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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the the, this would be the you news live in from berlin tonight is real before the international court of justice. the charge of genocide, south africa is accusing israel, a breaching the you ins genocide, convention in his treatment of palestinians. allegations that is real calls baseless. also coming up tonight, wyatt's and pop under guinea as police in strike, overpaid the prime minister there. calling for com and has declared a state of emergency to deal with widespread looting, lawlessness and arson. the
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bridge job is good to have you with this. we begin tonight with the case for and against genocide, the international court of justice and the hague. today began hearing accusations of genocide brought against israel by south africa. and the case could take years before a ruling is delivered. but today, so the advocate asked the court to order is real to immediately halt it's military operations. in gauze of south africa has long supported the palestinians and linking their struggle to its own history of fighting against the parts i the words part. israel has strongly denied the claims causing the accusations baseless israel says it is doing all that can to avoid civilian casualties in gaza as it responds to how much does 10 rivers to tac last october. but south africa alleges, not only is this on true, but the israel's campaign is targeting palestinians with the aim of wiping them out
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as a people. and it's moving 80 page filing to the world colt in the hague. south africa argues acts and emissions by israel, a genocidal in character as they are committed with the requisite specific intent to destroy palestinians in gaza as part of the broad palestinian national, racial and ethnic whole group. it goes on to say this constitutes a breach by israel, of its obligations under the genocide convention. a document drawn up in 1948 and the aftermath of the whole, the cost which both israel in south africa have signed israel. those states, it has a right to self defense after the bloodiest attack in its history. its officials have renounced with anger to south africa's filing, pointing out but how mosque continues to call for the destruction of the jewish state. israel says it will flank back in the cold to the state of israel will
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appear before the international court of justice at the hague. to dispel south africa is absurd blood libel. how tragic. but the rainbow nation that prides itself on fighting racism will be fighting pro bono for anti jewish races. palestinians in garza and the rest of the well, we'd be looking closely at the quotes response to south africa's request. a provisional routing could come within weeks. but any final judgement is expected to take is dw user diane hawker in johannesburg, told us more about in south africa's motivation to bring is real to cor well considering. so that's because history many in the south african government believe that's of africa has a responsibility. not only to ensure that and human rights exist here with inside of africa's board is but also to ensure that i'm others who are unable to speak up
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for themselves. and actually have access to a fee of human rights. one will remember that sub effort codes is a country that had a long period of segregation and a party. and it's only been the 30 years since we've into the democratic dispensation. so the memory of that segregation and those human rights of, you know, violations against the majority of the people of south africa, all fresh in the minds of many sub africans. and also many of the politicians. and that was really much of the motivation force of africa taking this forward and saying that it would speak up on behalf of the palestinian people. and that it would raise the issues that it's raised in its application of the hague and saying that it is a signatory to the genocide convention. and the 4 has a responsibility to act. that was dw,
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use diane hawkins. they're reporting from johannesburg and the country a couple. new guinea has declared a state of emergency leading an arson in the capital port. moresby has killed at least 16 people. the violence was triggered by police protesting against cuts to their pay. and the unrest had spread to the north of the country by administer. james morabe has called for call an explosion of violence in port moresby, sparked by protests of soldiers, police and prison guards, overpay cuts, angry crowds towards buildings and ransack shops. as the terminal is spread far beyond the capital, 24 hours without police turned into looting on a massive scale. one group of officials and civilians forced their way through a security gate outside the prime minister's office. james morales, a apologize, but said lawlessness would not be tolerated in size. all our citizens step up to
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date and give us back to our country one more time and products your neighborhood that yesterday did happen. we have now let's look into how we report. we look at how we would bring responsible people to face a form of law. also, the government has promised to fix what it called a payroll glitch. it's not so far been enough to restore order. a scale you have recently inc. a security deal with pop in new guinea saying it's ready to help the stretch of police force. we continue to urge come at this difficult on. we haven't had any requests from the pay and j government. the local authorities are flying police reinforcements into port moore's. the to try and, and the violence hard and join to now by miriam is already goes. she is a senior reporter and chief of staff at the post career newspaper in port moresby.
