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tv   Best of DW-online Content  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 7:15am-7:31am CET

7:15 am
it's jim and he can afford a standstill. yeah, this week. the wheels are just not turning. all right, you are up to date. don't forget this. plenty more news and information on our website, the w. com and you can follow us on social media. i'll be back again for top of the next task. the vacation as an applicant. do they have the when i, when i told me that they don't have violence. do this and we go sailing hoffman fishy today, because then they go to that who set up to, you know, medical people who work hard won the tenants otherwise. so not because
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the these 2 countries have been enemies for decades. this is a survey, john, and this is our mean. yeah. they should have a long history of an extensions. you might have heard of the car of a horse, but now they might finally be able to bury their vending machine. they say they want to sign up the street, but there are still a lot of bar used to overcome. just look at this. as everybody johnson exclaimed, like each of us, it has no connection to the countries mainland. and in between these armenia, why is this a big deal? because the 2 states argue over how other bit john could connect to each explain they must be taxes from mainland. no,
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that wasn't enough to last. it should be no checks, 9 to funerals on this is i was interested in the system a try highest find the page on it in armenia and as a by john, that was it should open the roads for each other without the above mentioned, quarter door logic me minds, how about $50.00 at the check points of those roads? i've done the border and other relevant control services. your goal should also remind you of a bit of a need, a school concert. i assume that it's a fight over control of disconnection. let's go to design cause or mountain using the cell farming. yeah. to find out more here on this narrow and flat to punch between the mountings is where the connection could run a survey on claims. it could be compiled of a key tray route connecting china and to europe. this would have huge impact on the
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balance of power into soft coal causes. a reading between ukraine and the middle east. turkey, russia and iran are in a diplomatic type of war over the connection that you and us are getting involved as well. so let's find out this issue a good stand in the way of peace. on the seldom most to provide me a ride between us or by john in the next place. there was a town of magazine. it's abundance train station is now with the center of the geo political struggle in the boss. some 70 trays would drive for you every day. it was also the way to get from us or be just copy, told by cool dorming. yes, capital year of on there was event, a diplomatic train running between moscow and tara but the station has been shut down ford older for decades. why? in the late 19 agents tensions erupt between armenia and other be johns,
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they went to war and cut 12 full tice. as a result, the railway trucks were dismantled and sold for struck metal. and the meg were station fell into roy and today army and those are based on both say they want to so you don't for rating again, there was a chance this might happen. they want to normalize the relations. but the of to a peace treaty can be slippery, is that the side all the develop of, of dialogue? but um, it's still pretty mature to say that we will it each piece to it just so or todd each of the, of this terminal, the 0 be jones governmental foreign policy. think duncan by cool people in earlier . but frankly speaking the title of non stop wars and most of the building was that is a few years in a new board with bring only new lucy's penn. how many of us young is a foreign policy experts based and yet have on i believe that these are the know because do they need 2024 different or that are writing transits escalation.
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conflicting visions for the connection to language, yvonne are one of the main sticking points. to understand this conflict, we need to talk about how these board there's came about in the early 19 twenty's farming and does are, but generally conquered by the red army and became part of the soviet union. their borders. what does he need it under soviet rule. this map from 1928 shows 122 territories received a special status. lean ground for future conflicts to the west of armenia and other be joining x people bless each. yvonne was created as the dean of the page on the area of not going to kind of us populated mostly by armenians. what's the drugs that they've told them then they were only administrative borders within one country. the soviet union, the people could easily travel without and border controls at the many
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places armenians. and those are big johnny's with neighbors and colleagues. just looking to make your station where approximately half the work as a medium and the other half of the way. but things changed fundamentally when the soviet union started collapsing in the late 19 eighties. this is when collections that wrapped up between the armenian squire, mostly christian and other, be johnny swearing, mostly mostly in the administrative lines on the mock became were you boy, there's and the results for conflict in the run up to our media and it was originally in defenders in 1991 by then, a full fledged war had their opted over not gone atara. but it is internationally recognized as the rhetorical buzzer by john. but mostly armenia lived there. after 6 years of war means one and 2 control over a car boss and board during the territories. displacing some hop, 10000000 series. in 2020, the 2nd cub of war broke out
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a survey on no domain. they took the battlefield and the ceasefire was signed under russian creation. it was in this document that as everybody jumped, secured the demands to collect, fits, explained by army and territories. armenia agreed to guarantee the security of trustful connections between other by john and exactly like each other. and keep in mind one important detail according to this document. these were rochelle soldiers who shall be responsible for overseeing the transport connections. we'll get back to that later. bible says that these are the zip codes or will become part of what is known as the middle of coverage or x rays from connecting china. and you are by essentially asian turkey and armenia with profit as well. i think these additional links which go will go to solve to connect again are mean yeah, russia as it are by john. the jerky drawn will be like the ports and the
