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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the presidio, the names live from berlin as well faces charges of genocide at the international court of justice at the hague. south africa is accusing israel of breaching the un genocide convention. allegations of israel calls with baseless also coming up on the show riots and poplar new guinea as police strike overpaid the prime minister calls for common declares a state of emergency to deal with widespread looting lawlessness and our sense. the enquire. richardson welcome to the program. the international court of justice in
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the hague has begun here. accusations of genocide have brought against israel by south africa. the case itself could take years. but today south africa has been asking the court to order israel to immediately host. it's miller trial for ations and gaza hearings. this week, we'll focus on that request for emergency measures to be imposed much sooner. south africa has long supported the palestinians linking their struggle to its own history of finding apartheid israel for its part has strongly denied the claims calling the accusations baseless. israel's hayes is doing all that can to avoid civilian casualties in gaza as it responds to how much this terrorist attack last october. but south africa alleges, not only is this on true, but the israel's campaign is targeting palestinians with the aim of wiping them out as a people us. and it's more than 80 page filing to the world's cold in the hate. south
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africa argues accent, emissions by israel, a genocidal in character as they are committed with the requisite specific intent to destroy palestinians and gaza as parts of the broad palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. it goes on to say this constitutes a breached by israel, of its obligations under the genocide convention. a document drawn up in 1948 and the aftermath of the whole, the cost, which by israel in south africa have signed israel. those states, it has a right to self defense after the bloodiest attack in its history. its officials have renounced with anger to south africa's filing, pointing out but how mosque continues to call for the destruction of the jewish state. israel says it will flank back in the court. the state of israel will appear before the international court of justice at the hague. to dispel south
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africa is absurd blood libel. how tragic, but the rainbow nation that prides itself on fighting racism will be fighting pro bono for anti jewish, racist palestinians in garza and the rest of the well, we'd be looking closely at the quotes response to south africa's request. a provisional routing could come within weeks, but any final judgement is expected to take years. so why is it that we're seeing south africa spring? this case is our course on it. diane hawk are in johannesburg. most of africa believes it has. there's responsibility for a number of reasons. the 1st being that it is a signatory to the a genocide convention any joint that convention in 1994 just shortly off the sub africa obtained its own a democratic state. and the 2nd reason that the south african government has as put
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forward is that because own cost of having lived through segregation and discrimination under the apartheid state. and so the african believes that there is an affinity between what happened to south africa and what is happening in gaza. and has decided to bring that forward a to the international court of justice and raising a number of issues as a summarized by my colleague. they tell us more about that history and south africa's support and and solidarity for the palestinian cause. so the solitary t k. it goes back a number of years as far back to nelson mandela's period as a liberation, a fight to. we know that for example, nelson mandela spoke out quite strongly saying that south africa could never fully be free if the people of palestine were not free. and that is
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a sentiment that is carried forward in the current a government and also a sentiment that is felt by a number of south africans who have continued to, to show that support and solidarity for the palestinian people. and i understand that this case certainly has domestic repercussions in south africa itself. how united would you say the different political parties within south africa are in its approach here to take this to the i, c, j? well this is the, the reading amc supports the decision of the government and when it comes to opposition, politics and at just not individuals. that definitely is a divide. if you look at, for example, today these days been to be a support march that's held in take time. and that will be attended by a number of people who are in support of this move, members of the jewish community will be in attendance and also members of the
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muslim community, as well as other people from all walks of life. and that will be held in cape town on the opposite, opposing in however, they all political parties, such as the african christian democratic party, which has said that's of africa, should not have taken this case to quote. and instead of saying that's up, africa could have played a different role. but they believe that they could have been to move constructive approach if some african had chosen to rob to speak to him us, and encourage them to, to, to release the, the hostages that are currently still held. the south african jewish board of deputies as well is concerned about this approach, saying that they don't believe that's of africa should have gone to these these lives and that they could have brought the acted as mediators in this conflict. and thank you so much for providing that perspective. as our correspondent fan hawker and janice bark and germany's economy minister and vice chancellor at robert,
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how back is on a trip to israel? where he head back against the genocide chargers that have been brought by south africa or minus as industry. and my personal and political opinion is that 110 criticized these really ministry from using harsh measures in the gaza strip. however, that does not constitute genocide, took a more to pick those who would commit genocide or desire to do so if given the opportunity or how muscle solutions still not. elation of the state of israel is on their agenda from the rest. so we can understand the slogan from the river to the sea as not to meaning the jews should leave israel by boats, but as an extinction fund to say, allison accusing israel of genocide is a complete distortion of victims and perpetration as in my view. and it is just wrong for an upfront on 2 ton, the 2 on the size of hutch turning his father and he was now off when your guinea has declared a state of emergency looting and are some of the capital port. moresby have kills
