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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin. the us and britain launch military strikes on cruelty targets in yemen. the action is in retaliation for tax by the ronnie and back to group on ships in the red sea. also coming up, israel is to defend itself against accusations of genocide in gaza. south africa has set out the claims of the united nations tough port in the hague. israel dismisses the allegations as atrocious and absurd and citizens in taiwan are preparing to vote in an election that could change the territories. relations with china with fears of an invasion high on the agenda, dw,
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ask some of the candidates about their plans, the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. the united states and britain have carried out military strikes against targets in yemen and retaliation for who the rebel attacks on shipping. the red sea, the who fees and the groups back or, or ron have condemns the strikes. the u. s. and the u. k. say the action is aimed at protecting international trade routes. the one by one american military aircraft take off a positive, a coordinated strong fact against humans whose the rebels and that's how the ation fluid taxed on shipping. in the red sea, led by the us and britain and a statement, a total of 10 countries described the mission as an active collective self defense
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. us officials say more than a dozen sites where were attacked, including combined the senses, amunition, debt proceedings by the whose degree with these and verified images, broadcast on who is the television claimant to show explosions and the apparent to optimize at another locations ahead of the strikes the who's the supreme lead to have this morning, the thing so low, you will not hesitate to do everything we can with and any american aggression and will never go on on, said i, you know, to the, the response to any american attacks and will not be at the level of the operation, let me that was recently carried out so many with 24 drawings will see that and several me. so i was up and i met a key and i think the brother much great to a ball i city of the say yet all of your disabilities. what at the bottom and then what felt them in the attic to receive policies have been targeting ships in the
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red sea for weeks with degree releasing the sportage in november. a bit. spite is appearing to seize the vessel. it claims the attack dog and responds to israel's moving casa against thomas in the us. e u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization. the big question now is how the, who's the lead to ship, and that back is they never own will not respond to this international show of force. i'm what this now means for the warming gaza, awarded the us and others have been desperately trying to contain let's get more with frank leverage. he is a senior lecturer and strategic studies at portsmouth university and a former british military intelligence officer. thank you so much for your time this morning. what do you make of these strikes on the who sees? was it always just a matter of, you know, not of when rather than f o community setup?
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i think the answer is yes. once the who t stopped it consistently targeting the shipping with the effect of cutting out of pocket, cutting the, the red c route and the sewage canal effectively off. it seems that the, i think that the, the west and particularly the us have no choice. and of course they attacked the other day, which was directed to you essentially us naval assets i think inside is, could not have gone on. so the issue is of course, what effect will not have had an impact typically at the ground level like when it's damaged some booty capabilities. but as, as you saw that in your own report that this itself is, is, is not the end of the month to the doctor about that. and in fact, there's been much concerned that the war between israel and loss could spread into a broader regional conflict, or are we seeing the start of that right now?
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so yes, i think so there's been this creeping escalation of the escalator, a lot of costs for the last 100 and what 4 days. and it's very important to, to remember here. and this again was who deducting the report before that the who does it looks really close the leg, not i mean to run but to has pulled on. but the, the representative that the spokesman discuss wider retaliation would be a much, much grace level more than likely to see i think, ac involvement either by proxy or in directly conceivably. i think some like 11 on that. what happened off has blocks hooping training the who t since 2014, and iran is also important to remember that saturday were involved in up shouldn't be brutal. with the admin since 2016 and the, the, the saudis have a face in age, which is one reason i think that really trying to de escalate this. so there's no doubt the total potential here for, for a much greater escalation is present. i'm far more likely, i think as
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a result of the attacks last night yesterday. and when we, when we factor an actual capacity as an into that into that matrix. just tell us a little bit about, you know, the faruqis and their threat of retaliation because on the face of it, i mean, but with these things they don't look like much of a match for the us led coalition. how big of a threat are the, who these really i again, as you say, conventionally it's not much they have 200000 people. they hapless statements, solves and drugs that could be handled by the coalition quite easily. but that's not really the point. these are not stupid people are next to me as well connected, unless just remember now what the political effect might be if one us uh, service person was to be killed by any of the so called access of resistance in the near future, not by doctor, be not tactical about not local effects, but political effect to the us middle election yet. but the us getting involved in another and gave all the guys in the middle east, the last thing they want. so they the potential for this,
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despite the lack of conventional power and they will continue to fling me solves perhaps the side of these, perhaps the us naval coalition or us life naval coalition. but that's not the point . the real risk here is what would be the knock on effect all of that politically. what a 2 incident casualties on, on, on, on west and forces. i don't think that would be very great and i think that's it. the real danger hit us particular trying to avoid which is why this was described as a sort of one off a response. i don't think it's going to turn out that way and i think everybody understands that. so, so it's not so much the conventional capabilities, drugs, but assume it solves it's, it's what may happen a down to escalate relying by helping quite quickly instead of a chilling assessment there. uh frank leverage senior lecturer and strategic studies at portsmouth university and former british military intelligence officer. thank you for joining us to share that to you. thank you, sir. the correspondent,
