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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the the does it need to be news. why? but from berlin tonight, a legend of german football front to beckon ball or has dot t range as one of the football best winning the world cup for germany, both as a player. and then as a manager to have a look at his wife and legacy. also coming up shuttle diplomacy in the middle east, the us secretary of state arrives in israel for talks, as the military they are announced as the ship in strategy and gone the bridge off. it's good to have you with this. the world of sports is morning. the passing of a german football icon front back in bower,
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the man nick named the kaiser or the emperor, died on sunday at the age of 78, spick and bower was one of the most successful players in soccer. helping clinch the world cup title for germany, both as a player. and then as a coach, leader in his life they can. bower was accused of bringing corruption to the beautiful game. we have more now in this report. he was one of the most famous gibbons in the world. france beckoned by. that'd be way he went successful to attend his entire life in so i can do for other people. i was born of ok. people say that vote goes up punctual voted anticipating i think that i have all of these characteristics drawing t z category. good. second valid was a paste war child born in munich and 1945. he began playing football. that's in any age. he started his professional career. that's fine. munich at the age of 19 fans
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gave him the nickname the kaiser due to his commanding style of play with the club, he want every major trophy that was as captain. he let the german national team, they became european champions and then wilts champions didn't 1974 deck invalid is considered the occupied veto style of play. always the free man on the field, intensively based on the was my whole life has been defined by foot levels between the by soon as i could walk, i big gang kissing a bone, the vision. and then i managed to perfect that to little to need. and this is how he was marketed 2nd by it was also a world class business man. he was the 1st gen and play with his a manager and own brand. me and top rated the only thing he wasn't good. i was thinking. nevertheless, he managed to get in the german music shots
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the in 1977, his career took him to new york cause most the kaiser played alongside football. see the stop had a and he became the, the celebrity jim and football the and he will hold himself k did back in that was portrayed he ended his career on the pitch at the age of 38 and then became manager of the german team, leading into world cup success in 1990 his career, let him to many patients including jobs that by munich, and a deep uh, footballs will governing body. it was back in, bass, hardwood, one gemini, the rights to host the 2006. well, the top starts on the 2nd ballot. how division does the bed? most of this world cup will be an example of friendliness of organizational talent
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. and when the games of people will say, germany organized a great wealth cost, that means that it goes out to give in foxtrot the 2006 will cost that came as some of the times that retails for the heights. as they've driven self confidence. it also helped to send a positive image of the country, a broad transforming of his ideas of what jasmine was spots in 2015. the corruption navigations to do with the 2006 world cup. the spotlight fell on back in power and his reputation suffered badly. he withdrew from the public high personal struggles, followed with the loss of his son and some health problems including 2 hospital preparations. second valid, denied the corruption allegations against him, right till the very end. he was without doubts, germany's football. the of the century was secretary of state entity blinking is in is real as part of the week long diplomatic tour
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aimed at trying to prevent the war in garza from spreading. he landed in tel aviv a short time ago after holding talks with eric leaders from across the region. lincoln says the meetings are aimed at calming tensions. washington has repeatedly rejecting calls for a truce, but lincoln is expected to emphasize the need to protect civilians and to increase aid to gosh, a leak inspect the reporters in saudi arabia right before boarding his plane to israel. i'll have an opportunity to share with is rarely leaders everything i've heard just far on this trip and also to talk to them about the future direction of the military campaign. and guys, and i will press on the absolute imperative to do more to protect civilians and to do more to make sure that you mandatory the system is getting into the hands of those who need it. and just really drove and strike in southern lebanon is reported. we killed a senior commander of the husband,
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the mill, with a group as bullet, put it up, put out a statement, confirming that one of his commanders, which i'm her son, else. how will was killed in his strength on monday, it did not provide any further details. lebanese security source has said that he was a member of hezbollah, a leech, rod one force, and then he died in an attack on the vehicle in the southern village of your bet. so you're the border with is real, is the 2nd high profile chilly inside live in the line, just this year. last week, a mazda is deputy leaders. sally of worry, was killed in a blast in a be root suburb. our correspondence abbas out for charlie and bay, which gave us more on what's happening to these commanders. it has been, as you know, the security sources did provide him as it was almost always his good name had july . that was something that we and it was a combined on our end as well as a leader of the one forces at the most senior visible has come when they're killed so far in the conflict. cindy or sources they live in on said he played at leads in
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google in direct thank it's so patient and the south has a lot more times as well posted for those of us that we did with leaders, including good secretaries and about to say it has done this alone and much money. it's military commander who was killed in a city in 2008 and other 4th to show it to him is sitting next to the a former leader of where that, you know, on in the courts force custom. so they money who was killed by a us thrones to like and by the god the 4 days ago. so he must be very important comparison official and has the law was course funded of us on cuz you all the reporting from the root. here were some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world. put francis, i said that israel's military campaign in garza as calls to quote, an exceptionally great and mandatory in crisis and inconceivable suffering and such a name for the civilian population. charles, speaking at his yearly address,
