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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin. the us are just is real to plan for peace. secretary of state mc lincoln is meeting with is fairly leaders throughout the day . it is the latest stop on his tour of the middle east in an effort to stop the war in gaza from spreading. also coming up, what caused a door panel to fall off in the airplane mid flight. investigator said that they have discovered loose volts on other. boeing $737.00 max 9 jets grounded over the last airlines incident, plus
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a needle styles alliance in the pacific region. big idea could help taiwan and other democracies spend off security threats from china and north korea. and the worlds of football morons the death of germany's legendary player and manager funds back in bower. we look at the kaiser's life and legacy the i'm sarah kelly walked into the program, us secretary of state and to me blinking isn't as real as part of a week long diplomatic tor aimed at preventing an escalation of the war and gaza a short time ago. he met with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and is due to hold talks later with the israeli war cabinet. lincoln is expected to press them to do more, to protect civilian lives, and to stop the conflicts escalating into the wider region. i've just come from
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a number of countries. the reason for bruce gordon. i remember to share some of that i heard from those leaders with the president as well as with the prime minister in the cabinet later today. and of course, we'll have an opportunity to sit with the families to some of the hospitals and discuss our list efforts to bring everyone home and back up with their families. and there's lots to talk about this particular about the wait for the w special correspondent. abraham is tracking blankets to visit and has more on today's talks with this rarely leaders. the secretary of state is visiting is real not for the 1st time since october 7th, but at a very critical moment. the conduct of this for their increased demands by the international community for israel to scale back the war in gaza. and certainly that is a message that a,
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the secretary of state will be coming to his is really counterparts with especially the, this visit to israel comes at the back of a regional tour where he's met with a number of other regional a leaders. there's also going to be discussions about the proverbial day after what happens once the war is over and in that area there's not there's, there's some disagreements between the vision that the americans have put forth. and some of the statements that we've heard from is really officials just as an example at the united states wants to see a refurbished, revitalized, sorry, rehabilitated, posted in authority. be part of the future in gaza. but we, we've heard from various is really officials, but that is, that is something that they are rejects. so a lot to discuss. but certainly talks will be overshadowed by a number of disagreements between the 2 parts and blinking we know will travel to
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the west bank on wednesday. what is he hoping to achieve their of the so probably there will be more discussions as i just mentioned on what, what role can the palestinian authority play in the future of gaza after the war? the palestinian authority does not cover and gaza, but it does govern parts of the west bank. but it is seen as weak and effective by a lot of college students. they have not had elections in a very long time. and so the american visions, this is to try and rehabilitate and reform the palestinian authority so that it can be an effective, productive, a part of gods as a future. there's also increasing since october 7th, increasing reports of is really extreme. a settler violence in the west being that the united states has spoken out against. and so that is also likely to be a topic of discussion when the secretary of state visits tomorrow to be a special correspondent,
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abraham in jerusalem. thank you. now israel is undergoing growing pressure to allow more aid into gaza. the opening of a 2nd crossing has not significantly increased at deliveries. a trucks are delayed waiting for security checks at the is really param, shalom crossing. the u. n says only around 120 trucks a day are entering far below the number needed. medical aid is also being held up by fighting and central gaza. most of the 2300000 population have been displaced and now rely on a for survival. saturday, these joins us from the lawn. she is with the international committee of the rest red cross. thank you so much for your time this afternoon. what are you hearing from inside gaza? how much a to is actually getting through? thanks so much for having these are in the right now the situation is incredibly
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dial. what we're seeing is kind of stripping situation. that is only was me. i think it's very important that we remember. but regardless of how much a actually inches the, it only needs to be effectively and safely distributed. and right now that's not able to happen with things like the ongoing armful stewart's, he's the sheer number of people who are as you said, is placed living on roy's arrival, the degree the telecommunications challenges, people are not receiving the aid or supplies, but they really desperately need, i'll close out to you that was the best of their abilities, but there are many, many challenges that are currently being faced to use to, to receive aid. the world health organization is also warning that the health system is collapsing and the gaza at a rapid pace. give us a sense of what you at the i c r c are hearing. tell us about the situation inside
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the hospitals that we do close have surgical team in the european dollar hospital. we have rotations, all the surgical team, but they lack supplies. the health system is a huge concern for us right now. probably kill infectious diseases that been done by the rate of things like ac tysons, but having to occur because people can't receive the medical treatment that they need time they're out to be. but the view brain of this place, people have, sorry, self test in a hospital, in the corporate office because they, they don't feel as anywhere else. same medical professionals, a local professionals who have tiles. a nearly 3 months now, i have continued without the right that they're reaching exhaustion. some of these medical professionals have also been displaced from sales multiple times. scary, no, no drugs. there's no anesthesia, because single tool,
