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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 3:02am-3:31am CET

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costs went on a killing spree. october 7th, became the deadliest day for jews since the holocaust. when today of the international court of justice, israel was accused of genocide of trying to exterminate the palestinians in gossip . israel says that the claim is baseless tonight is real. a country at war and now on troy, i bring golf and berlin. this is the day. the israel has suggested god to what has been described as one of the heaviest, conventional bombing campaigns in the history of modern will fit is what i have a genocide. i intend against the palestinians in cause as nothing more pro shifts and preposterous than this little notice of propaganda. it is not as committing genocide, it's from us. and here is the nation that prides itself on being the anti racist
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nation. giving legal support to how much the the, how this product responsibility and that actions we'd be done by us also coming up toxic politics, deepening division. a new government is getting to work in warsaw. it's a porters. and those behind that the former governors are clashing over. he stands for the real poland. it's a charge of a ski. i used to fall asleep in poland. i knew i would wake up in poland. now i go to bed and i feel like i'm waking up in a foreign country. let's do. our view is watching on tv as in the united states into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with the case for and against genocide. the international court of justice in the hague today began hearing why south africa is accusing is real
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a genocide against the people in gossip or tomorrow friday. israel will begin telling the court why that charge is deplorable and baseless by minister benjamin netanyahu has already called it a twisted world, praising these really military calling it the most moral army on the planet or south africa sees it differently, pointing to numerous public statements made by is really government and military leaders allegedly revealing the intent to wipe out not only him off, but also the palestinian people who have no choice but to stand in the way. on the 1st day of a genocide case against the state of each row in the hague, demonstrations on both sides, much to the u. n's top court in search of 2 different visions of justice. inside the quotes and the legal team for south africa. she brought the case against israel,
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made the opening arguments to the publicly available evidence of the scale of the destruction resulting from the bombardment of garza and the deliberate restriction of food volta medicines, and electricity available to the population of casa demonstrates that the government of israel no jewish people is really citizens, so government of israel and its military is intent on destroying the palestinians because as a group of lights under the, the proceedings could take use. in the meantime, south africa is asking the court to order israel to stop. it's no it treat operations in gaza. hi, civilian casualties and humanitarian catastrophe have led to international condemnation of these really expensive. the most run health ministry says
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more than $23000.00 palestinians have been killed. the un says one and 4 people in gaza, a staffing israel vehemently denies allegations of genocide. it insists its campaign is about targeting him us and not the palestinian people. israel says it is acting in self defense after that. how must her attacks on october 7th, 2023 is going to a terrorist organization that committed the most of the terrible crime against the jewish people since the holocaust instruments. and now there are those who come to defend it in the name of the all the causes of what our deputy and upside down world is ro will address the quote on friday. a decision on emergency measures is expected later this month. bordering a ceasefire is one possible option, but as
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a court has no way to enforce its rulings, those hoping for a quick end to the war may be bitterly disappointed. my 1st gifts tonight is omar bartel fee is a professor of holocaust engine design studies at brown university. he's the author of numerous books on moore, the holocaust genocide and anti semitism. he joins me tonight from cambridge, massachusetts professor. both of it's good to have you back onto the program. even though i, we spoke late last year, i think it was around november, right after you had written the piece for the new york times in which you said it was crucial to a warrant of the potential for genocide before it occurs. and you added in that article that there is still time to do this now that was november. here we are in january. is there still time? well that's a, that's a very good question. and i guess that the international court of justice will have to determine the place, the bank that i look, i mean my, my own says,
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says i just read the 84 pages of the south african i filed and file to the i c j. um, and so many indications, if not of jealous, i don't know if genocide to act. and thirdly, of will crime scene crimes against humanity and then it will being operation of ethics as a. so whether this is a funny genocide or not will have to be determined, but in the situation on the ground, the direction that is, is taking it has to be reversed as quickly as possible. i want to talk about this, the case of being put forth by south africa just a moment. i want to play a clip for you now from the is really government spokesman mark reg, of the spokesman. a comment that was given today. and i want to get your reaction to it. take a list of the south african government, prides itself on hitting
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a country. they called at the rainbow nation, a nation which has a n t racism is its core. and yet, see we see the south africa, unfortunately a lying and is aligning itself with the come us terrorist organization, which is an openly and about lead racist organization. it's a travesty of history. what do you say to that professor, you know, a lying itself with a mouse? well, i mean, let's try certainly, nonsense. i mean, i don't know where the, i guess reads the finally by south africa. i just know the line itself was from us is to talks about extremely valid actions by the ideas you guys have posted in population of guys. i don't know if rack of as many of the spokes put people generals put officials in israel. think stuff from us and the
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population of guys are the same thing. and you could say that that means that statements that were made against from us by various spokespeople industrial actually directed to the entire population, which is very much the case. that is, that is a kind of confusion between come us, which is a terrorist organization. and that would be a nice thing if it could be removed from the side between the 2300000 people who lives a offer for my children. how significant is it to that south africa has brought israel to the world court by invoking the 1948 genocide convention. i mean, is this a historic moment as it is, are you still at the moment on, on various levels of festival? because the jo size convention from 1948 which came into force in 1951 the year of
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it. israel joined it as well. uh, the roots of that are really the heart of course, in other cases of mass killing in world war 2. and this was what was the impetus for the newly founded the un to resolve to, to have such a convention. um, so that is one side of it is that is this for a state like israel, which was found to be many ways on the on the ashes of the heart. of course, the be accused of genocide is a very tragic moment. the 2nd is the south africa was a country that as we know until 1994. so for the regime of if a brutal regime of a part, i then became a pariah of state. and because of the eventually, because of international pressure. um, so as soon as you ultimately clubs and the additional i would need is the only
