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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, this of the dr. news life from by that. so many of these thoughts on sex both to tell you, it is a proof, the delivery of a $150.00 odyssey guided websites. and it's a major utah button. stopped for you to offer the kidding up to him, less to modify shop cheap. also coming up, ecuador sings into the price of the president says his country is at war with drug gangs off to the wave of factory violence. the supplemental of the tv station and the kidnapping of police officers, the
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number such as 12 bathrooms, the program, the german government, has authorized the export of messiahs to solve your debut ending restrictions set for introduce 6 years ago. the sale of a 150 odyssey ad aware besides the re a is a major policy shift such on from the old offshore of government, berlin halls as arms exports of the kingdom of to decision john list to microsoft to was killed in the cell. the conflict in his son, but us intelligence found that's how the conference mom has been set up on sanction to his motto. mo misses like these will soon be on their way to saudi arabia. that's off the german government, scrapped a 5 year old ban on arms exports. berlin still seems undecided on allowing the saudis to get more jets defy them from. so you are a fighter, is a part of the corporation between germany, italy, spain, and the u. k. and saudi arabia already has dozens of them. when the car and german
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government was formed, it said it would not approve the delivery of any more jets. the reason re adds war against who the rebels in yemen and the brutal killing of saudi jealous jamal control g. but the conflict between israel and the mass has changed. the calculus violin now sees saudi arabia as a partner, willing to stand up for stability with it in the middle east. if i advise israel noticed that it's security also depends on stability in the region and saudi arabia based on everything we hear. i know and talk about wants to fill the role of stability easily a 100 from starting to to, to all screen on finding the wrong back to tease have by contrast, taking up the fight against israel, attacking shipping in the red sea and firing rockets towards these railing territory shots the shells seems to be backing the release of your
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a fight is the part so is s p d potty and his green coalition partners are opposed. they say saudi arabia's human rights abuses means it will be a fatal mistake. green co leader, recall the lying, so that would be wrong to let saudi arabia get more. your a fight is this is the fundamental position of apology and i still see it that way . a definitive green light for leasing the croft may be some way off. but with germany already using its owns export band, it seems clear a foreign policy shift is well underway. dw, for difficult correspondence or less identity has more than germany's decision to fill out a statement 5 to solve your area. a lot of it has to do with the geo political situation, but also with the changing role that saudi arabia wants to play on the global stage . we've heard from german economy minister of all, but how the key is in saudi arabia right now on
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a state visit. and he said that saudi arabia, he thinks, plays unimportant role in stabilizing the entire region, the entire middle east. and he says that he sees saudi arabia being forthcoming in terms of working towards finding peace in a young man, the country, and in conflict directly with saudi arabia, were saudi arabia is directly involved. and how big, who also said things similar to germany's foreign minister. i'm in a bad book, they both said that they see saudi arabia having a constructive role in regards to the israel, how must conflict and trying to pursue the escalation there. so these are all factors that are coming into play with this decision from germany to really change its policy on arms deliveries, to governors, who knows how to enter them. now, us and british naval forces said they have shot down a barrage of misfire control inspired by who teach at boost in the red sea prison called it the largest attack by the government based militants. since the began
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targeting commercial ships in november, washington and london favors shot down $21.00 drawings and messiahs aimed at shipping lance. the who is the faith that blocking is fairly ships, all those headed to the nation and response to the sales force and f. f. us secretary of state destiny blinking said washington would not tolerate the what the attacks and that is on how to end the support for the 2. and all i can tell you is that as we make clear and many other countries make clear, they'll be consequences for the disease actions. we've also repeatedly tried to make clear to iran as other countries have as well. that the supports that they're providing. including for these actions needs to stop. it's not in their interest to see the complex escalated, and we're not the only ones who sent that message to the wrong contact option. the as the senior director of the n g o, the context stream is and project, we asked him about what these consequences to us such would you have to have
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mentioned could include, well, so far the contrast of colors no ships. i simply restricted itself to shooting down whatever it is to get them and you know, a couple of hours ago it was quite substantial abum carrying drones. uh, cruise me size as well as on the tank ship. mr. house. and then we had um, a couple of days ago, i was thinking of a couple of other peoples so far. the collision has not yet attack. who's the positions on the ground in human radar stations? mr. launch sites. but if needs a tax don't debate, don't with use or don't stop, i'm afraid this is going to be the logical next. contact option left on the context, humans and project them. now, earlier on the blinking visited the westbank where he's reaffirmed washington support for the creation of madison in state. blinking said his thoughts of protest in preston, ma'am with a boss before the doctor and focused on political reform. the us wants of reformed for us to find a sydney and authority to govern. garza often strows war with him on a boss,
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said gaza was an integral part of protestant in tennessee and called for an international of these functions. these up is rebecca with us and she'll do some sort of more as the us certainly attains to say that today's discussion was productive. anthony blinking saying a game as he touch down in ball rain. the next stop on his middle is to a game reiterating that must have boss of allison in president was very open to the discussion, very open to the suggestions that the secretary had for the palestinian authority. now as we've been can, is he namely to push what the us sees as a potential, a post of gauze and post conflict the scenario. and that includes yes, as you mentioned or steps towards palestinian statehood. that 2 state solution. that means a palestinian states living side by side in his riley states. and there also he to push what they see is a potential outcome that is
