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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin tonight, dealing and weapons driven the restarts, arms exports to saudi arabia. its approve, the delivery of a $150.00 iris t guided missiles. and this is a major, you turn. berlin stopped the weapons deliveries to saudi arabia. after the killing of journalist is jamal, kush oak, also coming up the world health organization says that the situation in gaza is simply too dangerous for enough a to now reach civilians and with new creeds, military running sort of male recruits, a growing number of women are choosing to get arms training, we'll report tonight from a training camp that's preparing them for potential combat roll.
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the library golf is good to have you with us. berlin has authorize the export of missiles to saudi arabia, ending restrictions that were introduced back in 2018. the delivery of a 150 iris t air to air missiles to reopen is a major shift in policy for german transfer over sholtes government. roland halted, arms exports to the kingdom after discipline journalists, jamal co. shogi was killed in the soul of the consulate in his temple. us intelligence found that saw the crown prince mohammed been selman sanctioned is murder. as we go now to our political correspondence truly so daily, she is covering this story for us. julia, why is germany resuming arms exports to saudi arabia now what
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a lot of it has to do with the geo political situation, but also with the changing role that saudi arabia wants to play on the global stage . we've heard from german economy minnes through ha, but habit he is in saudi arabia right now on a state visit. and he said that saudi arabia, he thinks, plays an important role in stabilizing the entire region, the entire middle east. and he says that he sees saudi arabia being forthcoming in terms of working towards finding peace in a young and the country, and in conflict directly with saudi arabia were saudi arabia is directly involved. and how big, who also said things similar to germany's a foreign minister, i'm in a bad book. they both said that they see saudi arabia having a constructive role in regards to the israel. how must conflict and trying to pursue the escalation there. so these are all factors that are coming into play with this decision from germany to really change its policy on arms deliveries. and
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i'm wondering, is this the started something that is going to last? i knew that germany has approved the sale of iris t missiles are other deliveries likely to follow as well. for now, the confirmed approval is only for the $150.00 iris t. now these are missiles that are air to air and surface to air missiles. saudi arabia had already been using them, but they're currently running out. that's why they urgently once more to come in. but now re, i'd use is these missiles air to air. that means they mount them on euro fighter jets and euro fighter jets are also a big topic of debate in germany. these. a jets who's delivery germany has been blocking until now to saudi arabia. and we've heard in the last few days from chancellor shows and foreign minister, bad luck, that they would actually now be in favor of delivering these jets to saudi arabia too. so they actually might be next on the list or political correspondent, julia so daily with a lease tonight from here in berlin. strongly thank you. the world health
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organization says not enough. 8 is reaching civilians in the gaza strip. intensified finding in northern and central gauze that has also halted several deliveries of medical supplies and fuel to hospitals. there is rarely say that it is real, says that its troops are trying to root out on mos militants who carried out deadly terror attacks. it is real 3 months ago. grabbing all the can from a truck, west of kansas city bags of flour, boxes of canned food. throughout the territory, gods and space, mass, hunger, and disease. the un says $1.00 and $4.00 are starving. the majority of guys, this population has been displeased at least once, since the start of the war most depend on cross border aid for survival. those displaced say they are living in absolute desperation of
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medicine and we have lost hope. we'd be listening to the news for $98.00 days hoping that the war will end, but there is no hope. all we see is a difficult situation. we're in. we have no water electricity, but since water was scarce, we can only shar once a month. so it's taking a total in our mental health and there are diseases spreading everywhere and pressure to allow more 8 and to gaza is mounting on israel. the opening of a crossing at the israel egypt border has not significantly increase the rate of deliveries. a trucks are often delayed waiting for security checks. but israel's military says it is now increased its capacity for screening. we are ready and willing to facilitate as much humanitarian aid as the world will give, especially essentially like food medicine and shelter. we do security checks on
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humanitarian aid trucks for weapons before they enter because we have increased our screening capacity considerably. that even when a gets through distribution is another problem in the absence of security guarantees and intensified offensive around hospitals in northern gaza. vital medical supplies can get to people who need it most. it means that hospitals don't have to. it means that the patients don't have food. it means that i'm to tell, emphasize the care for the patients. you an agency say humanitarian corey doors for aid are needed now to save lives. meanwhile, on a visit to the west bank, the us has top diplomat, reaffirming washington supports the creation of a palestinian state. us secretary of state entity blinking said that his talks with palestinian president, my food boss,
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were productive and that they focused on political reforms that us once a reformed troubleshooting authority to govern garza after israel's war with him, us a boss and said gaza was an integral part of the palestinian territory and called for an international peace. com or, of course bonded rebecca ritter. she's telling me this story for us from jerusalem at rebecca, a productive discussion. that's how it's being described. what does that mean? well, just how productive this discussion will be, just what concrete comes out of it brand remains to be seen. of course, although the us certainly pains to say that today's discussion was productive. anthony blinking saying a game as he touch down and bell rang. the next stop on his middle is to a game reiterating that must have boss of allison in president was very open to the discussion. very open to the suggestions that the secretary had full, the palestinian authority. now as we've been can,
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is heated namely to push what the us sees as a potential, a post of gauze, a post conflict scenario. and that includes yes, as you mentioned, steps towards palestinian statehood that 2 state solution. that means a palestinian states living side by side and is really states. and they're also here to push what they see as a potential outcomes of the palestinian or starchy would be a governing power. would be a substantial leadership role in gone to the once the conflict comes to an end just whether or not they going to be able to. we know if uh, the as riley is on. that matter of course, remains to be say, based on sleep against the palestinian authority, having any leadership role in a post, how most will guys and will conflict and rebecca, blinking and making you clearly this is a 2 way street here. he called on israel to be a partner to palestinian leaders. what does he, what is real to do?
