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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 12, 2024 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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sample to protect international shipping from increasing who is the attacks in the red sea? who sees originally said they were targeting ships with links to israel because of its war against time us now they've added british and american concerns to that list. so does america have the stomach for potentially another war? thousands of miles from hope? i'm feel go invalid and this is the day the over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of here's the tax on the commercial shipping. in the red sea, the who is the spare responsibility for their actions. it's incumbent on the duties to stop carrying out these attacks, putting people's lives at risk and disruptive and purchase enemies pad full responsibility for their criminal aggression big gates. so you have any people will
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not go unpunished. on onset. also coming up, voters in taiwan, choose a new president in a race that's too close to coal that's being seen as one of the, as most crucial elections for global politics. the 1st big what of 2024 is about to play out right here in taiwan, ty, one's choice. we'll have huge implications. welcome to the day they the world. just get a little bit more dangerous. who is the rebels in yemen and 5 revenge after the british and american ass strikes on who he talk. it's in the i'm and the wife. how says the us isn't interested in a white a wall with yeah, that's understandable. given that this is an election year operation, prosperity guardian is a us led multinational milledgeville operation, assembled to respond to who fee attacks in the red sea. the strikes were set to be acts of self defense to protect shipping of the red sea. after dozens of vessels
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photography by whose ease of a recent months, the booth is previously said, they were talking strips linked to israel, the strikes me and they've added particularly american targets to that list. to send that streets packed with protesters, their incense by a wave of us and british strikes on thousands of here's the targets in yemen, launched in retaliation for a tax on shipping in the red sea island. this is a message to britain and especially the united states. of america that they will pay, i have a price for this, a garage, and those crowds today authorized the leader of the revolution and authorized the military leadership to respond to this aggression at high levels, etc. and on land. but the us and u. k. say the strikes which hit military targets,
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acts of self defense. who's the rebels to a batch by a run have been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks, with the group releasing this voltage in november of its flashes, appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war and gaza against him. us in the u. s. a. u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization. the you k prime minister richie soon act who is currently visiting ukraine, said the strikes when necessary, proportionate and targeted. but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of. here's the, a tax on commercial shipping. in the red sea that's putting in as in lives at risk, it's disrupting the global economy. and it's also a destabilizing the region. and in that time, we've also seen the single biggest attack on the navy bullshit. the british navy bullshit that we've seen in decades now it's clear that that type of behavior con,
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carry on. the big question now is what this could mean for the war in gaza and the wider region with the world bracing for a response from the who's these and those who support them. we'll come to that question in a minute and we'll start with the basics. first i will introduce i guess definitively . com, who was a young man on the list and joins us from new york a welcome tina up the basis. i want to start with 1st of all, or who are these guys that who face? who ave, i'm, what are they fighting? again, still full. of course the diseases control most the population of yemen, including the cups us in on some of the western and northern areas. crisis, saudi arabia and beam snelson recognized government controls the rest of the country is initially launched and search and see in the northern country 2004 and came into so not in 2014 extensively that they are as 80 shockley. i'm.
