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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the the, this is the w news live from berlin. the us presses leaders across the middle east to make peace. secretary of state mc, blinking is meeting with the palestinian authority. president monkwood a box in the west bank. having already held talks with israel and arab neighbors laying out possible steps to gauze as post one future. also coming up at the door, sinking into prices. the president said that his country is at war with drug gang. after a wave of deadly violence, the storming of a tv station and the kid. nothing of police officers and travel in germany grinding to a halt as a 3 day rail strikes, triggers, cancellations,
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across the country. unions of warn, up more to come at the latest of the world of consumer electronics in las vegas, including a companion driven by artificial intelligence with a face that you can be any age or any color you like the . i'm sarah kelly, welcome to the program. we begin in the gaza strip, where the world health organization says that aid is reaching civilians to little too late. intensified fighting and northern and central gaza between is rarely troops and mosque. militants has also halted several deliveries of medical supplies and fuel to hospitals. a u. n. agency previously warrants that the lives of over 1000000 children in the strip are threatened by mound nutrition and disease.
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grabbing all the can from a truck west of kansas city bags of flour, boxes of canned food throughout the territory, gods in space, mass, hunger, and disease. the un says $1.00 and $4.00 are starving. the majority of guys, this population has been displeased at least once, since the start of the war most depend on cross border aid for survival. those displaced say they are living in absolute desperation for them and we have lost hope. we'd be listening to the news for a $98.00 days hoping that the war will end, but there is no hope. all we see is difficult situation. we're in. we have no water electricity, but since water was scarce, we can only shar once a month. so it's taking a total in our mental health and there are diseases spreading everywhere. pressure
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to allow more 8 and to gaza is mounting on is real. the opening of a crossing at the israel egypt border has not significantly increase the rate of deliveries. a trucks are often delayed waiting for security checks, but israel's military says it is now increased its capacity for screening. we are ready and willing to facilitate as much humanitarian aid as the world will give, especially essentially like food medicine and shelter. we do security checks any minute, terry and a trucks for weapons before they enter, because we have increased our screening capacity considerably. but even when a gets through distribution is another problem in the absence of security guarantees and intensified offensive around hospitals in northern gaza. vital medical supplies can't get to people who need it. most it means that
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hospitals don't have to. it means that the patients don't have food. it means that i'm to tell, emphasize the care for the patients. you an agency say humanitarian corey doors for aid are needed now to save lives. christian linds meyer joins us now from the world health organization in geneva. so we just heard there is really armies saying that it's willing to facilitate more aid and that it has increased checking capabilities at the borders. is your staff noticing a difference on the ground? but thanks for having the hat. so the willingness is, of course great, but no, we have not seen any changes on the ground. the words have yet to um, translate into action on the ground. the problem for us is the, any permission and so any 8 coming in or you back, you use going out, is way to talk. it cannot be planned convoys sit for days,
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waiting to get in convoys. sit inside garza one thing to go to the north and of waiting for permission is also everything was planned as, according to the instructions, given the talk situation. that's the problem with dealing with. and of course, in a, in a short amount of time and a short window, there can never be enough to help lots of people, even if the roads are then clear, also tax, clear bombs and leo, the rates in order to bring material in or further up it took us what is most urgently needed at the moment. that's a tricky questions. nearly everything i mean, 1st of all, it right now is really full. didn't want it for the people, people, patients, including the patients on the operating tables and then right off the surgery, a begging for water into fuel. it needs fuel, of course to, to run the hospitals, to run the generate as a, to run ambulances. and then it needs a lot of medical equipment from simple bandages and boom dressings to anesthetics
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in order to have um, conditions to be done on the anesthesia and not without to anything in between. so what this is there, it's there that's do what it is ready. it's outside. all the un agencies are ready to do that, but the con was as your picture. so a miles long, partly waiting outside. it needs to get in that procedure needs to be speed it up. um and then of course the inside goes at the distribution is crucial. we also heard your colleague in the report saying that the w h o is planning missions inside garza every day, but they are not getting cleared. can you help us understand what exactly that means or so maybe let me, will you walk through the how does work? so you 6 times actually in the last the end since the end of december until yesterday, we had planned admissions to the north to supply the fuel partially run running hospitals with the central medicine and just central supplies like you will and
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bandages and everything. and that aid has been waiting in a common way. people get up in the morning to wait on the conway, they wait for the clearance and the clearance is not coming or the mission is being canceled from these riley for these. that means this a cannot reach the people that needs the people who are living around those costs will already on the constant, this rest of the compartment have loss of families and friends. they can not go to a safe place. they have and even if they reach there, they, they don't find medical health anymore. they, they have the sheltering in the places the, the medical equipment is not there. the staff, a partially evacuating as well. so it's a horrible scenario and every drop we can bring in and bring to those people is, is by early needed. right now. christian lives myers folks, person for the world health organization. thank you so much for for giving us a sense of what's happening there on the ground. we appreciate it.
