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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm CET

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saw these words as he's never seen it before, the stride no teeth dw, talking entry. the agriculture is a stronger, especially in developing countries where climate change is also and even in terms of how long do i come? i've finally got somebody annual watching equal in depth as a journalist when i've traveled across the country, one of the biggest problems and the most common problem that i see are the increasing struggles or follows. and that's, that's what you declining in. and yet that on or done it is that offer opportunity and hope to cope with an eval, wondering what the model as far as each end. and indeed as western states. omaha
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dasha is one of the most droughts preowned region in the country. it has also been an international headlines with a high number of pharmacy sides that happen too. long dry spells are often a direct cause for economic distress. but for one community here, switching to a drought resistance crops, what ip has made all the difference. these concludes phones as a preaching spots of light spun from a 900 metre, long silk thread. the 2 precious they provide chief at euro cut off with an income, the thoughts a welcome new development. i'm gonna have to make no money with costs and today i'm only about a $100000.00 rupees a month to look. i know there was still some clerical fields even though that's why
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the roster is traditional cotton grabbing region. but kind of changes taking its toll with increasingly long periods of drought followed by heavy rains which destroy the hobbies and threatened livelihood. as a result, the highest suicide rate among farm is in the last 6 months of 2022 desperation led more than a 1000 farm is in my roster to take their own lives. the village is really the endy word for cotton, is also affected by climate change. in the past, everyone here made a living from cotton, including she about 0 possible on his family. but the plans need a lot of water. that's one of the reasons why costs and production went into decline. apologize. we have to constantly spray the cutting currently the, besides an ottoman due to the soil just just as i was on uh, it was an endless cycle of spending on the crop. all the anything for me,
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it sealed as well stuff, but it still got caught up that got caught up in 2018 drought to destroy the harvest for the village of really it was, it is often up the time tally. that's nevada. we had just been elected village chief, he's been hearing about the potential of silk reduction or every culture in india's, every culture is financially supported by a government scheme called them. again, the national real employment guarantee act launched in 2006. it helps distressed real communities in india by helping local secure a stable income. it provides farm is with nearly 85 percent of the investment needed to set up a so quantum, rearrange unit. how did us decided to take the gamble? boy, it's all good. i would say we made a fight as
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a motor. first goal was to improve financial conditions for villages next to it. so because a high yield, trump has got to monitor the value on the market. well, model made it, it's a high demand tech style, monica, and secondly, which can be ground with very little most of what started out as an agricultural experiment has transformed into a large scale silk funding operation. today, nearly 600 farm is from really of switched to serve you culture. the vehicle are legal. i started out with 2 silk them eggs task. i'm from not. they got $200.00 kilos of so good exploited love. when the farmer sold his product 482-0000 rupees, he couldn't believe it. he'd never made that kind of money from 10 acres of company farming was for boy, a just 2 acres of sorry, culture. he owned a lot of money for people. that's how it started this, sorry, co 10 model that really soon started to catch on in the light region. a growing number of firm is now planting mowbray trees, which a catch very short to increase the harvest. that leaves provide food for the so
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when the mobile trees a holiday, they grow for several years, i'm inclined much less will to fun, makes them ideal for this drought stricken region. according to kind of coach experts seem a hanukkah, she works closely with the pharmacist in myra hosta. instead of go show you gone kills pesticides. i follow in you, i'm going to be the explanations. so that is an advantage because you know, so you learn more about is seeing there is out of the danger and then uh, in, in reading that doesn't, doesn't, does. she's also read the civic one side of it. i just hope you would be some friends and all the things i use, but not bit of people's decides because of in your the insect is sensitive. the villages run the really unit in really together. as soon as the not i have hunched, each farmer receives 800000. for the next 20 days, they feed the cats dependents with mold readings several times a day, often,
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but the catapults not spinning the precious silk thread around themselves to form a king. just a few days later, the kings are harvested and sold the soap markets with price is getting according to weight. many women and really also employed in the business, laptop away now self sufficient and not dependent on others for money. even the men in the house, respect to some of this, but it's definitely boosted up confidence as women. me. so i see you both now. but there's also a delicate side critics. a many children are employed in so production, although cut it off and since that's not the case and really another criticism is that to obtain a single long thread from a cane, the law of a mustn't be allowed to hutch. so the thought to work is heat that contains in water to kill the law of a symbol retrieve also need well to right now the form is that using precious groundwater but kindly doesn't his team of set up several poems to collect rain
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more to how well you've telling you if i'm going to is very important 5, most of the billing the phone for or just using them as a storage to bomb. the little more thought i'm starting to fall apart and then use it for the issue. and it isn't the commented because you're going, what are the safe, which is in the or on the ground, and it is safe from the sun. but if you are feeling you are born by giving some catchment time diverting that even what the, what, what rain you are getting during the season with the form. it is what it is a good practice. the silk for movie has now made quite a name for itself. that's the, the pharmacy used to have to travel a long way to the market to sell that can choose which increased that costs so excited to get the going to good after one. yeah. but that one's quantity on quantity improved and what we told the trade is that if you're interested in our supply, how's it then come to our village and get yourself to walk in the community?
