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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 8:15pm-8:31pm CET

8:15 pm
or in more pressure as it tries to implement higher taxes, not just from the ation sector. and set you up to date. so more of the top of our rent is next. i heading to the rice truck to find out if we are addicted to speak. have a good day, the prices got issues with a lot say what the data on picks are. we in fact, every day, the world wide web feel free to come. we can take the different w call. the world unpack,
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pulse of your info is in all the input u, v. w story. now on to the, the russian fuel. when you're going foss with this is completely while the most and even off buycrash pro michael lebeau and 6 rips. i still want to raise motorcycle. why is that? we'll have 2 scientists and the motorcycle were attempting to unpack the
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times. what better opportunity to learn everything about this. then here in valencia with 12 s b k, champions destroyed cause us and the bmw has 1000 our, our with 200 horse power, the bus b m w. yes. how do you feel like under the helmet when you go something like this? be thinking people it's actually where you feel i look really, really fast or we can slow down and that's what we say to you guys at the right track in the listen to it. i know how this would check me out. but 1st, here are a couple of obvious things that makes the exciting drilling that gets released makes your heart fall. so everything just nice by you, the noise is very different compared to
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the just like that. everything of well being the that's not the way i measure the sco
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of the idea of how to like get back off to stuff like this or like injuries or why does it have scaled? uh, obviously in the beginning it does. but as you get pricing, you need to put that stuff complete that email and as long as you know what you've done wrong, that helps a lot. if you have a grass, we really don't know the what hilda are saying this now. so give you the confidence that you just need to try and why you realize that i felt completely got to it's totally disappointment. like only a few times in my life before if it wouldn't have been for my girlfriend who gave me a hug and said that i should continue doing what i loved. i would have stopped going on the race track straight away the
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the, the different directions of troy. and me about refreshing and speed are also linked to our psychological through c kings templates and sation speaking is your desire for complex situations and your ability to want to do that despite the risk there may be, this is ken casa clinical psychologist and a host of this show just perfect for this video, also developed a test to determine how much of a sensation so you can use. this is done by sorting out how, how you rank the components of experience seeking boredom. this in addition and adventure seeking their different profiles for different kinds of sensation seekers
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. the 1st 2 categories tell me the kinds of things you might do in the last 2 categories. tell me how much trouble you might get into by doing those things. but most of the people i've interviewed most people who do sensations, eking or throw, seeking as part of their careers don't score that high on those last 2 components. they're really measured and careful about the way the attack things. and super interesting, this has a lot to do with your parents. a lot of sensations speaking is genetic, maybe about 70 percent of it tends to sort of run in families and can be genetic gives you a licensed agency, can parents, they're probably going to introduce you to, you know, driving fast and doing an eating unusual sense earlier in your life, same with towards his parents and yours to put him on a motorcycle as young as 5 years old and ride with him until you could take over the
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never experience anything like that. it might on the garden level like really afraid of like do you have a death wish not going to say that somebody that's the sport. com city that's not taking any risk whatsoever. obviously i don't want to crash for myself once you get closer. but that really is good news. i got foster doesn't get anymore. scary. i just got fossil probably give you the how to open up the between those bodies all on the rising thirties, the size of
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a 2nd i jump and you don't feel like a speed raw swing? no, no really like i tell people because i'm moving far because i'm full seconds down the price you can lose that bill or did you need to get your yeah, i got really good. so that is one bill. but the, so this is the psychological side of things. but what actually happens up here? what are you doing to the now different factors that make you realize, holy crap,
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i'm going really fast. one being the balance system in your ear with very fun, has its tricking in which direction you're going. the eyes are tracking how quickly everything else is moving compared to yourself that and so it gets sent to your brain with a small brain of yours has even more ways to tell you how foster the brain's own set. this is placed in the hipaa campus and the and toronto cortex, a variety of cells decode, you'll location the direction boundaries in the environment and the speeds. how did the cells actually work? big tv t rams upwards to running speed off the animals. this is cassandra la, psychologist specialized in numerous times. i could be coordinating with the running speed of any but the says firing is independent or we should information for instance. and so it doesn't have to do with the optic flow,
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for instance. and the information is interesting in the stats and coding the speed, 50 to 18 many seconds, i think ahead in time. so as if the state of firing encodes the predicted speed in the future, anticipating the speak to the, the problem is that we cannot say right now how all of these information is from the cell and from ice interact with a joy center of all brain. the sensation oh yes i do.
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that's all i'm speeding both the technique and that your average box size. but ultimately i'll be better rogers and this is russian station connected speed. i think it needs to be called b. s. but as everything, the more you do it, the more use a 300 kilometers per hour. it doesn't feel for how many kilometers. and i on the this feeling of not being completely overwhelmed like i am on the bike sometimes could be explained as a flow state, which i'm going to explain in a minute. according to ken content, there is a peasant that differentiates normal,
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peeps some crazy not to apply sensations because it has to do with doping in a new or transmitter associated with pleasure and causes all one of our stress hormones licensed ation seekers have a really interesting combination in terms of the triggers and amount of those 2 chemicals, they tend to not produce that much cortisone when they're in chaotic situations. but while they're not producing that much chorus, so they tend to produce lots and lots of doping. me and so for me is what leads of back to the flow state. the best translation is probably being in the zone. the still thinking about time or yourself, the task can be challenging, but you don't worry about that at all. you just enjoy it even helps letting frustration go, which means it could be beneficial for your health. it's the feeling
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a sense of all and so it can be as an amazing emotion where your mind is an open, wider to me. beautiful sunsets being at the beach creates that sense of offer me and it releases these chemicals, like inner luke and 6, that's sort of perhaps down the information response. i, sensations, figures and course find in chaotic environments. so we know that they may, they're actually may be a health benefit to finding in your life. the discount shows, interest, i can tell you. but on the research, it's not all about drawing cost. it's about cranking it's about hitting the apex. all of these techniques that make it started off of my trash. i was really thinking about stopping doing it, filling everything away. but then again, you know, on the right stretch, it gives you this feeling just a little feeling with cpanel stuff doing it. the
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man, the ego advocates come in conflict in some post, escalating to a very higher level. the problem. resources i'll be coming, guess because of the time to change the initiative. now, office guided mediation to find solutions to africa. next on d. w. the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smiles, now make good stuff, bog, not the man who had to maintain him. 2 years later, wagner was date. was it suicide?
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the evidence raised has done what really happened? january 27th on dw, the the climate crisis is, are we shipping the world around us and making life much harder for many, but still people on communities often need to be persuaded that it is in the interest to take measures to make the planet sustainable. hello, and welcome to a new edition of equal africa. i am some drug the homes at 3. nobody you all the way from comp hello right here in uganda. hi, sandra. it's true environment.


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