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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 4:00am-4:15am CET

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. the west, we're just israel, the plan for peace with the palestinians. secretary of state anthony blinking towards the daily total of war and civilians and gaza is far too high. he says air of nations, one relations with israel, only when a pass to a palestinian state is clear. and ecuador threatens to sink into crisis. the president declares war on drug gangs. this after a wave of violence, including the storming of a tv station, indicate that the police officers and scientists, a 2023, was the how does the your in a century and a half records were shattered. last year, this could be and this you could even hotter
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the under and took merlin. thank you very much for joining us. we begin with roving diplomacy and fears of expanding violence in the middle east. us secretary of state anthony blinking has met with his randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and israel's war cabinet. lincoln re, injury to the us of support for israel and stress that all hostages held in gaza must be returned for the whole set of words of warning for his real saying that the daily tool of the war on civilians in gauze and as far too high is real, has bound to destroy him, us, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the us, you and others. washington's top, the diplomats arrives in israel, the latest stopping the week long to of the middle east, secretary of state antony blinking, his calling for comment. the region to prevents for war in gauze from spreading of
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the i see a link and how it talks, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. washington is trying to balance support for israel with limiting civilian, suffering, blink, and emphasized with need to protects the people of gaza and to increase aid. we know that facing anatomy that embeds itself among civilians who hides in and fires from schools from hospitals. makes this incredibly challenging. but the daily till once it leaves and gaza, particularly on children, is far too high. 3 months of fighting have left to gaza, devastated thousands of gauze instead, blink and cold on israel to start planning for peace. he said he must do more to support the monuments palestinian leaders to hold new settlements and stun pouch set to live islands. it's our unique bond in america's enduring commitment to the
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people of israel that allows indeed demands that we're as forthright as possible. in the moments where the stakes are highest, when the choices that are the most, this is one of those moments develop a run has raised to those stakes defense minister. you'll have guidelines as that increasing the pressure once around was critical to preventing the war from spreading a run, which back some us supports a network of minutes in groups throughout the region. previously, rebels and yemen have attacks and seized ships in the red sea. his ball, a forces in southern lebanon, a farming rocket. so these rail, the while in iraq and syria, militants aligned to the run have attacked us troops with locate syndrome and were determined again that we a nazi escalation, that we don't have the conflict spread. and we've made that very clear. but of
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course, if our personnel, if our forces are, are threatened or attacked, will take appropriate steps will respond blink and will continue his tool. on wednesday, he's due to travel to the occupied westbank, the talks of palestinian president mach mood of us. the monster on health ministry and gaza says $126.00 palestinians were killed. them is really a tax on tuesday. sarah davies is from the international committee of the red cross and i'm on earlier. she gave us this assessment of the current humanitarian situation in gauze. you know, right now the situation is incredibly dial. what we're seeing is kind of services you ation. that is only was name, i think it's very important that we remember. but regardless of how much a actually inches the it also needs to be effectively and safely distributed. and right now that's not able to happen with things like the ongoing armful stewart's, he's the sheer number of people who are as you said,
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this place leaving on grades the rubble, the degree, the telecommunications challenges, people are not receiving the aid or, or supplies that they really desperately need, i'll close out to you. that was the best of their abilities, but there are many, many challenges that are currently being faced to use to, to receive a here's a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world. germany's foreign ministry says a reform palestinian authority must play a major role in gauze as future. i'm really ne, belmont, also in since the international community has an obligation to organize security in the territory after the war for britain, this foreign minister david cameron says he's warrant that he's real, might have breached international law and guys that cameron told lawmakers he believed is real and had been compliance so far that there were questions written has backed israel's right to defend itself against a mazda attacks,
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but also called on his military to act with an international law. and it's offensive and gaza is really present. these are cancel on has condemned south africa's case against israel at the international court of justice. and so i've described the allegation that these rules committing genocide and gaza as quote, atrocious and preposterous. the court is set to hold its 1st hearing in the case on thursday. ecuadorian president daniel nova says his country is in a state of internal armed conflict. he's or the army to take military action against drug gangs in the country there. at least 8 people died in violence in the country on tuesday. that was after arms and stormed a live tv show before being overpowered. interest and by police. security forces are out in force on the streets. ecuador has been rocked by a series of violent attacks, including the abduction of a number of police officers. the outbreak of violence followed and apparently
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escaped from prison. a drug cartel leader on sunday. although from ok, yes. also known as fight ephito was serving a 34 year sentence for murder and narcotics trafficking. so what exactly does it mean when a person says he's declared a state of internal armed conflict? that's a question i put the new database nicole wrist. aaron, what we are watching here on fold in these past few hours is really unprecedented for a quote. this is just another low and the whole security crisis that the country has been in during these past years. really and president done, you know, boy really is trying to correct down on the situation is trying to get it back on the control. this declaration is basically enabling military and also police force has to be increased on the streets, the able to intervene, not only on the streets, but also to crack down inside of buildings. and this is happening as we're speaking . no, boy, in his declaration also said that he wants to, uh,