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meanwhile, the us secretary of state is in the occupied westbank for talks with palestinian leaders. asked me, blinking has been meeting with palestinian authority president monkwood of boston. ramallah. washington hopes that the palestinian authority could govern garza after israel's war with months. mister blinking is on a diplomatic tour of the middle east to try and prevent the conflict from spreading . he earlier urged is reality leisure is to reduce the number of civilian casualties as if battles months, which carried out deadly terror attacks and israel 3 months ago. tanya cramer has the view now from jerusalem. so blinking visiting president a boss, what does he want to achieve here? and does he likely to do so slow? your secretary real estate answered the bank and has said he wanted to talk to the palestinian leadership in particular that a student president would have boss about a post scenario. post 4 scenarios,
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full gauze of what the role of to publish do you know? so it could be also talked about that she wants to talk about performing the palestinian authority for it to be able to play a role in such a scenario as no. you have to understand the posting authority has only limits that a governing a control in some parts of the occupied by spring. that hasn't been in a garza since uh how much ceased power the in 2007. but in general, as opposed to most already has lost a lot of popularity also among ordinary palestinians. that has been no general election since 2006. now for the palestinians that in my life, they of course want to to hear from the americans what they are doing to end the war in gods. but also, what are they doing to protect the civilian specificity and population not just in gaza, but also in the occupied of westbank,
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where there has been an increase in such a violence. and we've heard and totally blinking a talking about that. and his remarks on tuesday evening, he said you contend the button spikes stream is rarely settlers, but also displacement by communities in the occupied westbank and at demolitions. and another very important issue for palestinians is of that that the americans with pressure, the is ready government to release a tax revenue service holding. they needed a for functioning policy in no storage. and that's also in the interest of you. a secretary of state said in for israel that uh, the posting authority is not for the beacon, but strength and to play it's role. we can also calling on israel to be a partner to palestinian leaders. but you mean you've highlighted it there in the face of this open of home personnel with moss can the 2 sides find common ground? i think there's not much common ground right now because also we've been hearing
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repeatedly from the is very government from officials said that they don't see a role for the palestinian authority in gaza or that has been very vague. everything comes to plans, how this will look like they're talking about posting an entities governing garza, but they're not very clear on who they mean by that. also, that is very much on the u. s. agenda. and the blinking has talked a lot about the prospect or that they should be publish, decrease in of a palestinian state on the horizon. he has also how talks in the region with other leaders, or just being to saudi arabia than he says, the is a framework in place. but it needs to have this policy and stays on the horizon. that is what's needed to, to achieve security and peace in the region. and that this needs, uh, you know,
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also the support of isabel didn't have to make some hard choices there. tanya kramer and jerusalem, thank you to hear some other stories making news around the world. german foreign minister. i don't mean a bad walk, isn't 11 on where she has been holding talks with the countries, caretaker, prime minister and non different cottage. they discussed the tensions between israel and the she i lebanese hezbollah militia. their boss will also visit german soldiers stationed in a forget indeed they were harbor during the trip. police in poland have entered the presidential palace and arrested 2 former ministers who are due to serve sentences for a piece of power. colin's new prime minister donald tusk, has accused the president andrea to the of obstructing justice president data and 2 former ministers belong to the law and justice party, which was voted out of office last year. us secretary of defense slide austin
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has undergone treatment for prostate cancer medical staff so that he has been hospitalized since january 1st with a urinary tract infection that developed after the cancer was treated in december. the pentagon has been criticized for hiding his condition from the white house for days. boeing is accepting blame for friday's incident in which a panel on an alaska airlines plane blew out of the fuselage. mitch in mid air. no one was seriously hurt when a gaping hole appeared in the side of the jet. the west plane maker ceo says that the company will work with authorities to determine the exact cost of violence in ecuador has exploded into what the country's president has called an internal armed conflict against a drug gangs. he has declared 22 narco groups as terrorist organizations and has ordered the army to neutralize them. at least 8 people have been killed and various