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beg of mass joins us now from the view from london. um your good, why has the u. k joins the us and launching the strikes from interest. research to knock has given his statement overnight and he said that the who, the admitted should have carried out a series of dangerous and destabilizing attacks. and he said there are also these attacks, rules are accessed, evaluating the human to terry and crisis. but mostly it's about a free trade and it's protecting the shipping that's really in the center of the statements we have had in the last days that one of the largest supermarkets test goes has ruined that that could be much higher prices and even empty shells as a result of the conflict with the who sees as, as a result of these attacks to suit the argument of protecting free trades very much and the center of what the u. k. government says that the main talk with us
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a little bit more about london's calculation and it's concerned about a wider regional conflict. well, of course, why the original conflict is on many people's minds when it comes to attacks and that you can't government are saying that those strikes of proportion that and also limits he's on the defense minister has said that it's a duty to protect the vessels in the red sea, however, we have had some reactions open eyed. we have some, a position politician, one labor, and he who has treated that there is risk offsetting, the region alights, handled for you see, this is something that late but, and also other politicians. a want to know more about they want to actually be able to dis, costs the crisis and also just assess the risk, the potential risk that these the u. k. and us left as strikes could present in the
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research. so opposition for the patients? have osborne, paul, i'm going to be record for that to the debate and also vote on the strikes dw, spare, give mass with a few from one to thank you. of the meantime, israel will defend itself at the international court of justice in the hague. today against accusations it is committing genocide and gaza, south africa, which brought the case set out its arguments yesterday. israel dismisses the allegations as baseless on the 1st day of a genocide case against the state of each row in the hague. demonstrations on both sides, much to the u. n's talk court in search of 2 different visions of justice . inside the quotes from the legal team for south africa, she brought the case against israel, made the opening arguments to the publicly available evidence of the scale of the
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destruction resulting from the bombardment of garza and the deliberate restriction of food volta medicines, under electricity, available to the population of casa demonstrates that the government of israel, no jewish people, is really citizens, the government of israel, and its military is intent on destroying the palestinians because as a group of lights under the proceedings could take use. in the meantime, south africa is asking the court to order israel to stop. it's no true operations in gaza, highest civilian casualties. and the humanitarian catastrophe have led to international condemnation of these rarely expensive. the mosse run health
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ministry says more than $23000.00 palestinians have been killed. the un says one and 4 people in gaza. a staffing of israel vehemently denies allegations of genocide. it insists its campaign is about targeting him us and not the palestinian people. israel says it is acting in self defense after that. how must terror attacks on october 7th, 2023 is good to a service organization that committed the most terrible crime against the jewish people since the holocaust instruments. and now there are those who come to defend it in the name of the holocaust. the what audacity an upside down world. israel will address the quote on friday. a decision on emergency measures is expected later this month. bordering a ceasefire is one possible option. but as a court has no way to enforce its rulings, 3rd was hoping for
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a quick end to the war, may be bitterly disappointed. and our correspondent tonya cramer, interpersonal, them told me more about the reaction in israel to the 1st day of the case and the hague as well. i think these seem very harsh reactions in you could say across the political spectrum and resend the south african legal team, detailing the suffering of the residents of posting and in gaza. they also were highlighting very controversial comments made by a very senior is really a politicians in recent weeks or some ministers up to the prime minister among them. and is, is basically saying of, you heard from the foreign ministry, spokes person that south africa is the most piece of hum us. they also said it's one of the greatest shows of hypocrisy. and we also heard from
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a prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that he said, we have fighting terrorists. we are fighting lies. so that is the line, as we've heard here in reactions since yesterday is we'll, we'll present it's defense later today. what's to be expected? well, it's a house deployed, a very robust team to come to those arguments. uh they have a oh, of course, very firmly uh is or is reject rejecting those accusations. we are expecting that as well to lay out their rights to self defense, especially of to the atrocities of the terror attacks that happened and october 7th perpetrated by extreme this group. hum us and other militant groups in gaza that will be saying are we are targeting homeless and not the posting in people, and that they do the utmost not to harm a posting and civilians. but of course,
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this is exactly what critics say, a given the high test whole, and that they want to see a more accountability or accountability from israel on that tanya kramer and jerusalem, thank you. here are some other stories now making news around the world. security forces in ecuador have been conducting nationwide raids and a fight back against criminal gangs. police have arrested more than 350 suspects in response to a wave of gang violence and the detention of prison staff by inmates. the u. s. federal aviation administration is launching a formal investigation into the boeing 737 max 9 aircraft. a cabin panel blew out during the flight last week, leaving a hole in the fuselage. the aircraft made an emergency landing us airlines have grounded their boeing 737 max 9 planes. the tesla is pausing