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miriam is good to have you withers. it's early there. i think it's just after 5 in the morning where you are, you've gotten through the night to tell me um, what was the situation like last night in your country? uh, good morning from fort worth street. um the situation last night was okay. um it's been come in the past 24 to 48 hours now. we haven't had any issues. um only uh, it's friday. we won't even know. so about thursday morning we had issues that split up a little bit programs in before you present events in new island, palm beach and, and this situation is of all being said now by police make the support of separate when you need defense for well, what about the writing that we saw, i understand that many of the writers had little to do with the pay cuts that
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started the pro chess in the 1st place. i mean, how did this escalate? well, this is actually escalated this. we had a lot of um, opportunities who um joined him on the pretence of seeing what was happening a problem in the house on wednesday morning. and that can turn it to um, confrontations um which truck bonus me a problem in the house. and then from the day if just erupt its just right across the city, when they knew the police were not available to obtain that situation, were you surprised miriam, that it was able to get out of hand so quickly? i sure us, it wasn't a surprise. but we did not we what's the brain? we did not see how this would turn out. we did not expect the level of
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violence. the full straight aspect of continues to drop the shops in the city. the prime minister has blamed the pay cuts on an administrative glitch. is there any indication that that is indeed the case will flow for us right now the government has to maintain that it is an administrative age. um, what we are now waiting and hoping is that this situation will be dealt with by 2nd pay the number 2 weeks time. okay. well good. well hopefully before 2 weeks time piece will have returned to you in the good folks there in port moresby miriam's, or even with the most career newspaper. we appreciate your reporting. appreciate your getting up early for us. thank you. you're welcome bye. the
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mirrors of other stories. now they're making headlines around the world polos president andre, due to says that he is trying to pardon to opposition ex lawmakers who were jailed for alleged corruption while seeking refuge at his residence. due to it has called the men from the populace law and just as party. political prisoners is the latest incident in an ongoing conflict between the former governing party and the new government, which is led by donald tusk. turkey, romania and bulgaria have agreed to remove underwater mines from the black sea. the 3 native members aid the mines washed into their territories after the russian invasion of ukraine, and that they pose a danger to shipping. you cranes at president bonum is zalinski, has helped talks with lab fee is that president in the capital re got zalinski is visit, is the 3rd leg of his tour of ukraine's baltic allies following fruitful visits. still that the william and his stony and of the trip aims to bolster support for
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t as russia's war of aggression nears. it's the 2nd anniversary in re got and the president reportedly agreed to step up military aid, supplying ammunition, requested by t. all right, i want to get it straightened out to our region. bureau chief, you're a shadow. you're, you're on the story. get to see you left. the a is the final country onto landscapes, baltic trip. he held a joint press conference there with the, the president of lab the, what did he say? it was landscape called for more weapons to defend to ukraine against russian attacks. he said, rushed to find it at least $500.00 me, silas and drones until you came over to the new year. although 70 percent, you sat down with them one destroyed by ad defense as it was. that's interest damages and defense systems on the, at the top of the list of things. ukraine lex, he also spoke yesterday, alyssa and the about to the fact events,
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ukraine's western allies on not putting pressure on his country to stop fighting russian forces and freeze of the confidence as for the political aspect with a view to the natural assignments planned for july the ski and washington ukraine, presidents that she's gone through would like to see at least one concrete step on its way to joining the west and the military airlines. neary. what role do baltic countries, what role do they play politically in this world? well, it's a great likes to enter the ip and you and unit to join mer to one day, and this is exactly what's most skilled tries to avoid. n t a. there are many parallels and possible exchange of experiences, in particular with the 3 multi congress that one next to by the soviet union during world war 2 that's time is cold here by the way, in lot of and, and also in other countries. so if you have okay, base and so then with the collapse of the soviet union, all 3 bowls and states have free gains to their independence. and so to use less than $24.00, they joined tomato,
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which was absolutely unthinkable during the soviet bureau at this time. therefore, politically, i would say that there's a baltic countries among ukraine's strong. there's supporters and what about militarily talk to me about the contribution to the baltic countries make as well uh, brand. if it, when it comes to arms delivers. uh, its of course not to the baltic states, but to the usa. that is clearly at the forefront with commitments of almost 44000000000 euros. but if you look at military aid based on the g d p, then the baltic states come out on top and that'd be cost. if it, when you create has raised concerns. he has, it does the baltics codes become rush us next target. anyway, sound segers and stony, a promise to grapevine points, 2000000000 euros and arms assistance also, and is going to provide assistance worth to, to meet 200000000 euros. and also promised to soon sent them you nation to be created as a lot to hear this country has among other things much experience with the
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producing over drones and they have, for the long term president announced he's gone. thing is going to lead for the so called coalition of joints for ukraine. this is what the nato content group on the grains defensive. so grandstand form, i agreed to do name with degree it several. a top call least wants to develop these military capabilities. okay. the, the use of we could be retrieve your ears, said i, with the latest tonight. your thank you as well. the world's biggest elvis presley festival is under way down under weight, where elders fans these central station to show their burning love for the game. they've been wanston level and then boarded the overs express, which was found for a small town in the australian outback. some 25000 elders enthusiasts are expected to put on their blue suede shoes, interests make the pilgrimage to the 5 they expect by the end of this year's theme is the 1957 film. you can hear it in the background. jill house rough
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joe hills rock, it does indeed have any news. we'll see you again. the top of the the do these do for fun via do gravitational waves squeeze out buddy. how do i the drums for the test page? and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says get with dw signs on the picked up channel. the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smiles now make go stop bog . now. the man who had to maintain him to use light to wagner was date.


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