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well, just that, i mean, he wants israel to be more open to the idea of the palestinian authority, taking leadership in gauze or when the conflict is over. now as i just mentioned, that is something that prime minister is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is staunchly against it's something use time out time and time again saying that he wants support and it's hard to say israel coming to the policy on that with the current makeup of the cabinet and of the government, particularly right wing government and many ministers saying that they don't support the palestinian authority now. and now the problem of course is that the palestinian authority itself has lost a lot of credibility even within the west bank among palestinians. so a, whether it would even have the support of, of palestinians to take a leadership, whether it would really have any kind of legitimacy remains to be seen as well. so he's really looking on israel to help bolster the pe impulse to their integrity so that they would be able to play that role in a post conflict 12. and what about any cross border trustee or rebecca israelis and
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palestinians? the publics that mean, do they, do they trust each other at this point to, to, to make any progressive move. uh i would have to say sadly the any trusts that that may have existed before has been severely diminished in the wake of this conflict, or in the midst of this conflict. there is a lot more mistrust even than was before. and it was hard to think how it, cuz it, cuz the trust could really get much slow. but obviously, given the risk events or the 7, an events that we've seen and it's off them off and just the severity of the ongoing situation, the trust on either side is minimal. government wise and also among the public. so you know how that is going to be rebuilt, to stabilize the situation. it remains to be seen. the ws rebecca rid is with the
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latest tonights from israel and rebecca, thanks us. here are some other stories now that are making headlines around the world of the german foreign minister and the bear blocked is in lebanon, where she has been holding talks with caretaker prime minister. now she made katya, they discussed the tensions between israel and the she i live in. these hezbollah militia bare bach ultimate with you. and observers, while visiting german soldiers stationed on a frigate in the bay re harbor us. and british and naval forces say that they have shut down the barrage of missiles and drones fired by 15 rebels in the red sea, britain calls it the largest attack by the human based militants. since they began targeting commercial ships back in november. who the say that they're blocking is really shipped? are those headed to israel in response to israel's war in gaza? you coordinator president, bottom zalinski has made an unannounced visit to lithuania, kicking off a tour of the 3 baltic countries. again warned the trio of nations that they are
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not saved from the potential russian invasion unless the food into stopped. lensky is also discussing ukraine's plans to join nato, and the european union is staying with ukraine. the country is in need of more troops and discussions or underway about changes to the way soldiers are mobilized a new draft bill would increase penalties for people who dodge the draft and it would make more citizens eligible to be drafted. one source that has so far remained largely on tap women. around $42000.00 women are currently estimated to be serving in the ukranian army as an increase of 40 percent on 2021 the year before russia's full scale invasion. at least 5000 of those are reported to have been deployed at the front. but currently women can not be conscripted and have to actively enlist if they wish to serve new training camps or offering women opportunities to prepare for combat if they see it. dw stone,
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you fall in the car reports tonight of taking aim at the enemy. hold it on the loading to a basic goals and fire arms and open combat in a photo somewhere on the outskirts of keys, only for women. unless the seal is offensive decent and keeps with all dislike, she's never touched a rifle before the shirts, the knowledge skills are very relevant and you can't, we don't know what could come next and all the work to drag on for years that are hidden. so women can also be useful on the front focus more than what i spend the for one on this to see a hasn't decided whether she sign up to join the army like she like many others here, wants to be capable. tatiana, his son is in the army. she wants to be ready to join him because a can choose something for him. fortunately, running out to fight to do the threat nelson of people and results is so we have to
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be prepared for you. uh, all the volunteers from the army off of women, jo listens on handling the rifle reports. you go and put them to the pieces. the piano helps organize the course as well as taking part by 2 ladies. everyone has different reasons for being here, of course, and people have traumatized that so many women come from other cities or there are women who will under occupation to check these 2 nights. women bring some closer moons like therapy as much as those who come on to overcome that fancy stuff. the whole digital boyd, so like on the 26 year old fields manager wants to join a combat unit in the army of charles shaw bush at all. i'm still learning, trying to call it the 1st time i had to shoot my rounds, but my panic depending upon the thing. but now i feel comfortable that she was looking that she has
