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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin. the us are just as well to plan for peace. secretary state anthony blinking is meeting with is fairly leaders throughout the day. it is the latest stop on his tour of the middle east in an effort to stop the war in gaza from spreading. also coming up would cause a door panel to fall off in airplane mid flight. investigator said that they have discovered loose pulse on the other. a boeing $737.00 max, 9 jets grounded over the alaska airlines incidents and ecuador launch is a man hunt for dropbox, for a drunk boss on the run from the prison. adult phone with kaya was jailed for murder and narcotics trafficking, a state of emergency as in force,
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but the president insist that the cartels are no longer in control. the sarah kelly. welcome to the program, us secretary state. and to me, blinking is an israel where he has met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and held talks with the war cabinet. it's part of a week long diplomatic tour aimed at preventing an escalation of the war in gaza blinking stress. the need to do more to protect civilian lives and stop the conflict escalating into the wider region. he also reiterated us support for efforts to secure the release of all hostages, currently held in gaza. the middle east analysts, shiny, was honest, joins us here in the studio. this visit in particular is coming at a critical moment. of course, it's not blinking for sees you know, regular time already since the work started. yes. so what's,
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let's take this time. well, is realize right now it's already yesterday that it's moving to the 3rd phase of the war, which is what the americans want it, the one of them to, to withdraw on most of the forces and start looking at the cause as place that they need to do to run into long term and just do more of surgical operations. so this is what is real, is aiming act. we've seen a lot of soldiers coming out of many divisions. still there's a lot of forces on the ground. so that's important. that's an messages also his role was sending the americans we are complying with your preferred time schedule. but this is basically what are the agreements, and there's so many other things on the table that are uh, you know, they're missing slight rifts that are slowly beginning to open between the these allies. first of all, there's always the question of humanitarian aid at these really is in general, a willing to bring more and more 8 into gaza. but they are also very much frustrated with the fact they don't have much leverage when it comes to the hostages and release the at the beginning. they felt like they can use this as a card. seeing what's happening outside the, in the winter with the,
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the start of ation. but dire situation we've seen in the numbers every day. it's clear to israel, it needs to, to give them a lot more aid. but it's very frustrating. it's not giving her anything in return, no, no leverage when it comes to progress when it comes to the hostages. and of course, with the questions of what's happening up in the north, we see israel somewhat interested in escalating the efforts against his bol, the she, i, militia, operating and loving on. the americans are very much afraid this might escalate to have been all out, you know, all regional war. and this is what there's trying to stop. so what is their position officially on that front? well, as always, again, also with gauze, are they, they support as well as was right to defend itself, but they always try as well to, to deal with the most minimum level of casualties. and they're very much afraid of a spillover. they're very much afraid. one wrong, you know, missile exchange in with a board and of israel, then it can quickly escalate. and then we have 11 on in iran, in and the whole region. and this is exactly what they don't want blinking. it's
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trying to push as well into understanding that going through the diplomatic political route is the best way for israel on the long grad. he's really trying to push forward still to deal with saudi arabia and the other moderate sunni countries in the region. we've also heard from the saudi of bassett, or in london today saying, so g, a, a, sorry, everybody still very much interested in and willing to go for some sort of normalization with israel despite what we've been seeing. and guys with this is unbelievable. a stand for the saudis to, to take the is really somewhat because of political limitations. somewhat for geological reasons. i'm not too keen over the idea of that to know this message is not being received so well in israel. and we have to mentioned, we're on stand by actually because as they like and it's going to be speaking, giving oppressor, we will carry that live here at the w news. what are we expecting him to save it? because of course, he's ever the diplomat, but his words have become more pointed recently, half a day. they have it. that's true. and he is frustrated. we've been seeing, you know, in the last couple of days,
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but publications over american leading out. that's some of that. suggesting it to me all might be interested in an escalation in the north, in order to save himself politically as some of them talking about the urgent need for, for israel to political make shift to change in order to bring about a real change. so, you know, we have, after all, we have a, a democratic, less cleaning government in the us versus a very extreme right wing government in israel. and these divides have been very clear before up until october 7th. they have some what's included in the last couple of months, but they are there as we are starting to talk about the next phase and the long term for israel, for the palestinians, for the region. and for that to me out politically, he doesn't really have much of ability to be talking about any compromise or any, you know, come coming to terms with any forces that are, you know, add forces because these rarely mood is such that it's not being received very well, and so the blinking, you know,
