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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the the dw news line from berlin tonight, the us urging is real to plan for peace. the secretary of state anthony blinking is in israel, meeting with leaders. they are shuttle diplomacy and been stopping to work in garza from spreading. also coming up tonight in ecuador and man hunt for a drug falls on the run from prison. adolfo macias was serving time for murder ends, narcotics trafficking before before he broke out the prison and the world of sports morning. the death of germany's world cup football legend from spectrum baldwin. we'll take a look back at the kaiser's life and like us, the
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break off is good to have you with as we begin tonight with diplomacy in worries of an escalating for us secretary of state anthony, blinking is an israel earlier today. he met with prime minister benjamin at yahoo and he held talks with the prime ministers board cabinet. it's part of a week long diplomatic tour aimed at preventing an escalation of the board in garza, lincoln stressed the needed to do more to protect civilian lives and to stop the conflict from escalating and to the wider region. he also reiterated us support for efforts to secure the release of all hostages currently held in gaza. or we're going to be here at the beach here, but i'm in the studio is our middle east analyst at shawnee was honestly chinese. over here we are again. what's, what's the goal here of this latest attempt at diplomacy? yeah, well, this is for us to visit 50 visits since october 7th. he is. this is the last leg of his trip. he's been to turkey has been to, he's spoken to the palestinian authority president on hold of us and so on. he is
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trying 1st of all, the top thing is to at to make sure there's an escalation. we see what's happening in the northern border between israel 11 on last days. the americans are watching. it's very carefully, very concerned. we've seen some reports yesterday in washington, posts of people in the administration. suspecting antonio might be interested in an escalation in the north, in order to look for his political leads to hold on longer to power because we're seeing things in gaza winding down a bit as divisions have been pulled out. as fewer is really military forces on the ground, and there's need to be a talk on the day after that's also the 2nd point in the agenda for blinking. what happens in garza to day after this is something with that the they find very hard to find agreements with when it comes to the, to me out government. and we may not get to the day after if we're dealing with more in the north and they are talking about hezbollah. i mean, internationally, this of this is not wanted by any one. right? correct. i mean, in the americans and by the president by himself are right as to the start of this,
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you know, they sent into the region to us carriers. and he said very clearly, if anybody is interested in, in starting a regional war, just don't you know, that was biden's words and even he meant, of course, you're on and other allies of you on. but he was also meaning israel don't start anything bigger. we know there was an attempt on the 11th an 11th of october for days after the this round started that where the defense minister of his revenue off color was very much interested in actually having israel initiating a hard blow against his bala in the north. he was stopped buying it so now we also know this is part of the buy because of american shirts. so this is something on the table. so let me just get your insight here. what does the us secretary state do if he goes to israel and their suspicions that the prime minister, you know, may be saying yes, we want to talk to things down a little bit. and yet the reality is that he wants to maybe expand a more how do you deal with that? well, that's, that's tricky. yeah. these rarely are trying to convey to the americans,
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the message is what we're seeing now. 11. and despite the escalation is still within the realm of acceptable escalation, both sides are working under the premise votes, i mean has volunteers. well, this tit for tat is still within the realms of our agreement. sort of an i'm, you know, very clear, but unofficial agreement and neither side is an interested, an escalation. we need to keep in mind when we keep his wrists, you know, becoming more and more public between these really administration and the american administration. there's also some people benefiting from that to, you know, an attorney out benefits and a sense of showing to his constituency, the right extreme support as well. i'm doing whatever it takes to defend his real, despite the american pressure and the, the american say we are pushing for the palestinians for peace, for moderation. despite what then send you out with us. you know, so in that aspect, both sides of something to please politically gain from letting those risk be become public. okay. trying to to, to have you with this,
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you're going to be here with us with the we're expecting secretary of state entry, blinking to give a press conference within this hour. and we will try to bring that lie. thank you. you're welcome. bye. so is really is undergoing pressure to allow more aid into gaza. the opening of a 2nd crossing has not significantly increased deliveries. a trucks are delayed waiting for security checks at the is really korean. so long crossing the when says only about a 120 trucks a day are entering that's far below the number need. medical aid is also being held up by fighting and central goss. most of the 2300000 people have been displaced now rely on aid for survive. saturday, these is from the international committee of the red cross in amman. i asked her about the courage, humanitarian situation in gosh, no, right now, the situation is incredibly dial. what we're seeing is catastrophic situation. that is only was today. i think it's very important that we remember regardless of how
