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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2024 10:15am-10:45am CET

10:15 am
when it was coming to jeremy, as opposed to class time spanish bull on our website, www. dot com on social media at the dublin hughes. and here again at the top pumping the, the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smiles. now make go stop, bog, not the man who had to maintain him to use like to wagner was date, was it suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened. january 27th on dw. these young health care workers are learning german in albania. they're hoping to go and work in germany and german hospitals and care homes are keen to recruit them
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. good morning, fire schneider. my name's etiquette and i'm and i was looking off to you today. the shame i love my career is my biggest dream. i hope i'll get lots of opportunities to specialize on your specific zip. but how many a has a shortage of health care workers, especially in rural areas? hardly any one wants to stay and work under difficult conditions for low wages. sort of down for some of the main problem is the big distance from door to door. it takes 2 to 3 hours just to get to the next patient, the orders use 3 or nothing. misquote. the fact that so many young people are leading is a major problem. the elderly in particular depend on regular care, the,
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the, the, it's the start of a long day test player to high and his wife are packing food he can take with him. the nurse will be on the go for up to 10 hours looking after his patients. he won't be able to buy food on the road. would you like more? it's enough. albania is one of the poorest countries in europe. the 36 year old lives in a sparsely populated, mountainous region and the north close to the border with comfortable many houses
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are not served by paved roads. his patience lived kilometers a part of the health care worker visits, all of them on foot. and so it said that if i had a car, it'd be better for me and my patients, but i'd be able to reach them more quickly. let me help would arrive faster. but test toyota can't afford to buy the off road vehicle. he need from his low wages. and so instead she covers 20 to 30 kilometers on foot each day. oh hello, how are you? fine, thanks a new. yes. very well today. yes. to find them, you know that you're aware of that as well. so bear with me. lynn lynn, are you feeling a bit better today?
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but before i know the 84 year old has an infection at the moment. castillo is visiting her every day to give her medication. so similarly, there's a small 100 miller liter bottle, is for the antibiotics. it contains. okay. when you are meeting you'll feel better afterwards. i don't the mom you love. during the infusion, he tells his patient about his concern, the region is undergoing major changes and i was on a new quote for the coordinator, dean meadow, and definitely more somebody for the gusto needed
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a roof from inside of wordpress shipping. you know, zillow, so that's in for so many people have left albania for to one 3rd. so it's, most of us have left me kind of especially the young people. so i bought the 33 young men the last few months alone. and that will go to pay it from my district and don't, did i have them does attend, that they're all looking for a better life, landlord to me or forgot the pay here is too low too. and so another familiar bush . they want a better life for their families, and especially for their children free. it's much more, therefore means you need more from the health care workers in particular are packing up and going. they can earn more money in germany and other western european countries. only a handful, want to stay on the schedule to get well soon. land that will have to do some things as one of the
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things can't stay like this. one is all the best plan, the he's in the near all the best of both. a lot of youtube, of some people that are still as to it's difficult because the nearest medical center isn't now is drive away. we're happy that castro can come here. he's such a big help and it's a 2 hour walk now from here to his next patient. test to it has a degree in nursing and is employed by the state. here is $450.00 zeros a month. the houses here are scattered across the landscape. the nearest small settlement is 30 kilometers away. castillo looks after the elderly gibbs vaccinations and provides
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1st aid for major and minor injuries. the albanians capital to rhonda is the jumping off point for many in search of a better life. elsewhere in europe, the 22 year old i was kept kaya also plans to leave this year. as a german company in toronto offers courses for qualified health care workers from albania. it also finds employment for them, and does the paper work. the training is paid for by german hospitals and care homes. germany's skill shortage and the sector provides the foundation for its business model.
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you frontier, you and your off. i'm teaching of the inpatient, and today's exercise like your spouse 1st will help me prepare for an exam in germany. the course participants are learning bedside manners in german and my son is a complete, bruised ribs on the right to show the i to get this, the only complaint is paid. i'm in time for the trial schneider. my name is joe. get that and i'm the nest looking off to you today. we have a few as a, as always time in pain sense. you know, how, where is this exactly how much it hurt is here by my ribs. okay. okay. i understand . i'm on a scale of one to 10. how strongly do you say the pain is about 6. okay. okay. now
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if you could, i'd take your past, please. yeah, yes, of course tom can. thanks please give a young man. thank you though. you'll feel better soon as soon as they have the spot i'd be she has reached a b, 2 level in german, you know, preparing for the practical part here on central travel to germany, to take the exam and get her license on the 10th answer. i can book the best get well soon file schneider. and i know i'm leaving the room. okay. and dentist start with the tire pressure to like and my phone and what mistakes did she make a membership. i think that you introduced yourself well the, the treatment and the way she spoke to the patient with good that type of course
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there's the language is you know, mind as the so i made you launch, it would have to improve to avoid having problems with my with patients of germany and you're still in oklahoma, so i'm just going to see what's going on in the future. and if that's in the kayak completed a master's in health care management in toronto and is a qualified nurse to a german hospital has already offered her a permanent post and its cardiac surgery unit. but the contract hinges on her passing her exams in a few months time in german. uh, i see that she has to learn a lot of specialized vocabulary slash, especially false, its preparation for the b 2 language tests, the healthcare works flakiness. we need that for the examinations. uh, it's a 3 month cost. dvd is dealt the rest in what?