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more comprehensive tools. there's really not enough medical supplies to be able to deal with the increasing medical needs that exist. meanwhile, and israel, and i just like to ask you about some of the reporting that we're hearing. there have been some calls for your organization in particular to intervene and ensure the wellbeing of as rarely hostages currently held by him off. and i've just like to ask you, 1st of all, is that happening? and if not, why? it seems to 7 the website. uh we have been calling for the immediate release all these hostages in or out access to them. we, i reiterated that some of these taking is prohibited on the international humanitarian. well, at this time we have not received access to these voltages or for us to as you say, well, that will be provided with any necessary medications. and of course, reaching out and re establish the contacts between them and their families. and as
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you are desperately waiting for you to has been sleepless not, not knowing what is happening tonight, is the family members and friends. then maybe we will continue cooling publicly as well as you know, the rest dialogue with old policies to these conflicts. but what you needed all the necessary conditions for the international could be the other way for us to have access to these. it's not i think, oh my, oh yes or no. we need an agreement between the parties involved either on the conference, sorry. we need to install it now teams can access these hostages. and the hong comes to the hostages because of the agreement, which we don't take part in that negotiation. so that we can step in, in our role as a mutual intermediary, to facilitate our, the release and transport all these hostages out of thoughtful access them and provide them with the medical needs that they have. thank you so much for providing
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that context on what your organization is experiencing and seeing and cause a red cross spokespersons every day. these we appreciate your time. thank you so much. here are some other stories making news around the world. germany's foreign minister says that a reformed palestinian authority must play a major role in gauze this future. i don't mean a back also in says that the international community has an obligation to organize security in the territory after the war of 2023. it was the hottest here on record and probably the warmest and the last 100000 years. that's according to scientists that the european union's comparing. because climate change service, they found the global average surface temperature reached $14.00 degrees celsius last year. beating the previous records at in 2016 french president and manual like home has picked
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a close ally as the new prime minister, the 34 year olds, gabrielle natal, is the 1st openly gay person to take the job and the youngest in modern french history. coming up on the date of you news, a blow to hopes of the 1st u. s. moon landing and decades. we'll look at what's gone wrong with the private we built the spacecraft. but 1st, united airlines has found a list of bolts on the door plugs of some boeing 737 max 9 plans checks for triggered when a fuselage plane of an alaska airlines jet blue out mid flight investigators are still trying to find out what happened to us carriers ground to the boeing model, hundreds of flights for canceled one of the missing pieces of the puzzle. the dual panels that fell out to the alaska airlines flight to me that found in the garden of
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a high school teacher in the us state of oregon. my heart did start getting real fast or at that point because i thought, oh my goodness, people been looking for this all weekend and it looks like it's in my backyard investigate. is this still in the process of trying to identify exactly what caused the panel to blow off the boeing 737, and if it had been properly installed on the exam to date has shown that the door in fact did translate upward. all 12 stops became disengaged, allowing it to blow out of the fuselage. we found that both guide tracks on the plug were fractured. we'd have not yet recovered the 4 bolts that restrain it from its vertical movement. and we have not yet determined if they existed there that will be determined when we take the plug to our lab in washington dc. passengers on
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board, the flights captured the movements of to the duel panel blue of the plane. some reached the oxygen mosques. the alaska airlines flight was an altitude of 16000 feet when it began its emergency descent with a gaping hole on the side of the plane. the plane landed safely with i have a 170 people on board. us regulate as of all the temporary grounding of some. boeing 737, max, 9 jets for inspections. united airlines, the alaska airlines have based identified loose hardware and several of the 737, max croft, including 2 bolts that need tightening. this contributes to serious concerns over the safety of the 737 max model, which was involved in 2 deadly crushes,
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months apart in 20182019 that we're turning now to asia where a friction over taiwan, the south china sea and other flash points have the region on edge last year. conservative us lawmakers proposed and in the pacific version of nato to help asian democracy is defend themselves against growing military threats from china and north korea. to w as east asia correspond to james tater. now takes a look at the challenges of regional stability and whether they might, harold, a new era of security alliances across asian, growing friction, political flush, a career in japan, save this more credence, continental ballistic missile fired last month. can hit anyway on us, the territory. and in the new year, young young is going to step up for preparation. elsewhere in the south china sea, china also last month slide was kind of the philippine vessels as long standing.