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at least 16 people. the violence triggered by police protesting against cuts to their pay. the unrest had spread north to the city of ly, and prime minister james morabe has called for calm and explosion of violence in port moresby, marked by protests of soldiers, police and prison guards, overpay cuts. angry crowds towards buildings ransack shops. as the terminal is spread far beyond the capital, 24 hours without police turned into looting on a massive scale. one group of officials and civilians forced their way through a security gate outside the prime minister's office. james morales, a apologize, but said lawlessness would not be tolerated in size. all our citizens to step up to date and give us back to our country one more time and thought it's your neighborhood that yesterday that happened. we had knowledge. we looked into how we
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could port we look at how we would bring responsible people to face a full i'm of law. also the government has promised to fix what it called a payroll glitch. it's not so far been enough to restore order. australia recently inc. a security deal with pop a new guinea saying it's ready to help the stretch police force. we continue to urge. com. at this difficult time. we haven't had any requests from the pay into a government. the local authorities are flying police reinforcements into port morris, be to try and and the violets. let's take a look now with some other world news headlines. turkey, romania and bulgaria have agreed to remove under water mines from the black sea. the 3 natal members of the mines walked in to their territories after the russian invasion of ukraine. and if they pose a danger to shipping flooding and the democratic republic of congo has destroyed
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tens of thousands of houses around the capital. can shasta water levels and the congo river have reached their highest and almost 60 years. heavy rains and flash floods of chills, nearly 300 people in recent months. at least 11 people have been injured in an air strike on ukraine's the 2nd largest city hardcase. the authorities say to russian missile struck a hotel in the city center. several other buildings were also damaged, and russia has been evacuating hundreds of children from the city of belgrade, near the border with ukraine. decision coming after weeks of deadly showing by the ukrainian forces. the evacuation is one of the biggest in russia since it launched its full scale war against ukraine. germany is foreign minister has criticized china over its activities and the south china sea accusing the country of engaging in risk maneuvers and elaina bearable because in the philippines for talks of leaders as a 1st visit by a german 4 administer in over
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a decade. she's also criticized asians territorial claims and said that they are not in line with international law. fairbanks, and recent developments in the south china sea or a cause for concern even in europe. i spoke earlier, so do you have these chief political correspondent? nina has a in manila about is risky maneuvers. the german 4 minister is accusing china of, of the was to explicitly talked about the incidents from the last couple of months where she says the chinese coast guard used was it kind of lasers against the philippines supplies ships. and she said the that is completely unacceptable. sometimes, and these incidents that were collisions, she says the china needs to show restraint that needs to respect to the phillipines board, as it must stop expanding and putting the claim on more of the tennessee of the
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south china sea. so these are very, very clear. what's coming up from the german foreign minister and why has a german 4 minister decided to go to the philippines to, to speak out on this issue? was he says of that, of course, this is a region that is economically speaking highly dynamic and one said of international matters. time trade goes through the south china sea. so this is not and if the just concerns the coastal regions, all the countries that are here, it's also cause of great concern for countries thousands of kilometers away because of cause dummy as an export nation is highly dependent on a free trades and free shipping. free maritime sailing, etc. but she also says it goes about, it goes into direction that is more than just economic interest. she says, what we're talking about here is essentially also having to coal on china to use
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restrained and to protect the rules based order. and she says, so she's very glad that she has the philippines, amongst other countries in this region that are trying to push for everybody to adhere to those international laws that she says. it's something where small countries have to pull together because it's their only tons of a survival. and, you know, just very briefly, is there any chance china will take heed of her warnings? you think of, of the light. it took about an hour for the chinese to reply to bed bugs quite outspoken statements, and they said that no country that is not in this region has any right to interfere . so that was to be expected. and it came in a has a in manila for us. thank you so much for your recording. what is winter here in europe? and that means that people are lacing up their skates and taking to the ice. check out this lake in oregon in norway. it has been transformed into
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a giant spring and the water freezes over most ears, but it's rare that the ice is big enough for skating. and the closest seem to making the most of their special opportunity is just before we go, we can get a reminder of our top story of israel is facing charges of genocide brought by south africa at the us international court of justice. south africa is asking the court to order an immediate suspension of the military offensive in gaza. israel has strongly denied the claim and that is your update. there's always more on our website or on our social media channel. so check us out. there is a tool, our documentary series is coming up next, looking at the threat of artificial light to nature. i'm quite richardson in berlin for me in the entire team onto mind. thank you so much for watching the
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. it shouldn't be this ward here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice fixtures, explore an untouched place into the ice. january dw, the big city at night dark. this no longer exists in many places around the world.


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