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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the the business dw news live from berlin, germany resumes direct arms exports to saudi arabia. it approves the delivery of $150.00 iris t guided missiles to the kingdom. the 1st such sale since berlin banned weapons deliveries after the killing of journalist jamal could show also coming up the world health organization says the situation in gaza is too dangerous for enough aid to reach civilians. conditions are increasingly desperate. for nearly 2000000 people displaced by the complex and to f 4 door sinks into crisis, the president says his country is at war with drug gang. after a wave of deadly silence, the storming of
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a tv station and the kidnapping of police officers. the time sarah kelly, welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news. berlin has authorize the export of missiles to saudi arabia, ending restrictions that were introduced back in 2018. the delivery of 150 iris t air to air missiles to re add as a major shift in policy for chance. the old lock schultz is government, or for land halted arms exports to the kingdom after dissident journalist amount to show g was killed in the saudi consul, it and assemble. us intelligence found that saudi crown prince mohammed been so non sanctioned, his murder, dw political correspondent, julia. so deli, has more on why germany is, was in the arms export to saudi arabia. we've heard from german foreign minister,
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analyzing a bad book saying that a big role in this change of position from the german government is the way that saudi arabia behaved and conducted itself regarding israel and the last a few months since the conflict between israel and thomas book said that sonya reagan has had a constructive approach to israel in the last few months and that seems to have convinced the german government of the reliability of the saudi arabian government . also, we've heard from the economy minister of a topic saying that, so you are really a, has a particular role in the region that it can bring stability to the region. and these are all arguments that a point to the fact that germany sees saudi arabia as reliable and with the country improving. the sale of iris team missiles are other deliveries now likely to follow to saudi arabia as well at the moment to be officially confirmed. delivery is of
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iris to use. these are missiles that can be surface to air or air to air. we know that sonya reba uses them from aircraft from the euro fighter jets, and the saudi government has said that they have been use, for example, to shoot drones coming from a for the health or reports of yemen. and we know also regarding the euro fighters, these are jets that are produced by a court of european countries, including germany, the u. k, spain and italy. and germany had been blocking and has been blocking the delivery of also these euro fighters to saudi arabia. but we've heard from german chancellor on of shows, but also for minister under the babylon that they personally wouldn't be in favor of also resuming deliveries of euro fighters to saudi arabia. this hasn't been confirmed yet, but it seems that it might be on the cards. now and that was to lead us out of the reporting from berlin. the world health organization says that not enough aid is
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reaching civilians in the gaza strip. intensified fighting in northern and central garza has also halted several deliveries of medical supplies and fuel to hospitals . israel says that its troops are trying to root out most militants who carried out deadly terror attacks and israel. 3 months ago. grabbing all the can from a truck, west of kansas city bags of flour, boxes of canned food throughout the territory, gods in space, mass, hunger, and disease. the un says one and 4 are starving of the majority of guys, this population has been displaced at least once, since the start of the war most depend on cross border aid for survival. those displaced say they are living in absolute desperation for them and we have lost hope. we'd be listening to the news for $98.00 days hoping
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that the war will end. but there is no hope. all we see is a difficult situation. we're in. we have no water electricity, but since water was scarce, we can only shar once a month. it's taking a total in our mental health. and there are diseases spreading everywhere. pressure to allow more 8 and to gaza is mounting on israel. the opening of a crossing at the israel egypt border has not significantly increase the rate of deliveries. a trucks are often delayed waiting for security checks. but israel's military says it is now increased its capacity for screening. we are ready and willing to facilitate as much humanitarian aid as the world will give, especially essentially like food medicine and shelter. we do security checks on humanitarian aid trucks for weapons. before the enter goes,
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we have increased our screening capacity considerably. that even when a gets through distribution is another problem in the absence of security guarantees and intensified offensive around hospitals in northern gaza. vital medical supplies can get to people who need it most. it means that hospitals don't have to. it means that the patients don't have food. it means that the emphasize the care for the patients. you an agency say humanitarian corey doors for aid are needed now to save lives. meanwhile, on a visit to the occupied westbank, the u. s. as tough to fill in that has reaffirmed washington support for a palestinian state secretary of state anthony of lincoln so that he had productive talks with palestinian president mock with a boss about reforming his government. us once a reformed palestinian authority to govern garza after israel's war with moss abbas
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said that gaza was an integral part of palestinian territory and called for an international peace conference. and the german foreign minister laid a bare bach is in lebanon, where she has been holding talks with caretaker prime minister ninety's mccarty. they discussed the tensions between israel and the she, i lebanese hezbollah militia. their boss also met with un observers while visiting german soldiers stationed on a forget in the favored harbor. steinberg from the german institute for international and security affairs has more about blinking and bare box visit to the region as well as i think that the visits by secretary blinking of more important than the visits of the german 4 in minnesota. and mainly because we do know that there are in direct talks going on between the
