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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is the don't you use live from berlin, israel sites as charges of genocide at the international court of justice. excuse me, hearings begin today at the un top court in the hague. the proceedings could take years. israel is calling the accusations basis also coming up with germany, restarts arms and exports to savvy arabia. in a major policy, you turn berlin approved, sending guided missiles to the kingdom. weapons deliveries were frozen after the killing of journalist, 2 miles, control plus ecuador in crisis. the president crunched down on
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drugs guns and the criminals react with the violent storming a tv station and taking hostages. the unpopular fully ass welcome to the program is ro is preparing to defend itself in court against accusations of genocide and its war against thomas and gaza. preliminary hearings begin today at the international court of justice in the hague, and a case brought by south africa. the focus will be on south africa's demand, the court order, an immediate cease fire and gaza. palestinian supporters have demonstrated in cities across africa in support of the submission to the un court, as our correspondents garcia shilton in the hague. as more on have the court proceedings are likely to unfold the year. uh because south africa,
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i'll address that ease right, is committing genocide. they have lots to an application in late december, which is $84.00 pages long. and they're, they're saying that you start to commit to x admissions, fed as genocide and character. what is important to know is that this question is not going to be the subject of today's hearings. today's hearings are about so called provision a mattress. this is also something that says advertisement asking for. among these provision a mattress is, for example, the quest for the code to order that use right should cease and, and all military operations right now. but also a request to allow human retiree and assistance. and another request to my example to collect evidence. so that is important to understand that today is not about the question on the merits, whether the genocide convention has been breached or not brought about these
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provision. emetrius, south africa make his case today, tomorrow, due to the east trio that will get a chance to answer and then it is expected to be within weeks that the court would render a decision on the so called provision and mattress. the last word on this, the court is not found on woodside. the apricots you're asking, it is all, it's a free to order. different provision in metro said it, things is necessary. us. all right, you see a m, so when exactly you said a few weeks for women, a judgment be made by the international court of justice. so as i have said, the 1st thing is that there a provision a mattress business to be rented within weeks. the, the, um, the judgment on the main issue and the question read that you started a hash breach the genocide convention. yes or no. this is supposed to take years is because they move to the next stage and then this will. but as i said,
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this will take a couple of years. it's hard to say how many, but this is not a trick decision. okay, thankfully, so yeah, let's see a shelton in the hague when our correspondent tanya kramer is following developments from jerusalem on a little earlier, i asked her how this legal challenges being received in israel as well. there's a lot of attention a today on the opening of this case. first, it will be south africa. today presenting the case at the court and then on friday, israel will present it's arguments and go to, he's been hearing all along. i mean, israel is a party to the a genocide convention, but it's really, it's also varies from the rejecting rejecting these occupations. they're saying that actually defending is right. it's defending itself against the atrocities that
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have been committed by the extremes. cruise, how boss and other militant groups from gaza, a during the terror attacks on october, a 7. and this is acute by many of the statements that be heard. and many is rarely official. president, it's a council. has said that this is an atrocious claim, and i think you speak to a lot of it varies here that are saying it should be actually those minutes in groups. there's a terrorist from us that should be sending twice a not israel. that was our correspondent time you, kramer injury some. well the palestinian red present says for paramedics, have been killed in his really air striking kaiser is ro, insists it only targets thomas. the radical islam is group classified as a terrorist organization by several countries, including germany. a daily reality team, gaza people riding in panic after rain is really air strikes. the attack heat a 2 story building in the central city of their l. bala and the people were
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queueing to receive aid at the school they were heading. 20 martyrs were buried at the school with that and they show in this hospital in the same area. paramedics burst into tears as they recognized their colleagues, for of them were killed after and is rarely strikes, keep their ambulance is death move actually, i mean, i them were being directly targeted. so we won't be able to save the lives of the wounded village above. we said many times before the ambulances will be moving, but it looks like they want to stop patients being saved because of this direct air strike. in response to draw, we need through national pressure on monday, each real place that it was shipped to a more targeted campaign and gaza with the fighting appears to be as intense as
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before. with no indication these really government is planning to pause this campaign as well as no intentional, permanently occupying guys or, or displacing that civilian population as well as finding how much terrace, not the palestinian population. and we are doing so in full compliance with international law. with calls from washington to protect civilian lives in gaza. the stop diplomat continues his tour of the region. on wednesday, anthony blink and met pro a student present might come with a boss in the occupied west back. we talked as well about the importance of reforming the outstanding authority policy and governance so that it can effectively take responsibility regardless that the so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under
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a palestinian leadership blankets for trip to the region since october ends in egypt on thursday, his main declared task has been to stop the conflict from spreading. but a week of meetings with the regions most powerful leaders has no ease the suffering of civilians and gossip. the german government says, authorize the export of missiles to saudi arabia in a major policy shift. berlin also says that kingdom can expect a green light on the delivery of euro fighter jets, germany holt at arms exports to saudi arabia 6 years ago after the murder of, during this jamal kashodi. mo, missiles like these will soon be on their way to saudi arabia. that's off the german government, scrapped a 5 year old ban on arms exports. berlin still seems on decided on allowing the saudis to get more jets to fi them from. your advisor is a part of the corporation between germany, italy, spain,
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and the u. k. and saudi arabia already has dozens of them. when the car and german government was formed, it said it would not approve the delivery of any more jets. the the reason re adds war against who the rebels and yemen, and the brutal killing of saudi jealous jamal control g. but the conflict between israel and the mass has changed the calculus violin. now the saudi arabia, as a partner, willing to stand up for stability with in the middle east, dual credit. if i advise israel knows that it's secure. he also depends on stability in the region and saudi arabia based on everything we hear. i know and talk about wants to fulfill the role of stability, usually a 100 from starting to, to, to obviously on finding the around back to tease have, by contrast, taking up the fight against israel, attacking shipping in the red sea and firing rockets towards these railing.
