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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. he was urges israel to plan for peace with the palestinians. the secretary of state, anthony blink and warrens the daily total of war and civilians and gaza is far too high. he says air of nations want relations with israel, only when a past clubhouse daneen state is clear and ecuador threatens to sink enterprises. the president declares war on drug gangs, boost after a wave of violence include the storming of a tv station of multiple police officers. and we bring you the latest from the consumer electronics and las vegas to see as
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a companion driven by artificial intelligence with a face that can be any age or color you like the iron tipping berlin. thanks for joining us. we begin with roving diplomacy and fears. of expanding violence in the middle east. you are secretary of state anthony, blinking has met with his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and israel's war cabinet blinking re injury to the us as a port for israel and stress that all hostages help and guidance of must be returned. but he also had words of warning for israel, seen the daily total of war on civilians and gaza is far too high. his real has balanced just for him us, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the us, you and many other countries. washington's top, the diplomats arrives in israel. the latest stop in the week long to of the middle
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east, secretary of state antony blinking is cooling for com in the region to prevents for war in gauze from spreading of the sea of lincoln held talks of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. washington is trying to balance support for israel with limits things civilians suffering blinking emphasized with need to protects the people of cause a and increase aid. we know that facing anatomy that embeds itself and once civilians who hides in and fires from schools from hospitals makes this incredibly challenging. but the daily till once it leaves and gaza, particularly on children, is far too high. 3 months of fighting have left to gauze, a devastated thousands of gauze instead, blink and cold on israel to start planning for peace. he said he must do more to
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support to monuments palestinian leaders to hold new settlements and stun pouch set to live islands. it's our unique bond in america's enduring commitment to the people of israel that allows indeed demands that we're as forthright as possible. and the moments when the stakes are highest. one of the choices that are the most, this is one of those moments develop a run has raised very stakes, defense minister, you'll have guidelines as that increasing the pressure once around was critical to preventing the war from spreading iran, which back some us supports and network is minutes in groups throughout the region . previously, rebels and yemen have a tags and seized ships in the red sea. his ball of forces in southern lebanon, a farming rocket. so these royal slide in iraq and syria minutes into line to around have attacked us troops with rockets and drones, were determined again that we uh,
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nazi escalation that we don't have the conflict just read. and we've made that very clear. but of course, if our personnel, if our forces are, are threatened or attacked, we'll take appropriate steps. we'll respond blink, and we'll continue his to on wednesday. he's due to travel to the occupied westbank for talks of palestinian president malcolm mood of us. the master on health ministry and gaza says $126.00 palestinians were killed in is really a tax on tuesday. sarah davies is from the international committee of the red cross and i'm on really are. she gave us this assessment of the current humanitarian situation. in gaza, you know, right now the situation is incredibly dial. what we're seeing is kind of somebody situation that is only was name. i think it's very important that we remember. but regardless of how much a actually inches the, it only needs to be effectively and safely distribution. and right now that's not
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able to happen with things like the ongoing off of to appease the sheer number of people who are, as you said, this place leaving on grades level the degree, the telecommunications challenges, people are not receiving the aid or, or supplies, but they really desperately need, i'll close out to you the best of their abilities, but there are many, many challenges that are currently being faced to use to, to receive a there's a brief look at some other stories making headlines around the world is rarely present because our catalog has condemned south africa's case against israel at the international court of justice. and so i've described the obligation that is really committing genocide and gaza as it approaches preposterous. the court is that to hold its 1st hearing in the case on thursday. germany's foreign ministry ministers
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as a reform pal sending authority must play a major role in gauze as future. don't really bad luck. also insist that the international community has an obligation to organize security in the territory after the war. 2023 was the how does your own record and probably the warmest and the last 100000 years. so say site is that the are being unions, copernicus, climate change service. they found that the global average surface temperature reach 14.98 degrees celsius. last year, in the previous record, 2nd 2016, the phones, new prime minister, done until sc has the cues present under through the of obstructing justice is after police entered the presidential palace to take 2 former ministers to prison, to serve a sentence for abuse of power the 2 former ministers belonged to the law and just as party, which was voted out of office last year, no lied to the president at least, and people have been killed in ecuador, and a wave of violence unleashed by drug gangs prison, daniel,
