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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the videos, life one button for us. one of the 3 strikes will be to august and devin for the 2nd day. that's off the 10s of thousands of them. and these protests against the 4th wave of funding for the latest ones that you ask them to address interest to now consider legitimate target. also on the program is the defends, a 1000 paul to parents activation for genocide in gaza and calls on the international photos of the system to out south africa.
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the number such as while back into the program, we saw from yemen which has been hit for a 2nd day by us. this strikes us official favor, new targets falls. the threats to shipping in the red sea, which has been disruptive faculty attacks and recent rates, who the lead us vowed to try to ation following the force wherever fast strikes of the senate streets packed with protesters their incense by a wave of us and british strikes on thousands of here's the targets in yemen, launched in retaliation for a tax on shipping in the red sea island. this is a message to britain and especially the united states of america, that they will pay a heavy price for this aggression. those crowds today authorized the leader of the revolution and authorized the military leadership to respond to this aggression a,
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ty levels, etc. and on land at the us and u. k. say the strikes which hit military targets acts of self defense. who's the rebels to a batch by iran have been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with the group releasing this voltage in november of its flashes, appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war and gaza against from us in the u. s. a. u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization, a u. k. prime minister richey soon act, who is currently visiting ukraine, said the strikes when necessary, proportionate and targeted. for over the last month, we seen a significant increase in the number of. here's the, a tax on commercial shipping in the red sea that's putting in as in lives at risk. it's disrupting the global economy and it's also
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a destabilizing the region. and in that time, we've also seen the single biggest attack on the navy bullshit. the british navy bullshit that we've seen in decades now it's clear that that type of behavior con, carry on. the big question now is what this could mean for the war in gaza and the wider region with the world bracing for a response from the who's these and those who support them in diabetes and on residency, no fellow or the center for madison. i am strategy, i asked him if he expects these strikes to the, to the hotel, not at all. unfortunately, the turns is subject to the concepts and what would determine me or you might be very different from what would deter somebody else. and in this case the who these are only going to be and. ready and by what has happened, they have a long for the attention of the us and the u. k. and they have long helps the narrative that their struggle over the last decade has been against the us in the u . k. they've been facing it all along. but now it actually has come through and so
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they have an opportunity to not only emboldened their move in energy, but recruit new people to it and then likely will and much, much more aggressive attacks on their cars. not a deterrence in any way. so the whole, these have not been to, to the red sea is not any fear for other any alternatives as well. i think there are a number of things that we have to do because, and fundamentally the goal has to be to stop the who do some attacking shipping. now dealing with what is now an internal conflict to human is a 2nd issue, but we have to stop the attack on global maritime commerce. and so right now we're in the top position because we just made it more attractive for them to lash out as much as they can. and unfortunately, it does not take all that much to disrupt mirrors on commerce. we've seen iris in somalia in the gulf of guinea in the same port straight and the suicide overseas do it very effectively for decades with minimal equipment including mercedes ropes and
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ladders. and so we are talking about a huge amount of capacity needed to have a huge amount of effect. and so this effect that they've been having has drawn the world's attention to them and they're gonna want to try and keep that attention. so we have to do is figure out how to take their attention away from ships and deal with that, sir. so the subsequent to allowing for the free float maritime congress to resume because we cannot afford ships not to be flowing through the red sea and to be diverting around the continent, especially well, the panama canal is, is more or less closer to administer needs capacity. thanks to low water level. so we're, we're looking at a critical moment where we have to find a way to stop the attacks on shipping. was our mom. let's see. i'm talking about israel. it'd be martin has defended itself at the international court of justice against claims that it's committing genocide and got them on to us to south african prosecutors argue that as drugs, military response to be october 7, to mostella attacks wasn't attempt to destroy the policy. and in people is really,
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lawyers have denounced those claims thing. the back country was acting in self defense facing allegations of genocide to the united nations highest quote. israel rejects the south africa ports to come to this court in the last the position of a guardian of the interest of humanity. but indeed legitimizing israel. 75 year existence in its opening presentation yesterday. that broad commitment to humanity rend, hollow, and in its sweeping cans. of factual description of the israeli palestinian conflict. it's the same to a race, both jewish history and any palestinian agency or responsibility. an argument failed to convince south africa's justice minister this fatal visit i have to do is
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phase to display. so the does component. that was presented before the quote yesterday we stand by the fed, the law and then all the evidence we have submitted yesterday. and we believe and seemed very confident that those but the more still in violation of the genocide conventions, the division in the court room was echoed outside. it. crowds gather to condemn israel actions and goes to the center problem goes off. i am very happy and i'm expecting that to have that a positive. there is lots today, at least 2 types ceasefire now in gaza. they will say groups the defending israel's actions and demanding the immediate return. if the hostages still held in gaza, or to night, the resting day for ju starts and symbolically uh,
