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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. b wasn't, were just israel. the plan for peace with the palestinians. your secretary of state anthony, blinking towards the daily total of war on civilians and cause like as far too high . he says, error of nations, one better relations with israel, but only when a pass to style palestinian statehood is clear and ecuador threatens to sink the crisis. the president says his country is that withdrawn games placed after a wave of definitely violence, stormy every tv station member kicked off of police officers the
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and there until berlin. welcome to the program. we begin with roving diplomacy and fears of expanding violence in the middle east and the next few hours west secretary of state anthony blinking is due to meet with palestinian leaders in the occupied west bank. blinking reiterated us support for israel during talks on tuesday with seniors rarely leaders, but he also urged is real to reduce the toll of the war on civilians. in gauze of israel has what happened to destroy him us, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the us. you and other nations, secretary of state um to the blinking is cooling for com in the region to prevents for war ink also from spreading of the i see a link and how talks are prime minister benjamin netanyahu. washington is trying to balance support for israel with limiting civilian, suffering, blink,
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and emphasized with need to protect the people of gaza and to increase aid. we know that facing anatomy that embeds itself among civilians who hides in and fires from schools from hospitals. makes this incredibly challenging. but the daily till once it leaves and gaza, particularly on children, is far too high. 3 months of fighting have left to gaza, devastated thousands of gauze instead, blink and cold on israel to start planning for peace. he said he must do more to support the monuments palestinian leaders to hold new settlements and stun pouts set to live islands. it's our unique bond in america's enduring commitment to the people of israel that allows indeed demands that we're as forthright as possible. in the moments where the stakes are highest, when the choices about of the most. this is one of those moments develop
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a round has raised the very stakes, defense minister, your wife gallant said, increasing the pressure once around was critical to preventing the war from spreading a run, which back. so mass supports and network is minutes in groups throughout the region . previously, rebels and yemen have attacks and seized ships, and the red sea has ball of forces in southern lebanon, a farming rocket. so these rail while in iraq and syria minutes into line to around have attacked us troops with rockets and drones, were determined again that we uh, nazi escalation that we don't have the conflict just read. and we've made that very clear. but of course, if our personnel, if our forces are, are threatened or attacked, will take appropriate steps will respond blink and will continue his tool. on wednesday, he's due to travel to the occupied westbank, the talks of palestinian president mach mood of us dw atanya kramer joins us now
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from jerusalem for more. so tanya, the secretary of state has been fine to come thing down in the region. is there any indication that he's having success of the slow, we can say you certainly comes at a critical time. and as you heard in the report, know, 3 months into the war in garza, but also heightened tensions between israel and has the law. and this was northern border with a southern liber known but also in other regions, like with the many of these and the red sea. so a reef heard again from the us secretary and the blinking that he's pushing to scale down the intensity of this strikes in gaza saying the daily told on the civilian population and gaza is part are too high. you also said that he's pushing for this uh uh, as an assessment mission to northern goals of the united nations to see when
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a published in residence of had to flee or, and to back here to the southern pods or could come back home. now it's really military and the other end has announced that they are changing the combat tactics in the noise of gaza, but they would be intensified uh they're offensive in the south, especially around the city of con eunice. and on the other phone, in the north of you hearing from the united states, from the engine to thinking that he said that he would push for diplomatic solution to find a diplomatic solution. a between has blah and israel. but having seen, you know, in the past weeks that have been a lot of close for the texas has been intensifying. so it's due to see whether this will work out. and if we can stay with the diplomatic solution for a 2nd, anthony blink, and also called for the realization the palestinian state. when the war is over, however, that's something benjamin netanyahu has rejected in the past. well,
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this is certainly something that the united states and this will at least every, this government are not on the same page. uh, apartment is 20 minutes and you know, has said time and time. and again, that he doesn't support a palestinian, the creation of a palestinian state. and that is also a, certainly a what you can say of his fall right? religious clinician part in this, in this government opinion, media terrace, even such here has prevented dependent stream of states. but entering the, blinking, made it very clear. yes to, to reach indeed is, especially also you have to looks and saudi arabia and that's with connecting the dots before october 7th. there was talked about just potential normalization between those 2 countries. but he has made clear that those region indeed is only see a possibly, you know, for peace and security in the region if there's a possibly to palestinian state. and that is where it would have to make hard
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choices. there was dw tonya claim right. there was one, thank you very much for your reporting. now, the potential for the conflict to spread is even more evident in southern lebanon, where it has been militants and israel had been involved in cross border classes since october. the 7th on tuesday is real released a video of what it says was a strike against a senior. has the commander is realized, says i leave. we're seeing margie was in charge of has the lowest rose and southern level. not also on tuesday, large crowds turned out for the funeral of another senior husband, a leader killed in his really air strike in southern lebanon. on monday for more on now joined by dw is of us ok chalet, who is reporting from the route for us. so israel says it is killed, senior has bull, a commander ali who has seen biology in a strong culture. hezbollah denies this. how important is he actually says is more than your own. um 1st i cannot uh confirm or deny that as below the come ones that