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no boy has declared 22 of the narco groups to be terrorist organizations, and is ordered that the army take military action against them. the us, as it is extremely worried by the violence, china as close as embassy and consulates in the country. gang series have a least a wave of terror in ecuador, a series of coordinates. it attacks the government just struggling to contain heavy arm, narco storm to tv station in ecuador, as largest city, quite a cube during a live new shuttle to mass gunmen were there to warn ecuadorian snuff to mess with the mafia. police special forces laser arrested all the attackers who dorians watched the brazen attack. horrified, unbelievable. it's the 1st time this has happened in this country. we leave everything to mister preston to the hand of god. is the presidency of to put
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a firm hand on this? because he takes a step back, it'd be worse shop since schools are shas ecuadorian say the prevailing atmosphere is one of fear. i didn't my feeling they'll be a few minutes here. that's too much nervousness in the city. some of them, but i am at work. people are leaving early, all the people are leaving, you see a lot of traffic and alarms everywhere. this chaos about a bit. see if the guy was like a cause of law enforcement personnel are coming. the country for notorious gang boss adult for massey, as known by his abs fee to use the king pin of love. jonetta was one of the most powerful cartels in ecuador. ringback tito apparently fled a high security jail on sunday, a tardy say a 2nd major gang leader and other inmates subsequently escaped from another prison
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. penitentiaries have been focal points of the unrest. there been incidents and at least 6 prisons around the country. police officers guarding the jails, have been kidnapped under reports of explosions here the homes of representatives of the judicial system. ecuador has been racked by a surge of violence in recent years, tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnapping. the country will be in a state of emergency for 60 days, during which officials can suspend people's rights and mobilize the army in places including prism to. so what exactly does it mean when the president says he's declared a state of internal arm conflict? that's a question i put the dw nicole reese air and what we are watching here on fold in these past few hours is really unprecedented for a quote. this is just another low and the whole security crisis that the country
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has been in during these past years. really and president done, you know, boy really is trying to correct down on the situation is trying to get it back on the control. this declaration is basically enabling military and also police force has to be increased on the streets, the able to intervene, not only on the streets, but also to crack down inside of buildings and business happening as we're speaking . no, boy, in his declaration also said that he wants to, uh, and his words neutralize more than 20 of the criminal gangs in the country. he only took office in november. so this is his 1st release of via security crisis. and this was also one of his main promises that he's going to crack down on criminal activities and violence in the country. in the meantime, the situation at the tv station has been resolved the perpetrators, the attack of have been arrested and they may be getting charges for terrorism as well. they've also been reported some incidents at the university of why a key, for example, with on individual. so activities at the university,
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but also and other educational institutions have been suspended until friday. so we're talking about a very can situation here. also if it's k all take, we don't know what is happening when exactly, but uh, basically mobile is declining, tearing war on these criminal games on the violins in the country. and it is very unclear how the situation will unfold in the upcoming hours. also in the upcoming days, because this is not only a moment in time, this is probably going to develop further the noisiest hens yourself. these attacks are unprecedented and there are more of the type of attacks we typically see from tearing groups. so we know exactly what these gangs are attempting to achieve with these attacks. it is he had a bit unclear of what they wanted to achieve. exactly the seems to be you reaction to resend a declarations of a state of emergency. for example, that came late friday, also the disappearance of a fee to of one of the gang members that you just mentioned there. and also this is
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a game of power, a game of control that obviously trying to show who is in control of the country. lately, it seemed more that a criminal gangs are in control of the country. and lots of the drug operations that have been increasing and these past few years actually also being operate for operated from inside of prisons. so that happened very violent incidents over the past year. for example, in prisons, but in connection with drug trafficking, with a criminal organization and they have links to cartels and mexico, they have also links to drug or news organizations here in columbia. and actually people in columbia find that a quarter or so right now experience a situation that have seen also in the 1980s, for example, with that war on gain crime and drug trafficking, which was very severe and very traumatic for the country. that was the doctor's nicole wrist. i'm afraid we'd have to leave it there. thank you very much for your reporting gadgets. using artificial intelligence with the main. draw the ones because consumer electronics fair, the c s,
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dark side of bright nights, how artificial light affects nature. and if you need more news on the go, we can always check out our website with you w. com. or you can check us out. and social media or a handle is at the w news on there until berlin. you very much for training in the can you hear the we are all set. we are watching close all the to bring you the story behind the new your own about on volume information for free might do to me in
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the big city at night dark this no longer exists in many places around the world.


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