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so today those trade has come here to buy our projects. and i say on the farm is don't have to travel and you will have to sell it already has all these are basically about a little things that they can do to the pharmacy and really have also received financial support from the local authorities, banks as to reluctant to lend to pharmacists. ready some of the villages have now achieved a negative prosperity under their own cause or reason. a house. ready or somebody about this case when they come here. but the biggest, the chief month is that on the last 5 years, i mean we haven't had any farmers in the village can box. i saw it on me because of a lot of work. when you do go email, did you take myself off of the from the what i that's the biggest wedding. yes. subsidies. some somebody me knew about the honey my held illuminated beeswax in my live bomb where we can find the honey, these for all of this. and while the actually bad for the environment,
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because they come bead with the y v 's, which is actually the species that house because of the odd biodiversity. if it was lively in agriculture and honey, these can help boost the incomes or fall mazda and the productivity of the field. i'm back to him not to do any. nathan saying is busy inspecting is because he's, he's a specialist and environmental by technology. after researching chose for b diseases in germany, and it was really heated, done to his home, down of luck know in 2015 and the region needs him why the numbers have been declining here for decades about their part of nation work. families have seen a significant drop in the heats to compensate. ready didn't sing provide a for the nation service to farmers by renting out honey bees. well, i've got a disability that my job vp could be called a lease already set up in places like movies and music fields and transport them to
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new fields to the migration process like 3 for 5 months golf production these 80 kilograms, then they can increase it to a 100 kilograms, by be keeping all the sol k. dick. nathan, think owns of housing. gotten these off the honey. be april manufacturers to collect, connected in 6 livid, up to $100.00 in a single ship and can make 20 trips in a single day. in the process, they move calling from plant to plant aging, the pollination of flowers, vegetables, and fruits. best thing good purpose here is to support the funds. unlike white bees that benefit funds as well as biodiversity. but both kinds of bees are generally in decline because of one main factor. so when we use best decides to kill the home for the best, we also can be useful to pass along with this in these because they directly feed on the plants that directly go to the uh, flaws they get,
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be that i picked of the pesticides. so one of the major things is that an across the globe, many countries have realized that in the vandals best decides which hum, it's not just humphrey fond practices that are impacting bees. climate change has all the rebel buttons disrupting seasonal connections between these and flowers. the uncertainty of the blooming season has put these under immense stress as national statistics show in the last 25 years, india has lost more than 40 percent of its b stokes. this bomb was ease of tomatoes, chick bees and mustard have all suffered as a result regardless of how these fees are located. some 40 kilometers from lack know to the get by let this lower heaters dry out unless a be comes along. if it sits on it, it gets more nutrients. like you had gone down by 20 or 30 percent, almost compared to all previous crops. this one is going great. all these flowers
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are doing when this blonde is full month old and it is still growing tanks to the honey bees. before i would run out of produce to harvest in 2 to 3 months. after loading up the threat, that best decides both to honey and why these roms all have a switch to organic farming. because while beekeeping may help families via these head of the planet, the following it and dial 4 is the health keep other species of life and not in desperate need of protection. find to see that everyone can help save bees. one of the very easy methods of re preservation is to increase the number of lady plans. so it's very easy for us to just approve the weeds and truly what we don't realize is that they are actually of a source of funding for the bees. when the means of gosh, crops on all day. so these, uh, you know, the kind of buffer as a wire for the, we these, and we need, these are the, was more numbers. so they're more likely to sustain the values of nature. and
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they're more likely to try even as long as we play, they become a very, very good source of commit to it and fall in for the be. so i didn't need those play, essentially drew in feeding, a growing population on maintaining bio diversity, which we really need to be has even come to represent the survival of the human species. and protection gives us and the bees, our best shot phosphorus is fundamental. life is essential for the creation of dna, and it is also a major component in commercial flow to live. the only problem is the us supply of phosphorus is not unlimited. i'm more than 2 thirds of the was it is also phosphate truck. are located in a disputed conflict storage region in africa. in such a diet see scenario our reporter has explored once the solution which is available is one of us. what's one of those dna and seats?
