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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 6:00am-6:02am CET

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strongly our services be our guest at frankfurt airport city, managed by front, bought the, the since you got the news and what your thoughts started given. so tablets have vouchers are down here for us and british as strides for specific use. at least 5 people. the strikes brought tens of thousands of people allister protests of the cap to so now the us and the u. k said the hit dogs across 40 controlled areas of yemen and response to multiple 40 attacks on vessels. and the red feed is joseph. the international court of justice has not due to fiction to halt of daily lives, reactions and guides us. on the 2nd day of hearings at the court in the hague is
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the check to the accusations of genocide in south africa has argued that it's very unless intentionally killing palestinians and gaza as far as just a scam being against him, a hundreds of thousands of people are suffering from the was clouds and memory, and the democratic republic of congo heavy rainfall has caused the phone with a lot of bows to fence and rise to its highest level. in decades, introducing the capitalist kinshasa. it's hard to say at least 300 people have been killed in the dissolves. so you're watching the news from bullet and you can get more news on our website at the top to com, of the artificial intelligence as taking the creative world by storm making things possible that artists could previously only dream of and must seem stolen them in it. machines are smarter than humans. the machine has the power. do we want to give
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the machines the power to control us? i don't think so. once it was the $6.00 oh, $2.00 algorithms to be doing the work. a creative artist become redundant. yeah, i think a are is replacing are these parts. i don't think it's necessarily about where some see a great opportunity other seeing if to danger a i can be good. it can be, but like every technology withdrawal and you can to and you kind of amazed and it's, it's our choice what we do it. it's the, at the 2022 vin espn ali ada caused quite a stir. she's the 1st humanoid robots and make her own art with the help of artificial intelligence.


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