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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news life from by the us process, leaders across the middle east to make peace, us secretary of states and to meet blinking is meeting with the palestinian authority president my food about in the west bank. i'm going very helpful. so we have israel, and it's our neighbors saying not possible steps to gauze as possible future also on the program, ecuador stinks into crisis. the president says he's countries of with drug scotts after a way of that, the violence, the storming of between the station and the kid mass of police officers properly.
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germany tries to a halt as a 3 day rail stripe triggers consultations across the country. on humans, we will of move to come to have the latest from the world of consumer electronics in las vegas, including a companion and driven by artificial intelligence with a face that can be any age old color. you like the i'm feel okay, welcome to the program. we begin in the occupied westbank where the us secretary of state is holding tools with palestinian leaders on to me. blink. and has been meeting with palestinian or pharmacy president would abbas in romulus washington, hopes of palestinian all sorts. it could govern garza after israel's world with a mass. mister blinking is on a different logic tour of the middle east to try and prevent the conflict from spreading. you know, yeah, it's is right,
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and you need us to reduce the number of civilian casualties as a bottled time us, which kind of that deadly at heart attacks in israel, 3 months ago of the let's go straight to the correspondent tanya kramer, in general to the welcome a target. so the secretary states a is visiting a policy and present mahmoud abbas what those key i want to achieve that. well i think of you a secretary of state and blinking has set last night in his press conference that he wants to talk to the palestinian leader about the post war scenarios. what role the posting authority can play, but also about reforms that would be necessary. uh for the uh, forward you to play a role in postwar garza now the policy and the servers the does on the real part of the occupied westbank. it's not in garza since 2007. it's also not very popular
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among many pablo statements after no election since 2006. and i think the posting and leadership would like to hear from the secretary of state or the americans. what they do uh to end the war in gaza. a to protect publishing and civilians, not trusting god, but also in the occupied of westbank. we also heard a engineer blinking, they're talking about the increase. the concern about increased secular violence by extreme is really settlers in the occupied westbank. concerned about a more displacement. they're more demolitions as well, and another really important topic for the palestinians. that is the release of the tax revenues that the is really government has withheld. know for quite a long time and also a, a engineer blink and a has said that this is very important, for example,
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as the palestinian security forces, a page reset, tax revenues for the palestinian authority. so a to for the it's also important for israel. so it's security, it's a 2 basically strength and the posting authority and not to reconnect further. it's blinking as also cold on israel to be a pot and that to palestinian leaders. how likely is that given the current conflict? was think this at the moment, not much common ground between the the is rarely provides religious government and the palestinian authority report. many times also a from the is really government that they don't see a new role for the palestinian authority in because a strip of to the war uh, ends the to the also, you know, and they're, they're not really on the same page of the united states. because uh we heard again
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the secretary of state saying that they would like to see also the creation of a palestinian state, at least in the long term are you also has talked to reach and lead us about this on his tour here through the middle east. and uh no that is it coming round to say uh to achieve peace and security in the region that needs to be a palestinian state. but again, this seems to be quite far off as long as the word is ongoing. okay, thank you for that. so tonya kramer insurance will start is making headlines around the world. a gentleman, foreign minister on the line, a bad bulk is in the lab and on where she's been holding tools for the countries can take a prime minister and the jeep and the coffee discussed tensions. between israel and the shy tut lebanese has belong, melisha babel would also visit german soldiers stationed on a frigate in the bay road hob during the trip place,
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and poland events of the presidential palace and the rest of 2. former ministers are due to such sentences for abuse of power. holden's new prime minister don't tell us coach section is the present andre, due to of obstructing justice president, due to on the 2 former ministers belong to the law and justice policy, which was supposed to that to of office last year. boeing has accepted blame for friday's incident in which a panel on alaska airlines playing blow out to the fuselage. me that no one was seriously hurt when the casing hold appeared on the side of the jack. us play make a c e o. so as a company will work with a pharmacist, to determine the exact cause of ecuador which has exploded into other countries, present as cold and internal conflict against drug skaggs daniel new bo has declared 20 to knock a groups of 10 roost organizations and does order the army, to neutralize them, at least 8 people they've been killed in various attacks. the us as a string,
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the worried by the violent china has close its embassy and come, she lives in the country. the gangsters have at least a wave of terror in ecuador, a series of coordinated attacks. the government is struggling to contain heavily arm narco storm to tv station in ecuador, the largest city, quite a keel during a live new show. the mass gun and so they were there to warn ecuadorian not to mess with the mafia. the attack was swift in violent video, but out of the shot for one of our camera man in the leg broke the arm of another one. the fired bullets they use their weapons inside one tv station employee who wants to conceal his identity, shared what he saw. just almost remember that we are in the news room. all of a sudden i saw one of my colleagues with a terrified look on his face,