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this lag and his relative last leg in this whole tour in the middle east is, was trying to bring a package that will be enticing that will look really that will be, you know, interesting enough for the is released to be willing to accept that hit at this time where there are still shattered traumatized bruise. and it's, it's going to be, let's see if he succeeded it's, it's very the very hard task. it's always been hard test to bring peace is released . but the circumstance we are in full linked over 7 or even, you know, almost impossible after all, dw, and literally satellite shining was on it so. so as always, thank you. you're welcome sir. well now with israel under going pressure to allow more aid into gaza, the opening of a 2nd crossing has not significantly increased deliveries. a trucks are delayed waiting for security checks. the un says only around 120 trucks a day are entering far below the number needed. medical aid is also being held up
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by fighting in central gaza. most of the 2300000 population has been displaced and now rely on a 1st survival. 3rd, davies from the international committee of the red cross is in amman. i asked her about the current humanitarian situation in gaza. are in the right now. the situation is incredibly dial. uh, what were you seeing is a customer be situation that is only was name. i think it's very important that we remember. but regardless of how much a to actually inches daughter, it only needs to be effectively and safely distributed. and right now that's not able to happen with things like the ongoing armful stewart's, he's the she and number of people who are as you said, this place leaving on grades level the degree, the telecommunications challenges, people want to know, receiving the aid or, or supplies that they really desperately need, i'll close out to you the best of their abilities, but there are many,
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many challenges that are currently being faced to use to, to receive a the world health organization is also warning that the health system is collapsing in the gaza at a rapid pace give us a sense of what you at the i c r c are hearing. tell us about the situation inside the hospitals. so we do a close have surgical team in the european dive, a hospital, we have rotations, all the surgical team, but they last supplies. the health system is a huge concern for us right now. probably kill infectious diseases that been done by the rate of things like education but having to. a people to receive the medical treatment that they need to be, but it has to be worried this place people have to go to the corporate office because they, they don't feel as anywhere else. same medical professionals,
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professionals who have tiles. a nearly 3 months now, i have continued without the right that they're reaching exhaustion. some of these medical professionals have also been displaced in sales, multiple times series, no, no drugs. there's no no anesthesia, because single tool, more comprehensive tools. there's really not enough medical supplies to be able to deal with the increasing medical needs. they meanwhile, and israel and i just like to ask you about some of the reporting that we're hearing. there have been some calls for your organization in particular to intervene and ensure the well being of as rarely hostages currently held by him off . and i'd just like to ask you, 1st of all, is that happening? and if not, why, as it seems, the 7th of upside all we have been calling for the immediate release of these
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hostages and tore out access to them. we are reiterated that some of these taking is prohibited on the international humanitarian who at this time we have not received access to these voltages or for us to as you say, well there will be provided with any necessary medications to reconnect and re establish the contacts between them and their families, and as you are desperately waiting for news, you have spent sleepless not as not knowing what's happening to the family members, the french. then maybe we will continue cooling probably as well as, you know, the rest dialogue with old policies to these conflicts. so what you needed all the necessary conditions for the international could be the other way for us to have access to these. uh, it's not, i think, oh my, oh yes or no. we need an agreement between the parties involved, either on the conference, sorry, we need to install it. now teams can access these hostages and the hong come to the
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hostages because of the agreement which we not take part in diversity aging so that we can, is debbie and in our role as a neutral intermediary to facilitate our, the, the release and transport. all these voltages out or access them and provide them with the medical needs that they have. thank you so much for providing that context on what your organization is experiencing, and seeing and gauze, or red cross spokes person, sarah day, these, we appreciate your time. thank you so much and here are some other stories making news around the world. germany's foreign minister says that a reformed palestinian authority must play a major role in gauze as a future. honestly in a bare voc also insist that the international community has an obligation to organize security in the territory after the war. the 2023 was the hottest here on record and probably the warmest in the last 100000 years. so. so
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scientists of the european union's comparative guest climate change service, they found the global average surface temperature reached $14.00 degrees celsius last year. beating the previous records set in 2016 french presidents. a menu on the front has picked a close ally as the new prime minister, 34 year olds, gabriella tile, is the 1st openly gay person to take the job. and the youngest in modern french history. united airlines has found loose bolts on the door, plugs of some boeing, 737 macs, 9 plains checks were triggered while a fuselage plane of an alaska airlines jet blue out mid flight. investigators are still trying to find out what happened the to us carriers, grounded the boeing model. hundreds of flights for canceled one of the missing pieces of the puzzle. the dual panels that fell out of the alaska airlines flight
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to me that found in the garden of a high school teacher in the us state of oregon. my heart did start getting a little faster at that point cuz i thought, oh my goodness, people been looking for this all weekend and it looks like it's in my backyard. investigate as a spill in the process of trying to identify exactly what caused the panel to blow off the boeing 737, and if it had been properly installed the, the exam to date has shown that the door in fact did translate upward. all 12 stops became disengaged, allowing it to blow out of the fuselage. we found that both guide tracks on the plug were fractured. we have not yet recovered the 4 bolts that restrain it from is vertical movement and we have not yet determined if they existed there that will be
