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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this, the dw news line from berlin shut up. lemme see in the middle east, us secretary of state anthony blinking, arrives in israel as it continues history to prevent the warrenton garza from spreading into a wider regional conflict. and a legend of german football funds back in bower has died. you ranked as one to put all the best players ever in the world come for germany, both as a player and as a manager, to have a look at his life and legacy. the
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american berlin, thank you very much for joining us. us secretary of state anthony, blinking is an israel as part of a week long diplomatic tour aimed to try and prevent the war in gauze from spreading. blinking arrived in tel aviv late monday, he's there to meet these rarely present, consult, cancelled before meeting prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the war cabinet is expected to push israel to do more to protect civilian lives . while in find some us, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the us and other countries, the united states also once more humanitarian aid for thousands, blinking spoke to reporters and saudi arabia right before boarding his plane to israel. will have an opportunity to share with his rarely views everything i've heard thus far on the strip and also to talk to them about the future direction of the military campaign. in gauze, i will press on the absolute imperative to do more to protect civilians. and to do
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more to make sure that you mandatory the system is getting into the hands of those who need the dw, janelle de la on has more. i want secretary of state anthony blinking hopes to achieve on his latest visit. well, broadly speaking, he has a 2 fronted emission there. the 1st is that he wants to remind is really government of the american viewpoint in terms of how to conduct this war and gaza. it is known that washington is pushing israel for lower intensity operations involving fewer troops instead of the mass of aerial bombardment that israel is currently conducted . the idea there being that few of our troops could lead to fewer civilian casualties, or at the very least could enable more ease in terms of a distribution, humanitarian aid. the 2nd priority for blinking would be that he's trying to, of course, head off on a wider escalation of the israel, a gaza conflict into
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a regional war. i made clashes with iran about the proxies in lebanon, and in the red sea. it's worth noting that this is a 5th visit to israel. it is just one country on a 9, a country tour of the region. and it clearly underscores just how concerned washington is at the prospect of this turning into a wider regional conflicts that could pull the us into yet another drawn out in middle east or something, of course that the u. s. has some experience of right. and you were saying this is lincoln's 5th visit to the region. are there any signs that as mediation is actually achieved anything in the last 3 months as well? 5th, a visit to israel, 4th, visit to the region. but uh, with the death toll in gauze reaching $22000.00 according to the home us run the
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health ministry. i don't think that success is really the word that anyone is reaching for here. now, us officials of course, are always very careful to say that although they consult closely with israel, they cannot in fact tell israel what to do and it is on israel to decide how to prosecute this war. but of course, this is the point of diplomacy, right? like talking is better than not talking, also worth imagining how this would look like without us involvement. arguably, it is us pressure that has forced israel to allow in more humanitarian aid, even though it's still far below the level of what is in fact required for the affected palestinians. it's us carriers that are reacting to the threats in the red sea, and it is us pressure again, that is prompting israel to say now that it is prepared to transition to lower intensity operations involving fewer air strikes and fewer troops. even though the timeline on thought of is of course, open. now, of course,
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a given the mass of devastation at the moment. it is fair to say that even though the us is expanding massive diplomatic resources, it is having trouble selling the fruits of its diplomatic labor not just to the region but to the wider world. all right, i'm afraid we'd have to leave it there. that was dw janelle dom allowing in washington reporting for us. thank you very much for joining us. meanwhile, and is rarely drawn, strikes in southern lebanon has reportedly killed a senior commander of the hospital and militant group has voted, put out a statement, confirming one of his commanders with some of us on l towel, was killed in a strike on monday, but provided no further details, lebanese secure resources said he was a member of huntsville, was lead, ride one force and died in an attack on the vehicle and the southern village of cuter, but so near the border with his real visit, the 2nd high profile, killing inside 11 on this year last week from us as deputy leader. so la warranty
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was killed in a blast and then be root supper. meanwhile and back here in germany, the world of sport is morning, the passing of a german football icon, france back, and bower has died at the age of 78. i can bower was one of the most successful players helping crunch the world. come for germany, both as a player and then as a coach, but later in life back and bower was accused of bringing corruption to the beautiful game. here's a look back at the life of the man, germany called dekaiser, or the emperor. he was one of the most famous germans in the world, france, beckon's, iowa, everywhere he went successful to attend his entire life in so i can do for other people. i was born of. okay. people say that very goes have punctual voted anticipating i think that i have all of these characteristics onto the category. okay. second valid was a paste war child born in munich in 1945, he began playing football as an out of the age. he started his professional career
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. that's fine. munich at the age of 19 fans gave him the nickname the kaiser due to his commanding style of play with the club, he want every major trophy that was as captain. he let the german national team, they became european champions and then wilts champions didn't 1974, dec invalid. it's considered the all kitchen light stuff in liberal style of play. always the free man on the field. intensively based on the was my whole life has been defined by foot goes between the buy. soon as i could walk, i began kissing a bone, the vision, and then i managed to the fact that to learn a little to need. and this is how he was marketed. second bout was also a world class business man. he was the 1st gen and play with his a manager and own brand. me top rated the only thing he wasn't good. i was thinking. nevertheless,
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he managed to get in the german music shots the in 1977. his career took him to new york, cause most the kaiser played alongside footballs through the stop headache. and he became the, the celebrity jim and football the and he will hold himself k did back in that was portrayed he ended his career on the pitch at the age of 38 and then became manager of the german team leading into world cup success in 1990 his career led him to many patients, including jobs that by munich, and a deep uh, footballs, world governing body. they was back in bass, hardwood, one gemini, the rights to host the 2006. well, the top starts on the 2nd ballot. how division does these event?