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and he said they're coming to kill us. they've already got inside the t v station. and then i heard gunshots and a lot of noise. and then what i did was was get out of the area where the editor was born. i grew up my phone and i started running like crazy towards the safety. ask to speak to someone about 30 minutes after the government appeared. police could be seen entering the tv station. the gangsters were captured. but the attack ecuadorian is horrified. unbelievable. it's the 1st time this has happened in this country. we leave everything to mister preston to the hand of god. is the presidency of to put a firm hand on this because he takes a step back. it'd be worth shops in schools, a shot secretary and say the prevailing atmosphere is one of the 2 year thousands of law enforcement personnel are coming. the country for notorious gang boss,
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a how does, on must see, is known by his alias, detail. he's the king pin of last to narrows. one of the most powerful cartels in ecuador veto, apparently fled a high security jail on sunday. authorities say a 2nd major gang leader and other inmates subsequently escaped from another prison penitentiaries have been the focal points beyond rest. there have been incidents and at least 6 prisons around the country. police officers guarding the jail, been kidnapped, and there are reports of explosions near the homes of representatives of the judicial system. ecuador has been racked by a surge of violence in recent years, tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnappings. the country will be in a state of emergency for 60 days,
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during which officials can suspend people's rights and mobilize the army in places including prisons. let's look at basically that voted for cut off and off. it was a political scientist specializing in lots and american farm on security policy. welcome back to dw ecuador, it does sound like it's the same thing into advocate what's really going on. well, it is not an actor yet, but it's on the wait in the to it, but we have is. so we have 2 different was intolerable. what's going on at the same time. one is that the 2 most important gangs, or couldn't all come and else. let's try this. the law square loss. so it's, i the moment fight to each other and try think of the government. and this situation makes it so difficult to flip the government. you don't need to put up the front, the guns. right?
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and this concept come from nowhere. so how have they become so powerful? a they have become so powerful because they have 1st wrecked was the mexican countertops. most of the large groups, 12 groups altogether have connections to the mexican countertop outs and the half kinds of administer painted from them and doing the work loosely got to transit of ducks and such things. but that's not only deluxe, it's also exhaustion. and it's also control of see the different presence, the country, and that makes the system so difficult to fight and tell us about the gun lean is involved, especially the best best one who's disappeared. well, the gang of the best,
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both of them run this feet or the other one is probably on clear on the notes of the long experience. they have spent 2 years in prison already and one must understand the presence and by those different groups. so the prisons are controlled by them and therefore it is, but i but easy for them to move out of the cousins. that's why the government wants that the military takes over the cousins. but the military is not very much enjoying that idea. and this kind of trying to resist this demand from the president. ok, so we have a situation where a open war fat again was against guns, guns against the government, the gangs controlling a prison. this 11 does, does the ecuadorian government have the way with it will have the actual capacity and the non corrupt to will to actually take these gangs on and with as that is 6 through the plan to mention the non crude up,
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the bill is necessary part of the government is in raft, in those type of violence, or at least the payments which companies all of the supply the rights and the police as well as it will tell you have odds of them, which i just, i couldn't tact was the get committed groups become a groups also control parts of the country and therefore it is a situation where it only will get worse before 10. but thank you so much for telling us that. so that's a political scientist of both good. i've been doing. thank you. i see your train, which is in need of more troops and discussions that are underway, about changes to the way soldiers to mobilize a new draft bill would increase pedal tickets for people who dodge the draft and to make more citizens eligible for conscription on sources. so,
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so far last week remain on top is women around $42000.00 women are currently estimating to be serving in the ukraine army and increase of 40 percent on 2021. the year before russia's full scale invasion. at least 5 thousands of that was reported to the up to have been deployed at the front academy when a company conscripted to have to actively enlist if they want to stuff new training camps are offering them off the shooters to prepare for combat roles. so when you finally kind of revolts of taking aim at the enemy for the building to a basic goals and fire arms and open combat in a photo somewhere on the outskirts of keys only for women. unless the c a is a film producer and keeps it all just like she's never touched a rifle before. the shirts, the knowledge skills are very relevant. and you can't,
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we don't know what could come next month with the war to drag gone for years. go ahead and so women can also be useful on the front focus more than political to spend the floor and on this to see a hasn't decided whether she sign up to join the army like she like many others here wants to be capable. tatiana, his son is in the army. she wants to be ready to join him, to look into something for him. fortunately, running out to fight to the throne nelson of people and resources. so we have to be prepared for you. uh, all the volunteers from the army awful women, jo, listens on handling the rightful though and put them to the pieces. the piano hits organize the course, as well as taking part by 2 ladies. everyone has different reasons for being here. of course, and people have traumatized that so many women come from other cities or there are women who will under occupation to check these 2 nights. women bring some clothes