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attacks. the us says it's extremely worried by the violence. china has closed its embassy and conflicts in the country. the gangsters have at least a wave of terror in ecuador, a series of coordinated attacks. the government is struggling to contain heavily armed arcos from the tv station in ecuador, the largest city, quite a keel during a live new show, the mass gun, and so they were there to warn ecuadorian not to mess with the mafia. the attack was swift in violence but out of the shot for one of our camera man and the leg broke the arm of another one, the 5 bullets they use their weapons inside. one tv station employee who wants to conceal his identity. shared what he saw is tom or whenever we are in the news room. all of a sudden i saw one of my colleagues with
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a terrified look on his face. and he said they're coming to kill us. they've already got inside the t v station. and then i heard gunshots and a lot of noise. and then what i did was, was get out of the area where the editor was. i crap, my phone. and i started running like crazy towards the safety asking to speak to someone about 30 minutes after the government appeared. police could be seen entering the tv station. the gangsters were captured. but the attack, let's ecuadorian is horrified. unbelievable. it's the 1st time this has happened in this country so that we leave everything to mister preston to the hand of god. is the presidency of to put a firm hand of this? because he takes a step back. it'd be worse. shops and schools are shut. secretary and say the prevailing atmosphere is one of the 2 year thousands of law enforcement
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personnel are coming, the country for notorious gang boss. aldosterone, macias, known by his alias, vito. he's the king pin. last to narrows one of the most powerful cartels in ecuador veto apparently fled a high security jail on sunday. authorities say a 2nd major gang leader and other inmates subsequently escaped from another prison . penitentiaries have been the focal points beyond rest. there have been incidents and at least 6 prisons around the country police officers guarding the jail, been kidnapped. and there are reports of explosions near the homes of representatives of the judicial system. eco door has been racked by a surge of violence in recent years, tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnappings. the country will be in a state of emergency for 60 days,
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during which officials can suspend people's rights and mobilize the army in places including prisons. transport in germany has slow to a crawl due to power low strikes, effecting trains and roads. first farmers happened blocking major roads and audubon ramps, and a bit or protest over subsidy cuts. the farmers association had called for a week of action to express their anger at the cancellation of subsidies for the sector. above all tax breaks for buying agricultural diesel of a partial cancellation of the government's plans. they have little to stop the protest. a survey suggests that around a 5th of germans have been affected by them. you'd have used matthew moore is in the eastern city of dress and where farmers are blocking the city center. so matthew, what's going on there and dressed in the, the 0. i'm in the historical sense of the old tired of christ and with thousands of
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farmers under supporters of teaching over this morning. if you're doing some truth, others in practice for reading in a convoy service center player in the all right, now you're supposed to have people on here to our square one of your house lessons to choose from palms association and they're really good on this one. just one is, this is similar to what you just have a total of 2 or 3 moultrie and not to them to start to lose awareness to their calls into the frustration ultimately. forced to go to box to remind us why they are so frustrated. matthew
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farmers than anyone i've called this process life for the last month and you speak to them in the full mark. they're just kind of dr. so much frustration because they say the charges that were issued by the government, the judges, without the support, very hastily, without the consultation or government. good bye, bye thing. and then all pharmacy hear me say it's about much more does this, how does the government rush thing you're so one person that said it protects any sex but don't harmless. i spoke to one past due to by a gentleman you too bye to some of the farmers feel like they're under pressure and not the the farmer right wing groups which have
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a very strong presence and trust in for many years. try to infiltrate the protests . a couple of days ago, what is the situation right now where you are younger coverage such as your fiance. so on monday, the with the groups in the city center today in freshman or see some of the walking them off women from joining the main post. haste, i'm one of the speakers behind me, said you simply have to jump on the bandwagon. assume that and also see the content from the farmers process because you live often people farmers in germany and they realize it's an opportunity for them to voice and part of their own claims. what about the change of government overflowing the government or simply cause it on the rest of the country? so far?
