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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live in from berlin. tonight is real before the international court of justice. the charge genocide, south africa, is accusing is real of breaching that you ins, genocide, convention allegations that is real call to baseless. also coming up tonight, riots in problem, new guinea as police strike overpaid the prime minister is called for calm and has declared a state of emergency to deal with widespread looting, wallace miss and arson.
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regard to our viewers watching on p. b. as in the united states and to all of you around the world, welcome the south african prosecutors today began making their case to the u ins. top court, that is real, is committing genocide in gossip. they argue that israel's military response to the october 7th terror attacks have been and continued to be an attempt to destroy the palestinian people. israel has dismissed the obligations as baseless and will present its defense on friday. on the 1st day of a genocide case, against the state of each row in the hague, demonstrations on both sides, march to the you and talk court in search of 2 different visions of justice. inside the quotes from the legal team for south africa, she brought the case against israel made the opening arguments, says the publicly available evidence of the scale of the destruction resulting from
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the bombardment of garza and the deliberate restriction of food volta medicines and electricity available to the population of casa demonstrates that the government of israel, no jewish people, is really citizens, the government of israel, and its military is intent on destroying the palestinians in gauze as a group of lights under the proceedings could take use. in the meantime, south africa is asking the court to order israel to stop. it's no, it treat operations in gaza, highest civilian casualties. and the humanitarian catastrophe have led to international condemnation of these really expensive. the mos run health ministry says more than $23000.00 palestinians have been killed. the un says one
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and 4 people in gaza. a staffing but israel vehemently denies allegations of genocide. it insists its campaign is about targeting him us and not the palestinian people. israel says it is acting in self defense after that. how must terror attacks on october 7th, 2023 is good to a service organization that committed the most terrible crime against the jewish people since the holocaust is finish. and now there are those who come to defend it, and the name of the holocaust is the what audacity an upside down world. israel will address the quote on friday. a decision on emergency measures is expected later this month. ordering a ceasefire is one possible option, but as the court has no way to enforce its rulings, there was hoping for a quick end to the war may be bitterly disappointed. with dw use diane hawk or was
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in johannesburg, she told me more about why south africa brought this case to court. well, considering. so that's because history many into south african government believe that's of africa has a responsibility. not only to ensure that and human rights exist here with insight africa's board is but also to ensure that others who are unable to speak up for themselves and actually have access to a fee of human rights. one will remember that sub effort cooks is a country that had a long period of segregation and partridge. and it's only been the 30 years since we've into the democratic dispensation. so the memory of that segregation and those human rights of, you know, violations against the majority of the people of south africa all fresh in the minds of many of africans. and also many of the politicians. and that was really
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much of the motivation force of africa taking this forward and saying that it would speak up on behalf of the palestinian people. and that he would raise the issues that it's raised in its application at the hague and saying that he does a signatory to the genocide convention. and the for has a responsibility to act. diane hawkers, they're reporting from johannesburg. you've all shawnee is dean of the wall faculty at hebrew university of jerusalem. i spoke with him earlier and i asked if he finds the arguments presented by south africa convincing as well. i think so. how's it guys a very good legal team and they has done a good job from their point of view in presenting their memo reels. it felt their application. they have uh, indicated that uh, a senior begins in guys that are facing
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a very significant threats and hawks and they have uh, made uh, quite extensive use of uh, very problem. i think an unfortunate comments by is rarely officials that appear to qualify either a hate speech or even close to genocide what they have not done a waiver is do with some of the major flaws in their case, a genocide is a very difficult charge to substantiate and here they have not really addressed it almost at all. the fact that this is what is happening in the gaza strip. it is, is a state of war. it's a very bloody and very messy and very brutal war which is conducted in an urban warfare setting, which is creating a lot of a lot of casualties. and i think by deciding to ignore this, they have in a way, made the job of these riley team for tomorrow much easier and actually providing an
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alternative explanation for what we are seeing on the ground. well, why do you think this is a legal team? wouldn't know that the 1940 age you when i'm convention, that defines genocide it's, it's clear if, if you don't meet that threshold, then you're not going to win in a court of law. so why would they fall short of that? well 1st, i mean it's uh, the, the structure of the court is such that you only can bring a case before the court when both parties have either agreed specifically or assigned a treaty to gifts. the court is dis, power after restriction. and the genocide convention is effectively the only treaty that does so. so in order to get to the court, they can only make a general site claim. they cannot make a claim regarding violations for the vision. eva conventions. so they have to, i am very high because this is how the structure of the court is, is, is, is based. and the 2nd thing, uh, well, like i said,