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a personal reason for controlling the ministry at home. and keith on the shows us the husband on 3, he's been missing on the front lines over your brother was also fighting and it's also missing on believes the russians have them. she spent months trying to find out what happened to them. now do i know has decided to become a soldier and you have to ensure that i understand that if i don't do anything, then i will fall into despair and it will only get worse. uh so i think i'll be able to achieve something there. and i hope that i will get some information. sure . what's your question for much? she's done her research on our plans to join the ukrainian armies towed a thoughtful gait, which she says already has women. long as the thing maybe it's been. oh that yeah, i'm not afraid to die. i'm afraid not to find my husband and brother doesn't return back in the forest. it's clear that there's
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a long road ahead that says which i know it will be very difficult for all this to work out. a girl like me who is a civilian and who has no experience and wants to become a combat soldier, i will really need to prove myself with a determination is for them and who it is increasingly steady. all right, i want to go now to marina monroe from the war studies department at kings college london. green is good to see you. happy new year to you. so let's talk about ukraine, the country more. it's military making it possibly easier for more women to be in those boots on the ground. does that tell us that the military is more inclusive or that it's getting desperate? a good evening, brian, and thank you. well, i think the problem is that the brain has been facing manpower shortage, specifically since the field counter offensive. that's when um, a lot of reported losses have taken place. so i think now was
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a new level is ation loyal, being and making, and some certain provisions which lower the age of new recruits and the fact that women will also be recruited. it means that a crane needs people on the front lines of the drafting procedure. conscription, i mean, how fair hasn't been in ukraine. i know that there have been a number of issues with the conscription process such as higher income ukrainians, bribing officials to avoid the draft of that been stopped. it was that is correct and i'm not sure it has been stopped. i knows that's a new mobilization. lou might actually relieve high income individuals from serving specifically because they are paying a lot of taxes. and in or do you just don't just mobilize people. you also need to find in and sat and ukraine has the budget deficit for 24 and 20 percent of its
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g d p. so there is also an economic problem and we'll be also measure is taken to to ensures that people don't leave approved the work discussions of mobile. why or recalling things we left, the brute to mobilize those as well. um no concrete measures have been taken, but that has been suggested by the defense minister romero on the 21st december or last year. so i think that will be the measures of the most freaked true measures implemented in order to make people serve. and we're going to, is that an incentive to, to keep money in the country by letting wealthy young citizens know that if you're well heeled in your pocket book, you probably won't have to answer the draft. well, i think it's a premium of social justice in the country and the fact that the government has lost trust, also population or has been losing it for the past months,
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specifically since the end of the counter offensive. and i think that that's a risk subdivision of the society. i don't think that that per se will save the ukrainian economy because it's highly dependent on external health, western countries. what, what it will do and what a lot of commentators from ukraine have said that if we pull arise, the society pull makes the government much more unpopular. and so m a bigger troubles and hor was russia will be the social pullers. ation that will take place to read. the maroon is always reading. we appreciate your time in your valuable analysis. thank you. thank you for having me. out of africa in ethiopia is northern and state of t great authorities, a warning the region is on the breed of famine. degrees interim president says at least 90 percent of people there are at risk of starvation. he said the crisis was triggered by the great war which ended 14 months ago as well as droughts and
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a lack of 8. ethiopia in the government in august of of a says the claims are exaggerated. to w correspondence in their own alizay reports from the region. this is all that's 70 years old. get bremond seen how goes and his family had been able to have his in present months, barely enough to survive. oh, there's famine, we are starving aluminum and crisis for some days. i'm able to find something to eat. other days i go to bed with an empty stomach. what can we do? where can we go? how long could as conditions west ended up his family and many young people left the area, but most of the bank liked bremond fin. most of his capital have died only a few months. i left. it's the result of 4 years of phase rates, including the west, jolting decades as well as the device. the thing was in the copious degree future.