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8000000000 people. phosphorus, it's an essential element that sustains all life on earth. it's also in your p more on that later. but the vast majority of it goes into making fertilizer. why? because without it, we wouldn't be able to grow no food. the problem is that there's a finite amount and roughly 70 percent of that comes from just one place. the bigger problem is that we're wasting most of what's already there. every individual is just throwing away it left the bread every day. for countries like india, which is 90 percent dependent on imports, dwindling access could be alarming. plus, phosphorus is also causing some massive l g issues. but if the world's fruit security depends on it, what can we do about the potential shortage? what alternatives do we have and put our own p save us thanks to a german scientist boiling hundreds of gallons of urine in 1669. we saw on files for us, the 15th element and the periodic table. fantastic. he was trying to find out how
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to make anyway, what his thoughts are. all organisms need fast, 10 essential nutrients and essential component of life. this is barbara came out and she's a renown soil scientist based and says, gosh one canada, that's how does our dna, it's hard as far as salvas concerned. us let that's, it's part of our, our and i today roughly 80 percent of the world's phosphorus is used for agriculture. because it's a structural component of cells. it's essential for cell division and plant development. without enough of it, plants are stunted and don't yield us much between increasingly using these chemical fertilizers on farms since the post world war 2 periods. together with crop engineering, it's bread. the green revolution. this massive increases in crop yields, especially in the global south, and places like india, n 1960 a less than the production was like the animal. they gave me the intense, nice,
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the next production which the food 315 in the sedation, i thought to taya as a scientist at the indian institute of swale science. a definitely they give this credit for foreclosure application because before it was there was no knowledge about the roadside fertilizer use increased 6 times from 1950 to 2000. so where do we get all of it from? to answer that question, we 1st need to show you the world's longest conveyor belt system, which can be seen from space. it's transporting the raw material phosphate rock from the blue chrome line across the western sahara desert. roughly 70 percent of the world's reserves are in the western sahara, heavily disputed territory currently controlled by morocco, which the un size has been unlawfully occupying the area rubble. army has been fighting for its independence. the largest preserves are spread across north africa, followed by china, presented in south africa and saudi arabia. less than 20 percent of the phosphorus using agriculture actually ends up in the food. that's partly because phosphate
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fertilizer is new tori sweet, inefficient. it binds easily with other minerals in this oil, which makes it unavailable for the cloud, but, and they get $950.00 or foss with us. you apply to this, it was do get don't, they didn't get some but people to get us to work and body, but maybe 80 percent of that. would it be best if you didn't inside? that's why the industry solution is to just chuck more on the soil, faster suppressed, relatively cheap, adding a bit as good as it marble guarantee profits. this accumulated phosphorus is come, legacy phosphate. how much phosphorus, as lost in the soil also depends on the cell. 2 civic like in white climates and it will bind to iron and aluminum to alkaline. it will react in calcium, but this has consequences. the use of chemical fertilizers increases to run off with nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus into bodies, water. it leads to use your vacation, which comes of oxygen in the water. it also causes massive alco bloom's,
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which can be toxic and producers wondering nothing when they die. and it's not just the police from agriculture and that's rent plus vs everywhere in our food. our top water, so if we consume a lot of phosphorus, then that means essentially what's coming out is the same. this is janice on a call. she's a researcher at the swedish university of agricultural sciences and also started a company that turns urine and seizes into fertilizer. one out of 10 people are like that and then and then took nutrients that are in urine is enough to grow at 500 grams of weight. so basically it means your urine. you can be grow, you can be producing a loaf of bread every day. she and her colleagues designed a system that essentially boils down or excreta and retains as nutrients, how to the urine diverting toilet. the solution is starting to gain traction in the west. but the upside is that it's particularly adoptable for places that don't have
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plumbing since it doesn't need water. unfortunately, household p is just a small fraction of all the nutritious waste on earth. there's also phosphorus and sludge and industrial waste water, not to mention the newer from life docking dairy farming. one of the most scalable solutions is to figure out how to get all of it out and reuse it right now, so it's treatment plants. it's to get the water cleaner, get it. we're not looking at it as a extracting resource to run. i think here is mine and these are 6. but why not? the industry is still figuring out how to improve existing technologies to make large scale removal economically viable. there's also been advance funds and the methods of extracting fos for us from animal maneuver. there's no shortage of technologies. it's just right now, it's still more cost effective to ship box than it is to try to get it from all of these other stores. we can also start earlier in the process and how trans observe more of the phosphorus. recent research has shown that certain types of fund guy
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induct syria could be used in the future to improve crossfield and so how am fun, j did these other estimates group of funds, a data lakes? very good uh, fox for us cabbage that he's been sick and it's been that high cmc kabbage of 1st. what else from any of the plans who cannot, scientists are still researching how these microbes could be used for large scale farming. however, transitioning to such organic agriculture takes time and could result in your losses or risk. farmers are hesitant to take. the legislation could help me with the market along the recently legalize the sale of cost for us recovered from sludge as fertilizer and is working on laws that will require more. fos for us to be removed from waste water. asbestos actually quite easy to recycle. the government of the specs and says, hey, you have to recycle 15 percent of the cost 1st. that's been your waste water. and then innovations finally have a chance to come to light and start the implement. frankly,