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it's very hard to improve genocide at the end of the case. i would imagine that the south african team is hoping that the court, at least for the purpose of issuing provision on measures intervene intervention, according on the states to introduce some temporary misers. while the case is pending there, the threshold, these considerably lower and in south africa is hoping that the information that is provided before the court would pass that lower threshold and might make an impact on the ground. in real time. would you let me ask you with the if, if the, if south africa is going to argue then to that israel is guilty of being on the verge of committing genocide they, they also have to prove intent. you have to prove that israel intends to commit genocide. and how is that possible? israel says that it's friday. i'm off a terrorist organization. ste. yeah, well, well, this is something that the south african team didn't really explain. i think very
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clearly what they're saying is that there are many casualties in casa that are, there are very many civilians that have been killed or harmed or are suffering very difficult conditions. this is incontestable. and then on the other hand, there are these statements that had to be made by use ready politicians that are very aggressive calling on the destruction of cars, uh, etc. and they're actually searching the combination of the, of the harm on the ground. and the statements by politicians is enough, at least to render it plausible. the general side might be occurring. this is the judges of their case. and as i said may be for, for visual measures, the court might be willing to accept this. but let me ask you, you know, as a. busy legal expert here, you know, the deputy connected speaker in this in but you're a, for example, it's tweeted, it is real, has to know less than bern garza,
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for example. those are not the words of someone who wants to live in peace next door to you. and i think it's, it's a, it's beyond the statements that have been made are while statements aggressive statements. and some of them are also plainly illegal. and his role does have a legal obligation to suppress these statements and to basically criminally investigate these statements, i should say to the attorney general as issued a statement earlier this week that this is exactly what she's planning to do. but still, it's a very long distance between a very uh, as i said, a very outrage of statement by a serving politician and to basically attribute a specific military action that is taken by a regular military through a chain of command to uh, that's uh to that outrage of statement. this is not how things work in, in organized military's. and this is not how things work. things work and isn't ok
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. dana evolve shawnee with the faculty of law at the university in jerusalem. the thing we appreciate your time and your excellent analysis tonight. thank you. thank you for your meetings, vice chancellor robert, how back is in israel at the moment today? he hit back against the genocide charges brought by south africa minus his industry . and my personal and political opinion is that one can criticize these really military from using harsh measures in the gaza strip. however, that does not constitute genocide, took a more to pick those who would commit genocide or desire to do so. if given the opportunity or how muscle special to stand elation of the state of israel is on their agenda from the rest. so we can understand the slogan from the river to the sea as not meaning the jews should leave israel by boat, but as an extinction fund to say, allison accusing israel of genocide is
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a complete distortion of victims and perpetration has in mind. you understand it's just wrong for an upfront on 2 ton. it's your own size of hutch step is robert and public speaking earlier today. now to unrest on the other side of the planet. pop out, new guinea has declared a state of emergency looting an arson in the capital port. moresby has killed at least 16 people. the violence was triggered by police protesting against cuts to their pay. and the unrest is also spread to the north of the country. the prime minister morabe has called for call an explosion of violence in port moresby. starts by protests of soldiers. police and prison guards overpay cuts. angry crowds towards buildings ransack shops. as the terminal is spread far beyond the capital. 24 hours without police turned into looting on a massive scale. one group of officials and civilians forced their way through
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a security gate outside the prime minister's office. james morales, a apologize, but said lawlessness would not be tolerated. in size, all our citizens step up to date and give us back to your country one more time and products your neighborhood that yesterday did happen. we have now let's look into how we report. we look at how we would bring responsible people to face a form of law. also, the government has promised to fix what it called a payroll glitch. it's not so far been enough to restore order. a scale you have recently inc. a security deal with pop in new guinea saying it's ready to help the stretch of police force. we continue to urge come at this difficult time. we haven't had any requests from the pay into a government. the local authorities are flying police reinforcements into port
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morris, be to try and, and the violets. and here are some other stories making headlines around the world . this hour across ecuador, thousands of soldiers are now one control to put down a wave of violence by drug cartels. it is claimed 16 lines this week along the unrest and broke out after the president declared a state of emergency over a drug lords escaped from prison. officials say a 180 prison staff are now being held hostage by inmates. turkey, romania and bulgaria have agreed to remove underwater mines from the black sea. the 3 native members say that the mines washed into their territories after the russian invasion of ukraine, and that they pose a danger to ship a flooding. and the democratic republic of congo has destroyed tens of thousands of houses around the capital kinshasa water levels into congo. river have reached their highest and almost 60 years. heavy rains and flash floods have killed nearly
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300 people. in recent months, at least 11 people have been injured in a russian strike on ukraine's 2nd largest city, perceive as, according to local authorities. they say that to russian missiles struck a hotel in the center of the city late on wednesday. several other buildings were also damaged and destroy. are staying with the war and ukraine, ukraine's president bottom is zalinski as hell talks with the laugh in president in the capital riga. so wednesdays visit is the 3rd leg of his tour of ukraine's baltic allies following fruitful visits to lithuania and estonia. the trip aims to bolster support for keep as precious more of the gretchen nears it's 2nd anniversary. regus president reportedly agreed to day to step up military aid and to supply ammunition that's been requested by team of babylon. dw riga,