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much a actually inches the other, it only needs to be effectively and safely distributed. and right now that's not able to happen with things like the ongoing arm so still sees the serial number of people who are as you said, is placed. living on roy's arrival the debris, the telecommunications challenges. people are not receiving the aid or, or supplies, but they really desperately need. i'll close out teams are working to the best of their abilities, but there are many, many challenges that are currently being faced to use to, to receive a, a r g or some of the other stories. now that are making headlines around the world . germany's foreign ministers as a reformed palestinian authority must play a major role in gauze is future on the lena bear bar. also, it says the international community has an obligation to organize security in the territory after the war. prince president emanuel macro and has picked
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a close ally as the new prime minister. 34 year old gabrielle a tall is the 1st openly gay person to take job and the youngest in modern french history. 2023 was yes, the honda is do your own record and probably the warmest in the last 100000 years. so as a scientist, at the european union's copernicus, climate change service, they found the global average surface temperature reached $14.00 degrees celsius last year. that is the beat, the previous record that was set back in 2016. south korea's parliament has passed a bill banning the breeding slaughter and sale of dogs for their meat. by the year 2027. the practice will be punishable by up to 3 years in prison or a massive fine dog meat has long been a part of south korean cuisine, but protests and changing attitude to have increased pressure on the government. a corner has announced that irish singer shanita o'connor died of natural causes. she
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was found unresponsive at her home in london last july. the 56 year old was best known for her head. nothing compares to you or connor was a controversial critic of the catholic church. donald trump has faced and appeals court in washington over his claims to be immune from criminal charges. as a former us president. trump's lawyers are urging the court to dismiss for charges that he illegally attempted to overturn the 2020 election. the judges have expressed skepticism over his claims and are expected to rule on the case in the coming weeks. to united airlines has found loose bolts on the door plugs of some boeing 737 max 9. airplane checks were triggered when a fuselage panel of an alaska airlines jet blue out mid flight investigators are still trying to find out what happened there. the to us carriers,
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grounded the boat. we modeled this week, hundreds of flights had been cans one of the missing pieces of the puzzle. the dual panel that fell out of the alaska airlines flight to me that found in the garden of a high school teacher in the us state of oregon. my heart did start reading real fast or at that point cuz i thought, oh my goodness, people been looking for this all weekend and it looks like it's in my backyard. investigate is the still in the process of trying to identify exactly what caused the panel to blow off the boeing 737, and if it had been properly installed the, the exam to date has shown that the door in fact did translate upward. all 12 stops became disengaged, allowing it to blow out of the fuselage. we found that both guide tracks on the plug were fractured. we have not yet recovered the 4 bolts that restrain it from
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his vertical movement. and we have not yet determined if they existed there that will be determined when we take the plug to our lab in washington dc. passengers on board, the flights captured the movements of to the duel panel blue of the plain. some reached the oxygen mosques. the alaska airlines flight was an altitude of 16000 feet when it began its emergency descent with a gaping hole on the side of the plane. the plane landed safely with i have a 170 people on board. the us regulators of all the temporary grounding of some. boeing 737, max, 9 jets for inspections. united airlines, the alaska airlines have based identified loose hardware and several of the 737,
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max croft, including 2 bolts that need tightening. this contributes to serious concerns over the safety of the 737 macs model, which was involved in 2 deadly crashes months apart in 2018, 2019 stephen right as president of the finish association of aeronautical engineers . i asked him whether the investigations indicate a construction rather than a maintenance problem. this is a brand new aircraft is only paying out the fact, right. my sure of months is gone, so the customer come to the line and they haven't used it for a much step in preparing it. probably done some test flights and then they put it into commercial service. what this means is, it's new. they haven't made it to do any maintenance. that's so and what were more focused on had these loose volts. these are behind a plastic tool panel. so you comp sees them with a nice guy with the the interior panel face when it spaces you have to take the
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panel off, get a top rancho, and then stopped mechanically checking things to see if it's installed properly. it was steven, right? speaking with this earlier, ecuador has launched a man hunt for a drug cartel leader who was on the run from prison. a state of emergency is in effect as police and the army search for adolfo macias. he was jailed for 34 years for murder and narcotics traffic. ecuador is on full alert. its army will be patrolling the streets for at least the next 60 days after the country declared a state of emergency that they're searching for adults who might be known by azaleas vito. he's not just any escapee. he's the leader of one of the most powerful drug gangs in ecuador, who vanished from a high security jail. the military and police