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united states that has been allowed to lever these government under the impression that the german foreign minister is assistants assisting these thoughts. pacebutler is for the american government, tries to convince his ball out there this, it wouldn't be a good idea to intervene in this war and perhaps even to withdraw some of it's of course, it's not really tiny river in order to avoid a conflict in the coming months and years put it into context for us. how effective kennedy's talks with the lebanese government be. i mean, where did the hezbollah officials stand on all of this? when it's a, it's impossible for western governments to talk to his but a lot because it is listed as a terrorist organization. but they're all ways and means to talk to his body. he's by law school intermediaries. and of course, the lebanese government of which is paula is a, is a vice of part, is he's
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a good media. and the problem is that his bottom line is not only lebanese organization, but it's in the wrong in science. we do not know exactly who calls the shots in this relationship right now, but i got the impression that his father law and the wrong both agreed that they do not want a logic conflict. but if sufficiently provo by this race, there is of course, the danger scholars and that was either steinberg from the german institute for international and security affairs. speaking with me earlier. some other stories making news, us and british naval forces say that they have shot down a barrage of missiles and drones fired by who few rebels in the red sea. britain calls that the largest attack by the human based militants. since they began targeting commercial ships in november, the who is the say that they are blocking is really ships or those headed to the
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nation in response to israel's warren gaza. poems president andre, due to has said that he will fight for free to free. his former interior minister and deputy from jail, marsh kaminsky and maci wasik were detained in the presidential palace for abuse of power. it's part of the new government's cracked down on alleged wrong doings by the nationalist law and justice party, who were outside from power last year. you printed and president the load of mirrors. lensky has made an unannounced visit to lithuania, kicking off a tour of the 3 baltic states he again worn to the trio nations that they are not safe of the potential of russian invasion unless prudent is stopped. zalinski is also discussing ukraine's plans to join nato. and the, you know,
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violence in ecuador has exploded into what the country's president has called, and internal armed conflict against the drug gangs. the president has declared 22 narco groups as terrorist organizations, and has ordered the army to neutralize them. at least a people have been killed and various attacks. the us says it's extremely worried by the violence. china has closed its embassy and conflicts in the country. the gangsters have at least a wave of terror in ecuador, a series of coordinated attacks. the government is struggling to contain heavily arm narco storm to tv station in ecuador, the largest city, quite a keel during a live new show. the mass gun and so they were there to warn ecuadorian not to mess with the mafia. the attack was swift in violence. but out of the shot for one of our camera man and the leg broke the arm of another
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one, the 5 bullets they use their weapons inside one tv station employee who wants to conceal his identity. shared what he saw is tom or whenever we are in the news room. all of a sudden i saw one of my colleagues with a terrified look on his face. and he said they're coming to kill us. they've already got inside the t v station. and then i heard gunshots and a lot of noise. and then what i did was was get out of the area where the editor was born. i grew up my phone and i started running like crazy towards the safety. ask to speak to someone about 30 minutes after the government appeared. police could be seen entering the tv station. the gangsters were captured. but the attack, let's ecuadorian is horrified. unbelievable. it's the 1st time this has happened in this country. we leave everything to mister preston to the hand of god. is the
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presidency of to put a firm hand on this because he takes a step back. it'd be worse. shops and schools are shut. secretary and say the prevailing atmosphere is one of the 2 year. thousands of law enforcement personnel are coming the country for notorious gang boss. aldosterone, macias, known by his alias, vito. he's the king pin of last to narrows. one of the most powerful cartels in ecuador veto, apparently flat, a high security jail on sunday. authorities say a 2nd major gang leader and other inmates subsequently escaped from another prison penitentiaries have been the focal points beyond rest. there have been incidents and at least 6 prisons around the country. police officers guarding the jail had been kidnapped, and there are reports of explosions near the homes of representatives of the
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judicial system. eco door has been racked by a surge of violence in recent years, tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnappings. the country will be in a state of emergency for 60 days, during which officials can suspend people's rights and mobilize the army in places including prisons. a. and a reminder of our top story, germany has resumed direct arms exports to saudi arabia, delivering iris t guided missiles. it is the 1st such sale since berlin banned weapons deliveries after the killing of journalist and mall kashodi in 2018 up the next dock film examines china is growing influence in serbia where it has invested in more than 8000000000 bureaus. since 2010. i'm sarah kelly and berlin. stay with us if you can. thanks for watching the
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