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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live it from berlin. tonight is real before the international court of justice. the charge genocide, south africa, is accusing is real of reaching the humans genocide, convention allegations it is real cause baseless. also coming up tonight, riots in top of new guinea as police strikes, overpaid, prime minister, they are calling for com and as declared the state of emergency to deal with widespread looting, lawlessness and arson. the library golf is good to have you with us on this thursday and we begin with the
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case for and against genocide. the international court of justice in the hey today began hearing accusations of genocide brought against israel by south africa. of the case could take years to resolve, but today south africa begin by asking the court to order israel to immediately hold its military operations in gaza. hearings this week will focus on that request for emergency measures to be imposed much sooner. and south africa has long supported the palestinians linking their struggle to its own history. a fighting against a part time of israel had strongly denied these claims coldly. the accusations baseless israel's hayes is doing all that can to avoid civilian casualties in gaza as it responds to how much does terrorist attack last october? but south africa alleges, not only is this on true, but the israel's campaign is targeting palestinians with the aim of wiping them out
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as a people. and it's more than 80 page filing to the world. cool in the hague. south africa argues accent, emissions by israel, a genocidal in character as they are committed with the requisite specific intent to destroy palestinians in gaza as part of the broad palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. it goes on to say this constitutes a breached by israel, of its obligations under the genocide convention. a document drawn up in 1948 and the aftermath of the whole cost. which by israel in south africa have signed israel . those states, it has a right to self defense after the bloodiest attack in its history. its officials have renounced with and go to south africa's filing, pointing out. but how mosque continues to call for the destruction of the jewish state? israel says it will flank back in the cold to the state of israel will appear
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before the international court of justice at the hague. to dispel south africa is absurd blood libel. how tragic. but the rainbow nation that prides itself on fighting racism will be fighting pro bono for anti jewish races. palestinians in garza and the rest of the world would be looking closely at the colts response to south africa's request. a provisional routing could come within weeks, but any final judgement is expected to take you to our court responded diane hawk or joys me. now from johannesburg. diana, let's talk about the south africa connection here. let's um, flush out a little bit to you. what's behind self advocacy decision to bring this case to the world court and to charge is real with genocide to well considering. so that's because history many in so, so that's
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a good government believe that's of africa has a responsibility not only to ensure that and human rights exist here with insight africa's board is but also to ensure that the others were unable to speak up for themselves. and actually have access to a fee of human rights. one will remember that sub africa is a country that had a long period of segregation and partridge. and it's only been 30 years since we've into the democratic dispensation. so the memory of that segregation and those human rights of, you know, violations against the majority of the people of south africa all fresh in the minds of many of africans. and also many of the politicians. and that was really much of the motivation force of africa taking this forward and saying that it would speak up on behalf of the palestinian people. and that he would raise the issues
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that it's raised in its application at the hague and saying that he does a signatory to the genocide convention. and the 4 has a responsibility to act. yeah, this is not just about south africa's own history. you were going to tell us about the history between south africa and the palestinians. there is a shared solidarity history. there isn't there? yes, absolutely. when we look back to, to present a former president, nelson mandela was of africa's 1st democratic president. he had a lot of engagements with depend listing in people. in fact, is the, the statute that's erected in ramallah, you know, in, in, in, in support of him and, and sort of thanking you for his, his support and that legacy lives on in the ruling party. and really is something that's also taken up by many sub africans. president nelson mandela had said that, so africa won't be free until the people of palestine a fleet
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a free. and that's also because the palestinian people and they need is for a long time supported the liberation movement yet in south africa. and there's a feeling that's of africa should return that favor. what about domestic south african politics here is, is there some political capital to be won by doing this for the politicians in south africa? well, there's a, there's a, a bit of a, a divide. i would say in the political landscapes, they are a number of politicians who are in support, whether they will or within the routing party or outside. but they also awesome who feel that it is a mistake and that's of africa is entering an area where they should not, for example, the african christian democratic move into a c, d p. they have said that some african should've rather taken the position of mediating they are, there is quite a lot of support on the streets of south africa. we have seen some demonstration, for example, today, outside the high court in cape town. we ordinary people,