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states that's worked with the south african apologize machine, particularly in military cooperation, was the state of israel. so there was a fair amount of blood between those 2 states. whereas in fact, as i said, they should have been much closer together. the they're both countries founded on historical treasure, the foundation finally coming path. rather than going to be able to work. you know, you, you mentioned a parent in the international community, you know, as well as i do that a ruling by the board court may take years to come and by then the war between israel and the last will probably be over there. there could even be peace in the middle east, and we know that this court has no enforcement authority. so is the court a public opinion here? public pressure is that most relevant with what we're seeing happening is this is the 3 things that are relevant. as i say. one is that you will have an
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international body of the 15, joseph plus one from south africa, and one from israel happens to be a very distinguished joyce. who will you think? i disagree with deliberating, and that's important on its own. the 2nd is a yes, that is that there will be um, pressure simply because of the facts, the of the i c j would be talking about it. the 3rd is the south africa. i'm aware of that, said the deliberations could take a year or longer, but could be several years. is asking for provisional measures. and those provisional measures can be decided on by the i c, j in the next couple of weeks. and those with have judgements and much more even if they are not implemented, which one expects they would not be would have a much greater immediate effect of pressure and both in israel and not least with
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the united states failure. here i've said, and i think you said this when we talked last year that it's important to show that a country is sliding towards genocide when it is sliding towards genocide. that means the presence of intent has to be there. how does one prove intent when we're talking about is real allegedly committing to genocide against the palestinian people? and so you know, even when i, i publish the times in early november i, science has many cases of is ready, political and military leaders. people with the executive powers making general side of statement. so the statement says could have 2 implications. one is that the inside the pool and the inside soldiers and when they have hundreds of thousands of
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reserves, so just to just destroy the citizens in uniform hearing the, the combined us and the political leaders making such a statement and says, of course has an impact on the conduct and secondly, that is an element improving genocide, which usually is very hard to prove. now since then, there's be many more social statements made. and in the filing by the, by south africa, there's a very long laundry list of statements from top to bottom around the country. even though the last few days, which of course some people in israel say is, is, is crazy because this is not the moment to keep making for statements. the question would be whether the statements may being made in the heat of the moment. they're just sort of rhetoric, but they don't actually have to do with actions on the ground that the, the so there's no after the intent to destroy the part of sending people
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a such are latrice. it's talking garza, but by this i mean, how does it prove that the professor a how do you prove that there is a true intent? even if you have people in the cabinet saying horrible things? how do you make that connection that what they say? what is translating into conduct on the ground in gaza and an entire sample and an ethnic group is being extinguished are correct. so this is, this is the you have to make the link and the link can be made or might be made by looking at what the actions actually uh and the ashes be the 85 percent of the population of garza has been displaced and are now mostly in the south west in tip of because of the strip where they uh, also under conditions of lack of food, lack of water, lack of sending station, lack of medical assistance to the place from which they were displaced as being
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largely destroyed. and there is no clear plan of them ever coming back there and no political horizon because likes or any government refuses to speak of the next stage. but is it true that i mean you're, you're describing a humanitarian catastrophe? i mean, human suffering between the images is true, but can we say that there will not be a plan for recycling draws or for these people to go home? i mean, we know that there are mechanisms in place already to finance reconstruction of gas and no one is talking about the, the inoculation of gauze in its people. well, many people are talking about in, in, in israel states. and this will be made by 2 senior ministers and these are in the cabinet precisely about encouraging the public fitness to leave, encouraging, obviously, as a, as a collide to, to pushing them up. i think that i in
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a sense, we want to know whether this is an operation of as a closing with genocide or in time to all cause requests, depending on what happens next. if indeed the plan is implemented before the thing is to go back to where they were to to rebuild their lives. then potentially we could say ok, this was very close, but it didn't quite come to the 23000 people were killed. thousands and thousands of voted and mutilated, but maybe it didn't get to be jealous of the classic because people came back. yeah . but i'm not sure that this will help it. final question, before we run out of time, you know, south africa, as you said, it says it has a history of solidarity with the palestinians that they both have stories of apartheid oppression to tell. other groups in the world are also targets of all
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kinds of horrible treatment. i'm thinking about the weak years in china. they were hinge of me and more. it seems though, that some get more attention than others. that solidarity likes to pick and choose to. does it as well? so this is also, this is true. i mean, the, we don't live in the, in the fair in just well, but i would say that the only other case in which one state filed with the i c j. 4 case of jealous i was to can be a about the general side also bringing in miramar, in 9th and in 2019. and this did go was deliberated by the i c j. and it's in fact, one of the only precedents for what we're seeing now. secondly, i would say that israel is, isn't it particularly the sort of delicate moment israel has claimed always to
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be the only democracy in the middle east that have had a very moral or the most more. i'm in the world. it has built itself on the legacy of the pool. so for a country like israel to be even charged with this is not just that it's unfair, the people of going after israel and also has to do with a sort of lack of disability and understanding of its own historical political position in the well by is ready to lead this and that i find tragic internally domestically not only into naturally but israel would bring itself to this point. professor bard from unfortunately we're out of time. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us great conversation. i'm sure that will be reasons to talk again in the future. thank you. thank you very much for having me.