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and his words neutralize more than 20 of the criminal gangs in the country. he only took office in november. so this is his 1st release of via security crisis. and this was also one of his main promises that he's going to crack down on criminal activities in violence in the country. in the meantime, the situation at the tv station has been resolved the perpetrators, the attack of have been arrested and they may be getting charges for terrorism as well. they've also been reported some incidents at the university of y. a key, for example, with an individual. so activities at the university, but also and other educational institutions have been suspended until friday. so we're talking about a very can situation here. also if it's chaotic, we don't know what is happening when exactly, but basically and noble is declining, tearing war on these criminal games on the violence in the country. and it is very unclear how the situation will unfold in the upcoming hours. also in the upcoming
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days, because this is not only a moment in time, this is probably going to develop further noisiest heads yourself. these attacks are unprecedented and they're more of the type of attacks we typically see from tearing groups. so we know exactly what these gangs are attempting to achieve with these attacks. it is he had a bit unclear of what they wanted to achieve. exactly. this seems to be your reaction to resend a declarations of a state of emergency. for example, that came late friday, also the disappearance of a fee to one of the gang members that you just mentioned there. and also this is a game of power, a game of control that obviously trying to show who is in control of the country lately. it seemed more that a criminal gangs are in control of the country and lots of the drug operations that happened increasing and these past few years actually also being operate for it operated from inside of prisons. so that happened very violent incidents over this past year. for example, in prisons that in connection with drug trafficking, with
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a criminal organization and they have links to cartels and mexico, they have also links to drug or news organizations here in columbia. and actually people in columbia find that a quarter or so right now experience a situation that have seen also in the 1980s for example, was that war on gain crime and drug trafficking, which was very severe and very traumatic for the country. that was the diverse nicole rest. i'm afraid we're going to leave it there. thank you very much for your reporting. researchers have confirmed that 2023 was the hot us here on record the are opinions, copernicus, climate change service looked at the level temperature records going back to $1850.00 and sign just one this year could be even hotter. it's concerning milestones, which didn't come as a surprise to many scientists. the 2nd half of 2023. so and then usual, a streak of daily heat reco. it's being broken bit, according to the european union's copernicus, climate change service last year global average temperature didn't just break the
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record. it shifted it's 2023 has been by a large margin. the word missed year in our record that goes back to the 19 forty's . not telling me that, you know, how likely would we have just been through the word missed year already history. and quite possibly one of the were missed or the word missed of the last 100000 years. research is working on like a parent of his project found that globally 2023 was on average 1.4 degrees celsius boma. then in pre industrial times, they say while the natural el nino, where the phenomenon boosted temperatures, man made climate change was definitely driving the reco would rise. but it's a combination of the so lenient simply contributes waste and possibly other other thoughts develop by immediately. so it is not just kind of change,
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but then it would be impossible to explain this before and go with the temperature . we talked side of things that the one area of particular concern is the ocean. the data shows the surface temperatures also smashed record highs. the 2023 results indicate temperatures, a teetering on 1.5 degree warming. that was the limit set by countries in the 2015 powers climate agreement to avoid the most severe consequences of climate change. but exceeding 1.5 degrees in the short term doesn't mean the cold will be broken all day. we end to 2023, just below you. that 1.5 degree limit. the expectation is that in the coming months we will exceed that $1.00. degrees for a 12 month period, and however, the piracy agreement isn't broken until we've exceeded that $1.00 degree celsius for a long period of time. and by long period i mean 20 s. while the findings don't
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spell the end of the power so agreement, it clearly shows the earth's warming is accelerating. at the scale of the challenge, the world now faces is growing with it. the german chancellor has offered his tribute to the football legend, funds back in bower, recently died at the age of 78 full of shots and beckoned by what was one of the greatest footballers in german and germany. and for many it was simply the kaiser. we will miss him back in the our lead west germany to a world couple in as captain in 1974 and again, his manager in 1990 a cons. beckon's always been much of his career at byron munich, w. as oliver moody was at the munich, rena, with more on the reactions of the desk from spectrum by on this dog day, it is, as you would expect by in munich. the club that for so many years was synonymous with friends. back about that is leading the tributes and you might be able to see
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by in stadium behind me, written on the side of the stadium in light of the woods duncan finds. thank you. friends at the club is also holding discussions of hosting a huge memorial service at full funds back in bella here at the stadium site at by munich. very clearly showing that they want to on a and respect back in bows achievements and his impact at the club. i don't jen football. i have a really 50 years from now when he made his 1st team davey full by and in the sixty's. and on top of that, we've heard from some of a back in bows for my teammates and buying legends li, heard and is saying that no one will ever match up to funds back in bio and confidence at home. and the guy saying, describing him simply as the greatest figure in german football history and you're up to date. but if you have a choice to stick around up next is our documentary series choices. they are dream
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where we take a look at a young indian man aspiring to be about link dancer. and if you need more news, of course you can always go to a website, that's the w. com or check us out with social media or a handle is at the w news. i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. the do these do for fun? vide, do gravitational wave squeeze our body. how do i the drums until the feet, and what's the perfect care for approx side? find the on says get with d. w signs don't need picked up channels. the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smiles now make go stop bog now.


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