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a palestinian or starchy would be a governing power would be a substantial leadership role in gone to the once the conflict comes to an end just whether or not they going to be able to, we know if the is riley is on that matter of course remains to be, say, based on sleep against the policy and you know, authority having any leadership role in a post, how most will guys and will contact you gotta do some of the materials now equitable is preston have declared that the nation is at war with drug gangs of the country droplets with an unprecedented available file. and it began often a told, as gang leader disappeared from prison on sunday, sparking giants gun batteries and kidnappings. if these 10 people have been killed, a police engage with a group of gunman during a raid and self in ecuador, the he says it's stepping off. it's
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offensive against the powerful drug gangs who are behind the violence across the country to shoot out. took place in the city of what keeps near the border with peru which day is it stepping up, its patrols along the frontier to stop the vine and spilling into its territory. throughout ecuador, security units have been out and forth, trying to reassure citizens of the safety authorities, say they doing what they can. but that can't be everywhere at once. distorted shows the gang members sitting fine because in the countries north, in broad daylight, at the games, tara tactics appear to be working. people on the streets say, the skid. is there? is this a sadness and fear is something we all have right now, but we don't know what to do. because in reality, we can't do anything for the. like if there's like a maple are afraid,
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they don't want to go out any more. businesses are closing, so as a citizen, i'm very scared of what's happening right now and they're quite or the security situation hit. the national and international headlines on choose day when heavily um, to not coast on a tv station. and it could do as large as the city keith, during a live news broadcast. the most gunman said they would, they had to go in and it could dorians not to mess with the mafia. the attack was swift in violent video, but out of the shot for one of our camera man in the leg broke the arm of another one. the fired bullets they use their weapons inside. about 13 minutes after the government appeared, police could be seen entering the tv station or the gangsters were captured. but the attack lift ecuador is horrified. ecuador has struggled for years with violence tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnapping. but now the president says ecuador,
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is it well with the gangs? and he's announced a state of emergency for at least 60 days during this time, officials can suspend people's rights and to mobilize the army, including in prisons. now here in germany, it's on support, has been homeless by a real strike that's been watching the farm was process. angry fall must have been blocking major oil. it's an access to the highway and a bit of protest. i'll over subsidy cuts mean by commuters for your mass of disruption, because that for 3 days try called by the tree and drive of the union, which is the latest move in a long running dispute over fate and working hours across gemini right now, not much it to liz, moving here at the lanes main station, few trains were running today. of the train drive is a striking and supportive pay rises at a 35 hour full day work week. whatever the demands,
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many passengers were left wondering how they going to get around. i had the night train tonight from burton to berries, so it makes it kind of a complicated because i try to to go through 1st tonight. so i have multiple connections and now i don't know where it going this i'm going to talk tonight, but they just told us to try and go into later. try and see what happens. i think it will still be valid for hopefully that works out like the training strongly comes on top of blockages on gym and these roads goes by nationwide. farm is protest. they've adopted a tactic of stopping their tractors on the slip roads on to also bones creating traffic games, but also grabbing headlines. they follow that up with demonstrations and riley's in large cities around the country. interested in some 2000 tractors and mast in the city center phones. larry. the dissatisfaction among farm is, is mainly about government plans to come tax breaks for agriculture,
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but also what they see as excessive bureaucracy and environmental standards. units for the human, for what we've seen, betrayed and sold down by the government to intersect to where you worry about every cent they're reaching into our pockets. it's just not acceptable as possible to avoid it. see on to hers. we produce to the highest standards, we should at least have the same standards in europe so that we can produce without needing government l when it, that's the direction it has to go. when did this thing was this game? politicians have gone to the fall rights is seeking to exploit these protests for their own ends. invest in some people identified as belonging to follow, right. groups have to be kept apart from farmers by police. tom, as late as say that moms do not go beyond agriculture, but many of the supporters link the problems informing with other issues like ukraine and the rising cost of living down to elevate money for everyone in the world for skilled workers for refugees, for war. there's money for everything except their own people with
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a budget crisis and a filtering economy. jim and he can ill afford to stand still. yet this week, wheels are just not turning now it's winter affair and your open people are listening up this case and take them to the eyes. invited in no way a leak has been transformed into a giant ice skating drink. the water freezes over most arrows, but it's read that the ice to see from taken off for skating. and lucas aren't bossing up this create opportunity. as you can see in these images that i'm going to leave you to enjoy for a bit of a a. so let's see or and with those gorgeous
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images here, it up to date, and that is a new sound up on forget you can august gets munoz on our website at dw dot com and i have left portion of this at the delta dental such as well thank you so much for being with us. the . this shouldn't be this warrant here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice explore an untouched place into the ice. january dw, these 2 countries have been enemies for decades. this is a survey, john, and this is our mean.


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