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the polish politics are not pretty at the moment, but was president andre due to and has announced that he will pardon to populist former lawmakers who were arrested 2 days ago on corruption charges at the presidents residents. mario's come in ski and my j one check were members of the opposition law and justice. pardon? well, they're no longer in political power, but their support among motors apparently isn't weaker. protests on the streets of also thousands of people on the cool of polish president andre, do to, to gather outside the parliament and denounce the new governments over the whole of state media and also to condemn the recent arrest of 2 politicians from the opposition to injustice. party, marius kaminsky, unmatched a vase shake. as you've got done since i came here because i don't agree with
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what's happening in our country right now. i'm concerned about lawlessness and we're not used to it after so many years since the fall of communism was pulling a suite in poland and i knew i would wake up in poland. and now i'm not so sure. now i'm waking up in a kind of foreign country. we will be on top, we will be free, we will unite, and we will show the poland should stay. poland to some of you. yes, the background was we were standing next to the wives due to said that the rest of the 2 men was a breach of the constitution broke. what i thought is that to the volumes, you're not following the request of the wives of the arrested ex ministers. i have decided to initiate the pause and proceeding simple ones. i want this proceeding to be done according to absolutely more constitutional and legal standards. kaminsky was the interior minister of the form of government and bushek,
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his deputy. the state was sentenced to 2 years in prison in december 2023 for abusing that power when they were ahead of the central anti corruption bureau. these it was both men were arrested at the presidential palace on tuesday. they denied the charges, are kaminsky, and eventually it could base, been sentenced to 3 years in prison on similar charges back in 2015, but were pardoned by due to a few months late to the rest. this week sparked anger among supporters of the little injustice party adding to mounting tension in the country. as the prime minister donald took twice to unpack the last 8 years of leadership by the law and justice party. by reforming
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political institutions and restructuring the legal system. in his aim to lead poland into a more progressive pro european era. but he w, corresponded monica she arrived. scott is following the story for us and with president due to about to pardon, to arrested opposition. politicians. he is the president. is he on a collision course with the new powers that be in warsaw? the next step is this. both of them will be released from day after department of the president. and which might say, take some time, but it will, it will come from a be in the couple of days or weeks was they were low makers before. and they already announced that they will try to they will try to enter the parliament building again. and one of them, the former interior mean use their come east. you said that a she was do it until she he was do it. and she wanted to
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attend the complimentary sessions at unless you stop by force. so even if they are not the know lawmaker anymore, because the they are convicted so according to the law, they are no, it will make her uh any more, but they don't accept the situation in monica. how that, how do you, how do you read this situation? i mean, the president, in opposition with it, with the new government, you've got people protesting on the streets. is poland. is it heading into a severe political crisis side of the police? the police go seen and the police society is clearly divided into 2 major groups. one of them recognizes some verdicts on of some cards or some judges, and the other girl is the because now using the other judges and the other, the verdicts of other cards. it's an,
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an unprecedented situation. um, it's the 1st such a big constitutional crisis in poland and police, a good price is important since poland to regain to the independence in 1989. so we are now living in the kind of double parlor words of and, and in the kinds of legal do at least finally, the world's largest elvis presley festival is underway, down under hip shaking. and we where and elvis fans, cabinet and sydney central station to show their burning love for the king. and after a little song and dance, they boarded the eldest express valley for a small town in the outback. 25000 elders, enthusiasts are expected to put under blue suede shoes and makes the pilgrimage to the 5 date extravaganza. this year's theme is the 1957, tim. as you can hear,
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the music house from the it's almost friday. the day continues on line. your point is when x also known as twitter, youtube in need of the news, you can probably be for and off tv. and remember what ever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day and see that the, the the
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sweden and the sorry hun visits the grave of his son who was killed and the conflict between guides to the gun violence is spreading throughout the country. what is the swedish government doing the focus on 0 dw rainbow branding. it's definitely trending. but not
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all companies are serious about their support areas. some companies can face harsh criticism. brands today, the brace friction, they've gone up against the criticism, but this stood for something in the end of actually one great deal of brand loyalty from the next generation made in germany in 60 minutes on the w, the, the smiles, me to the news, the
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hello and the very one welcome to this week, citizen on focus on europe with show we begin today's program in sweden, where authorities are trying to get control over, storing gang violence, organized crime is affecting more and more people in sweden, home, or sorry, home, for example, had to face a bigger loss in his family. now his wishes that authorities do more to protect citizens from criminals. swedish social workers also play an important role.


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