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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 7:15am-7:31am CET

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until tries to unpack the last 8 years of leadership by the law and justice party, by reforming political institutions and restructuring the legal system. in his aim to lead poland into a more progressive pro european era. so you're up to date on data unit is thanks for watching the thing and do the same way you expect and one different things from life than your parents do i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts or you think your kid is 2 different risky irresponsible, reasonable stop in port in those nonsense. i was under the doctor still in the cloud. it's time to get your generation with
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a sleep asked and then when generations flash starts, january 14th on dw is kind of fun. it feels like therapy the when you think what your vehicle is using tassel. and it's this, ma'am. you on musk who made electric cars cool tassels worth over $700000000000.00 and is one of the largest e car manufacturers in the world. the problems that it's big in factories around the globe are raising eyebrows. water and labor are both big issues. we looked at germany, the us and mexico and ask, is the push to drive greener vehicles fueling various crisis ease. we want to know what's the true cost of tesla. tesla is known as a disruptor in the auto industry. it's giga. factories are massive compounds like here
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in grenada suite, the village, about an hour of sites for when the facilities are designed to allow for faster and more streamlined production as tesla ams to produce there's like the vehicles. but all this heavy manufacturing on one site means concentrated water consumption. the tesla gives you a factory is started in the us where the company was founded in china and auto manufacturing giant, germany, most recently, texas giga, berlin, was a big step that was basically how so saying, we're not scaring down. i have is, is a managing director at what bush securities and investment bank faced in the west. i reached out to him because he's a big time test of a watcher. we're going for, you received his beam, that'd be here and others. and that's part of the most month, which is hard to argue with. if you look a, which been accomplished, blast jacket, while the joke and berlin at the time was that most noted tech notes and just wondering an excuse to visit some of the cities most famous clubs. the location was
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excellent from us for many reasons. the factory was built at breakneck speed, especially for germany, where your rock receive approvals and permitting can move at a glacial pace. it opened at stores in 2022. germany has a long history of auto manufacturing. so one resource that has an abundance as well trained workers on top of location, smack dab in the middle of the u at the end, the day, the center of the auto industry nachos in europe, you know, many could say globally. so, bro, in made a ton of sense, as well as to, with just sticks of making cars in china and ship it in to europe, which would just go disaster. that's why per, when has been so important terms that spider web logistically getting it throughout europe as well as from a cost perspective, going to be significantly less now. but one resource that is not as abundant as one might think is water, which is apparently laughable to you on musk back in 2021. when he was confronted
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with the idea that his factory might contribute to water problems, very aggressive. that's your internet. so watch sports a look around you for the local, what the consumer watches the for the development. none of this is completely wrong . it's like water everywhere here. a little stream like a desert to, you know, to, to somebody states. i have a just a, have some, some understanding for him because today it says sold off of a bid is price. this is martin pushed his work, looks at waterway eco systems and management the bowman. how is your billing background? but yeah, we have uh, 3000 dates. so if you arrive by our plan, you would see like several, well, uh, so we are rich in lakes, but we are poor as well for resources. yeah. so this seems to be covered pictorial . so despite being known for lakes and rivers, canals and streams, ground water levels, and this part of germany has been declining for years due to climate change. so
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even as the needs of the area are increasing water levels are sinking. and now on the edges of the most populated city in germany, there's a mass of giga factory and that concentrated production. it also means concentrated water consumption. not to mention this area and growing honda is actually in a water protection zone. and there's another problem. the kind of soil that exists in this part of the country, which is really sandy and almost like a sieve, while it allows rain water to quickly reach aquifers. the sandy soil also makes it easy for pollutants to drain down and contaminate drinking water. in case such point attends would to the ends of the excess a. it could be that's a spoiled and make a news of both altering some of the purposes. especially as most part of it tends to kind of be about say, but the biology all micro ability degrades sense the completion of the factory, there's been intense scrutiny. german magazine stan reported about a battery accident starting
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a fire and contaminated water seeping into the ground. or in 2023, the magazine also reported about an illegal filling station that leads to $150.00 leaders of diesel quote uncontrollably. these are just a few of the reported instances. authorities also seem slow to criticize the company and only for these cases involving many different chemicals, have state environmental authorities ordered soil samples to be taken. but is this simply a culture clash between an american company and german bureaucracy? so the classical american approach, so oh, i'm a, i'm out of the set line by the west coast. i'm using uh, an area. and then if i've, i've been using it then i move over to them as well. the so, so this is hope is not possible sense or your so we are giving it to it in space. yeah. you have to deal with a more carefully what. so the space and the resources, and that's why we have these sort of typically, um, yeah, freights medical regulations. it would only be fair to mention that the 1st company
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to build a factory and a water protection area in germany was mercedes benz. about a half an hour away from the tesla site. but it's not just a us 1st germany issue around the world's customer has a rocky history with environmental regulations. the l. a times reported about fines for a california facility amounting to $275000.00 from the federal environmental protection agency. it's not only environmental issues at the various tests of factories have in common, but also building in areas with water problems. kind of fall now, which is to worldwide known, follow the problems takes us the same um and also in sign on and young, you know, some higher even there is, let's say, you know what, the volume the quantity is. so bad that uh, do you all know that go to france of visual drinking, lots of the out the let's look on the other side of the us border. tesla is currently planning to build another dig
