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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin tonight the us urging is realtor plan for peace. you're a secretary of state entity blinking more into the daily total of war on civilians and gaza is far too high. he says, palestinians must be able to return home and remembering the football are known in germany as the kaiser of football is mourning the death of germany's legendary player in manager, front spick and bower. we will put back in his wife and his leg as the
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bridge off is good to have you with us. we begin tonight with the diplomacy and worries of an escalating more in the middle east us secretary of state anthony blinking has met the as rarely prime minister benjamin at yahoo. and his work cabinet, lincoln reiterating us support for israel and the return of the hostages held by him off in gaza. but he also found that a cautionary note warning of the effects of the war on civilians inside gun take. unless we know that facing an enemy that embeds itself among civilians who hides in and fires from schools from hospitals makes this incredibly challenging. but the daily tal on ceilings and gaza, particularly on children, is far too high. it's going to be now here in the studio is our middle east analyst shawnee was honest. shiny was here with me. we were listening to that press conference from and to the blinking. let's talk about that. the biggest takeaways
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here did you notice a change in the us is patients with the is really prime minister when it comes to making a way out of this bore and gosh, well that's great undertone. we've been, 1st of all, we've been seeing the americans and sending these messages in last days before the visit hinting. as mentioned, you know, that they are very serious and they're intense to move forward with a long lasting fund for peace in the region. with all the amount of moderate nations, the arab nations that are on board. so we're seeing that a blinking saying the same things again and again, very diplomatically, is that not enough for no reason. he is the chief diplomatic for the americans, but we hear behind closed doors that the patients is finding out. there's more more pressure for israel to decide. is it going to go for escalation or it is going to turn its back on the, on the opportunities to the americans offering for a national regional package of social security and long. i think he's the secretary of state. what struck me as he said that the israel has to be a partner for the palestinians and the palestinians. they also have to be
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a reliable partner for these re lease on a path to but good faith, right? first of all, state 100 pounds in your state for 2 words at the mention hear it is not like for like sing together combined. and the word partner is a very, very contested where ring comes to these really palestinian conflict. uh and you know, the idea of having a partner having no partner, we've seen it already by going back to the apartment as to who box form is really the prime minister talking about. there's no partner back then about and yes or our father was still the head of the passenger tory authority back then trying to bring back the term partner and the need for partnership into the discussion is not in vain. you know, they're choosing this word very carefully, they want, as rarely to start realizing this place, where are you living in this region? nobody's going anywhere is really, is, are there. as i knew there, you gotta find a way to make it work. you gotta make a partnership out of this situation. you gotta use the strategy, the way the american seed in and turn it into an opportunity. and he also mentioned
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what's going on in the west bank. and that, that also struck me. they are the correct the you know, you can't, it has to be low in order in the west bank. part of the americans are very concerned because we've seen to tell you how so as tonchee against anything connected to the palestinian authority. and thinking says is we're going to stop under cutting the palestinian authority. it is in israel's best interest to let the palestinian authority drive because of the security coordination because of the people that are happy that are satisfied that are working, that are part of society or not people that are busy too much with power. and we've been seeing it again and again and again. and this is what they're trying to convince this and you know, in, but this is breaking some of his more, you know, the objection into the, our has to this idea of palestinian state to this is very deep. we've seen it as part of as, as a stone of is a f as policy for the last 15 years. and if we're talking about less of a conflict in the, gone to the threat on the board in northern border with 11 on that is actually even a cuter than it was, let's say a few weeks ago. isn't it? correct? i've seen it last week since the assassination of a and the movie, he's a is
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a chief the homos former offer to and it's clear that things are more tense and the last days there's been, we've seen americans uh, talking about their fear that sent to me always might be using this escalation for political reasons, against their wishes. they would want to see everything scaling down, and they would definitely would not want to see a spill over into lebanon into she, i access, connecting to your on and so forth. it seems from his response to some of the question, do these come he's content with the answers he's been hearing from his release about them not really wanting to see escalation up. we're still going to be very careful not wanting us commission ahead of having us collision does not necessarily correlate in them. at least these things are so tense of can go either way. any moment i'm gonna leave dallas. johnny was honest, it's always funny. could you have you here? thanks brent. or was he said israel is undergoing pressure to allow more aid into the gaza strip. the opening of a 2nd crossing is not significantly increase deliveries. they are a trucks are delayed waiting for security checks at these really for room show on
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crossing of the un says only about a 120 trucks a day or entering that is far below the number that the union says is needed. medically is also being held up by fighting and central garza, most of the 2300000 people living dogs that have been displaced and they now rely on a for survive. terry davies is from the international committee of the red cross in amman. i asked her about the current humanitarian situation inside. gosh, right now the situation is incredibly dial. what we're seeing is kind of services you ation. that is only was today. i think it's very important that we remember regardless of how much a actually inches the it only needs to be effectively and safely distribution. and right now that's not able to happen with things like the ongoing um. so stewart sees the serial number of people who are, as you said, this place living on roads,
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the rubble, the debris, the telecommunications challenges, people are not receiving the aid or, or supplies that they really desperately need. i'll close out to you the best of their abilities, but there are many, many challenges that are currently being faced to use to, to receive a hey, be speaking with us earlier. here are some other stories now that are making headlines around the world. donald trump has faced an appeals court in washington over his claims to be immune from criminal charges. as a former us president. trump's lawyers are urging the court to dismiss for charges that he illegally attempted to overturn the 2020 election. the judges had expressed skepticism over his claims are expected to rule the case in the coming weeks. first, president emmanuel maryland has picked a close l. y. as the new prime minister, 34 year old gabrielle, a tall is the 1st openly gay person to have this job. he's also the youngest. in
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modern french history. 2023 was the hottest year on record and probably the warmest in the last 100000 years. that according to scientist, at the european union's copernicus, climate change service, they found the global average surface temperature reached $14.00 degrees celsius last year. that beats the previous record that was set in 2016. a coroner has announced that the irish singer should 8 o connor died of natural causes. she was found unresponsive at her home in london last july. the 56 year old was best known for her hit. nothing compares to you. connor was a controversial critic of the catholic church right now and to central america. ecuador has watched a man who signed for a drug cartel leader on the run and escaped from prison. a state of emergency is enforced as police in the army search for adolfo must be yes,
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he was jailed for 34 years, serving a sentence for 34 years on murder and narcotics trafficking. ecuador is on full alert. its army will be patrolling the streets for at least the next 60 days after the country declared a state of emergency. they're searching for adults who might be known by azaleas vito. he's not just any escapee. he's the leader of one of the most powerful drug gangs in ecuador, your, vanished from a high security jail. the military and police have also been reading detention facilities throughout the country. they release the video showing detainees at a rehabilitation center strip down to underwear for weapons search.