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donna, castro. anna, could you briefly present the topic for us right again. dementia is to generate to brain disease. at 1st, short term memory is affected courtside conditions, but also on the the hospital and often bug is paying for outcast a specialized course. it costs them less then to train people as nurses in germany . lessons and at noon, giving the students' time to learn the new vocabulary. some of them have only studied health care so they can emigrate easily and legally the, the german labor market depends on health care workers, from albania, and for young people. it's an attractive prospect to move to germany with the offer
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of a permanent job. immigration is normal here, few young people want to remain the last one, i'd like to leave as quickly as possible. and then we'll begin to laura co my. we haven't started on lives here yet. can we tell them we would just students up to now? those tell them you're sure. so it would be that the discounts of future somewhere that can offer us more for journal. the money is important to this, but so is quality of life is good here. we don't have any security to monitor to student, but you need that. for example, if you want to start a family, well this in the instrument, it's not just health care profession and also we're leaving the country. many of the students revising for their exams here in the cafeteria will leave more than 80 percent of young albanians say they can imagine immigrating. practically every family now has someone working abroad is not going to tell parents who i'm
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sorry for. the toughest thing for me, there are no young people here anymore. she's come you for level left. it's a big problem or something extraordinary. you would have to happen to make a stay specialist. it can't go on like this to me in the mountains near the border with comfortable tests. toyota hi uh is on his way to visit his 3rd patient of the day. it's already afternoon the but she can't imagine leaving his home region well know that the other from the thoughts sits in the way. i love the beautiful natural surroundings here in the mountains. this little military air, the food, the water,
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we not tune up. i'm very happy here me doing to the farm perched 400 meters of a hillside is home to his last patient of the day. 6 this of how are you able to wait to hear dr. well, you all. well, yes, course, no, no. is patient just celebrating her 90 is birth date today to there's many happy returns. i wish you another 100 years. i wish you the same of the boy and you're a good mother the god watch over you. you will be there for me as long as i live,
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it's less than a 2nd to assume because god wills. so for some of you on from the most important thing is that we take your vital signs of blood pressure, heart rate, appearance of temperature. yep. and so when it's temperature, well they say less than as long as my mother is alive. hey, look up to her better than anyone else you got there. so i've english and i'm grateful for that. mom is that the family regard category or not just as a qualified nurse, but as a doctor, they rely on his diagnoses that a doing that and then said, when is it for me, the nearest, the general practitioner is far away. young man here are especially likely to leave 2 of the grandson's have been living in germany for years now. so this kind of through this call up, no, one of my sons is an electrical engineer kid. the other is a health care worker,
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like who knows to some fun 3 little yes. there comes up my paperwork in germany young professor, and it makes us time to live with that with our children here today to see if that's a big picture to me at the one from job tickets you for the birthday party starts. once the infusion is over, 2 of the 9 year old sons have travelled from italy with their wives to be here. the older 2 still live here. know blow it out. the that's right is a toast. the thing you may god protect you all was the this
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is awesome to do that. i'll take the glass from her doctor, have some cake that's really the most the to things lost in the heart of the so this during this thought it was quite where there are no people. there's no gross me why? who, what the following next we're getting her by the day because you people are leaving albania. gosh you. but yeah, most never returned all the of course, the best way to get really awful if he left to that's good. this is out of the, the overtime. the 30 yes, but conditions that just to pull it to stay as long as you have to approve. everyone has children abroad. a society. i suggest to be honest. he has children abroad because he does me too much so mean yeah, you can't do it. but do you too,
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i don't think we live badly here this way from alyssa. you can the well here or 3rd jobs, the insurance unit infrastructure in your pocket. if i swear to it, i do have to nothing. but what does the help of the state for the past year? the nonsense, the state does nothing but the 1st build roads and schools turned into the archive . yeah. to look for some houses. don't even have running water. no folks familiar with the you'll see they take a look at the streets and if they're even too bad for horses, you feel like you've been crazy to buy a new car. yeah. and then at the, for the not through the took on chris or at that the roads or what are most important to us yet. so i'm on there, but i didn't know we could get to sick people faster then more much for the process. enjoy the rest of your day. good by the test,
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3 of the sets off on his 8 kilometer a walk home. the the capital to rhonda is a 6 hour drive away. more and more people are moving out of the country into the city. from any it's just a stepping stone for immigration. albania has been hoping to join the european union for a long time now hoping for a better quality of life. to run us, relative affluence largely stems from people who are in there, living abroad. the state's health ministry is trying to staunch the flow. qualified health professionals are badly needed here at home. of the in the ministry of health 5 is colla is hoping that more money will help persuade well trained young people to state posts from
