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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, you're watching the w name's coming to live from berlin. is rose facing charges of genocide at the international court of justice at the hague, south africa is accusing israel of breaching the un genocide convention alleging allegations as well as calling baseless. also coming up on the show riots and popcorn of guinea as police to strike over pay. the prime minister is called for calm and declared a state of emergency to deal with widespread looting wallace nest and are set and argentina's president have you on the lay of backs off a campaign promise to replace the pay. so with the us dollar will hear from those trusting, his government can tackle runaway inflation the
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i'm sorry, richardson, welcome. the international court of justice. and the hey has been hearing accusations of genocide abroad against israel by south africa. and the case could take years. but today, south africa has been asking the court to order israel to immediately halt it's military operations and gaza hearings this week. we'll focus on that request for emergency measures to be imposed much sooner. and south africa has long supported the palestinians leaking their struggle to its own history of fighting a part time as well, for his part has a strongly denied the claims calling the accusations baseless. israel's hayes is doing all it can to avoid civilian casualties in gaza as it responds to how much this terrorist attack last october. but south africa alleges,
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not only is this untrue, but that israel's campaign is targeting palestinians with the aim of wiping the mount as a people. and it's more than 80 page filing to the world's colt and the hague. south africa argues, accent, emissions by israel. a genocidal in character as they are committed with the requisite specific intent to destroy palestinians and gaza as parts of the broad palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. it goes on to say this constitutes a breached by israel of its obligations under the genocide convention. a document drawn up in 1948 and the aftermath of the whole cost, which both israel in south africa have signed israel. those states, it has a right to self defense after the bloodiest attack in its history, its officials have renounced with anger. to south africa's filing,
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pointing out that how mosque continues to call for the destruction of the jewish state. israel says it will flank back in the court. the state of israel will appear before the international court of justice at the hague. to dispel south africa is absurd blood libel. how tragic, but the rainbow nation that prides itself on fighting racism will be fighting pro bono for anti jewish, racist palestinians in garza and the rest of the world. we'd be looking closely at the quotes response to south africa's request. a provisional routing could come within weeks. but any final judgement is expected to take years or course bonnet was the schultz and told me more about today's proceedings at the hague. yes sir, here in the hague, we have for today from south africa. and what is important to say is we have heard that out. so as africa is bringing forward claims or allegations of genocide
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against israel, they're saying that each read has reached the genocide convention. but today the hearings were not about this, it was not about the marriage of the case, but it was about the question whether the court should order provision or mattress or not. so if africa has requested provision or metro, so these provision and mattress all for example, if they do use ray of should seize all military options. operations right now, as well as allow humanitarian assistance. also to not impede evidence on the genocide allegations to collect evidence for that. so what is important to understand is that the court, when he makes this decision, he's not bound to these requests from says advertise. so you could also decide on other remedies that he could order to each, right. you and you sort of a get given it's a chance to reply tomorrow, just listening. and i'd like to get into the details with kathleen powell associate professor of law at the university of cape town. she's an expert on international
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organizations and the interface between law and politics in the international arena, perfect person to speak to about this. now i understand that you have been the following proceedings in the hague today. do you think that south africa has a convincing case here? a good afternoon i. yes, i have been following the proceedings. and i will survey to be a 2 full page application that for the african center and in advance. and i think it makes an extremely strong case and, and certainly the legal argument this morning was pub, or each member of a very impressive, a legal team dealt with each aspect that had to be proven before south africa can get provisional measures indicated against israel in the factory full sauce to some provisional measures against itself, to stop the military on sewage in gauze, or to preserve evidence and to ensure that dozens of given the ability to
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survive in that's food, water, electricity gets restored, and that may be co health and human a 2 and 8 is available. let's take a little bit more 1st and about these of provisional measures. i understand the i c, j is expected to decide within a week's a, including whether there will be an emergency suspension of israel's campaign in gaza. what will the court be basing its decision on as well, this will of things that the actually can started so, so the frontier has to prove in order to get provisional dishes. one is that the quote has a team a fuck, a case of jurisdiction. so not whether it has jurisdiction to say that is a decision that gets taken later on when the merits of the case get considered. but joseph service opposable case that's being made for jurisdiction. and that's quite easy in this case because most of the african israel or parties to the genocide
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convention, which gives us the eyes to judge jurisdiction if the disputes about within the state is responsible for genocide. so that's quite easy. and then so that's like it has to show that it has a right to to bring the case. and it's done this on the basis that it's a party to the genocide convention. and that it has an obligation under the genocide convention to prevent genocide much as much to committed. and it relies the case of columbia versus neon ma with the i c j a lot. and then if we can stage to bring a genocide case against the stairs on another contribution. so that's it's, it's 2nd hurdle that it had to meet. then it had to show that it's the subject matter of its complaint relates to the genocide convention. and it did this by giving a brief overview of the facts, both agenda's title x, that it's containing off. so the destruction of most of gaza. um and the displacement of 85 percent of its population. and then
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a separate section on genocidal intent where it's cartridge mendez of the is early government. same because it's a career search of people connected to the military making statements such as was causal for mac. if you have an area of naval go shoot, you know, and so then there was a section showing that i just want to jump in there because the speed was here, the wider case started that this, these allegations of genocidal indians is that they are, they're going to be looking at statements from is rarely politicians. how else will they try to make their case here? i think that of those cases going to turn on genocidal intent because israel has already all get that it's acting in self defense. and you mentioned that the annual introduction to, to this discussion um and although that is a difficult quote to make given how does proportion of the damage is being in gaza?