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territory, johns, the show seems to be backing the release of your a fight as part. so is s p d policy and screen television partners are opposed. they say saudi arabia's human rights abuses means it would be a fatal mistake. green co leader because the lying said it would be wrong to let saudi arabia get more. your a fight as this is the fundamental position of apology and i still see it that way . a definitive green light for leasing the croft may be some way off. but with germany already using its arms export band, it seems clear a foreign policy shift is well underway. let's take a look now at some other stories making news around the world. german foreign minister and lena bear bulk has condemned china is aggressive behavior in the south china sea during a visit to the philippines. babel criticized china is territorial claims in the
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region and called for a political solution for you. and court rejected visions claims to disputed territories. in 2016, a setting in the democratic republic of congo has destroyed tens of thousands of houses around the capital kinshasa water levels in the congo river have reached their highest in almost 60 years. heavy rains and flash floods have killed nearly 300 people in recent months. at least 15 people have been killed in looting and arson in the capital. when you're getting financed, broke out in port moresby, when police went on strike, overpay prime minister james moraspy has called for calm and st. pay coats were closed by a glitch to ecuador. as president daniel noble, i has declared that the nation is at war with armed drug games during an unprecedented wave of violence. it began after a notorious gang later disappeared from prison, sparking rights going bottles and the kidnappings. dozens of people have been
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killed. police engage with a group of gunman during a raid and southern ecuador. the he says it's stepping off. it's offensive against the powerful drug gangs who are behind the abundance across the country to shoot out. took place in the city of what keeps near the border with peru which day is it stepping up, its patrols along the frontier to stop the vine and spilling into its territory. throughout ecuador, security units have been out and forth, trying to reassure citizens of the safety authority, sorry they doing what they can, but they can't be everywhere at once. distorted shows the gang members sitting fine because in the countries north, in broad daylight, at the games, tara tactics appear to be working. people on the streets, say,
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the skid. you're going to get this, this is agnes, and fear is something we all have right now. but we don't know what to do, because in reality, we can't do anything for the like if there's like a maple are afraid, they don't want to go out any more businesses are closing. so as a citizen, i'm very scared of what's happening right now and they're quite or the security situation hit. the national and international headlines on choose day when heavily to knock coast on a tv station. and it could do as large as the city kias during a live news broadcast. the most gunman said they would. they had to warn and equip dorians not to mess with the mouse. yes, the attack was swift in violence. but out of the shot for one of our camera man in the leg broke the arm of another one fired bullets they use their weapons inside. about 13 minutes after the government appeared,
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police could be seen entering the tv station. the gangsters were captured, but the attack lift ecuador is horrified. ecuador has struggled for years with violence tied to drug trafficking, including homicides and kidnapping. but now the president says, ecuador, is it well with the gangs? and he's announced a state of emergency for at least 60 days during this time, officials can suspend people's rights and to mobilize the army, including in prisons when it's winter, here in europe and people are lacing up their skates and taking to the ice a lake in the norwegian city of burden has been transformed into a giant skating rink. the water freezes over most years, but it's rare at the ice safe. i'm thinking of for skins and logos aren't passing of this great opportunity. coming up next to dw documentary looks at the effects of
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artificial light on the natural world. for now, when the view proceeds pictures from the day when a watching the can use. yeah, the we are all set. we are watching close all the to bring you the story behind the new your own about on volume information for free might do to me in
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the big city at night dark this no longer exists in many places around the.


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