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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news life from, by the, the us presses israel to change the cause of its war in gaza. you're the, you're a secretary of states and to have a face to beach with the countries that leave those on to me, blankets on the diplomatic to of the region in an effort to stop the conflict from spreading also on the program was closed, the door panel to fall off an ad site, mid flight, investigate to say they discovered loose balls. some of the boeing 737 max, 9 jets branded after last week's incidence. will fulfill was the death of germany's legend dreams for my plan and manage the funds back. and we'll look back kathy's
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lied. i'm doing, i guess the i'm so glad you're welcome to the program. you're a secretary of state, down to the blinking is in israel as possible. week long diplomatic tor aimed at trying to prevent an escalation of the war in gaza. short time ago he met with israel's president, is that can solve who sunk the us principles and commitment to protecting his country. mister blinking is due to hotels with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his won't cabinet. is expected to press them to do more, to protect civilian lives and to protect and to prevent its war. a garza from turning into a regional conflict. i just come from a number of countries in the region. tricky grease jordan cutter. i
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remember to share some of that i heard from those leaders with the president as well as the prime minister in the cabinet later today. and of course, we'll have an opportunity to families some of the discuss to bring everyone to talk about the way for special correspondent abraham in jerusalem about what was expected of mister lincoln's visit or well the secretary of state is set to meet with is really leadership the prime minister and the war cabinet, among others, and these conversations are not expected to be easy. there are now significant differences between a is really leadership and he was leadership as to the conduct of the war. but also, there are disagreements about the proverbial day after what happens after the war
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and after israel achieves it's us profess goals in this war the united states, it is very says it's very committed to making sure that this work does not spill over into the region and it has increasingly become critical of the death tool, the mounting death tool in gaza as a result of the worst. so these are expected to be some difficult conversations between 2 very close allies, right. and you mentioned that those significant disagreements. how much influence does the us have on israel? will the united states is israel's biggest backer and biggest supporter historically, but in this conflict as well. and so if there is a government that is really likely to listen to that is going to be at the united states presumably. but the differences are, as i mentioned quite a significant in the united states, wants israel to start moving into
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a more low intensity phase of a fighting in gaza. that is a unit that utilizes more targeted operations rather than the bombardment that we've been seeing since the beginning of the war. they also want to see guys in the united states wants to see guys and start returning to the north as soon as possible. and they also want to see a significant reduction in the intensity of the fighting a, so to and to spare civilian lives. and to bring down the casualty, know, israel always says that it's intention is not to target civilians but the number. but the numbers have been mounting to a to a very good. these are very, very large numbers and us officials have said the to many innocence have died as a result of the disorders also to keep disagreements about what happens in the day after the anthony blinking is expected to visit the west bank tomorrow,
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where parts of that is, are governed by the palestinian authority, the united states wants to see, as it says, a revamped and revitalized and rehabilitated palestinian authority be part of the future in gaza after the war. but that is not really something that is really leadership. once the united states is also here to advocate for eventually a sustained solution for this concert, which is which it sees as a 2 state solution. but it's also not something that uh, the prime minister, for example, of israel up wants to see. and there's of course, the issue of it that you have right wing ministers here in israel, who are actually calling for a return of civilians to guys is really civilians 2005 that the settlements and guys. and that is something that the united states also rejects categorically for the day after scenario. so to speak, to and abraham,
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and give her some a united airlines as found loose bold sunroof dole plugs of some. boeing 737 to max 9 planes during inspections. the checks would trigger it after adult plug of an alaska airlines jet blue out mid flight last week. investigators are still trying to determine exactly what happened to us carriers, grounded the boeing model after the incidents causing hundreds of flights to be cancelled. one of the missing pieces of the puzzle, the dual panels that fell out of the alaska airlines flight to me that found in the garden of a high school teacher in the us state of oregon. my heart did start getting a little faster at that point because i thought, oh my goodness, people been looking for this all weekend and it looks like it's in my backyard. investigate as a spill in the process of trying to identify exactly what caused the panel to blow
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off the boeing 737, and if it had been properly installed the, the exam to date has shown that the door in fact did translate upward. all 12 stops became disengaged, allowing it to blow out of the fuselage. we found that both guide tracks on the plug were fractured. we'd have not yet recovered the 4 bolts that restrain it from is vertical movement and we have not yet determined if they existed there that will be determined when we take the plug to our lab in washington dc. passengers on board, the flights captured the movements of to the duel panel blue of the plane. some reached for oxygen mosques. the alaska airlines flight was an altitude of 16000 feet when it began its emergency descent with