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determined when we take the plug to our lab in washington dc. passengers on board, the flights captured the movements of to the dual panel blue of the plane. some reached the oxygen. mosques of the alaska airlines flight was an altitude of 16000 feet when it began its emergency descent with a gaping hole on the side of the plane. the plane landed safely with i have a 170 people on board us regulators of all the temporary grounding of some. boeing 737, max, 9 jets for inspections. united airlines and alaska airlines have based identified loose hardware and several of the 737, max croft, including 2 bolts that need tightening. this contributes to serious concerns over
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the safety of the 737 max model which was involved in 2 deadly crushes, months apart in 20182019. i'll even write as president of the finish association of aeronautical engineers and i asked him earlier whether the investigations indicate a construction rather than a maintenance problem. this is a brand new aircraft. it's only been out of the factory. my for of months is gone. so the customer come to the line and they haven't used it for a much step in preparing it, probably done some test flights, and then they put it into commercial service. what this means is, it's new. they haven't made it to do any maintenance. that's so and what were more focused on had these loose both. these are behind a plastic tool panel. so you comp sees them with a nice guy with the the interior panel face when it spaces you have to take the panel off, get a top rancho, and then stopped mechanically checking things to see if it's installed properly. as
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you're watching the news coming up on the program a below to hopes of the 1st moon landing in decades, we will look at what's gone wrong with a privately built the spacecraft. echo door has launched a nationwide operation to locate a drug lord who disappeared from jail. the government has declared a state of emergency and imposed a curfew while police and army search for the fugitive, who was sentenced to 34 years in prison in 2011. for crimes, including murder and drug trafficking, authority said that for police officers have been kidnapped since the man hunts been underway. ecuador is on full alert. its army will be patrolling the streets for at least the next 60 days after the country declared a state of emergency. they're searching for adults, so it might be us known by azaleas veto. he's not just any escapee. he's
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the leader of one of the most powerful drug gangs in ecuador, who vanished from a high security jail. the military and police have also been breeding detention facilities throughout the country. they release the video showing detainees at a rehabilitation centers trip down to underwear for weapons search of the they're trying to send the stark warning to drug gangs to combat gang related violence that is exploded in recent years. it was already on the ecuadorian set. all the time with those convicted of drug trafficking, contract killings, and organized crime dictated to the governments in power. what to do is what we're seeing in the countries of prisons is the results of the decision to confront them . this is why we in the governments take an action to gain control of prison side
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that have been lost in recent years. somebody that does happen to be on the whole thing behind us. despite the stringent measures, residents of the crime torn city by a kid where feature was in jail, say it's too late to control the situation where the somebody who's not going to be solved or the kid. and i believe that the lowest themselves would happen to be change the vehicle. yeah, many things would need to be done. but i think it would help at least reduce crime . and you know, it's a way to and, and i know timothy not like it. as gang like the one fee, to heads fight over who will control major cocaine routes. many here fear the prison security crisis will spiral further. so let's get more insight on this. we are joined by journalist stuff on cosigner, who joins us from the ecuadorian capital. keep the, so what is known about this escape, and i mean,
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how is it that one of ecuador is most notorious prisoners simply disappears as well. what we've the, we have sketch indications so far. but apparently there was a plan underway by the government to transfer him to a more secure facility. and someone leads that to future who must have have some kind of pre prepared escape plan verse and the prosecution was accusing to prison. guards of having assisted him in his escape. um, it's not something that we know that there was something like a total available to him or something he made. he may simply have walked out and we don't know the exact date on which that occurred either. but it must have been in the last couple of days. he's the leader of the last to annette us. drug cartel, how much influence does that group have in ecuador at the moment? well, it's one of the more influential games, of course it's,
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it's very effective along the pacific coast drug trade routes. it, however, has suffered some splintering parts to other groups. a minute i meant to diffuse over the hierarchy because some of these can readers have been arrested over the past few years or murder, thus resulting and power struggles. and there is another major guiergos logos which is mostly active in indian areas in some parts of the coast. most of the violence is concentrated on the coastal cities and where the ports are on which location is loaded for export to the us and europe there. there's been much reported that we have to say about f, what or as president. and his goal to re re gain control of apple doors, prisons from criminal gangs, just walk us through what has been going on as well. we've had a gradual increase in prisons rioting over years, starting in early 2020,
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more than 460 people have been murdered in some very violent episodes. and currently, several prisons have been taken over by the by but again is who are holding a board cert, who are holding guards? s. s a hostages soon since nuclear declared the state of emergency. but aside from that, there has been an ongoing struggle to control these 30 or facilities that has not been particularly successful. the number of cars increased was increased sharply under the previous administration. and no boys, suggestion previously during electro campaign, was to create some offshore jails. similar prisons exist in the us and u. k, but he appears to shift attack and is now planning to build too high security and