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have also been reading detention facilities throughout the country. they released the video showing detainees out of rehabilitation centers, trip down to underwear for weapons search. they're trying to send the stark warning to drug gangs to combat gang related violence that is exploded in recent years. it was already on the ecuadorian set all the time with those convicted of drug trafficking, contract killings, and organized crime dictated to the governments in power. what to do is what we're seeing in the countries. prisons is the results of the decision to confront them. this is why we in the governments take an action to gain control of prison because they've been lost in recent years. i found that that does happen to be on the whole thing behind us. despite the stringent measures, residents of the crime torn city by a kid where feature was in jail,
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say it's too late to control the situation where the somebody who's not going to be solved or the kid. and i believe that the lowest themselves would happen to be change the vehicle. yeah, many things would need to be done. but i think it would help at least reduce crime . and you know, it's a way to and, and i know timothy, not like it has gang like the one fee to heads fight over who will control major cocaine routes. many here fear the prison security crisis will spiral further to ecuador, as president has vowed to regain control of the country's prisons from criminal gates, journalist, and stuff on co founder in quito. he outlined to the challenges that the president faces. well, we've had a gradual increase in prison writing over years starting in early 2020,
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more than 460 people have been murdered in some very violent episodes. and currently, several prisons have been taken over by the by but again as who are holding guards as hostages since since know hello to clear the state of emergency sites so that there has been an ongoing struggle to control these 30 or facilities but has not been particularly successful, the number of cars has been increased was increased sharply under the previous administration. the suggestion previously during the electron camping was to create some offshore jails. similar presents exist in the us and u. k. but he appears to have shifted tech and is now planning to build too high security of societies onshore in the vicinity of some cities,
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one in eastern ecuador, and the amazon territory. another in uh, the coastal products or something in uh from which he originally house. as we are in a new year, but the friction over taiwan, the south china sea, is frictions remain last year. conservative us lawmakers proposed an indo pacific version of nato to help asian democracies defend themselves against growing military threats from china and north korea to w. as east asia corresponded, james cheater now looks at the challenges to the regional stability and whether they might, harold, a new era of security alliances across asia, growing friction, geopolitical flush career and your time, say business credence, continental ballistic missile 5 last month can hit anywhere on us territory and in the new year, young young is allowing to step up to full preparation elsewhere in the south china
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sea. china also last month slide was cummins that philippine vessels. as long standing there were some tensions spelled on the page and said, ties with manila at a crossroads engine. taiwan, which china claims its own and election is just days away as well. even so, i one's main opposition. policy have costs the vote as a choice between the warranty, wasteful, and we see none of these flash points, the new, which is 2024 begins. what's these changing is china is an north korea's growing assessments. not to mention both countries, deepening ties with russia. 3 nuclear on states, 3 power is increasingly frustrated with the us sled wildwood, among washington's partners in asia, including here in taiwan. well, that's prompting a fundamental rethink of risk governments of scrambling to bruce defense budgets. unfortunate licenses around the region. japan is pos, directly to the defense budget for 2024. despite to start grievances. tokyo is
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drawing closer to south korea here, conducting joint patrols last year until present. japan and the philippines will soon begin to wilkes on access to each other's mid a tree, bases with the philippines last year con thing, the us success to, for more of them in. so i was, this is one response to increased chinese invitation. the super easy a domestic, he may train a chance used to prepare the next generation of points, apartments like junk kite. he graduated from the us air force academy before returning to taiwan. we are still learning from us and try to be stronger. so i'm not worried about, you know, the war floor covers the fights from our opponents, but we will start the slide fight actively. but we are trying to be a 100 percent ready if there is possible or under this time we need that for space
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. washington supports is plain to see evolving front disability and age are opposing big questions about whether that's enough. and this, the scope of the challenge posed by adversaries of the us might need its allies, an agent to form a collective security packs similar to names. because now i don't think like nato exists in asia, nato, which label china are a systemic challenge for the 1st time in 20. 22. already has full apartments in the in the pacific, but those ties full well. shorts of collective defense, full membership with guarantee countries of the court security dialogue have previously held joint military drills. the group also has no collective security packs. the china has long criticized it as an asian nato. and the us maintains mutual defense treaties with these countries in the region need service previously shied away from strengthening ties with ation. pond is mostly over phase of anger
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in china. but we'd, agents, ministry might snow rivaling the us so many the reality has changed. and if china, i know 3 is full selections, continue some say in nature style punched in asia, once inconceivable could come closer to reality. but dw cheap international, it is a bridge of walkers into ty, with these capital type, hey, i asked him who might be part of a native style defense alliance in a, as we should start elsewhere. as james said, by emphasizing that something like an agent, nato really is far off, but definitely the sold experiment is kind of uh, going on. and to take one example of one groupings that someone who said, you know, potentially could form is a kind of some kind of a nato style alliance in the future. is this group in court order assess between australia, the united states and united kingdom of the country. there's not even in age, but that is an online space around submarine technology. and there's been some