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a gaping hole on the side of the plane. the plane landed safely with i have a 170 people on board. the us regulators of all the temporary grounding of some. boeing 737, max, 9 jets for inspections. united airlines, the alaska airlines have based identified loose hardware and several of the 737, max croft, including 2 bolts that need tightening. this contributes to serious concerns over the safety of the 737 macs model, which was involved in 2 deadly crushes, months apart, in 20182019 would take a look at some of the doors making news around the world and with stuff in ecuador, where police and the army academy raids in prisons after widespread unrest following the disappearance of inventory as gang leader from jail. a nationwide
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state of emergency is in for assessment pharmacy search for adult for mass yes. also noticed quito. it was had awfully powerful loss. chung down on skunk you previously escaped from jail a decade ago. to talk to me is parliament is passed a bell binding the breathing slaughter and sale of dogs for meet by 2027. the practice will be punishable by up to 3 years in prison, or a massive fine. doesn't meet as long being of pots all sides kareem cruising the protests and changing attitudes of increased pressure on the government. oops, of the 1st moon landing. the 1st us move landing for a decade. for decades of fading class, to be a spacecraft developed a league, i was asked to lift off on monday, the private. the bill probably been lined the separation successfully from the rock at the last visit into space. but scientists say the league now threatens the excess ability to land on the surface. germany's chancellor has
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joined others in paying tribute to national foot boarding legend funds back and balance was died at the age of $78.00. and i thing on social media platform x off shult said basketball was one of the greatest football as in germany. and for many was simply the kaiser. you went down to say we will miss at the football. the wells also have been remembering the tallies, meineke defender, who led west germany to a well cut when i was captured in 1974. and again as manager in 1990 was doing a sports report. oliver moody in front of the binding mute, munich at headquarters. welcome ali. how is jim and football responded to this news as well. of course, it is a tragic day, and the german football community has responded accordingly as there been tributes . let of course,
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bye bye immediate. the club that was full waste. so place 2 funds back and by was hot the club owner a president. we heard us of course, the former teammate of back in biology. as said simply that no one will ever match up to back in about in terms of his impacts on the club call hands. goldman. he got another full, my teammate of basketball and buying legend has said quite simply that he was the greatest figure in german football history room. and he can also reportedly once a memorial service, put back in ballard to be held at the clubs. allianz arena stadium across town here in munich. but i think perhaps the ad tribute that sounds about best came from outside of by and it came from a rudy fellow who played on the basketball in west. germany's 1990 woke up winning squads when he said that back about didn't simply inspire one generation, but rather he will always be the shining light of german football. i'm what both
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fronts back about a standout at 1st they as a, as a player. and then as a coach, well i think back and bob has qualities where clear to see when you watched him play football at just his nickname that guys are the end for a tells you everything about how imperious he was on the ball when he had all of the physical traits he had, the quality he had the mind as well to succeed at just about everything in football and thus he did at but i think perhaps his defining traits was one that was kind of intangible. and that was quite simply that he was a winner at. he was a bone when he was a personality who could make things happen through sheer force of will. and with that he could change games and even change the cost of how to put them in campaigns, in particular for west germany throughout as many successes with that. and then i
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think that is what a lot of people will always remember about him. simply that he kept on winning at every thing that he did throughout his football career. so what would you say, what his greatest achievements as one split for choice that really because he really did when it oh, i mean we're talking about someone who of course, late at west germany to a woke up site. so as a play. and then again, as a coach is one of our needs, 3 men in the world to ever have done that. he went to europe and championship with west germany. he won the european cup with by munich 3 times. he won 6 splendidly good titles, all told as a play on the coach. he went over to uh, the usaa in one titles with new york cosmos as well. um, but i think perhaps his uh biggest achievement was not so much to do with any individual award or tracy. but robin, the impact he had on the reputations of buying munich and the german national team
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. he really tons then at both of those teams into power houses of the global game at he helped them become teams that you always expected to be reaching finals and winning trophies. and that wasn't necessarily the case beforehand by and hasn't won a lead title for over 30 years prior to back in bows, arrival, and ascension within the same. and i think that is what will be really his last thing. legacy, especially for buying music and west. do you have any funds? are her thoughts provides a oliver of a moody outside buying and music headquarters? this is reminded that top story is this our diplomatic efforts to contain the israel time us for are increasing to a secretary of state and to the bank. and holes tools with senior is writing this throughout the day and the suggest bring the hearing, gentleman and the footboard and the legend fronts back about as guide events as one
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of the games best evans science. when he was coming for jeremy, supposed to play a full on our website, www. dot com on social media at the dublin hughes. i'm here again at the top, pumping the, the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smiles now make go stop, bog. not the man who had to maintain him to use light to wagner was date. was it suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened. january 27th on the w. these young healthcare workers are learning german in albania. they're hoping to go
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into work and.


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