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and that has been the strongest because it is all this made so far. but yes, and this is what one of the council pointed out this morning in the, in the case before the hague, if the intention behind all the destruction. but it is not to defend israel that this to destroy a people in whole or in part, then you've got you in a side. so i think a lot of the, the case is going to send to on of genocide and intent. that's what do you need for genocide, you need to act before that and you need the intention to to intake was very specific. uh and bear in mind that the intention is going to be to destroy a group in hollow in part, and that group's got to be defined as national racial, ethnic, or religious. and do that, couldn't be fine. well, and that's why i let you go. i'm sorry, so jumping cuz we're just running out of time, but i'm curious if you could before before on how would you rate their chances of success in proving us a i think
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a very good at getting provisional nations and the arguments this morning made clear that the court has gone to provisional measures when the pressure does that the, that was trick and it was being struck in the home to human beings was a lot less than what we're dealing with now. so i was explaining earlier on what the requirements for professional muses, all the 4th one is presidents. and it's clear from the president from what the procedure has done in the past. that is prepared to issue provisional measures when there's a risk of bridges. and in this particular case, you've got to pay to this already happening and ongoing. so i think the challenge is, oh good. what is the arguments is what brings tomorrow. may have a bearing on the merits of the case which gets considered later. but on whether you're going to have for visual measures or not, i think it's on likely that is well can prevent them. but thank you so much for sharing your insights with us. i'm afraid that's all we have time for for now. that's a kathleen poll associate professor of law at the university of cape town. i
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looked at the view from israel with zeta views corresponded rebecca rivers in jerusalem. rebecca tell us more about israel's reaction to south africa is claims that the us top court today. so please rouse, obviously, going to get it stay in court tomorrow. claire is we've been hearing to defend the allegations some put against it amazes allegations that israel vehemently denies and vehemently denied all across the board. the whole way along is route and see that it's acting in self defense against what it says. a genocidal acts by hamas carried out on october 7th. and in the following days, it insists it maintains that it is doing everything that it can to prevent civilian casualties. and in fact, claims him off for the high debt till saying that the, the group and using he of you know civilians as human shields. now, just before south africa took the stab, we heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he talked to ex, fully tweak to the, basically re, it's a right those claims saying that, you know,
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israel has no desire to, to reoccupied garza that has been acting within international bull. he didn't mention the i c, j rolling directly, but it was a very significantly timed statement in the optimal if we haven't heard any specific statements from israel, but we know that is around a basic you cold, have cold, south africa criminally complacent with her mouse. and they saying that they basically the legal alma from us. so it was a very strong statements coming from israel, very clear what their point of view is. there is no, it's going to be very interesting to hear just what the defense has to say tomorrow, given the, the, as you just heard that a very strong a case put forward by south africa and looking even a little bit further ahead. and we've heard that south africa is asking the court to impose these binding, preliminary orders on israel, including a halt to with operations in gaza. how likely do you think israel would be to abide by the i c j's decision that's that's really,
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really difficult to predict. clay icy j rulings are legally binding, but they are very, very difficult to enforce. they can be ignored and we sold that with russia. in the case in 2022. when it was the ruling, the i c j ruling was for russia to say, so i'll still a tease in ukraine. now, that ruling and the fact that ross are ignored, it showed some of the weaknesses of the i c, j. and it's for that reason. but some experts are saying that the i c j may this time, not take it to that length, it may not go all the way cooling for full cessation of hostilities that it may give them on. you wants to pry it to ramon, you want the ruling cooling, full more i to be led into gallons of israel to hold up it's obligations and that kind of thing. now if that's the ruling, we may well see israel comply by it, but it is the ruling is that the israel has just completely saved hostilities. it is very likely the israel could ignore that, but it's just too soon to say rebecca, thank you so much for that update. that's rebecca renters for us in jerusalem
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turning to some other news now and pop when you get a has declared a state of emergency looting and arson in the capital port moresby have killed at least 16 people. the violence triggered by police protesting against cots to their pay. the unrest is also spread north to the city of lie prime minister and james morabe has called for com. an explosion of violence in port moresby, marked by protests of soldiers, police and prison guards overpay cuts. angry crowds towards buildings ransack shops. as the terminal is spread far beyond the capital. 24 hours without police turned into looting on a massive scale. a one group of officials and civilians forced their way through a security gate outside the prime minister's office. james morales, a apologize, but said lawlessness would not be tolerated in size. all our citizens to step up to
