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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the definitely news line from the, the us just israel to plan for peace with the palestinians. the secretary of state, tons of me think and wants of a dining tone of war on civilians in gaza is too high and says out of nations, one passively licensed with israel, but only when a product to a palestinian state who it is placed. also on the program, ecuador sinks into crisis. the president says he's congress involved with drugs guys after a wife of that'd be violence. the storming of a tv station on the kidney of police officers
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the, i'm feel gay. welcome to the program. we begin in the middle east about in the next few hours us secretary of state antony plane can is to to meet with palestinian leaders in the occupied westbank during talks with senior is regularly, excuse me, as regular leaders on tuesday. mister blinking reiterated to us support for israel and coal for a reduction of the tone of the war on guns and civilians. israel has value to destroy how mass, which is classified as a terrorist organization, by the us, a, you and others. secretary of state, i'm to the blinking is cooling for calm in the region to prevents for war in gaza from spreading of the sea of lincoln held towards the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. washington is trying to balance support for israel
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with limiting civilians suffering blink, and emphasized with need to protects the people of cause a and increase aid. we know that facing anatomy that embeds itself among civilians who hides in and fires from schools from hospitals makes this incredibly challenging. but the daily til on ceilings and gaza, particularly on children, is far too high. 3 months of fighting have left to gaza, devastated thousands of gauze instead, blinking code on israel to start planning for peace. he said he must do more to support the model. it's palestinian leaders to hold new settlements and stump out such a low balance. it's our unique bond in america's and during commitment to the people of israel that allows indeed demands that we're as forthright as possible. and the moments with the stakes are highest. one of the choices that are the most,
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this is one of those moments develop a round has raised the very stakes, defense minister, your wife gallant said increasing the pressure once around, was critical to preventing the war from spreading a run, which back to mass supports and network is minutes in groups throughout the region . pc rebels and yemen have attacks and seized ships in the red sea. his ball, a forces in southern lebanon, a farming rocket. so these rail as while in iraq and syria minutes into the lines of a run have attacked us troops with wall kits and drones were determined again that we uh, nazi escalation that we don't have the conflict just read. and we've made that very clear. but of course, if our personnel, if our forces are, are threatened or attacked, will take appropriate steps will respond blink and will continue his tool. on wednesday, he's due to travel to the occupied westbank,
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the talks of palestinian president. malcolm moved a bus aspect correspondents, tanya kramer, in jerusalem about the engineer lincoln's efforts to calm the situation as well. what you can say certainly is that his visit comes at a critical time, no free month into the war in go so, but also with heightened tensions between israel and they live in each group has fuller in the north. and also of course attentions with the human eye to these in the red sea. now what he's been seeing again is that of us secretary of state, just me thinking, pushed again israel to scale down the intensity of the strikes in garza and the he said that the daily tools for the civilian population is far too high. he also said that they agreed on the united nation
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mission to add in, in the northern part of casa, to assess the damage. so that a, a goes into, had to flee a to the south. where sheltering there are able to go back home. that this is very important at the half of the time for you to go back home to their homes of what is left of them about to be also heard the is really on the same before the visit that they're changing the tactics they come, but tactics as they put it in the north, but that, that intensifying the offensive in the south, mainly around the city of con eunice. and now when it comes to the tensions between israel and has fuller, those united states have said that again, they will be pushing for diplomatic solution. but you've seen a lot of cross fortify hit in the past days and weeks. and it's due to see whether
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this diplomatic approach used any results must have been could also call for the coal phone negotiations towards the establishment of a palestinian state after the war. which benjamin netanyahu has rejected in the past? yeah, i think this is certainly something when it comes to a scenario is or talking about post of war, a guy, so that the united states and is, well, i'm not exactly on the same page. this is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly said that he doesn't support the creation of a palestinian state. and that certainly also goes for his father, writes religious ministers in his government cabinet ministers and coordination partners. but to mister blink, and also stressed that she was individually talked to regional leaders. and they said, you know, they needs to be a pos way to palestinian states to get to security and peace in the region. and that means also that is what it has to make some hard choices. i grew up tonya
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tonya trailer in jerusalem but take a look at some old stories, making news around the world will starting poland, where police have entered the presidential palace to arrest of 2 former ministers and were due to so sentenced as full abuse of power holdings new prime minister going towards the coast actually was president andre due to of obstructing obstructing justice president due to the to phone the ministers belong to the law and justice policy, which was voted hours of office last year. i a millions of computers here in jeremy . you know, facing massive disruption because of a 3 day stride called by the train drivers units, the strikes affecting cargo and passenger transport. the main rail operator has cancelled thousands of trains. it's the latest move in the long running dispute to pay and working conditions to equitable violence has exploded into other
