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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin after 3 months of war, people in gaza or on the brink of starvation. the w. h. o says that the situation is too dangerous for enough. a to bridge civilians. conditions are increasingly desperate for nearly 2000000 people. displaced by the conflict. also coming up us secretary of state is in the west is in the occupied westbank part of his peace mission across the middle east. he is urging leaders to plan for golf as post for future. and ecuador sinks in surprise, said the president saying that his country is at war with drunk games, after
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a wave of definitely violence. the storming of a tv station and the kidnapping of police officer, the i'm sarah kelly, walk into the program. we begin in the gaza strip, where the world health organization says not enough. aid is reaching civilians, intensified fighting and northern and central. gaza has also halted several deliveries of medical supplies and fuel to hospitals is really troops are trying to root out mos militants who carry about deadly terror attacks in israel. 3 months ago. grabbing all the can from a truck, west of kansas city bags of flour, boxes of canned food throughout the territory, gods and space, mass, hunger,
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and disease. the un says one and 4 are starving of the majority of guys, this population has been displaced at least once, since the start of the war most depend on cross border aid for survival. those displaced say they are living in absolute desperation of medicine and we have lost hope. we'd be listening to the news for $98.00 days hoping that the war will end. but there is no hope. all we see is a difficult situation. we're in. we have no water or electricity, but since water was scarce, we can only shar once a month. it's taking a total in our mental health. and there are diseases spreading everywhere. pressure to allow more aid and to gaza is mounting on israel. the opening of a crossing at the israel egypt border has not significantly increase the rate of deliveries. a trucks are often delayed waiting for security checks. but
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israel's military says it is now increased its capacity for screening. we are ready and willing to facilitate as much humanitarian aid as the world will give, especially essentially like food medicine and shelter. we do security checks on humanitarian aid trucks for weapons before they enter because we have increased our screening capacity considerably. but even when a gets through distribution is another problem. in the absence of security guarantees and intensified offensive around hospitals in northern gaza. vital medical supplies can get to people who need it most. it means that hospitals don't have to. it means that patients don't have food, it means that the emphasize the care for the patients. you an agency say
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humanitarian corey doors for aid are needed now to save lives. and earlier i spoke with christian linda maya from the world health organization. i asked him whether his staff, we're noticing a difference on the ground after the israeli army said would facilitate more aid into casa. so the willingness is, of course, great, but no, we have not seen any changes on the ground. the words have yet to um, translate into action on the ground. the problem for us is the any permission. and so any aid coming in or you back who is going out is way to talk. it cannot be planned coming while i sit for days waiting to get in convoys sit inside garza, one thing to go to the north end of waiting for permission is also everything was planned as, according to the instructions giving the a talk situation. that's the problem with dealing with, and of course in a, in a short amount of time and a short window,
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there can never be enough to help. lots of people, even if the roads are then clear, also tax, clear bombs and leo the rates in order to bring material it is offered up in 2000 what is most urgently needed at the moment. that's a tricky question. nearly every thing, i mean, 1st of all, it right now it's really food and wants it for the people. people, patients, including the patients on the operating tables and then the right off the surgery, a begging for water into a fluid. it needs fuel, of course, to uh, to run the hospitals, to run the generates as a, to run ambulances. and then it needs a lot of medical equipment from simple bandages and boom dressings, to anesthetics. so in order to have um, concessions to be done on the anesthesia and not without to anything in between. so what this is there, it's there and that's important. so it is ready. it's outside, all the when agencies are ready to do the convoys as your picture. so a miles long,
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the wait thing outside it needs to get in that procedure needs to be speed it up. um and then of course, getting side goes that the distribution is crucial. and that was crucial named maya from the world health organization. meanwhile, the us secretary of state is in the occupied westbank for talks with palestinian leaders. and to me blinking has been meeting with the palestinian authority president mock with a boss in ramallah. washington hopes that the palestinian authority could govern gaza after israel's more with him off linking his on a diplomatic tour of the middle east to try and prevent the conflict from spreading . he earlier urged is real to reduce the number of civilian casualties. as it battles mosque no attempts. earlier i spoke with the w correspondent, tanya kramer in jerusalem and asked her what lincoln wanted to achieve their a while your secretary of state engineering can and said he wanted to talk to the
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palestinian leadership in particular or the seen president with a boss about a post scenario, post 4 scenarios, full gauze of what the role of the published do you know? so it could be also talked about that she wants to talk about performing the palestinian authority for it to be able to play a role in such a scenario as no. you have to understand the posting authority has only limits that a governing a control in some parts of the occupied by spring. that hasn't been in dallas, i since how much ceased power the in 2007. but in general, of the policy most already has lost a lot of popularity also among ordinary palestinians that have been no general election since 2006. now for the palestinians that in the day of course want to to hear from the americans what they are doing to end the war in gods. but also what are they doing to protect the civilians, the civilian population, not just in gaza,