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production at a plant in germany because the tax on ships and the red sea have disrupted its supply chain. the electric car maker is to halt manufacturing outside of berlin for 2 weeks at the end of this month. and tens of thousands demonstrated in slovakia as capital brought a slab against plans to change the criminal code. the government wants to reduce penalties for corruption and financial crimes. the european union has also criticized plans to shut down a special prosecutor's office folders and taiwan, head to the polls on saturday in a tight race dominated by relations with china. the governing party is defending its record of a tough line against beijing's threats of invasion. the opposition says it's time to restart dialogue to de escalate. no time a claims taiwan as its own and has warrants that the election could be a choice between war and peace. that'd be his chief international editor,
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richard walker, reports now from type pay where voters face a difficult decision. 2024 is a year of watches for democracies around the world. what if donald trump with is the white house again? which is the european parliament gets overrun by the far right? but the 1st big what if of 2024 is about to play out right here in taiwan, off the use of antagonistic relations with china focus here might be about to choose something very different. a friendly approach to badging. we spoke with a man who embodies, that's how i did mine. joe was the last president of taiwan, subbing from 2008 to 2016 now he hopes his k m. t party will win the presidency again. with him is one of its top power brokers. and he says the current
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government's whole approach to china. boosting the military to determine attack is flat out wrong. no matter how much you defend himself, you can never fly to what was the name of the neighbor we the 2 large too much stronger than us. so we should use a noun, use of place or means to reduce the tension. instead, my calls for dialogue with china picking up where he left off. when he met, she didn't ping in 2015. i mean say like that between siege and pain and the car and tie when he's president is almost unthinkable. but mine, joe says that under a different president, taiwan could work with she and even trust him. so you're saying you can trust what, as far as customer relations you have to. well, this actually goes further than mazda and our team. it's candidate for president who your he says he is committed to taiwan defense and has no illusions about the
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chinese leadership taking the bottle that i've never had any unrealistic ideas about the maintenance intentions that i'm very pragmatic and steady in my approach to the main to bottle the governing parties candidate, william ly also gave us his response. thanks. yes. so he said he's also prepared to talk to china in quite he won't make concessions to make that happen and it's planned that for him. the territories comes and the clear 1st. if this week we spoke woman, sweet your cookie, we say peace through strength, not by the goodwill of the aggression because it's a good will of, via, aggressive, cannot be relied upon to cope with sooner. so what is the right balance between the tyrants and dialogue? when facing such a massive and threatening neighbor as china. now it's up to the time when these people to decide that just $19000000.00 out of the billions of votes is around the
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world. who will cost that balance this year. but tie one's choice will have huge implications in this 1st what teeth of 2024 and richard walker, who you just saw, or they are told me earlier about what beijing has been saying he joins. yeah. what badging has been saying a lot of pretty familiar things to the lead up to the election. so that one spokes passing from the ministry of foreign affairs actually said, well, don't ask me questions about this because it's not foreign affairs. it's high. one is at china is domestic issue. so this is a domestic election. the, the chinese of ominously told the taiwan is that they have to make what they called the correct choice. which is taken to mean to vote for the oppositional, particularly of for the potty of my angel. and this being quite so based on the other hand of, of, of kind of military and what you called gray zone activity in recent days. so just
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today the, the, the time when these minute of the defense ministry is reporting that the chinese will planes have been flying the taiwan in recent weeks. that'd be mysterious balloons flying even over the island. and that being what you call greys own tactics are kind of below the middle 3 level, but this information, that sort of thing. but this thing is, this is nothing as of the ordinary for taiwan. taiwan, it's been living with this for years, for decades, even so, so. so that really is not as if the ordinary but certainly china would be delighted if the positive mind or if the opposition did manage to squeak through. in this selection, the end of the day was suddenly presented with a government here in taiwan. that was frontier richard walker, there in taipei, ukraine's president followed him as a lensky has again rejected calls for a ceasefire with russia saying that would only give moscow more time to replenish its arm supplies. and as a lensky has been torn baltic nations calling for more political and military
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support from allies in the region. prince government also wants to mobilize extra troops to fight the russian invasion. neither side is gaining significant ground and the fighting. dw sneed connelly visited ukrainian artillery units near box mood, who are in their 2nd winter on the front lines. you have them before you see them. given enough time, these men tell us the mice nipple everything from sleeping. so just fingers, computer cables. in an age of satellite internet connection for this starting books, they're still waiting for an innovation to properly defeat rodents. that's called the caps that we brought down here. they all run off because they were too scared of the rats. and sometimes a weasel comes by and helps us out with the mice. asked them why. i don't mind the mice really. they're pretty harmless, at least it's some kind of distraction with russian drones. have
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a presence in this guys, this ukraine, you know, to the unit essentially lives on the ground and then not out firing. it targets a dozen. no. so men hold up together and have dug out several meters on the frozen ground. this satellite internet connect some to their families are watching the lives they now comp, the pulse of stories. and sometimes i call my daughter and ask her how schools go in. and she says it's saturday or sunday. don't hear you lose track of time. every day is the same unless you're outside doing your work. during the summer offensive, they were able to advance to here. they built themselves this new dug out, knowing full well their lives would depend on it. this went to the defending this position against russian troops trying to take it back to, to and it was just recently a russian shrapnel shell landed outside one of our dugouts. we weren't expecting anything. we were down in the dugout, but it was still pretty scary and you can see the flash even from where we were.