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this is very different from the shows and you find in at all we had a lot of out around the relationship with the fees degree for me. yeah. many. and the reason is that turned them into an onto a very low cool. so for the past 6 years, they've been fighting against the it's not you recognize government us by saudi arabia and united arab emirates. and we sent me in response to a fence in gall so that they've kind of shifted the needle to lucas. the attack on the why the, what they see as the us regression. okay, thank you for that. and that's look at the targets of base pressures and american missile strikes. what did they have and, and the probably big killed 5 people. yeah, so they asked me, so a tax focused on the said they in the area is well today it offers are in sonoma
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and this was also the you came to us reinforce naples appointments back in january into the red sea. so, you know, i think this really to be these strikes what the force that you use, the, who, the tax and the red see what the incident allow us to keep these to frame themselves as approved. kind of starting midland. i think we do some so say that the strikes will achieve any results. they have failed to respond. this could take the shape of increasing attacks on that. you get a bit, especially in the red sea or even attacking us assets and the goal. so this could take the shape of a ministry bases. i want to clean these strengths in my opinion, not to benefit the fees in the notes i'm in helps to prove the narrative, but the real going to meet is to us. the fees have the just miss the orange listed as he was the us and israel, the anything the strikes increase of the popularity and gives the we've more
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leverage. we'll say that if you have lucky preparing for this type themselves, you came to us have been releasing warnings for the past month. and it's not as if the we've actually has normal infrastructure. they very much rely on so much spaces, not all kinds of things. so the actual damage caused by the strikes is minimal itself, also predictable. um the, the us and britain fire rockets hit people, kill people at the who is these files? revenge. this is what we would expect. what you've been saying that is us. we believe that they will follow through on this, and this is what i've been hearing pretty much all day that they don't as an enemy . because these do not to act in what you might call a rational. why? because so much of what is done to them, as you say, plays into that plays into bed mattress. and also,
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if they've been doing this for the best part of 20 years, i mean, you know, in the past and this is ro logs as well on the, ever since the goal is, depends kind of escalate to defeat. these have successfully linked the red sea crisis to gaza. you know, they all determined brussels on the way to israel demanding that as well as a silicon, goes over to unlike me, the low income, the tub is where these things tilting the attack. so with these attacks from the us and u. k, and the minimal damage is cause it's a win win situation. so they get these right the west wage. so to get these from escalating or was you mean the tax and the red sea and at the same time defeat these come game methods on. okay, that's what we got in the machine. so either way, the situation is a little so right. i wonder if pos of the the who is the calculus is the us is likely to have little stomach a for a foreign adventure in an election year. i
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mean, i think ever since the reps, the escalation stops and the heat, these are calculated. but the us does not want the will, right, does not want a visual escalation, not just because of the human selections will say, because, you know, even in 2015 when societies. and so, if you haven't visited, no need to the reputation of the case these, i actually quite opposite the he is a come foss scrolling go. i will say we are, this will escalation is happening at the same time where the fees were meant to be wishing a peace agreement with the south east west by they would actually have gotten a lot of the months to build. so if the where is the way they can do something very close to the mainland to raise the stakes. and the us, on the other hand, what other strategy it carries out of the name is, it's an easy situation, right? even if, even if they do anything to decide if these,
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if it isn't carry on at the same time, if they escalate attacks and yemen, they risk this situation um, you know, running into regional, click migration. and so a brief word then about the nature of that about escalation. what do you think would bring the who sees made back to iran directly into this conflict? i mean, i think united without a dog throughout the year is around relationship with. if you, these have become sprung up, you know, around have health with weapons technology you for on to time. going to miss austin intelligence. i think for the reason the task was there was k, it wrong. does play a role. it's difficult to discern exactly what that little is, right, because a few these have if so increase the paper that sees independently or wrong round easy as, as well. and this will face pop over the range instruct fee or kind of close to the
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noise benefee website. they can use the fees to escalate, maintaining the public stones, but they have nothing to do with the tax. so you know, you can say right now the wrong is in full well at the same time denying it. got you. thank you so much fits. i hear so basically they are you haven't, i'm gonna step dina ali, thank you for having me. do taiwan versus van will have some polls on saturday in a tight race dominated by relations with china, the governing pottery sticking to a tough line on beijing, but it's facing an opposition that wants to strengthen ties. china claims taiwan has its own and has wound up the election is a choice between well a peace. this year we'll see many crucial elections around the world and voters in taiwan who will be among the 1st to make a difficult decision about the future. the w is chief international edison, richard walker reports from ty, the 2024 is