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we have food here uh, a shutout table with empty chairs with the images of the people that are still in hostage taken by how mos into their deep tunnels and we want to symbolize the empty chairs here because we are missing them tonight at the ship on the table. this is one of the biggest cases to be brought to the international court of justice in south africa is all schemes with the quote to order an immediate suspension of israel's military action in gaza. the court could or the provisional measures such as a ceasefire in the coming weeks. but its final decision never whether or not israel has breached the genocide convention, could take, he is. now one thing is underway and timelines, coastal presidential and follow me entry elections for the dominant to show being relations with china, photos, we chose a new leader to succeed saying ren scott,
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and president was leaving the post office 2 times in office for the people to view 7 as an independent nation wide to be seen considered as a part of china instead of 3. the d p. p is a force in the water by the k m t, which wants to send them dice the time. take a quick look now some of the stories making headlines around the world is the says it's negotiated with dealing with cut the to allow medicine sort of positive as being held in the gaza strip. a moss. i believe to be holding more than a 100 people have got to fail to give nothing them during the october, 7th instead of attacks, industry of a feel storm has brought heavy smoke to the mid western united states. and i was at one inside an effect until saturday. the weather has degrees campaigning for one day as both a sport which case. so from the election season and in chicago or her international
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airport, kansas housing supplies the strips of can show, saw the capital of the democratic republic of congo, have been submerged by flooding off the heavy rain goals, the phone go to low to boost its banks. the waters have risen to the highest level in decades. more than 300 people have died in the disaster and many thousands of living in mississippi. not much remains of a shade tintin bob populace bought for the people have congestive to relax on the banks of the congo has now been partly swallowed up by the rising waters. the manager estimates $20000.00 worth of damages through the padded like we've had many laws for you already since we've seen the we've lost the customers. the space is not as busy as it used to be. you said i'd be so for our counter was destroyed. maybe we lost the furnace or escape is that unfortunately, we weren't careful and saved a few things. all our walkways are broken and have been washed away and we lost our
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kitchen with all the furniture. but in any case, it's not going well. why is that? i found it. the reason that i need to i took some several neighborhoods along the congo river and congestive were submerged when it 1st its banks. the water reaches highest levels since 1961. locals are now finding new ways to get around. so making money ferrying people across flooded streets. that when i believe, as you can see, my, it's the river that slot to be on the scene. we have every year the river overflows, but not to be 6 down. at 1st we used to carry people on our backs or the we, but now we may dug out canoes. i'm going will be about 5. but what we do a lot to know, experts say climate change is the main reason for the heavy, inconsistent rainfall the cause, the river to rise. residents here think bad waste management has made the problem
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worse. way a lot easier. and if i see the river, it's not a river lo shit, it's the place where all the trash from the city of kent shots, it is grown and sell it did it by the only hit the last minute. it's a rule. so it blocks the passage of water board in front of it. and when the river overflows it comes is back to us at all, but it is all due because the river is not able to sustain that amount of water. the citric auntie did do it for the palo physical contrasts is not the only area of the floods of heads. authorities say that flooding and much lights are happening around the country. more than 300000 homes have been effected now. nasa and lockheed martin have and what they call the next generation of supersonic aircraft. they make a said the experiment with land combined supersonic travel with low noise. the company called the forest limits of the new x,
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$59.00 research plan at lockheed martin's design center. and california, the manufacturer say it will break the sound barrier and stay no louder than a car door closing the last supersonic commercial that costs on code stops flying more than 20 years ago. it was banned from flying over open centers because it was too loud. keep calling is a john list and foam, and that's why i'm sorry, he told me what he's most excited about with this new aircraft as well. i lived near dulles airport and back in the day, i remember the concord leaving as for o'clock 3 times a week, it was loud. and you know, some people boys say, well, why do we need another one of these? we got rid of the, the concord cause it didn't work. well. the issue of concord was that it was loud and it could only fly across oceans. so right off the bat, you're limiting the ability of a supersonic aircraft to do anything commercial. what this aircraft does is it allows, hopefully to shape,
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and that's what you know when you look at anything applies, is the shape and how that thing most of the year that creates the sonic booms, or in this case does. and of course you may say, well, it will look very green. well, it's against the shape of the aircraft. you may have the same sort of shape that the x 59 it has. that can be power by hydrogen or even electric. so that this was excited and you said we were finally figured out how to do the fast thing without breaking everybody's air drops. so your son, this one was more wible commercially. does that mean we can save passengers on this plan? so well, this obviously you have to big scale it up is already several countries that are waiting eagerly for this information because they're looking at their next sort of way of, you know, jumping ahead to do supersonic. and the thing with mass as das, as a government agency that's designed to push the envelope pun intended and figure out how to do these difficult things and then handed off to the private sector to say, okay,
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we figured it out. now go to something more interesting with so let's keep going back with some good news for us. getting to our destination is a bit faster and with that you're up to date. but those stick around for read was up next to find out what makes feed for addictive to the human brain that's off topic. i'm going to show you as well. thank you so much for being with us. the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents do i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i want my son to read, i'm
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a doctor to in the clubs it's time to to get your generation with


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