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bureau chief, you're a reset ever spoke to me earlier and told me what president zalinski said in a joint press conference with all that being pressed was landscape called for more weapons to defend, to ukraine against russian attacks. he said, rushed to find it at least $500.00 me silence and drones into your brain over the, the new year. although a 70 percent, you sat over them one destroyed to buy at defense. if it was, that's interest damages at defense systems on the, at the top of the list of things you can lex, he also spoke yesterday. it was the anti about the fact that you cranes western allies on not putting pressure on his country to stop fighting russian forces and fries is a constant. as for the political aspect, with a view to the natural assignments planned for july, the ski and washington ukrainian president says he's country would like to see at least one concrete step on its way to joining the west in the military airlines. neary. what role do baltic countries,
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what role did they play politically in this war? as well as your great legs to enter the repeated union and to join nato one day. and to this exactly what to moscow, tries to avoid n t a. there are many parallels and possible exchange of experience in particular with the 3 multi countries that one next to by the soviet union during world war 2 is that the time is cold here by the way, in lots of and, and also in other countries. so again, based on so then with the collapse of the soviet union, all 3 bowls, estates have free game to their independence. and certain years later than 24, they joined tomato, which was absolutely and think about during this whole period of time. therefore, politically, i will say that the baltic congress among ukraine's strong. there's supporters and what about militarily talk to me about the contribution to the baltic countries may well, uh, brand it or when it comes to arms deliveries. it's of course not to the baltic states, but to the usa. that is clearly at the forefront with commitments of almost 44000000000
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euros. but if you look at military aid based on the g d p, that the voltage states come out on top and that'd be costs if the warranty crane has raised concerns, he has it does. the baltics codes become rush us next target. anyway, sound segers and stony, a promise to grapevine points, 2000000000 euros, and arms assistance. was there any is going to provide assistance worth a to meet 200000000 euros and also promised to soon sent them you nation 3 grand s a lot to hear this country has among other things much experience with the producing of drones and they have for the long and president announced he's country is going to lead for the so called coalition of joints for ukraine. this is, was a major content group on the grains defensive circle grandstand for a month. agreed to do name with degree it several. a top call least wants to develop these military capabilities. okay. the, the use of we can be retrieve your ears, said i with the latest tonight. your thank you, stolen as president and say do don't,
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has announced that he will pardon to populous ex lawmakers who were arrested on corruption charges at his residence. 2 days ago, mario's come in scheme and march 8. 1 sick were members of the opposition law and justice party. their incarceration has prompted thousands of people to protest every day since protests on the streets of also thousands of people on the cool of polish president andre, due to, to gather outside the parliament and denounce the new governments over the whole of state media. and also to condemn the recent arrest of 2 politicians from the oppositional and justice policy. marius kaminsky, unmatched a voc check as you've got done since i came here because i don't agree with what's happening in our country right now. i'm concerned about lawlessness and we're not
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used to it after so many years since the fall of communism. i was pulling a suite in poland and i knew i would wake up in poland. and now i'm not so sure. now i'm waking up in a kind of foreign country. tell me what you mean. we will be on top. we will be free. we will do nights and we will show the poland should stay you, poland, to some of you. yes, the background was we were standing next to the wives due to said that the rest of the 2 men was a breach of the constitution broke. what i thought it was the, to the volume should not following the request of the wives of the arrested ex ministers. i have decided to initiate the pausing proceedings. simple ones, i want this proceeding to be done according to absolutely more constitutional and legal standards. kaminsky was the interior minister of the form of government and vash. it cuz that p t state was sentenced to 2 years in prison in december 2023 for abusing that power when they were ahead of the central anti corruption bureau was
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boseman were arrested at the presidential palace on tuesday. they denied the charges. are kaminsky and the bash it could base been sentenced to 3 years in prison on similar charges back in 2015, but were pardoned by due to a few months late to see the rest this week sparked and among supporters of the little injustice party adding to mounting tension in the country as need prime minister donald to us twice to unpack the last 8 years of leadership by the law and justice policy. by reforming political institutions and restructuring the legal system. in his aim to lead poland into a more progressive pro european era. all right,
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so more of this now i'm joined by monica. she likes dw, corresponded in warsaw, monica, it's good to see you, president, due to announcing that he's going to pardon these 2, arrested politicians from the opposition party. where will this conflict between the president and the government were worth it had to? well it is, it seems to escalate right now. uh no. what uh, the next step. uh, if the both of them uh will be released from day after department of the president. and which might say, take some time, but it would, it would have come from a be in the a couple of days or weeks. uh was they uh, where lo makers before, uh and they uh, already announced that they will try to they will try to enter the parliament building again. and one of them uh, the former interior mean you still come east?