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the cost of fitness would drive a lot of innovation when it was cheap. don valley that i am optimistic, kept at that. maybe i'm just optimistic in general, but space, but the technician that fits there were talking about it may be able to their new revolution. theaters, bernetta. well, the blonde that has come strong, contains water quality text. i agreed fiber, which was legal to waste. but what good can come out of this waste bible? you get off. however, the community of marginalized women in so i'm in law goes monday, the 6th. we're making beautiful, fashionable items out of this waste fiber. transforming but non of fiber into boss gets them in here in the village of to put a condom in my day in southern india, i thinking of materials once considered waste. i'm going to get into something they
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can use a lot of them in school today to say we started working here after her husband was imprisoned, the job offered her and her children, a lifeline. i didn't put down that a more than a week after the incident. i was alone. i tune for the few days days and preventative helps me during that time. if you'd let me know how i loved it. eventually the day by day my kids are getting older lady same and i didn't know what the operating nobody can we can in that critical situation and i came to this job and then a lot of got into this in the city. i'm and what is the salary and the women i'm looking at the model, the international, the center for aut amico. they produce over 20 varieties of boss goods and more than 50 other types of handicrafts. the project aims to empower windows and single women providing them with book, but serves as a source of monthly income for them. the initiative was founded by jobs. he has
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been leading it for almost 6 years and lived in nevada. when i was a kid, i used to give me a gift to my friends. i would get everything from trees including raises and create a small homes and those items. i received a positive feedback from my friends, but i believe it was during that time that i realized i'm not going from interest, rudy. with this realization that need to consider making things out of them. naturally. medina has been raised by the obviously didn't. the india is the was largest producer of the non us growing more than $30000000.00 tons of the food every year in summer, not to the 4th largest, but not agreeing states around $10000000.00 tons of waste is produced. the but not least for the mika project comes from pharma. phoebe, he calculates a fees of what on 2000, but not fees dropped. so i can of the plans spent approximately one year within 10 months. the trees bear fruit. and after how listing the i got down to make we for the next crops of the let me miss any of the it was due
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to i'm going to be surprised. but recently we haven't started using it for multiple purposes. in particular, we use it yet as it all material meetings, baskets. this has been very useful for us kind of the the mika baskets and other products are mostly exploded abroad to countries like written on the usc, the women make around 8 to 10 boss gets every day they are sold for around 2000 piece. just who would want to utilize the room and get around $150.00 to peas on one euro. 6540. it might not sound like much, but the see the income brings them comfort. and there are also other benefits and or not a lot of them. and if i'm, every woman working here faces how to spend and trauma issues from their family. i think these tries to give them hope for financial independence and a chance to support their children when we come together and work as
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a team or to all up being seems to for you to work with them now. and the best thing is that the women say nothing from nature is based it the believe their work benefits the environment. but more importantly for sylvie, it also brings her closer to her dream to empower women, just like how to support themselves and their families. i would love to get my hands on a hand bag made out of, but i don't know if i was who would have thought, what did his ideas like these that actually only making the decisions to the farmers, to us. i'm to the planet, but you let me know what did you like the most about today's episode, and what would you like to see more of? i will see you soon until then take a good bye and almost gosh, the,
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that's how she could make it to europe must didn't warehouse. now, hobby is back in his home country of gambia, in west africa, trying to set up a business with us of an international aid organization. but this capital one to know is this plan also destined to fail home again in ceci minutes on d. w. well, vide ever move onto the visual light sources on 10 nights, and today get the increase in pricing. this is amazing with nature's inherent,
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cannot with dramatic impacts on biodiversity. can we come in 75 minutes on dw the it shouldn't be this warrant here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. it's hard not to feel that something really is happening here. what is happening to green and science? a team of crime, it research has a store and on task for put in place the january 12 on dw. so either insane
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and do the same way you expect. and one different thing is from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different risk, irresponsible. reasonable stopping port is nonsense. i want my son to become a dr. joe in the clubs. it's time to to get from your generation with a sleep asked and then when generations flash starts, january 14th on dw says kind of fun. it feels like therapy the
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. this is dw news live from berlin tonight, dealing in weapons. germany restarts, arms exports to saudi arabia. it's approve the delivery of a $150.00 iris t guided missiles. and this is a major, you turn. berlin stopped weapons deliveries to saudi arabia after the killing of journalist is jamal. kush ok, also coming up the world health organization says that the situation in gaza is simply too dangerous for enough a to now reach civilians and with new creeds, military running sort of mil recruits a growing number of women.


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