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but also in the occupied a westbank where there has been an increase in such a violence and we've heard and totally blanking a talking about that. and his remarks on tuesday evening, he said you contend the binding spike stream is really settlers, but also displacement by communities in the occupied westbank and at demolitions. and another very important issue for palestinians is of that that the americans, the pressure, the, is ready government to release a tax revenue service holding. they needed a for functioning policy in no storage. and that's also in the interest of you. a secretary of state said an for israel that uh, the posting authority is not for the beacon but strengthened to play its role. lincoln also calling on israel to be a partner to palestinian leaders. but you mean you've highlighted it there in the face of the cellphone's hospice, now with moss can to 2 sides find common ground. i
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think there's not much common ground right now because also we've been hearing repeatedly from the is very government from officials said that they don't see a role for the publishing and authority in gaza or at the they have been very vague . everything comes to plans, how this will look like they're talking about posting an entities governing dollars, but they're not a very, a clarity on who they mean by that. also, that is very much on the u. s. agenda. and the blinking has talked a lot about the prospects or that they should be opposed to gratian of a palestinian state on the horizon. he has also how talks in the region with other leaders, or just being to saudi arabia. then he says, there is a framework in place, but it needs to have this policy and stays on the horizon. that is what's needed to, to achieve security and peace in the region. and that's uh,
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this needs, uh, you know, also the support of it's about them have to make some hard choices there. tanya kramer and jerusalem, thank you. and here are some other stories making news around the world. the german foreign minister annalee and a pair of boxes and loving on where she has been holding talks with the countries care take her prime minister non dupe mccarthy. they discussed the tensions between israel and the she, i, lebanese has blown militia. their bach will also visit german soldiers stationed on a forget and the baby harbor. during the trip. to us defense secretary lloyd austin has under gone treatment for prostate cancer. medical staff say that he has been hospitalized since january 1st with a urinary tract infection that developed after the cancer was treated in december. the pentagon has been criticized for hiding his condition from the white house for
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dates. millions of commuters in germany are facing massive disruption because of a 3 day strike called by the train drivers union. the stripe is effecting cargo and passenger transports. the main rail operator has cancelled thousands of trains. it's the latest move and a long running dispute overpaid and working hours boeing has accepted blame for friday's incident in which a panel on an alaska airlines plane blew out of the fuselage mid air. no one was seriously hurt when a gaping hole appeared in the side of the jet. the west plane maker ceo says that the company will work with authorities to determine the exact cause. filings in ecuador has exploded into what the country's president has called an internal armed conflict against drug gangs. he's declared 22 narco groups as terrorist organizations and has ordered the army to neutralize them. and at least 8
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people have been killed in various attacks. the us says it's extremely worried about the violence. china has closed, its embassy and consulates in the country. gangsters have at least a wave of terror in ecuador, a series of coordinated attacks. the government is struggling to contain heavily armed arcos from the tv station in ecuador, the largest city, quite a keel during a live new sho. to mass gunman said they were there to warn ecuadorian not to mess with the mafia. the attack was swift in violent video, but out of a shot for one of our camera man in the leg broke the arm of another one fired bullets. they use their weapons in size one tv station employee who wants to conceal his identity, shared what he saw is tom or whenever we are in the news room. all of a sudden i saw one of my colleagues with
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a terrified look on his face. and he said they're coming to kill us. they've already got inside the t v station. and then i heard gunshots and a lot of noise. and then what i did was, was get out of the area where the editor was. i crap, my phone. and i started running like crazy towards safety as go speak to someone about 30 minutes after the government appeared, please could be seen entering the tv station. the gangsters were captured, but the attack left ecuadorian is horrified. unbelievable. it's the 1st time this has happened in this country. we leave everything to mister preston to the hand of god. mister president, you have to put a firm hand on this. because if he takes a step back, it'd be worse. shops and schools are shut. secretary and say the prevailing atmosphere is one of the 2 year thousands of law enforcement personnel
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are coming. the country for notorious gang boss. how does all macias, known by his alias, vito? he's the king pin last to narrows. one of the most powerful cartels in ecuador veto apparently fled a high security jail on sunday. authorities say a 2nd major gang leader and other inmates subsequently escaped from another prison . the tenants entries have been the focal points beyond rest. there have been incidents and at least 6 prisons around the country. police officers guarding the jail, been kidnapped, and there are reports of explosions near the homes of representatives of the judicial system. eco door has been racked by a surge of violence in recent years, tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnappings. the country will be in a state of emergency for 60 days,
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during which officials can suspend people's rights and mobilize the army in places, including prisons. up next, we visit, mold over and see how tension is rising there since the war in ukraine began. i'm sarah kelly in berlin. stay with us and he's on the, it shouldn't be this one here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice, explore and untouched the into the ice starts january dw, the most of a country in 10 miles. this was the scene in march 2023.


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