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to move like therapy as minutes, as those who come on to overcome the fancy stuff. the whole digital boyd, so like on the 26 year old fields manager wants to join a combat unit in the army applicant, which i saw the buck shut off. and i'm still learning, trying to call it the 1st time i had to show my rounds. but my panic, depending upon you all the same, but now i feel comfortable that you was looking, that she has a personal reason for controlling the ministry at home in keys on the shows us the husband on 3. he's been missing on the front lines over to your brother was also fighting and it's also missing. and i believe the russians have them. she spent months trying to find out what happened to them. now though, i know has decided to become a soldier and your friends you a little bit, i understand that if i don't do anything,
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then i will fall into despair and it will only get worse. so i think i'll be able to achieve something there. and i hope that i will get some information should towards your question for much. she's done her research on the plans to join the ukrainian armies towed assault, applegate, which she says already has women. long as the thing, maybe it's been all that. yeah, i'm not afraid to die. i'm afraid not to find my husband and brother name the others, which i'm back in the forest. it's clear that there's a long road ahead that says which on it will be very difficult for all this to work out. a girl like me who is a civilian and who has no experience and wants to become a combat soldier. i will really need to prove myself to a determination is for them and who it is increasingly steady. let's get more on this from the deputies ukraine bureau chief of nic connelly who joins us from key welcome. and they will start with this proposed legislation,
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which is on the stand. i'm doesn't to make female conscription, compulsory but does make it easier for women to enlist. and i think it's important to just stress that not old people. uh, if the doings mich training would be going through a soap or gate as the protagonist and of the, in the report. there are lots of roles. and the only that all far away from the front lines or at least not directly on them. and there are lots of doctors needed, there are people in logistics, there's the kind of technical maintenance or a huge amount of for an equipment that is increasingly complex to keep going. and i think it has to be stressed that on top of that, there are no long stretches of border between ukraine and fellow say, where there is variance on the way of defense and territory defense. those kind of civilian soldiers that we saw at the beginning of the war just turning up to fight . that is crucial. ukraine does not have enough train soldiers to cover the whole border. and so i think it's important that something it's increasingly seeing here
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in your brain that people have the skills to fight effect pulled up to do so. right . and so these proposals for a new strict conscription how, how are they going down? it was pretty controversial, at least initially, especially the fact that the age is not going to be going down from 27 to 25. the idea of was basically to protect man who still haven't got married, haven't had families to make sure that basically ukraine has a demographic future. this is the country is raising millions of people, especially young families and women with children leaving for western europe mainly . and is the real fear that if too many of those many younger cohorts lose their lives or a wounded, that ukraine might face a huge price in the future in terms of children not born. but, you know, given that lots of people being fucking now pretty much without a break since the beginning of this one year on 2 years, there is a real need to give those people who, being on the front lines, arrest
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a time to regroup and send you people this are now people from 25 will be sent. there are some exemptions for people who are studying for instance. um, but i think that is a compromise that such a here is willing to accept and lots of people you talk to on the front lines say that 25 is still too high. that people should be fighting from the age of 20. as soon as they basically all physically ready to as soon as they're out of high school, maybe even so there is a lot of contention about this. but for now that is the step becomes willing to take an and a quick. what about the those exemptions? i have these problems, i've been resolved where conscripts cons, got some higher income families. what bribing that way out of the draft there's some really big scandals here in the summer when you had an a desa region official who was responsive to the draft. was found that he bought a luxury real estate in spain during the war. sleep from bribes, not something he could have paid with his no move wages and pulls those officials with fight across the country. now there is to cut the new people, potentially less corrupt,
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but that has been problems in terms of getting enough people together about draft enough for the ministries needs. i think move on to this is about saying it's not just about corruption, but about making sure that everyone page and the it takes caught in goal that not just some families of sending people to fight. that is the real contention issue here. and you really see people asking what their neighbors are doing, what their friends are doing. and if people are really trying to get out of paying, you know, the price that this country is expecting, this is and okay, thank you. nick nick connelly in case steven germany, millions of commuters sizing massive disruption because an a 3 day stride called by the train drive is used in the main rail operates or don't. your bonds has console thousands of trays, leaving only a few running companies urging people to postpone non essential travel strikes and they just move in a long running dispute to overpay and working ops and dw is jenny graham