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additional, the route. i think it will be beneficial for all part this one. so what is the cause easy access to its x rays? that means no customs, no border controls. so, but just president has in the past to present to open that courtyard by force. farming yet doesn't deliver but i mean, it has been unwilling to open the connection on barclays terms. it's worrying that it might lose control over this narrow strip of land. whether the months it plays, there will be no customer control, border control and customer control. default for me to explain it real close though, there is a no passport for the customer to control. all we can speak about in september 2020 free diesel res became even greater after as early john broke the ceasefire and swiftly to control over the whole of not going to colorado. as a result of some 100000 people selected,
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he was out of the region to armenia. year yvonne has given up to retail. y'all claims over not going to come of us, but other sticking points we made. first of all, there was no agreement about the delineation of the come on board there. secondly, both countries claim to refugees right to return. and finally, what about the connection to the future of farming? it also has an interest in opening up. it's a non blocked country and ever since the 1st car before armenia as borders with us, everybody, john and it's l i. turkey remain closed. this is anything the country's development as it can only trade with georgia to the north and do run to the south. so here if i'm his account or block codes, trust, roads of peace, the country which is considered the most democratic in the region once to open the whole network of roads depend, railroads draws or by john entered the abundant railway connection by a main creek is among them,
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but it wants to keep full control over its roads and territory. to sum up, it's all about control of this strategic connection in blunt. but not only army under survey, john are pulling it up wasn't and the rope here. russia has historically been that, i mean, yes, i like it has 10000 soldiers and the military base in the country. both states are members of the collective security treaty organization, or see a steel sometimes called the russian, that alternative to nato, russian soldiers having station don't. i mean, yes, borders this after the collapse of the soviet union like you and to solve what, as long as we could run. and they would like to stay here because boots on the ground, give russia leverage and the region. their presence is also important to us that are by john as a tories for the security of its people travelling for our media. but our meals are increasingly disappointed with their ally, russia, and i'm willing to see most cool. s p's guarantor a turkey is close to the other, but just closest ally, it has
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a short board that would like you to yvonne. so we design cars are corey door becomes a reality. it would get a direct link to us or be just mainland and to central asia. just a few days after we taking kind of, uh, therapies president ad on and does there be just a yes. rush to this meeting in the future on suggesting that this could be their next focus. turkish and those that are be joining military health exercises here for their soaking. army and fears. such a connection would also strengthen the organization of 30 states. the cooperation chung from the by turkey during the last summit, president ad on mobilized support for the issue. not too much due to the, the opening of the lane will not only contribute to the wellbeing of all countries in the region, but will also connect tarkey with it's unsuccessful, homeless, central asia, for the successful completion of this phase, we as a talking world must continue to support as it by john,
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by this newly opened the cost of the building shows, there is one more power here which has been blocking. 13th rushes so far. it's the wrong turn around. so you design cars are corey door, a strengthening the influence of 13, which is a regional arrival in the nato member opening and you call splitting the self alarming. yeah. right next to every junk folder or seen a support yet if i'm interested by cool, but behind the dictionaries blow cage, there is also its own economic interest. today a lot of trust, but between central asia and 13 goes for your ron. and alternative connection would mean economical support that around that's why you run or does everybody, john, and you train connection to the next grade via its own territory. it is now being developed, azerbaijan, in 13, now say armenia would miss out if it doesn't give way. what the connection layout you run once, provide them with what they want most of routes,
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without border controls. the european union is getting involved as well. on the one hand, it is by industrial missouri page on the bi at biplane took utility. so he doesn't want any escalation that could disturb supply. on the other hand, it is supporting armenia, and the recently started an officer, evasion mission on army as borders. and did you west is also against any connections by are you wrong. but brussels and washington are far away. the war in armenia is that it could be arm twisted into concessions by other by john working to get there was turn and russia however, there are signs of holes like this exchange of prisoners. so for arming and does everybody jump, agreed to do it as a trust building measure, step like this should help to negotiate a peace treaty that legacy of conflict lingers over both countries. as everybody,
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john is emboldened by recent victories and has a strong negotiating position. people in our media are ready to accept even babies the like even there will be a peace deal we can mostly will be in favor of us or by john. because no peace deal news. and another escalation, agreeing to lay down, arms and signing the peace treaty could take priority now with no compromise on transport connection inside the issue could be postponed. i'm not sure about that will be reflected in the 3 to maybe the principle of the opening opening position next will be there. but the, my ballot this and some of the details of the separate the so what about the a bundle of the train station in magazine at least for now it remains neglected. but ultimately opening connections like this one will be necessary to reach a long plastic piece was installed to i'm not supposed to speak about near future.
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but in long term with the generational change in mind brings into durable abuse because these could not be happening with you several months or even several years . but the long term you've regional communications are open. definitely this will mean more interaction between people and more interaction different ok leads to more understanding of each other. if that one day succeeds, you in design cause or mountings, people will finally be able to leave and cross peacefully without having to fear another war. the l g b t q marketing can get people works up to them. that means that when some people see or ice cream, they throw it in the trash for others by a whole truck load more.


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