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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live and from berlin tonight is real before the international court of justice. the charge genocide, south africa, is accusing is real of breaching the wins genocide convention in gossip allegations . that is real calls baseless. also coming up tonight in mass protest outside poland, parliament, tens of thousands rally to denounce the new governments overall of the state media and to demand the release of to jail. former politicians, the i bring golf is good to have you with us on this thursday. south african
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prosecutors today began making their case to the humans top court. that is real is committing genocide and gossip. they argue that israel's military response to the october 7th i'm off terror attacks have been and continued to be an attempt to destroy the palestinian people. israel has dismissed the obligations as baseless and will present its defense on friday. on the 1st day of a genocide case against the state of each row in the hague, demonstrations on both sides, much to the u. n's top court in search of 2 different visions of justice. inside the quotes and the legal team for south africa. she brought the case against israel, made the opening arguments, says the publicly available evidence of the scale of the destruction resulting from the bombardment of garza and the deliberate restriction of food
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volta. let's, let's do lecture century available to the population of casa, demonstrates that the government of israel, no jewish people, is really citizens, the government of israel. and its military is intent on destroying the palestinians because as a group of lights under the proceedings could take use. in the meantime, south africa is asking the court to order israel to stop its no true operations in gaza. hi, civilian casualties and the humanitarian catastrophe. have led to international condemnation of these rarely offensive. the master on health ministry says more than 23000 palestinians have been killed. the un says one and 4 people in gaza, a staffing but israel vehemently denies allegations of
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genocide. it insists it's campaign is about targeting him us and not the palestinian people. israel says it is acting in self defense after that. how must terror attacks on october 7th? 2023 is good to a terrorist organization that committed the most terrible crime against the jewish people since the holocaust instruments. and now there are those who come to defend it in the name of the hall that causes the what a destiny, an upside down world. israel will address the quote on friday. a decision on emergency meshes is expected later this month. the ordering a ceasefire is one possible option, but as a court has no way to enforce its rulings, there was hoping for a quick end to the war, may be bitterly disappointed. when he got to use diane hawkers in johannesburg, she told me more about why south africa brought this case to court well,
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considering. so that's because history many in the south african government believe that's of africa, has a responsibility not only to ensure that human rights exist shared with insight africa's board is but also to ensure that others who are unable to speak up for themselves and actually have access to a fee of human rights. one will remember that sub africa is a country that had a long period of segregation and partridge. and it's only been 30 years since we've into the democratic dispensation. so the memory of that segregation and those human rights of, you know, violations against the majority of the people of south africa all fresh in the minds of many of africans. and also many of the politicians. and that was really much of the motivation force of africa taking this forward and saying that it would
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speak up on behalf of the palestinian people. and that he would raise the issues that it's raised in its application of the hague and saying that he does a signatory to the genocide convention. and the for has a responsibility to act. parker reporting from johannesburg. the publish president andre dude has announced that he will pardon to populous ex lawmakers who were arrested on corruption charges 2 days ago at his house. mario kaminsky and margie, one check, were members of the opposition law and justice party. their incarceration has prompted thousands of people to protest every day since protests on the streets of also thousands of people on the cool of polish president andre, due to, to gather outside the parliament and denounce the new governments over the whole of state media. and also to condemn the recent arrest of 2 politicians from the
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oppositional and justice policy. marius kaminsky, unmatched a voc. check out the since i came here because i don't agree with what's happening in our country right now. i'm concerned about lawlessness and we're not used to it after so many years since the fall of communism was pulling a suite in poland and i knew i would wake up in poland. and now i'm not so sure. now i'm waking up in a kind of foreign country. tell me what you mean. we will be on top. we will be free. we will do nights and we will show the poland should stay, you posted until some of you. yes, the background was we were standing next to the wives due to said that the rest of the 2 men was a breach of the constitution broke. what i thought it was the, to the volume should not following the request of the wives of the arrested ex ministers. i have decided to initiate the pausing proceedings. simple ones,
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i want this proceeding to be done according to absolutely bold constitutional and legal standards. kaminsky was the interior minister of the form of government and vash. it cuz that p t. the state was sentenced to 2 years in prison in december 2023 for abusing that power when they were ahead of the central anti corruption bureau. these it was boseman were arrested at the presidential palace on tuesday. they denied the charges. are kaminsky and the bash it could base been sentenced to 3 years in prison on similar charges back in 2015, but were pardoned by due to a few months late to see the rest this week sparked and among supporters of the little injustice party