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date and give us back to your country. one more time and kind of your neighborhood that yesterday did happen. we had knowledge, we looked into how we report. we look at that the, how we would bring responsible people to face a full i'm of law. also the government has promised to fix what it called a payroll glitch. it's not so far been enough to restore order australia recently inc. a security deal with pop in new guinea saying it's ready to help the stretch of police force. we continue to urge com at these difficult on. we haven't had any requests from the pay in j government. the local authorities are flying police reinforcements into port morris be to try and, and the violence. 8 or correspondence sharing some along as following the story for us and joining us now from the jakarta shown after a night of chaos and violence,
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what is the situation in pop up? any like right now? yeah, so as has been described by the local newspaper post career as the darkest day off up the city, the capital city of poplin under guinea poured more speed which, where the violence erupted that also extend it to all the city as well as of today, the situation, the conflict has subsided and plunder guineas. prominent surgeon smart bay has declared a 14 day state of emergency. and also he said that there will be an investigation um into the costs of the riot. um, it has left uh 16 people dead after it crowds looted supermarkets and set shops and cars on fire. uh, not only that, um is are more up, it has ordered a 1000 troops that are on stand by to prevent further unrest. he also suspended the
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police commissioner and also several key ministers. the violence on one stay was triggered by, uh, the, the, after the police walked out, if there dropped. and um, because of the pay cut. uh, without explanation. but then the government said isn't, and the computer or administrative glitch, but they have to fix that and it will be reimbursed in the next payroll. and is there any indication that that is in fact the case, but this uh suppose that administrative glitch that had caused these pay cuts. it has indeed been fixed. yes. so it has been fixed um, but there isn't like sufficient information or evidence on this. but from the information that i have gathered, experts said there has been complaints often by the police about their payment problems and they're poorly paid with also excessive workload. even um, so security, private security personnel is also
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a huge employer and pop point of getting and will fixing this question, think the enough to restore order uh to the streets a pop when you have any or, or is this really a case that the genie is now out of the box and since they have fixed the problem but the, but the violence still evolved, it definitely means that it will take a deeper and more systemic work to really fix the problem, especially in the economy aspect. so there is this rising cost of living high on employment rate as well as the dissatisfaction towards the leadership in the matter of fact, the opposition parties have also um, a place, a motion planning, a motion of uh for vote of no confidence. uh for the prime ministers that has been scheduled for next month. so definitely they need to solve the underlying problems of social economic as well as the political attention there to create
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a more sustainable and resilient communities in upland county. thank you so much for keeping us up to date. that's due to these corresponding assurance in milan and turning briefly to some other stories making news around the world. turkey, romania and bulgaria have agreed to remove underwater mines from the black sea. the 3 nato members say the mines walked into their territories after the russian invasion of ukraine, and are posing a danger to shipping flooding, and the democratic republic of congo has destroyed tens of thousands of houses around the capital kinshasa water levels in the congo river have reached their highest in almost 60 years. heavy rains and flash floods have killed nearly 300 people in recent months. to and germany is foreign minister has criticized china over its activities in the south china sea accusing the country in gauging in risky maneuvers and elaina bear boxes in the philippines for talks with leaders 1st by
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a german 4 administer in over a decade. she also criticized asians territorial claims inside. they're not in line with international law. bare bulk said recent developments in the south china sea or a cause for concern even in europe. ok. so let's get across the date of these political correspondent, nina has a, a joining me from manila. you know, 1st of all, can you explain for us what risk gate maneuvers the german foreign minister is accusing china of engaging in was to explicitly talked about the incidents from the last couple of months where she says the chinese coast guard used was a cannon. and lasers against the filipino supplies ships. and she said that that is completely unacceptable. sometimes in these incidents that were collisions, she says the china needs to show restraint that needs to respect to the philippines board as it must stop expanding and putting the claim on more of the tennessee of
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the south china sea. so these are very, very clear. what's coming up from the gym for many so and why has a german 4 ministry decided to go to the philippines to, to speak out on this issue? was he says of that, of course, this is a region that is economically speaking highly dynamic and one said of international maritime trade goes through the south china sea. so this is not the and if the just concerns the coastal regions, all the countries that are here, it's also a cause of great concern for countries thousands of kilometers away because of cause dummy as an export nation is highly dependent on a free trades and free shipping, free, maritime sailing, etc. but she also says it goes about, it goes into direction that is more than just economic interest. she says, what we're talking about here is essentially also having to call on china to use