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there are some tensions spelled out with that. being said, ties with manila ads across roads engine, taiwan, which china claims its own and election is just days away as well. even so i one's main opposition. party have cost to vote as a choice between war and pete wasteful. and we see it none of these flash points and new, which is 2024 begins. what is changing is china is an north korean scrubbing assertiveness not to mention both countries, deepening ties with russia, 3 nuclear on states, 3 powers increasingly frustrated with a us sled. well georgia, among washington partners in asia, including here in taiwan robots, prompting a fundamental rethink of risk governments of scrambling to bruce defense budgets, unfolds alliances around the region. japan is pos, directly to the defense budgets, which wants to transform. and despite to start grievances, tokyo is drawing close to, to south korea here,
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conducting joined to patrol last year until present. japan and the philippines will soon begin to zone access to each other's military bases with the philippines last year, grunting the us success to for more of them in. so i want, this is one response to increase the chinese invitation to break a domestic. he may train the jets used to prepare the next generation is points of pilots like junk kite. he graduated from the us air force academy before returning to taiwan. we're still we're learning from us and try to be stronger. so i'm not worried about, you know, the war floor covering the fight from our opponents. but we, we will start the flight fight actively, but we are trying to be 100 percent ready if there is possible
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or end of this time when he's asked for space. washington support is plain to see evolving for disability and age are opposing big questions about whether that's enough. and this, the scope of the challenge posed by adversaries of the us might need a satellite as an agent to form a collective security packs similar to name. because now, nothing blank nato exists in asia, nato, which labeled china or a systemic challenge for the 1st time in 2022 already has full partners in the, in the pacific. but those ties full well. shorts of collective defense, full membership with guarantee countries of the quad security dialogue a previously held joint with a tree drills. the group also has no collective security packs. the china has long criticized it as an asian nato. and the us maintains mutual defense treaties with these countries in the region. the need service previously shied away from strengthening ties with asian pond is mostly over phase of anger in china. but we'd, agents,
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ministry mines now rivaling the us so many the reality is changed. and if china, i know 3 is full selections, continue some say in nature style punched in asia, once inconceivable could come closer to reality. and dw chief international editor richard walker is in the tie when he's capital type pay. i asked him, who might be part of a nato style defense alliance in asia. you should start off with, as james said by emphasizing that something like an asian nato really is far off, but definitely the sold experiment is kind of uh, going on. and to take one example of one groupings that some have said, you know, potentially could form is a kind of some kind of a nato style alliance in the future. is this group in court order assess between australia, the united states and united kingdom of the country. there's not even in age, but that is an online space around submarine technology. and there's been some speculation, for instance,
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about what the japan might join that at some point in the future or south korea. both of those of us, the countries that independently have their own very close alliances with united states. but we really should stress that this is a long way from the kind of collective defense patch that nato represents. the fact that that would mean that every single member of those of such lies would have to jump into the defense of another. if a voice scenario did it much, and if we're talking about kind of a worst scenario between the united states in china, for example, over taiwan, that sort of china then taking pot shots that united states targets. then for instance, south korea would be liable to get involved and to be dragged into that conflict to be committed to be it's enjoying that conflict that would put it at risk from north korean attack. so you can see the, the kind of level of commitment that would be involved in that kind of alliance. it seems a countries in the region and not really ready for that yet. but the fact that the
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story experiments are going on is very telling about the security situation in asia right now. that was richard walker, the company attempting, the 1st us move, landing and decades has abandoned its mission. the spacecraft developed a critical fuel league the privately built, however, in lander launched on board a rocket from cape canaveral in florida. scientist estimated 50 kraft has just hours of fuel remaining. it was the 1st of lunar land are sent to the moon by the u . s. since the apollo missions of the 1970s pressure on the brain, derek williams, who is with us here in the studio from our science department. what went wrong here? well basically, um, there was a problem with the propulsion system which means were, and a leak of the proponent the powers that now. now propel ends and is is what they use in space flight in order to control the tilt and the access of of
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a particular spacecraft. and also that's what they used to break when they come into. for example, of landing on the moon where there's no mountains from where you can do something like a pair of shoes in order to slow down. and so it's, it's steering and it's, it's breaking and, and what the, the engineers from astro bought ex realized, i think pretty quickly was when they were, when they tried to change the, the tilt of this particular of the land or after it was on its way to the moon that they weren't able to do that, and they figured out a work around, they wanted to tilted so that the solar panels would be pointed towards the sun and they were unable to do that easily. so they figured out some work around and but they ended up learning a lot of for parents in order to do that. they also realize that they had a leak in there for collins. and if you don't have for balance, then you can't control your spacecraft. so what could happen next now? well, they said that they have, the last report was about 40 hours worth of propellant left. and so basically they said they are going to point it in the direction of the moon, and more or less hope for the best try to get it as close to the moon as, as possible. what, of course, once it reaches the moon,