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adding to mounting tension in the country as need prime minister donald to us twice to unpack the last 8 years of leadership by the law and justice policy. by reforming political institutions and restructuring the legal system. in his aim to lead poland into a more progressive pro european era, we are some other stories now that are making headlines around the world. across ecuador, thousands of soldiers are now on patrol to put down a wave of violence by drug. cartels is claimed. 16 lines, the unrest broke out after the president declared a state of emergency over a drug lords escaped from prison. officials say a 180 prison staff are now being held hostage by inmates. turkey remain your info. here you have agreed to remove underwater mines from the black sea. the 3 native members a, the mines washed into their territories after the russian invasion of ukraine. they
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say they pose a danger to shipping. a pop under guinea has declared a state of emergency looting an arson in the capital port morris b have killed at least 16 people. the violence was triggered by police protesting against cuts to their pay. and the unrest had spread to the north of the country. and prime minister james morabe has called for call an explosion of violence in port moresby, sparked by protests of soldiers, police and prison guards overpay cuts. angry crowds towards buildings and ransack shops. as the terminal is spread far beyond the capital for 24 hours without police turned into looting on a massive scale. one group of officials and civilians forced their way through a security gate outside the prime minister's office. james morales, a apologize, but said lawlessness would not be tolerated in size. all our citizens to step up to
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date and give us back to your country one more time and kind of your neighborhood that yesterday did happen. we had knowledge, we looked into how we report, we look at that the how we would bring responsible people to face a form of law. how's the government has promised to fix what it called a payroll glitch? it's not so far been enough to restore order. australia recently inc. a security deal with pop in new guinea saying it's ready to help the stretch of police force. we continue to urge com at these difficult on. we haven't had any requests from the pay in j government. the local authorities are flying police reinforcements into port morris, be to try and and the violence. your grades president autumn is zalinski has healed talks with leslie as president ed guys,
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brink of it in the capital re got the landscape visit is the 3rd leg of his tour of ukraine's baltic allies. following for doctor visits to lift the wendy and the stony up the trip aims to bolster support for keep as rushes, war of aggression nears the 2nd anniversary. in the re good linkage reportedly agreed to step up military aid and to supply ammunition that has been requested by keep our riga bureau chief here a reset or spoke to me earlier. he told me what the president zalinski said in the joint press conference with the what the president, it was landscape called for more weapons to defend to ukraine against russian attacks. he said, rushed to find it at least $500.00 me, silas and drones until you came over to the new year. although a 70 percent, you sat down with them one destroyed by ad defensive it was that's interest damages and defense systems on the as the top of the list of things ukraine,
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lex and i also spoke yesterday. it looks annie about the fact that ukraine's western eyes on not putting pressure on his country to stop fighting russian forces and freezes in confidence. as for the political aspect, with a view to the natural assignments planned for july, these in washington, your great new president said she's going to would like to see at least one concrete step on its way to joining the west and the military airlines neary. what role do baltic countries? what role do they play politically in this world? well, you agree likes to enter the refugees, you and unit to join their to one day. and this is exactly what's the most skilled tries to avoid. n t a. there are many parallels and possible exchange of experiences, in particular with the 3 multi congress that one next to by the soviet union during world war 2 that's time is cold here by the way, in lots of and, and also in other countries. so get occupation. so then with the collapse of the soviet union, all 3, both estates have free game to their independence and certainly as low as they've
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done before. they joined tomato, which was absolutely unthinkable during the soviet bureau at this time. therefore, politically, i will say that there's a baltic countries among ukraine's stronger supporters. and what about militarily talk to me about the contribution to the baltic countries make as well uh, brand. if it, when it comes to arms delivers. uh, its of course not to the baltic states, but to the usa. that is clearly at the forefront with commitments of almost 44000000000 euros. but if you look at military aids based on cdp, that the baltic states come out on top and that'd be cost. if it, when you create has raised concerns. he has it does the baltics codes become rush us next target anyway. sounds segers and it's donia promised to grapevine points, 2000000000 euros and arms assistance also, and is going to provide assistance worth a to meet a 200000000 euros and also promised to soon sent them you nation to be created as
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a lot to the here is this country has, among other things much experience with the producing over drones and they have, for the long term president announced he's gone. thing is going to lead for the so called coalition of joints for ukraine. this is what the nato content group on the ukraine's defense as a whole can understand form. i agreed to do name with degree it, so it will have to, i'll call least developed these military capabilities. ok. either use or we can be retrieve your ears, said i with the latest tonight. your thank you this and finally the world's because it was presently festival is underway. down under hip shaking, we're wearing elvis fans gather that said these central station to show their burning love for the key. and then they boarded the elders express bound for a small town in the outback, about $25000.00 elders into z, as are expected to fit on their blue suede shoes. and to make the pilgrimage to the 5 digit to begin to. and you can already hear it. this year's theme is by see 57
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film jail model drum. and that you use round up problem is here related to the company. we'll see you again tomorrow. can you hear me? we are all set. we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new we own about on volume information for free might do to me in the the big city at night dark this no longer exists in many places around the world.


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