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a factory here in the state as more heavily on mexico that plant could open in the coming years. but one big problem in february 2020 to the state where that facility will be located, declared a state of emergency due to the drought. there were 2 of the 3 dams that supply the metropolis of monterey recording. historically low levels. but as of now is still moving forward with the facility in web only on the next it goes in for him because of the low cost. sure, a chip reduce what i believe will be a sub $30000.00 vehicle. next goods, really the only choice, and that's why we just degree where it is relative to us. that makes it ton of sense. this area outside of monterey, like the area outside of berlin, has an existing automotive sector with companies that supply american manufacturers like this one. the company key is already operating in the state for example. so tesla could also be looking to court talent and take advantage of the infrastructure already in place. 80 percent of the ex postal adult industry goes to
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the united states, and he is around $15000000000.00 us dollars per year of a production and exports of all the pots and some products and a beatrice man. well, montoya, a heads the automotive cluster of life, leon, a and in comparison with, with mexico, a noble young is one of the main estates that produces a car setting of the box. montoya says water concerns are quote, challenging for existing companies. the points to new plans on the horizon and already in the works. the governor of the web only on unveiled a $1250000000.00 investment plan designed to ensure the states water supply through 2050 to invest and water infrastructure like pipelines and a new damn. there's more water coming to the city and the state governments on the, on the, however, the plan for the next 20 years to, to supply that,
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what are the not, not only that companies propose for the population with needs for the next 20, but nearly 5000000 people live in metro area, monterey, there has already been water supply rationing and recent years. with media reporting that some water truck delivery drivers have even been threatened with kidnapping in a time or climate change is adding even more stress here in germany. tesla's environmental record is raising concerns about an activist. environmental is always been a push pull for task so that they need to navigate. clearly the green need churn was going to extra vehicle july, right, or spotlight. but it's a work in progress. so how do these brace, engine planned build ups fit into the global test strategy? the plan facility in mexico and the giga factory, build up in germany will help tesla compete on costs. even us traditional carmakers
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turn to use. and while chinese companies like b y, d start to ramp up outside of china. but let's look at global sales. tesla may have brand recognition, especially in the west. the china is gaming with b, y, d making mass and strides in 2022. their sales more than tripled compared to 2021 in which german carmakers dw lagging behind. and 3rd place you id. they continue to compete with from maybe a global share perspective. but when you think electric vehicles, you think tasa, and that's been a big part of their success. right now it's still test is world everyone else is paying rent relative to globally now to dublin, down on that. that's why germany, what they've done to get good provincial works. so not only are germans and americans making test was they're buying them to over half a 1000000 were bought in the us last year. but another big buyer is sweden. so in
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these countries where teslas are parts for the cars are made or serviced, there's unrest like in sweden where workers are protesting. swedish tests of mechanics have blocked off the job. though their number is small, the movement has spark solidarity efforts across not only sweden, but also denmark. doc workers are refusing to unload test lows and for weeks. the postal service refused to test for deliveries. the swedish mechanics want the company to sign a collective bargaining agreement, which would let them negotiate for higher wages, pensions, and the like. workers' rights are an issue in germany to german media has reported numerous concerns among giga, berlin, employees, about working conditions. from the usa, especially from the c o, probably comes a lot of pressure to, to deliver numbers to the, to could use cars and to sell those costs. and yeah, and in the end to provide for the numbers for the sale. what else?
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right. so, so that the stuff goes up and so you can buy in of a way to or whatever you want. good. not, hey, man is a member of the id, mental union in germany and was employed by tesla. must company has so far, blocked unionization, that it's factories, but it works. council is in place. i get factory, berlin of the non union nature. it's been part of the success of the past. i've been there not. i wouldn't say i have the overhanging that some of these other automakers have by having minutes and that's really how much built it. and i don't see that changing tensions by you a that'd be and others that will go after him. but the going to be of the different drugs, and that's been a big part of their success being non union. we wanted to know what did the people who live in, in near, good high to think about the factory and the working conditions. if you get a lot of people in really quickly, it's kind of be a stress for everybody. oh it's, it is difficult. i mean, but i do think that it is like,
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do you think problems the console be sold in the future? yeah, i have an american best. i didn't talk cock long and full of honda 0 for that event . you can you i in the how to purchase. i offered to the it's a $40.00 fee to advise me 6 up. i go way out on the small bridge, which item has one made a world wide offset around 12 and a half $1000000000.20. but what is the true cost of buying one of these futuristic cool all electric vehicles. well, hosting a gig of factory brings jobs, but also working conditions that can lead to injuries like here in germany and a factory with such a large footprint can also stream local resources and make regions experiencing drought face, even greater limitations. we did reach out to tests left for interviews and for comment. they did not respond to those requests, tests what has been an innovator for years. so there's still room to improve. and water usage or working conditions could actually be another frontier that this
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american company confidently and strides into sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. the slow crew come fix and ukraine will soon the head ends with 3rd. you with the pressure on care to advance on the battlefield and re energized support in the west . my guess from button is alexander w. director of the con, the russia you raise your center. the bad news is that unfortunately, the support for your trade in the west or operate is going down for now. rush is economy has stabilized and mr. pretend incisive on war crimes charges is none. the less finding plenty of friends to talk to and visit so well is new found confidence
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tim, tim into a big a will with ukraine. i've even a fight with.


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