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people from different faiths and also members of the legal community came out in support of the school and you know, demonstrating in, in support of the palestinian people. and in support of the south african government skipped to go to the international court of justice. okay, corresponded diane hawker with alliance from johannesburg. and not diane, thank you. germany's vice chancellor robert how back is in israel to 9th. and earlier today he hit back against the genocide charges brought by south africa, minor industry and my personal and political opinion is that 110 criticized these really military for using harsh measures in the gaza strip. however, that does not constitute genocide, took a more to pick those who would commit genocide more desire to do so. if given the opportunity or how muscle solutions are still not elation of the state of israel is on their agenda from the rest. so we can understand the slogan from the river to
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the sea as not to meaning the jews should leave israel by boats, but as an extinction fund to say, allison accusing israel of genocide is a complete distortion of victims and perpetration has in mind. you understand just wrong up front on teeth, on the, to on the size of hutch over more on the be from is real. i am joined now by you fall in the sean and he's the dean of the faculty of low at the hebrew university in jerusalem. dean is good to have you with us tonight. how would you rate what you saw in the hague today? we did you find the arguments presented by south africa convince as well, i think so. how's it guys a very good legal team. and they has done a good job from their point of view in presenting their memo reels. it felt their application. they have uh, indicated that uh, a senior civilians in gaza are facing very significant threats and hearts. and they
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have um, made uh, quite extensive use of uh, very problem. i think an unfortunate comments by is rarely officials that appear to qualify either a hate speech or even close to genocide. what they have not done a waiver is do with some of the major flaws in their case, a genocide is a very difficult charge to substantiate. and here they have not really addressed it almost at all. the fact that this is what is happening in the gaza strip. it is, is a state of war. it's a very bloody and very messy and very brutal. moore, which is conducted in an urban warfare setting, which is creating a lot of a lot of casualties. and i think by deciding to ignore this, they have in a way, made the job of these riley team for tomorrow much easier and actually providing an
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alternative explanation for what we are seeing on the ground. well, why don't you think this is a legal team? wouldn't know that the 1940 age you when i'm convention, that defines genocide it's, it's clear if, if you don't meet that threshold, then you're not going to win in a court of law. so why would they fall short of that? well 1st, i mean it's the, the structure of the court is such that you only can bring a case before the court when both parties have either agreed specifically or assigned a treaty to gifts. the court is dis, power after restriction. and the genocide convention is effectively the only treaty that does so. so in order to get to the court, they can only make a general site claim. they cannot make a claim regarding violations for instead of the geneva conventions. so they have to, i am very high because this is how the structure of the court is, is, is, is based. and the 2nd thing was, like i said, it's very hard to improve genocide at the end of the case. i would imagine that the
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south african team is hoping that the court, at least for the purpose of issuing provision on measures intervene intervention, according on the states to introduce some temporary measures. while the case is pending there, the threshold is considerably lower. and in south africa is hoping that the information that is provided for the court would pass that lower threshold and might make an impact on the ground in real time. would you let me ask you with the if, if the, if south africa is going to argue then to that israel is guilty of being on the verge of committing genocide they, they also have to prove intent. you have to prove that is real intense to commit genocide. and how is that possible? israel says that it's friday. i'm off a terrorist organization. so yeah, well, well, this is something that the south african team didn't really explain. i think very
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clearly what they're saying is that there are many casualties and gaza that there are, there are very many subdivisions that have been killed or harmed or are suffering very difficult conditions. this is incontestable. and then on the other hand, there are these statements that has to be made by as rarely, politicians that are very aggressive calling on the destruction of cars, uh, etc. and they're actually searching the combination of the, of the harm on the ground. and the statements by politicians is enough, at least to render it plausible. the general side might be occurring. this is the judges of their case. and as i said, may be for, for a visual measures, the court might be willing to accept this. but let me ask you, you know, as a. busy legal expert here, you know, the deputy connected speaker in this in but you're a, for example, it's tweeted, it is real, has to know less than bern garza, for example. those are not the words of someone who wants to live in peace next
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door to you. and i think it's, it's, uh, it's beyond doubt that the statements that have been made are uh, well statements uh, aggressive statements. and some of them are also plainly illegal. and is ro, doesn't have a legal obligation to suppress these statements and to basically criminally investigate these statements. i should say that the attorney general has issued a statement earlier this week that this is exactly what she's planning to do. but still, it's a very long distance between a very uh, as i said, a very outrage, a statement by a serving politician and to basically attribute a specific military action that is taken by a regular military through a chain of command to uh, that's uh to that outrage of statement. this is not how things work in, in organized military's. and this is not how things work. things work and is okay.