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most of this world cup will be an example of friendliness of organizational talent . and when the games over, people will say germany organized a great 12 cost means the, then it goes out to give in foxtrot the 2006 will cost that came as some of the times that retails for the heights as they've driven self confidence. it also helped to send a positive image of the country, a broad transforming of his ideas of what jasmine was spots in 2015, debit corruption navigations to do with the 2000. and 6 woke up, the spotlight fell on back, empower, and his reputation suffered badly. he withdrew from the public high personal struggles, followed with the loss of his son and some health problems, including 2 hospital peroration 2nd valid, denied the corruption allegations against him. right till the very end. he was without doubts, germany's football the of the century. here that barsky is
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a former german football or employer for the 1991 comp champions comes back in. but we're better than most. we asked him what they backing about were so special. he was standing to nbc, what the football eh, gives us fun. taishan inc. hot walk, success and beauty for classes and leadership on the pitch and also off the pitch. she was image a great guy in the, in the, in the promotions. and she was actually also a val expected in the football off those kind of yeah, you got us of was coming to the 6. so all together and he was leaving for football and he gave germany so much and he changed all sort of it maybe the view about germany during the world cup. so we have also some really kind parts a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world. 21. people
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have been injured one critically, an explosion in the us city of fort worth, texas. the explosion damage at least 2 floors of a downtown high rise hotel. police are investigating the blast with a natural gas leak reported as a potential cause. result was marking the 1st anniversary of riding by some orders of ex president j are both on our okay. and the capital brazilian president, blue light has value that there would be no parking for the writers when they did key government buildings including congress, the presidential palace and the supreme court. thousands of christians have rallied and nigeria to protest over security for government killed nearly $200.00 people during the christmas period. the tax took place in christian villages in the mostly muslim north of nigeria, which suffers regular outbreaks of religious and ethnic violence of the world's leading consumer tech fair c as case often las vegas around 130000 people are
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expected to attend the giant trade show, artificial intelligence and wearable technology are the hot ticket items that does use event as low as new energy solutions and health care solutions. ukraine has been hit by another wave of russian airstrikes, but killed at least 4 people. this will struck targets across the country, including the shopping center. in the highest ride, the pi rise buildings, kias air force that they use void more than a dozen missiles before they reach their targets. snow covers the remains of a destroyed home near high cave. rushes strikes had here just up to stephen o'clock on a busily cold morning. this man was among those injured but managed to walk out of the recon locals watched on in shock as the body of a woman was pulled from the rumble. it
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was an explosion, not thought my sister was alive at 1st was only later at, the ceiling fell down and she was crushed. of the missiles also landed in the eastern region of south or asia. 5 people were wounded in the blasts which shattered glass and seemed debris flying through, i saw that there was going to be an a rated bombing, so we quickly ran to the bomb shelter. later we got a phone call and found out what happened to the building. we were in the shelter at 7 am. if we were at home, nothing good would come out of it. anyone would have been franken towards the strikes prompted a return to subway evacuations in keys. hundreds of people hiring to be underground as warning sounded across the capital. the ukraine's military suited interest tip
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did a chain of 51 of russia's cruise missiles on monday morning. the strikes came is russian officials announced they were moving 300 people from the board, a city or delta wrong, choose a ukrainian shelling. it's the biggest evacuation from a major russian city since the conflict began nearly 2 years ago. there's been a snag in america's attempt to return to the moon. a lunar lander that was launched into space on monday has run into technical difficulties. after biologic technologies, pilgrim lender was launched aboard a rocket from cape canaveral, florida. it's separated successfully from milwaukee within the spacecraft. experience and anomaly that stops it from point to the solar panels of the sun without the ability to charge batteries and maintain a power supply emission goes nowhere. this is the 1st the leader landers to be sent to the moon by the us since the apollo missions of the 1970s. all right,
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and you're up to date, but to stick around. coming up next are doc some program looks at serbia's role in the growing influence of china and europe. and remember, there's much more news on our website at w, w dot com. or you can check us out in social media where a handles are at the w news. that's all for me. and for now, see you next hour the, the the is, it is someplace power and key, more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life. i suggested in cardboard, back on the left side of the image and find out about baby story info my grand the .


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