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hipaa. now we have farmers who worked our land when we couldn't do that. we would travel to places where we worked the money, the where can we go now? i'm losing home. i don't have sheep are cows, i can sell that, isn't it? so then they, you, as was for the program in the us agency for international development, suspended that you might need to the end deliveries. i left the caea of our mazda of crap so scheme in which the copy of official grad and as each of forces had reportedly booted for 8 to send in beginning in the markets. based significantly less than a situation with more than 1400 people having to dev. since then, the local administrator in the district has declared a state of emergency concerns that 85 percent of presidents have barely any food to eat me. people are dying in front of
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a rise. the government and non governmental organizations have to take responsibility and do what they can to alleviate the suffering. you know, they do it and us, it does have agreed to resume food. identity varies with the improved monitoring for yeah, ignition. hopefully it won't arrive too late. save department the in the god knows what will come next and see we have is mercy, we will eat if we don't, we will die. no, there's not much else we can do it either way on. despite the short term relief, people here into great worry that there was, might not see that needs as agend as other crises and forth elsewhere in the wide item joined now by samuel good talk to you. he's a journalist based and artist of a button. he just got back from the regions and it's good to have you with this. we've heard international, a deliveries to,
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to great have picked up again. are they already making a difference? well i went to a small town uh village about 5 hours away from to, from mccully, which is the capital of uh to great. uh, the last time they received any kind of aid was from usa id, uh, 4 weeks ago. and i saw a whole village in need of support. uh, heading to a uh, some kind of farming. that's invisible. but you can tell from speaking to them, they're heading to a time. and that's really something that happened between 1984 and 85. i'm in dire need, this country's famous robbing. exactly. right, and we remember that usaid for africa. we remember that time that i'm wondering how are 8 agencies ensuring that the aid that's going to the people that supposed to go to the people is not diverted yet. as well, the usa i, d and w,
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p a have already analysed that they're using some kind of technology suite for the aid that's meant to be for the poor as received by them. but there's also a little color in deals that are fine to have. but the whole region as well as the regents including m r n a far are really going through some kind of famine. that seems to be invisible to 8 organizations, as well as governments that are looking to support them. but again, when you visit this villages and towns, you know that simon is really happening discount in the, near all of our, the conflicts this, this is becoming invisible to many people use it. it's invisible. so it's, it's a who to the people of degrading, who do they blame for this is crisis. i mean, this is an ex substantial crisis. what they, they, they are mostly focused on trying to feed themselves. when you have little to eat, i don't think you have enough time to be
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a bad one at the moment. you know what they're looking for, any kind of support to save their lives and move forward. so that is, that is the main point, isn't it? that they, they have to survive. what would it take at this point then to prevent mass starvation? what supports us say i do, you has already announced only 20 percent of the aid. there's going to this region including a fly in tomorrow and to dry us. you mention a usa, i mean w p is trying to begin to delivery to this regions. it has to begin soon, unless we want to see the kind of images that many of us go up to 198480 by watching from a distance again, midland, starving, and i don't think anyone wants to go to and we leave the kind of scenes that we all mostly grew up watching from a distance again. yeah. yeah. i think i agree with you on that. it's been more than what a year since the boring parties in the country signed
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a deal from what you saw during your trip. what will it take for to grade to get back on it's feet when it needs support, it needs understanding. nobody wants to talk politics anymore. they're trying to survive. they're trying to see their parents and children survived this again, a nightmare that we're beginning to see. um, i know that's a great government has spoken out against what's happening. the to open government has said that trying to help defending support. um, so you have to wonder if enough is being sent to do some of the population were 1991 percent of the population are are facing emergency aid according to the when is a terrible picture journalism, samuel? good thought you samuel, we appreciate your reporting. thank you. thank you. are you watching the w news? i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news i should be controlling.
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is that the the
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he has hope she could make it to your assistant warehouse. now, hobby is back in his home country of gambia, in west africa, trying to set up a business with us of an international aid organization. but this capital one to know, sloan is this plan also destined to fail home again the
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next on d. w. resigned as a move out position, light sources on 10 nights and today get the increase in pricing. this is main thing with me to is inherent cannot quite with dramatic impacts on biodiversity. can we come in 45 minutes on d, w, the west page. i mean, obviously, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs, thanks. trace amount, but there's no actually about move. joining us as we travel around your,
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facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the wells. and i need to talk to you that just says subscriber id, listen to paul, gosh, then we'll take you along to the right the, [000:00:00;00] the


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