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speculation, for instance, about what the japan might join that at some point in the future or south korea. both of those of us, the countries that independently have their own very close alliances with united states. but we really should stress that this is a long way from the kind of collective defense patch that nato represents. the fact that that would mean that every single member of those of a such a lies would have to jump into the defense of another. if a voice scenario did it much, and if we're talking about the kind of a worst scenario between the united states in china, for example, over taiwan, that sort of china is and taking pot shots that united states targets. then for instance, south korea would be liable to get involved and to be dragged into that conflict to be committed to be it's enjoying that conflict that would put it at risk from north korean attack. so you can see the kind of level of commitment that would be involved in that kind of alliance. it seems
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a countries in the region and not really ready for that yet. but the fact that these, those experiments are going on is very telling about the security situation in asia right now. there was richard walk reporting there from ty pate. the german chancellor has edits attributes to the football legend, front, spick and baldwin. they can, bower died on sunday at the age of 78. the chancellor sold. so that beckoned bower was one of the greatest football players in germany. and for many was simply the kaiser. we will miss him. he said that can bower lead west driven into a world cup when, as captain in 1974 and again his manager in 1990 as far as the reporter oliver moody he is at the munich, irene of becky bowers spent most of his career playing for byron, munich, and oliver, i can imagine um, for the german football world. yeah. today is a, as a dark day as a say a day, isn't it? well, it certainly is. and on this dark day, it is, as you would expect,
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by in munich, the club that for so many years was synonymous with funds back in bella, that is leading attributes. and you might be able to see by in stadium behind me, written on the side of the stadium in light of the woods can get funds. thank you. friends at the club is also holding discussions of hosting a huge memorial service at full funds back in bella. here at the stadium, so by munich, very clearly showing that they want to on a and respect back and bows achievements and to impact at the club. i don't gen and football. i have a really 50 years from when he made his 1st team davey followed by an in the sixty's. and on top of that, we've heard from some of a back in bows, former teammates and buying legends really heard and saying that no one will ever match up to funds back in bio and confidence at home. and the guy saying, describing him simply as the greatest figure in jim and football, history, and other talk of through these achievements that's a big about, were,
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was able to get just one after the other up in his 50 years of playing football. well, how long have you got, brian? this is a very long list of achievements that friends back in via had a very, very long career in the guy. and he was one of our lead 3 men to win the world cup as both a player and a coach 19741990. he also won the european championship with west germany. he won 3 european cops back to back for a phenomenally dominant bi inside of the early 19 that seventy's. he also won the biggest individual prize that you can win in football at the bottom door. he won that twice in fact. mm hm at, but i think really the greatest achievements that back about was not to be found in a metal or a trophy, but rather in the status of buying munich. and indeed, the german national team, you know, he played
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a key part and turning those 2 teens into power houses in the global game in the football. well, he made them into teams that expected to reach finals and when trophies. and of course, he didn't do that alone, he had his teammates, he had coaches, he had placed a place a him at. but i think if you were to speak to them today, they would all say to a 9 that the kaiser was the key to it. all yeah, and he was one of the 1st football superstars and talk to me about how that has changed the game here in germany and be on so well, i think he's going to have a really quite incredible legacy here in germany. certainly based on people that i've spoken to at immunity today. football fans he uh, he'll certainly be remembered as one of the greatest plays ever to grace a football page and a play who changed the game as well through not only his talent but also the
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football brighton that he how do you know, he basically invented a position for himself, the labor that allowed him to be a key player at both ends of the pitch. and now it's a position that has, is gone out of fashion. now it's not one that is really use, but it was exactly that kind of innovative spirit that really back and valid embodied. and this is quite rarely seen in the football world and something that's when it comes up football funds really know to at treasury rates. unfortunately, the it's, it's not entirely a rosy picture with back in bowers legacy that way, allegations i've of corruption directed it back about and others surrounding the bid to bring the 2006 wells comp to germany. and i think for most people, certainly based on the conversations i've had with people in unit k today, they will remember him today on for years. okay. um, as a legend, oliver moody, in munich, oliver, thank you. as you're watching dw news,
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i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you then the
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