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gave me the view from bell in central station a good morning so well, it's not a good morning for anyone looking to travel by train in germany today. i'm here at fair them central station on the platform that would normally be packed full of people crammed with commuters. but today, many of them will if they can be working from home because 3 days of strike action, as you said, have just started. and a very, very few trains are running and those are likely to be severely delayed. well, days before the strike, the driven around my company, i don't, your bon offered to talk about cuts a working hours, which is one of the main, one of unions made demands. why did they press on with this strike rather than negotiate well, it was actually touching, go as to whether they straight quick go ahead earlier this week door to buy and try to seek an injunction from
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a specialist labor court in order just to try to start this industrial action that court said no and the strike is happening. the union wants a reduction in working hours, specifically for people working shift patterns, looking to reduce, working iris from 6 to 8 to 35 hours a week, but with no reduction in pay. there don't you bond says that's not possible, not just financially, but because of a shortage of skilled workers. it's well documented that germany faces a severe shortage of skilled labor. the government is actually trying to provide incentives for people to move here for all the broad to fill those positions. so. so the strike is going ahead today because talks between the union and the national real all for you to do what you find have been deadlocked. for months now, your german has been hit by series of strikes and industrial option. widespread protests at the moment,
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blocking roads and highways. tell us more about that of the yes . well, many people who would have been taking the train to they might have thought that they could jump in the car, but really the situation on highway is it more to repeat that most are ways as an a . is it going to be much bass or as we've seen before, things right. the week on t w's. farmers and people working in the agricultural effects are happening, taking to, to, to the highways, to, to protect again, costs to fuel subsidies, need to be in bronze and berg roads. many roads are already blocked and the action is, is going to last, right? they don't far from where i am here at the branch of birth date. tractors are part of this action is going to go on right series, next monday, comedy saying and a massive protest where people from a ride and germany are going to join the farmers protesting here. so a lot going on. thanks jenny, i dw jenny graham. how about in
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a central station gadgets using artificial intelligence? so the main joe of the world's biggest consumer electronics fad, which is just open in las vegas over the next few over the last few decades. the consumer electronic sho, as launch many of our best loved guess most from cd player as to smartphones visit . it's less about the hardware a more about who's in control. as the face of a on this to actually we have table top device has a face for everyone like google isn't doing any color any age the message, hey, i is just as individual as everyone else out there. and if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by a i, and don't know if we can trust that technology, which device are you looking to stay with you very you any emotions? i understand that some people might feel a bit apprehensive about a i. but let me assure you, i'm here to make a interactions easy going to enjoy. think of me as
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a friendly companion can provide helpful insights, engaging meaningful conversations, and offer a different perspective. i'm designed to be a supportive and non judge mental presence in your life. sounds cool if you're a techie looking for the latest gadgets, but even the friendliest face provides little reassurance to those worried about a i generated cyber attacks already have a i written fake news and other ex, essential threats. society might not be prepared for, etc. yes. these questions are taking a back seat, so you can just treat already sees a i everywhere. you already have it. and many of the devices that you're using, whether you've got a phone with you or your, your maybe your, your apple watch or otherwise a highest starting really to be everywhere. and the already here is, is that the more that it becomes imbedded, the less you're actually going to see it, because it's going to become more human in the way it works. for now, a i will assisting computers and cars and phones and whatever, there's this,
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but the big questions remain unanswered terrier that sets you up today, it's cetera. county will have more world news of the top of the our next on dw, close up to accept the difficult choices uh, facing health care. because you know, the, the,
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the work abroad or in the homeland many albanian nurses wrestle with this question. health care professionals are in demand every way, but is more and more young people leave their home country will look after its elderly nose next
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on d w. rainbow branding, it's definitely trending. but not all companies are serious about their support areas. some companies can face harsh criticism brands today, the brace friction, they've gone up against the criticism, but this stood for something in the end of actually one great deal of brand loyalty from the next generate are made in germany in 60 minutes on d, w, the in many countries education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind drafts. instead of going to class others can attend classes, the minions of children, of the wills,
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collins going to school. we aust. lucas' education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds. these young health care workers are learning german in albania. they're hoping to go and work in germany and german hospitals and care homes are keen to recruit them . those are good morning fire schneider. my name's etiquette and i'm and i was looking off to you today. the shame of my career is my biggest dream. i hope i'll get lots of opportunities to specialize on your specific but how mania has
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a shortage of health care workers,


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