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2013 to 2020 to pay rose by 63 percent. i'm going to put forward another 7 percent rise in july and that's what we've also doubled the number of places and higher education for nurses and doctors or musical dashed weatherford intern year. only 50 percent of train staff currently stay in the countries public health care system. there is an effective phenomenon sort of data, most of the information, the enormous exodus of health care staff. so you're a p and phenomenal osh. it's problematic and the issue, but i think that are measure as well. help staunch the flow of medical staff from the country acting like he made the excuse me the for so many issues as our country. ok. hi. as home is high up in the mountains, 10 kilometers from the nearest village and only accessible across us the past. he
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lives here with his family, his parents and his brother's family. a cast throughout the day off today. and these fun winding playing the traditional albanian loot the chip to leap with his father. his nice place to the bill i'm familiar with with amazing. i'm very happy here with my family and friends . unfortunately, a mess of country me. of course, of course you can earn more money abroad, so that's what's me and others, but i love being here on a boat may not familiar with the as well as keeping these. the family has chickens, pigs, cows, and
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a horse to carry loads. almost all of the families here in the mountains have livestock, partly to save money. this was a time for lunch with the whole family and the only room with eating most of the food has been grown or produced here in georgia. right? that's true. there's been but a member of this family also works abroad in the u. k. u. castro, it's wife's class is pregnant with her 2nd child. she works as a teacher in the village. his mother, mira is
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a midwife and used to bring her doctor's bag when she went to visit. patients on foot says minds usually the feel, the emotion that be often accompanied me on the long walks to visit my patients. school shots, if for you to watch me carefully and learned a lot to admit me, my new finding was a tea already knew all the names of the medicines. what is your name? so the dealership, but it wasn't easy. sending 3 children to university until you called me or because of what i just saw here. and of course you and all the time. i never bought myself a new pair of trousers to save money and way up to 70 percent. like kids who have never let me down on a, you know, come send me a test here. give one of the presence of my children is far more important to me than any money from abroad. no ma'am. all the
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back in toronto has kept a kayak and her husband are making a meal the should i use this nice? yes. is it clean? yep. it's ramadan. the muslim month of fasting kept a won't eat until after sunset. on the steps that we often do it like this. i know my wife is fasting, so i'm going to cook something special for her today. and i'm going to say that they, but it's got, we don't cook every day. as far as the, as far as me as a trained nurse,
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it's easy for her to find work abroad. she hopes mario's can follow her after 6 months. won't. that's calculate bar. it's all catches i do most come doing one aspect of kansas before i haven't considered going to germany. piece of feedback. let's see. oh yeah. and so now i see it as an opportunity. sonya i'm on system. yeah. so you know, every evening. oh keta, her 3 sisters and her mother make a video call football. what are you doing right now? yeah, mary is cooking and i'm watching the boss telling me, oh wow. wow. because in a hall, how's the course going? be fine. we have to learn a lot oh,
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keta is the last of the 4 sisters to leave the country to earn money abroad. the other 3 are in italy. some really good question. when the main ways were still it was the most difficult decision of my life because of my parents. they don't because they'll be left alone. where they will be sad alone because we're family. and as the youngest child, i'm especially close to my parents screen this. i am really worried how it will affect my mom when i go to to enjoy a mental balance due to thanks. oh, keta and mario's haven't been to germany yet. them don't know what life is like their bus. they have a lot of dreams for the future. and by jo to children, preferably twins would be fantastic in germany, of course,
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need your money. so the best solution i have that i'll have it fonts at work by that point. a low sizable doing good. like to trying to specialize in surgery. this is a delta or do i have a specific or that's my dream. and i hope that myers will also go for it because he's so good. so maybe he'll be a famous chef and gemini in 10 years time. for me is you're calling me for this vehicle. just the while. many albanians are leaving the countryside. the beautiful landscape up the mountain is north, as attracting more and more tourists the country. okay, higher has decided to establish a 2nd source of income. his family can only scrape by with his meager pay as
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a state health care worker. he knows the mountains here inside and out. he speaks english and his training to be a mountain guy. the vista, the new season will start in a few days. we are expecting a lot of tourists from germany and austria awesome. who like to walk along the old trails, most consumer. and i think he'd like to offer paid mountain tours alongside his health care work. so he's trying to improve his economic situation with money from foreign tourists on like many others, she can't imagine leaving albania is personally to disagree. another kind of hope that the people who have left will come back again. this guy in the students be a couple in june of the they come back in the summer and to build houses. dear c p, a speed may be, they'll come back for good. even it was quite
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a the, every jenny is full of surprises. allowed to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police, the free time. but still very much alive. your guy to the special thoughts in germany. recognizing where exactly it was fine arts culture
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history, all their dw travel extremely worth a visit. the diary and 100 kilometers of rain forest separates in panama. i'm columbia. it's one of the key migration routes in the world today. how you doing? i'm john. i'm pulling my country are starving, many are dying. it has been a dictatorship for 60 years, and that's why i sold my house and left us a. maybe we have to go one more than half a 1000000 people made the journey in 2023 alone. it may be a tiny step towards the us but it's by far the hardest.


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