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dana evolve. shawnee with the faculty of law at the super university in jerusalem. the thing we appreciate your time and your excellent analysis tonight. thank you. thank you for the palestinian red crescent says that for paramedics have been killed in this really ears. drawing on an ambulance and gossip is really just the data is targeting him off, which is classified as a terrorist organization by several countries, including german, the daily reality team, gaza people riding in panic after rain is really air strikes. the attack had a 2 story building in the central city of their elbows. a lot of the people were queueing to receive aid. at the school they were headed. 20 martyrs were buried at the school with that and they show in this hospital in the same area, paramedics burst into tears as they recognized their colleagues. 4 of them were killed after and these really strikes keep their ambulance is got to move actually,
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i mean, i them, we're being directly targeted. so we won't be able to save the lives of the wounded unless the above we said many times before the ambulances will be moving. but it looks like they want to stop patients being saved because of this direct air strike . in response to drawing international pressure on monday, each real place that it would shift to a more targeted campaign in gaza with the fighting appears to be as intense as before. with no indication these rarely government is planning to pause this campaign. as well as no intention of permanently occupying guys or, or displacing that civilian population as well as finding how much terrace is not the palestinian population. and we are doing so in full compliance with
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international law, with calls from washington to protect civilian lives in gaza. the stop diplomat continues his tour of the region on wednesday, anthony blinking metropolitan and president markham with a boss in the occupied west back. we talked as well about the importance of reforming the house spending authority, policy and governance so that it can effectively take responsibility regardless of that. so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under a palestinian leadership. lincoln's 4th trip to the region since october ends in egypt on thursday, his main declared task has been to stop the conflict from spreading. but a week of meetings with the regions most powerful leaders has no ease the suffering of civilians and gossip. here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world. ukraine's president for them is zalinski is in the lap
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and capital re good for talks with that countries president is trip aims to bolster support for key. that's russians. war of aggression use. it's the 2nd anniversary is a 3rd leg. zalinski is tour of ukraine's baltic allies following visits to lithuania and estonia. holdings president andre dude says that he is trying to pardon to opposition ex lawmakers who were jailed for alleged corruption while seeking refuge at his home. due to has called the men from the populace, the wall and just as party political prisoners. it's the latest incident in an ongoing conflict between the former governing party and the new government led by donald to us a turkey, romania and bulgaria have agreed to remove underwater mines near the from the black sea. the 3 native members say the minds washed into their territories after the russian invasion of ukraine and that they pose a danger to shipping pop. i'll new guinea has declared
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a state of emergency looting an arson in the capital port. moresby, i've killed at least 16 people. the violence was triggered by police protesting against cuts to their pate. now the unrest has spread north to the, to the north of the country and the prime minister has called for com. an explosion of violence in port moresby. marked by protest of soldiers, police and prison guards overpay cuts. angry crowds towards buildings and ransack shops. as the terminal is spread far beyond the capital. 24 hours without police turned into looting on a massive scale. a one group of officials and civilians forced their way through a security gate outside the prime minister's office. james morales, a apologize, but said lawlessness would not be tolerated in size. all our citizens step up today
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and give us back the country one more time. and kind of, you know, neighborhood that yesterday did happen. we had now let's look into how we report. we look at how we would bring responsible people to face a form of law. although the government has promised to fix what it called a payroll glitch. it's not so far been enough to restore order australia recently inc. a security deal with pop a new guinea saying it's ready to help the stretch police force. we continue to urge. com. at this difficult time. we haven't had any requests from the pay into a government. the local authorities are flying police reinforcements into port moore's be to try and, and the violence. germany's board ministers criticize china overreach activities in the south china sea accusing the country of engaging and risky maneuvers. and the
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bare bulk is in the philippines for talks with leaders. they are the 1st via german foreign minister in over a decade. she also criticized asians territorial claims and said that they are not in line with international law. thereby said, recent developments in the south china sea or a cause for concern even in europe. earlier i spoke to the w as chief political correspondent need a honda in manila about the risk e maneuver. it's the german 4 administered as accusing china off was to explicitly talked about the incidents from the last couple of months where she says the chinese coast guard used was a cannon and lasers against the philippines supplies ships. and she said the that is completely unacceptable. sometimes in these instances is the collisions. she says the china needs to so restrained that needs to respect to the phillipines board is, is, must stop expanding and putting the claim on more of the tennessee of the south
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china sea. so these are very, very clear. what's coming up from the gym for many, so that was need to how they are reporting from the philippines. it is one of the biggest consumer tech shows in the world. and this year as a c, e s in las vegas is going big on artificial intelligence. and a big surprise there among the companies showcasing their newest products, siemens, a german industrial conglomerate found in the 19th century. but it seem is really a high tech company. the same is keynote was itself and announcement that the german conglomerate is no industrial dinosaur. but a digital innovator among the innovations working with amazon to bring generative ai to its customers and what the ceo calls and industrial co pilot, and envisioning of future where software programs itself, producing less results. currently, it's still in a co pilot's version. that means you always have the human in the loop to make a final decision. but as we go along,