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a year of watches for democracies around the world. what you've donald trump with is the white house again, which is the european parliament gets over run by the far right. but the 1st big what if of 2024 is about to play out right here in taiwan, off the use of antagonistic relations with china focus here might be about to choose something very different. a friendly approach to badging. we spoke with a man who embodies and that's how i did mine. joe was the last president of taiwan, subbing from 2008 to 2016 now he hopes his k m. t party will win the presidency again. with him is one of its top power brokers. he says the current government's whole approach to china. boosting the military to determine attack is flat out wrong. no matter how much you defend himself,
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you can never fly to what was the name of the neighbor we of the 2 large twos, much stronger than us. so we use the noun used praise, word means to reduce the tension. instead, my calls for dialogue with china picking up where he left off. when he met she, jim pink in 2015. i mean thing like that between cj and paying on the car and tie one, he's president is almost on thinkable. but mine, joe says that under a different president, taiwan could work with she and even trust him. so you're saying you can trust what, as far as customer relations you have to. well, this actually goes further than mazda and tati. it's candidate for president who your he says he is committed to taiwan is defense and has no illusions about the chinese leadership taking the bottle that i've never had any unrealistic ideas
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about the maintenance intentions that i'm very pragmatic and steady in my approach to the main to bottle the governing parties. candidate william ly also gave us his response. thanks. yes. so he said he's also prepared to talk to china in quite he won't make concessions to make that happen. and it's planned that for him to determine who's comes in the clear. first. this week we spoke, woman, sweet, you who we say peace through strength not by the goodwill of the aggression because it's a good will of, via, aggressive, cannot be relied upon to cope with sooner. so what is the right balance between the tyrants and dialogue when facing such a massive and threatening neighbor as china? now it's up to the time when these people to decide that just $19000000.00 out of the billions of votes is around the world who will cost that balance this year. but tie one's choice will have huge implications. in this 1st one case of
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2024. the case is one of the greatest vist characters of justice in all nations. history. people told us that communities have the noise and the reputations destroyed throughout the really no fault of their own. the victims must get justice and compensation. well, despite the british, prime minister has worn woods that for years to apply to the victims of this scandal went largely ignored. hundreds of innocent people looking victim to fast fraud and false accounting. even though faulty computer software was to blame, but the sense of this is britain's post office on our tv drama, us, but the british government into unprecedented action. you are responsible for the law. i haven't got that money. i don't know where he's gone. the post office is a british institution with thousands of branches across the country,
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but between 19992015 over 900 postal workers were wrongly convicted of financial crimes. a fault with computers, software used by the post office, may look like branches. we're losing money, but senior management disregard and complaints the fujitsu software was falsely reporting cash shortfalls. instead funding prosecutions against employees. although i knew i hadn't done that, it was just the stigma. i touched that. you have to explain. if anybody asked that to explain what didn't happen, i just couldn't explain that something that happened which was totally out of my control. and i have to justify it or defended. several victims committed suicide in numerous lives were ruined by the false accusations. my wife had seizures from anxiety which led to epilepsy and my children were bullied. um,
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my daughter had been spots shots within views. there was 3 for me being allegedly safe against it. and they own after years of delays and caring their names and due to be serious based on the scandal has captured the public's attention. prompted politicians to promise with action. prime minister wishes to knock says he will introduce legislation to overturn the convictions and compensate the victims of parliament also plans to examine the roll post office and 2 chips. 2 executives plays in the scandal every 2 in the hall 1000 victim. that's capable of this incredible story from a correspondent in london, shelmet chosen welcome, charlotte. and so the british government has promised to make this right. tell us more about what they've said they will do as well this week. prime minister receives sooner cause announced that new legislation will be introduced within
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weeks, which will essentially exonerate the victims and also then compensation a that's something that's going to be happening in wales. scotland is also mailing something similar. now this hasn't been roundly welcomed. there are some concerns from people within the legal profession festival questions over whether people who might have been genuinely guilty will because on the race is none the less. but beyond that, there are also questions over the fact that this essentially override the judicial process. you have of politicians know makers of making decisions that override the quotes. they're all concerns. so that could set of precedents concerns about how that could then be used in the future. but the government is saying that this really is an exceptional case. and so exceptional action has to be taken. so people will ask why it took a t v dramas to get the government to take this quick action. now when this is
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actually being rumbling on for years or indeed, and if you just hear from some of the victims that has been impacted by this, it is truly shocking. they have been live, but the waves here in the u. k. in recent days, with a run the story telling of how this has impacted the lines. and we're not just talking about the legal invitation, some people facing jail. you're also looking at the financial implications. many were full to we pay off some money that they were accused of taking that rule. so nickel costs and then the implications on, on families, on marriages on the children and those impacts that they've been suicide linked to this. and then of course, all those people who are very subtle give died and will never live to see the names clear. so there's been luminous amounts of public and good in response to hearing