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you said that a she was do it until uh she she was do it and she wanted to attend the complimentary sessions. uh, unless you stopped by force. mm hm. so uh, even if they are not uh, no lawmaker anymore because the they are convicted. so according to the law, they are no, it'll make her uh any more, but they don't accept the situation in monica. how that, how do you, how do you read this situation? i mean, the president, in opposition with it, with the new government, you've got people protesting on the streets. is poland. is it heading into a severe political crisis or the police, the police go seen and the police society is clearly divided into 2 major groups. one of them recognizes some verdicts on of some cards or some judges, and the other girl is the because now using the other judges and other the verdicts
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of other courts. it's an, an unprecedented situation. um, it's the 1st such a big constitutional prizes in poland. and police, a good price is important since poland to regain to the independence in 1989. so we are now living in the kind of double parlour words of and, and in the kinds of legal do, at least. and why do you think president, due to, is risking all of this? why is the escalating of stand off with the new governments of donald task? or what and this does do the um, is a strong supporter of uh, the rights and uh the of the department of government, of the law and justice party. and, and what we are in poland is heading is,
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is facing another election campaign because in 3 months there will be reaching the election. so of course, it's important for the, for president pulled up to support the strength and this the right wing of parties . the 1st of all his party, of course, and another thing is that i think that he tries to him in both those boost, then you prime minister an internal conflict. so as much as possible and as to make it for him as much difficult as it's possible, as possible, a tool to reorganize a and to reorganize the traditional system. after 8 years of the injustice governments, you corresponded monica she, raska, joining us tonight from warsaw want to get. we appreciate your reporting tonight. thank you. for germany's foreign minister has criticized
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showing them over its activities in the south china sea accusing the country of engaging and risky maneuvers. and the bare bulk is at the philippines for talks with leaders. they are the 1st to buy a german 4 administered over a decade. she also criticized asians territorial claims and said that they are not in line with international law. their bulk said, recent developments in the south, china, c, r e cause for concern even here in europe as well. it's winter here in europe, people are leasing up their skates are taking to the ice. this leak and begging norway has been transformed into a jillions ice skating rink. the water freezes here every year. but it's rare that the ice is sticking out for you to escape safely. the locals say that they are making the most of this special wintry opportunity
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or it's because reminder of our top story, the international court of justice has begun. hearing a genocide case against israel, brought by south africa. prosecutors told the court that israel had intended to destroy johnson coming from the highest level of the state. israel has rejected the obligations as baseless and will present its defense on friday. you watch the w news while i from berlin after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day stick around. we will be right the
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and as a more efficient light sources on 10 nights and today get the increase in pricing. this is messing with maintenance. inherent cannot quite with dramatic impacts on biodiversity. can we come down in 45 minutes on d w. the
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news will tell you what the story we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w. hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for offices use these issues and share ideas the, you know, or the, i know we're not of great to catch and then to get to talk to the applicants. population is really fast. the young people clearly have the
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solution. the future is 77 percent. every weekend on dw, the 3 months ago israel became the target of an unprecedented terror attack. the terrorist group of moss went on a killing spree. october 7th, became the deadliest day for jews since the holocaust on today of the international court of justice is real, was accused of genocide of trying to exterminate the palestinians in gauze of israel says that the claim is baseless tonight is real. a country at more now on trial i broke off in berlin. this is the day the.


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