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the farms associates and she had breast and i've tried to really clear about introducing yourselves underway, just don't see them. you see the flags that are flying and they are trying to kind of some toys that jump on the bandwagon. jenny is mathew moore and dressed and thank you. when meanwhile, german commuters are facing massive disruption because of a 3 day strike called by the train drivers union. that's lead the main rail operator deutscher bon to cancel thousands of trains running only a few emergency services. it's urging people to postpone non essential travel. strike is the longest move in a long running dispute overpay and workers hours. so jenny graham now is that uh berlin central station. what's the situation there, jenny? or any trains running? yes, there are some trains running, but not many of them are operated by deutsche bank at this platform. it's mainly
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private trading companies that are operating services with trains going out to the neighboring state of brandenburg. we did see one and 2 set to express train a run by don't japan heading to digital doors. and many of the people that were getting on that train told me that they've been delayed for hours. and not many of them got much information to told over a few terrorists who told me that they got a notification on and asked them their phone, but no real uh no real other options for them to man i spoke to visiting from ireland. told me that they were frantically looking at flights to try to get to where they need to go. and days before the strike, the german railway company, darcia bon, had offered for the 1st time to talk about cutting, working, working hours. one of the main demands of the union. so why did think union still press on with this 3 day strike as well? it was really touching,
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go as to whether the strike action would take place. thought japan actually starts to get an injunction from a specialist labor court to stop this and dos. industrial action from going ahead, the court said no and the strikes districts are happening for the next 3 days. now the, the, the union, the g d, l train drivers union, they want a better uh, better working conditions, especially for people working a shift password. uh they want a reduction in their hours from 38 to 35 hours per week. uh, but with no reduction in pay and dodge bonds says that stuff's not possible, not just financially, but because that would be to gaps in their labor force. and especially with regards to to skilled workers. now it's well documented that germany is facing a shortage of skilled workers. the government is actually trying to uh,
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to get people with the skills that the workforce needs to, to come here from abroad. know the strike action, as i said, is, is it started in the early years of this morning and is set to last all the way through to friday evening. so no, many, sure humans will be coming and going from from here, or other stations in germany's, during, during that time the w's jenny graham at berlin, central station. thank you. gadgets using artificial intelligence are the main draw at the world's biggest consumer electronics fair, which has just opened in las vegas over the last few decades. the consumer electronic sho, has launched many of our best loved gives most from cd players to smartphones. but this year it's less about the hardware and more about who's in control. so this is the face of a on this to actually we have table top device has
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a face for everyone like google isn't doing any color any age the message, hey, i is just as individual as everyone else out there. and if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by a i and don't know if we can trust that technology. this device just looking to stay with you, barry, you a new motion. i understand that some people might feel a bit apprehensive about a i. but let me assure you, i'm here to make a interactions easy going to enjoy. think of me as a friendly companion can provide helpful insights, engaging meaningful conversations, and offer a different perspective. i'm designed to be a supportive and non judge mental presence in your life. sounds cool if you're a techie looking for the latest gadgets, but even the friendliest face provides little reassurance to those worried about a i generated cyber attacks already on a i written fake news, and other ex, essential threats. society might not be prepared for, etc. yes. these questions are taking a backseat,
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so you can just treat already sees a i everywhere. you already have it. and many of the devices that you're using, whether you've got a phone with you or your, your maybe your, your apple watch or otherwise, a high, a starting really to be everywhere. and the already here is, is that the more that it becomes embedded, the less you're actually going to see it. because it's going to become more human in the way it works. for now, a i will assisting computers and cars and phones and whatever this this, but the big questions to remain on answer to either a quick reminder of our top stories here in the w news, the u. s. secretary of state has arrived in the occupied westbank for tasks with pelting leader most of the last. antony blinking met with his rarely leaders on tuesday and urge them to the limits harm to civilians and gossip. lincoln design a diplomatic tour of the region to try and prevent the conflict from spreading
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up. next, our business show made looks at how drones and rolanda are saving lives. doing that, i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thanks for watching. take care of the
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rainbow branding. it's definitely trending, but not all companies are serious about their support areas. some companies can face harsh criticism. brands today that you embrace friction. they've gone up against the criticism, but this stood for something in the end of actually what a great deal of brand loyalty from the next generation made in germany next on d, w, or say, same internal and external threat. and nation in the shadow of
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the things a tax on ukraine has deeply divided the population some wants and alliance with others are returned to rushing in 45 minutes on d w. the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you to encounter in the late 19 seventy's former concentration camp inmates shlomo smiles, not met the man who had to maintain him. go stop fog now. 2 years later, bob now was dead. was it suicide?
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rise to don't really have the goals and nothing starts january 27th on d, w l g b t q marketing can get people works up. that means that when some people see or ice cream, they throw it in the trash. while others buy a whole truck load. more and more companies are scrapping, l 2 b t q ad campaigns because of right wing trolling. so they stand firm instead that and more coming up this week on made why exactly is us real good kid rock shooting big hands.


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