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they're trying to send the stark warning to drug gangs to combat gang related violence that is exploded in recent years. it was the ecuadorian set, the time when those convicted of drug trafficking contract killings in organized crime dictated to the government in power. what to do is already but what we're seeing in the countries presence is the results of the decision to confront them. this is why we in the governments take an action to the gain control of prisons that have been lost in recent years. somebody that does happen to be on the who'd be behind yours. despite the stringent measures residents, if the crime torn city by a key where fetal was in jail say it's too late to control the situation with the law. somebody who's not going to be solved. the old kid. i believe that the lowest themselves would happen to be changed over. yeah. yeah. many things would need to be done. but i think it would help at least reduce crime. go ahead. no,
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it's a way to and, and i know timothy not like it. as gang like the one fee to heads, fight over who will control major co came routes. many here fear the prison security crisis will spiral further. back here in germany, the chancellor has offered his tribute to the football legend, funds beckon dollar bank and bower died. sunday at the age of $78.00, chancellor sold so that they can buy or was one of the greatest football was in germany. and for many was simply the kaiser. he said we will miss him. they keep our lead west germany to a world cup when, as captain in 1974 and again as manager in 1990. our sports reporter oliver moody is at the unit corrina with more on the reactions to the death of front 2nd ball. a. while it certainly is, and on this dark day, it is, as you would expect by and munich, the club that for so many years was synonymous with funds back in bella,
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that is leading the tribute you might be able to see by in stadium behind me, written on the side of the stadium, in light of the woods duncan finds, thank you. friends at the club is also holding discussions of hosting a huge memorial service at full funds back in bella, here at the stadium site at by munich. very clearly showing that they want to on a and respect back in bows achievements and his impact at the club. i don't jen football. i have a really 50 years from now when he made his 1st team davey full by and in the sixty's. and on top of that, we've heard from some of a back in bows for my teammates and buying legends. lee hood is saying that no one will ever match up to funds back in bio and confidence at home. and the guy saying, describing him simply as the greatest figure in jim and football, history and other talk of through these achievements that i'm thinking about were,
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was able to get it just one after the other up in his 50 years of playing football . well, how long have you got, brian? this is a very long list of achievements that funds back in via had. i have a very, very long career in the guy and he was one of our lead 3 men to win the world cup as both a player and a college 19741990. he also won the european championship with west germany. he won 3 european cops back to back for a phenomenally dominant bi inside of the early 19 that seventy's. he also won the the biggest individual prize that you can win in football at the bottom door. he won that twice in fact. mm hm. at but i think really the greatest achievements of back and bell was not to be found in a metal or a trophy, but rather in the status of buying munich. and indeed, the german national team, you know, he played a key part and turning those 2 teens into power houses in the global game in the
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football. well, he made them into teams that he expected to reach finals and when trophies. and of course, he didn't do that alone, he had his teammates, he had coaches, he had placed a place for him at, but i think if you were to speak to them today, they would all say to a 9 that the kaiser was the key to it. all, it was all over moody, they're reporting from munich. the company attempting, the 1st of us moving to landing and decades has a band and its mission. after the spacecraft developed a critical fuel leak. the privately built hair green lander launched aboard a rocket monday from cape canaveral, florida, but the leader failed to open its solar panels. the peregrine was the 1st of lunar land are sent to the moon by the west since the apollo missions of the 197. this is a reminder of our top story, us secretary of state anthony blinking has it said the daily total of 4 on civilians in gauzy is far too high. after meeting is really dangerous, he said,
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palestinians must be able to return home. we can is only a diplomatic tour of the middle east amy to stop the war in gaza from spreading on the back of the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you then the every journey is far less surprising or allowed to give you some one day in the footsteps of the rate in your northern most count the police the free time but still very much alive. your guy to the special thoughts in
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germany recognizes where exactly.


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