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restrained and to protect the rules based order. and she says, so she's very glad that she has the philippines, amongst other countries in this region that are trying to push for everybody to adhere to those international laws that she says. it's something where small countries have to pull together because it's their only tons of a survival. and, you know, just very briefly, is there any chance china will take heed of her warnings? you think of the way it took about an hour for the chinese to reply to bedbugs. quite outspoken statements and they said that no country that is not in this region has any right to interfere. so that was to be expected and it came in a hasn't in manila for us. thank you so much for your reporting. it goes to argentina now where the new president javier malay has backed down on
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his election promised to replace the pay stub with the dollar in an attempt to revive the struggling economy. and despite this new turn and run away inflation, opinion polls a show strong public support formulae. this market was founded in point of iris in 1889, a year before one of the many economic crises in argentine as history. now at the store, it's a copy of a lease term, and office prices are rising sharply, but at least 70 percent in the case of b. a relation to this election campaign on a promise to replace the pay. so with the dollar, which is the 1st move has been to define you, the pay stubs by hall. the majority of the population still supports him. yeah, and even without that, this is a burden for us, but get rid of the government because the important thing is we picked out the route. so that was that before and they had it and went to the level that i can tell them just a way we have. i very much agree with what he's doing now. i don't agree with him
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changing the currency, but some fortunately, all pay so was devalued many years ago. so this isn't just a recent thing. someone that the lowly, everything costs twice as much but it most to be expected. so we'll just have to deal with it, but a lot of the results will be seen in the long term. so it'll say one though, i don't know when dollar eyes ation will be possible. no, i don't see it in the immediate future. but it's what the people chose in the newest offering. she know gives management advice to small and medium size enterprises. these days he's been consulted to define prices in the face of rising cost. he doesn't come to cope basic expenses, but we'll still going to restaurants. we'll send him as he voted from the notes in the 1st round, but in the 2nd, i think there's a need for order and i voted for him from that point of view. i think that society
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as a whole should give him a grace period, which would be, i don't know, 6 months, we're writing for a client to file or for the free reduction. but we also believe that this is a time of great time set in 2 professional inputs is going to add value economist mathias that explains why i'm in a rooms out adult, sing dollarization at the beginning of his government and adopted an orthodox mix of devaluation and physical adjustment to straighten out the past that economy inherited from the previous government to get out. but it was a very effective campaign problem, is because it was very disruptive and it allowed them to fill the political agenda need to go. but practically speaking, it was technically impossible to adopt a dollar immediately because the central bank doesn't have the reserves set off in order to boost reserves. bikes bolting morning, posting less the pay. so was the valued. but the government clarified that the objective is still dollarization. since the ones that this complicates the plans in the, in the study, and if they keep insisting that the end goal is to change the currency,
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the time will never come when people will really demand pesos and not a problem in the base. so unlike an open economies with low inflation, in argentina evaluations bring shop price increases and then initial dropping activity. if all goes well, it's still recovery will take haul for yeah. as well here in europe it's the middle of winter and that means some people are lacing up their ice skates and taking to the ice. frank take a look at this lake in bergen, norway. it has been transformed into a shy engine. ranking out the water freezes over most years, but it's rare that the ice is big enough to skate on. looks like locals are making the most of their special opportunity to do just how did they how does your news roundup. uh, there's always more on our website and our social media channels focus on europe is
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coming up next. stay tuned. i'm clear, richardson in berlin for me in the whole team working behind the scenes. thank you so much for watching the,
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the sweden and the sorry hun visits, the grave of his son who was killed and the conflict between guides to the gun violence is spreading throughout the country. what is the swedish government doing? the focus on 0 d. w. world wide as a move on to say sure, light sources on 10 nights and today get the increase in pricing. this is
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main thing with maintenance inherent come up with dramatic impacts on biodiversity . the can we come in 45 minutes on d w. the flow to do you do to isolate the tenants and she survived our streets. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the, the genuine, 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power,
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inspiring story about survival of the home. i go get the tennis. i was the only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary. the, the, the hello and the very one. welcome to this week, citizen of focus on europe with show we begin today's program in sweden, where authorities are trying to get control over storing gang violence, oregon. his crime is affecting more and more people in sweden or sorry home, for example, had to face a bigger loss in his family. now his wishes that authorities do more to protect citizens from criminal's swedish social workers also play an important role in prevention work, but it's a re.


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