have is not necessary. they say real space is hard, it's like what broke, sometimes things break and they do, they do um, especially an outer space. so what happens if this can't be repaired? what does this do to the whole project to the ard in this mission and hoping to get people back on the new by what to 2026 as well. first of all,
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the spacecraft is my move is going to go right by the move. so that's that, but the where they're doing this now this is a commercial, it's not a nasa mission. nasa gave the money to buy some payload space, but this is privately done. and there's more risk that goes with that, but it's cheaper. so the whole thing is you spent a lot of money. um, once it gets expensive or do you take a risk with a few cheaper things if the all work rate, if one doesn't? well, we've got another one in the pipeline and we do another one's gonna be watching a few weeks. okay, so it's picking your risk, which risk? do you want to confront money? not enough. technology, maybe not good enough. keep going out of here of a nasa watch dot com. pete, it's always good to have your valuable analysis. thank you. my pleasure. this is a reminder now of our top stories. a legend, the german football front spectrum belmar has died. the ranges when the football is the best players ever winning the world cup for germany, both as a player and the leader has managed and diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the israel. i'm also more, are stepping up in gear and us secretary of state and to be blanket has just
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arrived is real for talks with senior leaders. they want to dw news after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day stick around. we will be right back. the
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facing internal and external friends and nation in the shadow of the buildings. a tax on ukraine has deeply divided the population some once in a line with your others or return to russia in 45 minutes on the w, the
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little guy. this is the 77 percent of the platform for these issues and share idea you know, on this time i'm not afraid to pass. and then he did talk to the young people clearly have the solution, the future of the 77 percent every weekend on dw, so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from line and your parents do. i just want to pursue what steps nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable stuff. i want my son to become
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a doctor to in the clouds. it's time to to and then when generations class starts january 14th on dw the for next monday motors in the us state of iowa will come together to caucus cast votes for you as president. the 1st step in the long race for the white house. donald trump is the leading republican candidate for the democrats as president joe biden. it may seem like we've been here before, and that's because we have, and yet trump, in, by the say, this time is different. that the risk for the us and the world in 2024 are greater than they were in 2020. i'm bring golfing berlin. this is the day the
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