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are as low as go the some website they live in on. i've confirmed this information for source sources for visible have denied it is what i usually moans any of it. so if i don't, so i'll come on those codes, publishing good for some photos of all of them. as we saw in the last few weeks, as example over his beloved public relations website, denied this claims stating that the commander was never subjected to any destination in the states or referred to him as a commander of the throne units indicating that he is one of the most important when they come on those, as well as will often maintains a secrecy in regarding to its officials, names or informations as a part of a long standing strategy. sometimes names emerge often today is like if something is bar, the fate is still on determined. now turning to the political side,
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lebanon's prime minister said that he's ready for talks on long term stability with along the country. southern border with his real but he could, but could he pressure hezbollah on that and looked at and send us the creation of the economy and they really been on opera on the verge of collapse. i know the states is suffering from inflation and the people and even on the i was tired of putting court cases. the south coast mix has, well, i think twice before escalating the conflict in the south as well. uh, is aware of this uh, the custodian, and on of his glass on the seller has mentioned in his speech several times that he understands the situation situation and we've been on. it's not the secret that the kind of coordination between has will of the government ended, and that was the doctor's office. i'll go strongly reporting for us from beaver. thank you very much. thank you. i to
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return to south america now, whereby once in ecuador has exploded into what the country's president has called an internal armed conflict against frog gangs. daniel, no boy has declared 22 nautical groups as terrorist organizations, and has ordered the army to neutralize them. at least 8 people have been killed in various attack so far, the west as it's extremely worried by the violence in china as close as embassies and consulates in the country. gang series have a least a wave of terror in ecuador, the series of coordinators attacks the government just struggling to contain heavy armed arcos storm to tv station in ecuador, his largest city, quiet cube. during a live new show, the mass gunmen were there to warn ecuadorian enough to mess with the mafia. police special forces laser arrested all the attackers who dorians watched the brazen attack. horrified? unbelievable!
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it's the 1st time this has happened in this country. we leave everything to mister preston to the hand of god. is the presidency up to put a firm hand on this? because he takes a step back. it'd be worse. shops in schools or shows this echo dorian said the prevailing atmosphere is one of fear. i am assuming maybe a few minutes. it is too much nervousness in the city. nothing but i'm at work. people are leaving early. all the people are leaving. you see a lot of traffic and alarms everywhere. this chaos about a bit. see if the goal is that the cause of law enforcement personnel are combing the country for notorious gang boss adolfo massey as known by his abs. vito use the king pin of last jonetta was one of the most powerful cartels in ecuador. tito apparently fled a high security jail on sunday, a tardy say
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a 2nd major gang leader and other inmates subsequently escaped from another prison . penitentiaries have been focal points of the unrest. there been incidents and at least 6 prisons around the country. police officers guarding the jails, have been kidnapped under reports of explosions here the homes of representatives of the judicial system. ecuador has been racked by a surge of violence in recent years, tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnapping. the country will be in a state of emergency for 60 days, during which officials can suspend people's rights and mobilize the army in places including prism so in the face of unprecedented violence. what exactly does it mean when a president declares a state of internal arm conflict? that's a question i put the, the up with who dw is nicole reese earlier. so what we are watching here unfolding
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these past few hours is really unprecedented for a while, or this is just another low and the whole security crisis that the country has been in during these past years, really. and president done, you know, boy really is trying to correct down on the situation is trying to get it back on the control. this declaration is basically enabling military and also police force has to be increased on the streets, the able to intervene, not only on the streets, but also to crack down inside of buildings. and this is happening as we're speaking . no, boy, in his declaration also said that he wants to, uh, and his words neutralize more than 20 of the criminal gangs in the country. he only took office in november. so this is his 1st release of the security crisis. and this was also one of his main promises that he's going to crack down on criminal activities in violence in the country. in the meantime, the situation at the tv station has been resolved the perpetrators, the attack of have been arrested and they may be getting charges for terrorism as
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well. they've also been reported some incidents at the university of why a key, for example, with an individual. so activities at the university, but also and other educational institutions have been suspended until friday. so we're talking about a very can situation here. also if it's chaotic, we don't know what is happening when exactly. but basically, and mobile is declining, tearing work on these criminal games on the violence in the country. and it is very unclear how the situation will unfold in the upcoming hours also in the upcoming days. because this is not only a moment in time. this is probably going to develop further, still watching dw news, and here's a reminder of the top story. we're following for you at this hour. your secretary of state, anthony, blinking has said the daily tool of war and civilians and gauze likes far too high . after meeting is rarely leaders, he said, palestinians must be able to return home,
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blinking his own diplomatic towards the middle east painting to stop the war and concert from spreading up. next, or documentary serious choices looked at a young indian man aspiring to be a ballet dancer. i remember this much more news on our website. that's the w comp there and took berlin. thank you very much for joining us. the so either in spring and do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what, that's my thoughts or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is not. i want my son to become a doctor to in the cloud. it's time to to get your generation with
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a sleep asked and then.


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