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some of the original crew couldn't get used to the constant shilling, and i had to transfer to other units of moment. there's no criticism of those who left. one thing you hear locked down here, is it, there's no such thing as an ideal soldier. so you know, my, there's no point sitting around at home saying you're sick or telling yourself. i wasn't born to fight someone else. you know, one is sort of to this from what you learned all the jobs, and if you don't learn more, won't forgive your mistakes. everyone is going to have to fight eventually. and there's no point trying to hide. that's the message. these men have for their fellow ukrainians. this will heads into his 3rd year and dave, i think, is nick connelly who filed that report, told me more about conditions on the front line. this is certainly not easy. it has to be said that it was a lot more pleasant underground, even with the mice than it was above ground, that everything was frozen and they've been fresh rain that have been frozen people
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fully out of all the ice. they will have questions about supplies being forcing on time because the roads, which is basically impossible. i think for the most part though, that unit, specifically, people have had a few weeks off of the policy that has been see that families. it's the, the people say that actually it because of those be easy just to stay at the front line and go home because 2 weeks just isn't enough time to properly let go. of all that stress that adrenalin, i know that when they're back home they can get annoyed seeing men, their age going to a james going about the normal daily lives going to work and not joining in the fight. so some of them even questioning whether it was really was a while to go home because it was just emotionally and physically kind of a difficult thing to do. we heard one of the soldiers saying, no one is born to fight, but it's learning on the job. i think we've heard much about the military struggling to recruit new soldiers. give us a sense of how big the problem is and whether the recent plans, the governments announced can likely address it. well, the thing is,
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so right now you have lots of people who have been fighting since february 2022. so basically being an opportunity is lots of them actually no younger tool, this is large, the middle age man's will at right now, mobilization of these thoughts of the age of $27.00. and if you're a student, then you'll protect you from that. so you'll see lots of men in the thirty's forty's, even fifty's fighting. some of those have been fighting since 2014, since russia sent those uh separatists into the east of the country. so those people who are very tied and it is obviously very controversial topic because uh, lots of members of your friends palmer, i'm trying to block these new efforts to increase the draft. there's also a fear of the demographic impact in the future. if you have people who have we have families yet potentially being wounded or losing their lives. so this is basically the central leasing of crating politics right now and somebody that hasn't been results to keep 0 cheese. nick connelly joining us from the ukrainian capital. thank you so much for that reporting and with that and how you're up to date here
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on dw news coming up. it is dw news africa. there's more in our website's ends, on our social media channels. the,
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the new will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next, d. w. united by a shared sense of purpose. their bond has never been stronger. the twins,
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fussy, in whose son today grew up with different families. now they want to build their future together. and to do so, they must leave their home in sierra leone. twin sisters united in the search for a better life. in 45 minutes on d, w, the climate change of income for a station in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. the young people of the world are we what impact the biggest change doesn't have
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the make up your own mind. me the this is dw news africa coming up on the program. could that be yet more trouble brewing in the horn of africa? somalia responds with theory of to if you help us deal with the break away region of so molly land will discuss the implications of this dispute also coming up or in the aftermath of the devastating war. and if you appears to drive region, many residents don't know where the next meal will come from. the w takes a look at the situation on the ground plus the gun remembers the bill, so warriors who forced.


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