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me these cases. and indeed, as you say, in response to this, a t v drama, which as over the new year, why is it taking not drama for this now to be blows into the public consciousness for this says the government now acts and it really is down to the public and then that supports change that supports allows things one possible previously seems to be possible. now these exonerations and this, this foss tracks tab a space compensation scheme, should've taken a drama for these rooms to have been righted. i think most people probably will say now, does anyone likely to be held accountable for what happened? a little one has been held accountable so far beyond a news this week for the former chief at the post office chief executive his hand about an owner retired. so well, the wrong note that will change while there are a couple of things on going at the moment. there is
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a public inquiry that's been running a since 2021. it is crucially looking to establish who you want and when, how is it possible that these prosecutions continued for so long? how is it possible that the victims were in some cases, told that they were all installation cases when in fact they was that's what the public inquiry is looking to find out. there is also a criminal inquiry that is ongoing. a lot of police inquiry looking to establish whether there was any criminal wrong doing in this, but the concern i think so evictions will be uh what happens when this pulls low down the news agenda when the public and good dissipates little bit as time goes on will that precious to be on the accounts ability to be found? so just a quick, what about the fact that we now know that it was faulty software have provided by fidgets, so that was to blame. and so the light for us and it seems like, well,
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if the software is wrong, you should be able to say in court, they had this office software, it was just a bit rubbish. why were they unable to prove that a gold indeed it has. uh since been proven that the default is false to uh, was to blame. that is something that says evictions, and many of them was saying long. so indeed that is the question that is because now why, how was it possible given that these prosecutions went ahead anyway? that is something that's going to be looked at in the public inquiry. a lot of people pointing the finger at the fact that these uh were private prosecutions both by the post office not as something that was uh, is stand out feature of this case. uh, but that certainly has to be established. okay, thank you for that. charlotte, charlotte chelsea and fill in london nodded to denmark,
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which is got that big weekend coming up. people are getting ready for a major transition the capital. copenhagen is preparing for a queen, aggressive abdication. on sunday, ending for 52 year right. and the 1st time in 900 years of the danish monica's relinquish the throne, eldest son, prince frederick will be proclaimed the new king. reason so they can go to around 70 percent of games support the countries. monica, here's what some royal watchers have been saying about the change. most people are in shock. i mean the, the queen has been here and she has been on the troll for more than 50 years. and also she is an extremely respective and the popular figure out. i think we would have a new kind of a monarchy with a conference product, us king for that it's in it because it's much more interested in sports and music wise, smaller and marches. it has had or was an interest in case you can use
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it in a box in the, in the, in the family and things like that. so she wants or maybe to advise a previous situation, or when it prints the charge that came king charles, when he was more than 70. yes. rhodes. well, frederick's wife, mary, is that about to become the wells a big the well, 1st of the training and bone queen the 3rd man in a bought in 2000 joining the sydney olympics, as well as some people who married a blonde, a site, starting with a former advocate coach. i feel very, very proud of princess mary. so to be queen mary, because i see it. it has been her if it and her application thought prescott jose, i think that's pretty cool that you can make your prince charming. it's
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a pub. it's not going to make a huge difference to my lot. but you know, she's lovely and i think she's gonna do a really good job. it's a matter was the day. and also the week you can follow us on us social media platforms. that's the w and use of the latest headlines is always the dw act, or d, w dot com. thanks for joining us, have a good day. have a great weekend of the
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india project. tiger tens, 50 the animal rights activists in mind. you have for a dish, take a holistic approach. it's not that that goes on more important than the words or the monkeys or adult might take, goes become a fever, out on which all the conversion efforts, skin, we focus to benefit full force, eco india. next on d w, the new will tell here we are happy, the box was the story. we have a getting
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a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the forces. yeah. the, for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news, i've been 60 minutes on d w. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy bird or your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retriever's. 2 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of
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the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate, what you know, on youtube dw documentary, the let's say was that it, if not from the goodness of our heart and our foresight in this, then let's just do it for our own selfish needs. hello, and welcome. i'm saw that got the body and you are watching equally and do the connection between the wireless, the fox, vantage and our own well being is more direct than me then to be nice. the i v c. c has also said the same. so and today is episode, let's explore more ways of helping the nature and, and on helping ourselves.


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