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the diplomatic, the pontiff, also called for an immediate cease fire on every front and as you describe the mos attacks in israel's, on october 7th, the team as an atrocious acts of terrorism and extreme, this any kind of the convicted terrorist on this graphic is once again suing norway over his jo condition. he's asking a court to end his isolation in prison saying that it violates just human rights. the far right extreme is killed. 77 people, many of them teenagers in a bombing and shooting rampage in norway, back in 2011. the farmers across germany have begun a week long stride to protest the government's plans to cut the agricultural subsidies. tractor realities and demonstrations have already begun to disrupt traffic and trained services, and parts of the country. protests have also closed a major road white here in the center of room. the ukraine has been hit by another wave of russian air strikes. they killed at least 4 people. missiles struck targets across the country, including
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a shopping center and high rise buildings. keeps air forces so that they destroyed more than a dozen missiles before they reached their tar snow covers the remains of a destroyed home near high caves. rushes strikes head here just up to stephen o'clock on a bitterly cold morning. this man was among those injured, but managed to walk out of the rican locals watched on in shock. as the body of a woman was pulled from the rumble. it was an explosion that my sister was alive at 1st was only later at, the ceiling fell down and she was crushed. smith solves also landed in the eastern region of south or asia. 5 people were wounded in
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the blasts which shattered glass and seemed debris flying. through, i saw that there was going to be an air raid and bombing, so we quickly ran to the bomb shelter. later we got a phone call and found out what happened to the building. we were in the shelter at 7 am. if we were at home, nothing good would come out of it. any one would have been franken towards the strikes prompted a return to subway evacuations in keys. hundreds of people hiring to be underground as warning sounded across the capital. ukraine's military suited interest, zip did a chain of 51 of russia's cruise missiles on monday morning. the strikes came is russian officials announced they were moving 300 people from the border city of delta, rome juice, a ukrainian shelling. it's the biggest evacuation from a major russian city since the conflict began nearly 2 years ago. for the french,
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a prime minister, elizabeth born has resigned as part of the government, re shuffle president emanuel macro and has not yet named a successor or and will continue in her duties until a new government is announced in the coming days. she was the 2nd woman in french history to serve as prime minister or resignation comes a bit of political intentions over immigration pulse. coal stangler is a journalist based and more say he told us more about the reasons behind this resignation. so i think there are a couple of things. there's one more short term reason than one more long term structural reason. the short term reason is that immigration reform that you just mentioned, this bill that was passed last month, a very 1st bill that was celebrated by the far right. i'm reading the pen as a ideological victory for her parties until the clamps down really on the rights of immigrants and, and for, and people living on french soil, quite big on our birthright citizenship, making it harder for foreigners to access social welfare programs. and so that bill
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causes a lot of friction, but it is also the way that the bill got passed when that 1st version of legislation was coming to the national assembly, which president microns party has a relative majority in the national assembly. you had deputies in my crones own coalition that were expressing reservations, doubts about this very harsh piece of legislation, and you had the far right national riley saying they're ready to go forward. and the government went ahead with the do anyways, relying on those 88 far right votes to get to go across. and that point, you know, i think point to this other bigger structural issue, which i was gonna mention is the fact that macros cushion does not have an absolute majority in the national assembly. so it's difficult to really, to get things to get things done. it pretty, quite simply, elizabeth, born over 18 months, but we're struggling to get things through the national assembly wherever microns party doesn't have a very solid majority. okay, so, so she's gone macro and it still has this term to, to serve out so. so what, what happens next?
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i mean, looking from the outside, um tell us, you know, why is this a big store or well, you know, it's, it's a, it's, it's a big service. i think, really, the structural reason i think, is the most important. a factor here, whoever is going to succeed, elizabeth board is still going to be facing the same difficult situation, which the court challenges. how do you would get legislation across the finish on him? you don't have an absolute majority in the national assembly. one way to do it is to try to lean more and more of the right. and that's been the approach of my court since his re election since doesn't understand elections. and in 2022, one way to do it is to is to lean on more and more in the right. and we've seen that happen over the course of, of his 2nd term. i use it in the language that he uses, we saw in his immigration bill. um and you know, that's i think one thing look at the potential dressing more and more to the right . but i think the ultimate thing is, you know, there's not, whoever succeeds board is going to be facing with the same structural issue. and it could even exacerbated when you have those european elections, of course,
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coming up in june of this year. what happens if the far right does this? well, there could be potentially have to have new elections in france. that's your question . a lot of people are asking again, whoever succeeds born very good points during this cult stangler, there was the latest from our safe coal. thank you. thank you i. and here's a quick reminder of our top story is a legend of german football funds back in bower has died. the rate as when the football is best players ever. we need to both come from germany, both as player and as a manager and diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the israel from us or have stepped up to us secretary of state, anthony lincoln has just arrived in israel for talks with senior leaders there. i remember there is more news and analysis on our website and social media channels coming up. next is doc film with a look at and we'll go. but there are fears that it could be next on the gremlins list for all of us here in berlin. thanks for the company. i'll see you tomorrow, the
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it shouldn't be this warm here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice? explore an untouched place into the ice. starts january dw, the most of a country in 10 miles. this was the scene in march 2023 from.


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