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facilities on shore in the vicinity of some cities, one in eastern ecuador and the amazon territory. another in uh, the coastal products or something from which he originally house. can you just walk us through how those plans have been received? because, i mean, it seems quite clear that authorities have failed to get a grip on the situation so far. to it all appears a vicious hazard and that's what's been criticized because we don't have a clear indication that the people who are managing these these, these plans are, are really experts in the matter and retired police for instance, but not no, no real specialist in this kind of matter, there's some outside help, some, some mexican and some brazilian advisors have been working,
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but also the instability and government has not been helpful since that quarter is on its 3rd government in less than 2 years. kind of a step on proof, not joining us from keep the thank you. okay, thank you. as well. the company attempting. the 1st us landing in decades has abandoned its mission. the spacecraft developed a critical fuel leak. private lead built hildebrand land are launched aboard a rocket from cape canaveral in florida. scientists estimate that the craft has just an hours of fuel remaining. new pell grant was the 1st lunar lander sent to the moon by the us since the apollo missions of the 1970s pressure was brain. derek williams, who was with us here in the studio from our science department. what went wrong here? well basically, um, there was a problem with the propulsion system which means were, and
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a leak of the proponent the powers that now. now propel in and is is what they use in space flight in order to control the tilt and the access of of a particular spacecraft. and also that's what they used to break when they come into. for example, a landing on the moon where there's no mountains real, where you can use something like a pair of shoes in order to slow down. and so it's, it's steering and it's, it's breaking and, and what the, the engineers from astro bought ex realized, i think pretty quickly was when they were, when they tried to change the, the tilt of this particular of the land or after it was on its way to the moon that they weren't able to do that, and they figured out a work around, they wanted to tilted so that the solar panels would be pointed towards the sun and they were unable to do that easily. so they figured out some work around and but they ended up learning a lot of for parents in order to do that. they also realize that they had a leak in there for collins. and if you don't have for balance, then you can't control your spacecraft. so what could happen next now? well, they said that they have,
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the last report was about 40 hours worth of propellant left. and so basically they said they are going to point it in the direction of the moon, and more or less hope for the best try to get it as close to the moon as, as possible. but of course, once it reaches the moon, it won't have enough for balance to slow down. so the only option at that point would be an a hard crash landing on the surface. the no, but the, it will all depend on whether they actually get there on how much or balance is, is left. so what would you say here? is there any chance of them getting something out of this, or is it basically a wash at this point of a scientific payload, obviously won't survive a hard landing on the line. so, you know, there is stuff that we can, can they find out something else. so there are, there are only things that we can learn about this, you know, designing space proud for these extreme environment of space. you know, it's, it's mostly about, say, trying to figure out in advance what could go wrong and then having to deal with things when they do go wrong because it's such an extreme environment. one thing
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that they go right, in particular on this particular mission, is that the new volk and rocket, which carried the paragraph up and into space in the 1st place, that seemed to work pretty flawlessly. so one positive side, and of course the peer can, will also deliver some data. hopefully data in particular about what went wrong. so we can avoid having making those same mistakes again in the future. but so it won't be a complete and utter wash, but i'm sure that the, the engineers at astro products and, and bass a are having a pretty gloomy day today is derek williams. thank you. a quick reminder of our top stories, us secretary of state and to me blinking hasn't it with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. lincoln is on a diplomatic tour of the middle east to try and contain the war in gaza up next equal africa. takes a look at solutions to water, scarce to be caused by climate change from the solid nation to growing chick piece
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. stay with us. the
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water under the sand. here in northern africa, life fossil water reservoir on it makes the deserts green and thought tile. but the water supply is limited, or is there way to use it without whichever running dry? the co africa next, on the w. $600.00
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for the to the face for the president. popstars and post. how did this technical marble become an idol? we take a closer look, read 1016 minutes on dw, the faithful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's, former concentration comes in my general, most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him, go stump bogged, known as the beast of sleep or shame on you. tell the truth to use nature. wagner was dead. an investigation concluded that it was suicide. but the fire give rise to don't really have to go
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see the january 27th on the and there is no denying dates offline. it's an irish and off the top of other words, people are facing extreme weather conditions. how can we better protect ourselves in the future? that's what we'll be exploring in this specialization of echo oper cost um crystal . i'm calling to you from a very well across in gunner and i am sandra 3 nobody. all right, 2 in comp. hello. you going to thank you for.


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