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it won't have enough for balance to slow down. so the only option at that point would and then a hard crash landing on the surface. the no, but that'll all depend on whether they actually get there on how much talent is, is left. so what would you say here? is there any chance of them getting something out of this, or is it basically a wash at this point? well, the scientific payload obviously won't survive a hard landing on the line. so, you know, there is stuff that we can, can they find out something else. so there are, there are only things that we can learn about this, you know, designing space path for these extreme environment of space. you know, it's, it's mostly about, say, trying to figure out in advance what could go wrong and then having to deal with things when they do go wrong because it's such an extreme environment. one thing that they go right, in particular on this particular mission, is that the new volk and rocket, which carried the pair going up and into space in the 1st place, that seemed to work pretty flawlessly. so one positive side, and of course the peer can,
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will also deliver some data. hopefully data in particular about what went wrong. so we can avoid having making those same mistakes again in the future. but so it won't be a complete and utter wash, but i'm sure that the, the engineers that as robotics and, and bass a are having a pretty gloomy day today is derek williams. thank you. well, the german chancellor has added to tributes to the football legend funds back in bower who has died at the age of 78. all off. schultz said that 2nd bower was one of the greatest footballers in germany. and for many he was simply the kaiser. we will unless him is what the chancellor said. now beckoned. bower led west germany to a world couple when as captain and 1974 and again as manager in 1990 sports reporter oliver moody has been at fire,
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music's headquarters. and we asked him how german football was dealing with beckoned our staff while after this tragic news, the responses and the tributes have been laid as you would expect by buying munich . the club way back in battle was an influential figure for the best part of half a century. and in particular by to form a teammates of funds back in by the by and on a re president lee heard this at hu uh, and also called hines woman. they got another in the us that's incredible by munich side on the early 19 seventy's with her. and it's saying that no one will ever match up to back in bala. i know many guys saying that he is quite simply the greatest figure in german football history. at the bye and buses are discussing the possibility of hasting a memorial service for back in bala, at the clubs on the on serena stadium across town at here in munich. that would
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certainly be fitting for a figure out like back in bala. uh, but i think perhaps the um, the, the tributes. uh, there's some zillow lot best, uh, came from outside of buying munich from, uh, uh, from uh who the fall, who also, uh, was glowing about, uh, back invalid his uh, contribution at 2 javin football at the tributes helping coming in from across germany today. why did he stand out so much as both a player and the coach for a while back and by his qualities on the pitch was very clear to say he had this elegance at the very few players of the time possessed. and he basically created his own position of the lever a role, which was essentially this kind of attacking suite that allows him to be a key presence in both boxes and use his qualities to the full but
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beyond the technical deal. so i've had the physical capabilities and the mind to be a success just about every facet of the game. and that's why he was such a success again, not just as a player, but also as a coach. but i think what really was, is defining traits was something that you can't really see. it wasn't really tangible, but it was very clearly that. and that is that he was a born. we know he had this kind of mentality where you, he could just win a game through sheer force of will and even change the cost of a told him and can campaign. and he did that very regularly for by a, by munich on the west german national team, oliver movies standing by a munich reporting on the death of friends beckon bower. thank you very much. i. so here's a reminder of our top stories here on data view, news us secretary of state, and me blinking has met with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu blinking is on a diplomatic tour, up the middle east to try and contain the warrant,
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gaza the, remember there's always more news and analysis on our website and social media channels coming up next to global us asks whether the tech science in silicon valley has been making empty promises. stay with us if you can. thanks for watching
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the this utopia has a long way to go. near vienna, the city of the future is being built on a former deerfield. this sustainable neighborhood will be home to more than 25000 people. they start often. it also doubles as a lab,
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conducting research on the abilities architecture and urban living. global us next on d, w. worker, broad, or in the homeland many albanian nurses wrestle with this question. health care professionals are in demand everywhere. but it's more and more young people leave their home country will look after it gets elderly noticed in 45 minutes on d w. the state shall encounter in the late 19 seventy's former concentration camp inmates
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shlomo. smiles. not met the man who had to maintain him. go stop box 2 years later, bog now was dead. was a suicide prize to don't really have to go smith and the nazi starts january 27th on dw, the how is housing changing? how is mobility changing? will cause really flight. oh, cities flows in the clouds or even in space. there's no shortage of inspiring exciting visions of stacy's, of this huge but the reality is sobering traffic hills climate change. many cities today are in crisis. we need solutions


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