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the integrity and the quantity will go up. so you really can't have a release of software programs automatically. and that's the big thing. what do you want to do? this makes scaling technology much, much faster, and using the data in a much more meaningful way. the 170 year old german company is still better known for its turbines and its digital innovations. though the company has been involved in automation and digital industries for some time, it's still often lumped together with slower moving firms. but the venture is part of a modernized siemens tools to enable industrial companies to be more dynamic. so we want to get many, many ball more people access to new technologies, any kind of technology automation technology, a item ologies without having a training and without being an expert on software development. this is about democrats sizing. so that means you have to lower the entropy area to people with less experience with best knowledge on programming. but the company faces stiff
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competition. after all the entire industry is quote, lowering the entry barrier, which means more players in this new a. i a rena simmons can count on his experience and strong customer relationships, but whether it can fight off the competition in the tech space will depend on whether bush in his company can show that a guy and innovations are more than just buzz words. and they already from north to south america, argentina is the president of your malay, has backed off on his election, promised to replace the argentinian pets with the dollar in an attempt to revive the struggling economy. despite his back tracking v and runaway inflation to the country opinion polls that showed strong public support for the les. this market was founded in point of cyrus in 1889 a year before one of the many economic crises in argentine as history. now at the store with a copy of
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a lease term and office prices are rising sharply by at least 70 percent in the case of b. a relation to this election campaign on a promise to replace the pay. so with the dollar which is 1st move has been to devalue the pay stubs by hoff. the majority of the population still supports him. yeah, and even without that, this is a burden for us, but get rid of the government because the important thing is we picked out the rats that was that before and they had it. and why tell me that i can tell them just a way we have i very much agree with what he's doing now. i don't agree with him changing the currency, but unfortunately all pay so was devalued many years ago. so this isn't just a recent thing that would, i don't mind that the lowly, everything costs twice as much, but it most to be expected. so we'll just have to deal with it. but a lot of the results will be seen in the long term. so it'll say one though, i don't know when dollar eyes ation will be possible. no,
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i don't see it in the immediate future, but it's what the people chose in the newest offering. she know gives management advice to small and medium size enterprises. these days he's been consulted to define prices in the face of rising costs. he doesn't time to cope basic expenses, but we'll still going to restaurants will send him as he voted from the notes in the 1st round. but in the 2nd i think there's a need for order and i voted for him from that point of view. i think that society as a whole should give him a grace period, which would be, i don't know, 6 months, we're writing for a client to file or for the free reduction. but we also believe that this is a time of great time set in 2 professional inputs is going to add value economist mathias that explains why malay rules out adult, sing dollarization at the beginning of his government and adults, and also adults mix of devaluation and physical adjustment to straighten out the
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price of the economy you inherited from the previous government to get on out. but it was a very effective campaign problem, is because it was very disruptive and it allowed them to fill the political agenda need to go. but practically speaking, it was technically impossible to adopt the dollar immediately because the central bank doesn't have the reserves set off in order to boost reserves. bikes bolting morning, posting less the pay so was devalued. but the government clarified that the objective is still dollarization. that's the ones that this complicates the plans in the, in the us. he also send you and if they keep insisting that the end goal is to change the card and see the time will never come. when people will really demand pesos on the basis on like an open economies with low inflation. in argentina evaluations bring shop price increases and then initial dropping activity. if all goes well it's still recovery will take haul for you. i want to dw this up. next is these africa was my colleague telling me i will be back at the top of the hour with
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mobile news. hope to see you then the,
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the new will tell you. happy the boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d. w. united by a shared sense of purpose. their bond has never been stronger. the twins,
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fussy, in whose side they drew up with different families. now they want to build their future together. and to do so, they must leave their home in sierra leone. twin sisters united in the search for a better life. in 45 minutes on d w, the, it shouldn't be this warrant here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. hard not to feel that something really is happening here. what is happening to grievance on a team of research as wants to find out exactly the floor and the thing about
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i see you have to listen and will reveal its secrets. thoughts, january 12 on d, w. this is the media's advocate coming up on the program. could that be yet more trouble brewing in the horn of africa? somalia responds with theory of to if you help us deal with the break away region of so molly land will discuss the implications of this dispute. also coming up in the aftermath of the devastating war. and if you'll, if he has to drive region, many residents don't know where the next meal will come from. the w takes a look at the situation on the ground, plus the gun remembers the bill. so warriors who fought to resist enslavement.


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