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countries. presidents as cold and internal conflict against drug guns. daniel the bo has declared 20 to knock a groups of terrorist organizations, answers or the army to neutralize them. at least 8 people have been killed in various attacks. the us as a string, worried by the violence and china, has closed, its embassy and culture lives in the country. gangsters have at least a wave of terror in ecuador, a series of coordinated attacks. the government is struggling to contain heavily arm narco storm to tv station in ecuador, the largest city, quite a keel during a live new show, the mass gun, and so they were there to warn ecuadorian not to mess with the mafia. the attack was swift in violent video, but out of the shot for one of our camera man in the leg broke the arm of another one. the 5 bullets they use their weapons inside one tv station employee who wants to conceal his identity,
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share what he saw is tom or remember that we are in the news room. as all of a sudden, i saw one of my colleagues with a terrified look on his face. then he said, they're coming to kill us. they've already got inside the t v station. and then i heard gunshots and a lot of noise. and then what i did was was get out of the area where the editor was born. i grew up my phone and i started running like crazy towards the safety. ask to speak to someone about 30 minutes after the government appeared. police could be seen entering the tv station. the gangsters were captured. but the attack ecuadorian is horrified. unbelievable. it's the 1st time this has happened in this country. we leave everything to mister preston to the hand of god. mister president, you have to put a firm hand on this because if he takes a step back,
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it'd be worse. shops and schools are shut the door and say the prevailing atmosphere is one of the 2 year thousands of law enforcement personnel are coming. the country for notorious gang boss. how does on macias, known by his alias, vito? he's the king pin of last to narrow. one of the most powerful cartels in ecuador veto apparently fled a high security jail on sunday. authorities say a 2nd major gang leader and other inmates subsequently escaped from another prison . penitentiaries have been the focal points beyond rest. there have been incidents and at least 6 prisons around the country police officers guarding the jail, been kidnapped. and there are reports of explosions near the homes of representatives of the judicial system. eco door has been racked by
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a surge of violence in recent years, tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnappings. as the country will be in a state of emergency for 60 days, during which officials can suspend people's rights and mobilize the army in places including prisons. so what's all this about won't fall for grub and dolph is a political scientist who specializes in alaska in american foreign and skokie policy. he joins us now. a welcome to the w. ecuador. does sound like is descending into advocate, what's really going on? well, we have really 2 types going on, the big it to protect. what do i have to know that we have security notes against cover those fighting and we have coming out against the government fight that unfortunately, the, this is situation in ecuador is very violent,
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not only because of the criminal tax and the presents which have been taken over by some of chicago gangs, but also the text is very much involved in that process. right. but this doesn't come out of nowhere does it. so i was involved in these guys to this thing that they can take on the government. well, it just is there to do it in general that the more did in countries where drug trafficking was very important all the time, like blue and uh, columbia is taking very strong measures against it in ecuador, which used to be only a transit country press, become now, the main country for, to come to the gang, including international gang subjects of guns, opinions. there are a lot of gangs involved in that process and the government has not been able to
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do anything against it. the last government, the new government is not fighting for establishing secuity. right? so. okay, so equity, the weight length that i'm, what can you tell us about the gotten lead? so all these guys, well, the gang of the, this, uh, which browser scraped one this feet go the head as it was said before, a blessed to the doors, which is probably the biggest and the most, there's a big gang. and the other one is probably unclear on from los lobos and both of them are fighting each other and both of them attending the public that the government is involved on the other side. so we have just put this is, jason sits, is a situation where it is not clear to what extent could you use and military have also being brought boss threatened by the criminal gangs,
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right. so it starts on the so itself, it's a whole system of government, which is also in this certainly biogen stage as a break from does the government have a strategy to re gain control? no, i'm from the does not type of strategy. they have announced that they will take over all of the presence by the military. but the military itself is already clear. it is not willing to do that because they know exactly what that means for the situation. and also as a government forces, it has no capacity really to fight all those committed games, right? because they have games have financial and infrastructure possibilities which school fall of probably beyond what the government can put on the street. okay,
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so it's a very good fights. it's a moment right, and have to leave it there both drop and door, but best fast. i think thank you so much for talking us through it. thank you. i'll set you up today. i'll be back at the top of the have a good day. the do these do for fun via do gravitational waves please? uh body. how do i the drums until the feet and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says get with dw signs on the picked up channels. the


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