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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, ty, one goes to the poles in a pivotal election, voters are choosing a new president and parliament and a future course for relations with mainland china. also coming up the u. s. military strikes could be targeted, skinny m and for a 2nd day, that's after tens of thousands of yemen. these protested against the 1st wave of bombing put the leaders, one that us and british interest are now considered legitimate targets. plus the plane that promises to change the way we travel. nasa teams up with lockheed martin
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to unveil the experimental xt 59 aircraft. it's make or say it flies at supersonic speed and dose so quietly the . i'm michael, look who welcome voting is underway and ty ones crucial presidential and paul them entry elections with the dominant issue being relations with china, voters will choose a new leader to succeed. citing then the current president to is leaving the post after 2 terms in office per d. p. p. party, with leading candidate liking gulf views taiwan as an independent nation, while beijing considered it part of the chinese territory. the d. p. piece main opponent is the k m t lead by whole your which wants to strengthen ties with try
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and dw as chief international editor richard walker using ty pay. i asked him what the top issues for taiwan voters are in this election cycle. the typical bread and butter stuff or a security issue. number one, as yeah, well my guys, you sent me an introduction that of course relations with china and potentials that we've seen across the taiwan strait and recent years. very much the predominant issue and in that sense, this election has that in common with previous selections in taiwan. of course, the tie one is live with this rice of chinese invasion for decades in this question about what's the best way of dealing with china? should you take a tough line like the current government or as the opposition close for? should you really try to build dialogue with chinese white to improve relations? that is a major dividing line of within tie one about this time around to do have what you refer to that it was brand new boss of issues playing a non usually large role. that is partly fueling the rise of a 3rd party in taiwan. they're now to a position party, is this
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a new 3rd party which has come to the full on these questions on low salaries, high rents. and so that kind of economic issues, particularly facing young people, to a lot of young people supporting that policy. and that makes this election particularly unpredictable. it's a 3 way race. surely china has made its presence known in the run up to this election. how much pressure are we seeing from beijing? yeah, well we certainly have been seeing pressure from badging. it's pretty much being kind of the typical kind of pressure that we see from china though, over the ism, that taiwan is being sorry, a custom to, for instance, earlier today. but the time when these defense ministry reported that a chinese, a will plains had been a flying place to tie one that they've been in recent weeks. we've seen mysterious balloons for coming from china flying over the island, even as being this information that being kind of threatening warnings coming from
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. ty, with these official, a chinese official saying that the people of taiwan have to make the correct choice, which is taken to mean vote for a party that wants to be friendly with china. but i think 2 things to add here. first of all, the simple fact that you see people streaming into these hauling stations all over taiwan is an implicit repeat to that, that the people of taiwan a used to resisting this pressure from china. and then the 2nd thing, a chinese senior official as being in washington the last couple of days seemed to add to it from the white has chosen to the state department. and that's the size that i think the chinese and us are really trying to build on this summit that said joe biden. and she just paying had recently in the united states to try to manage the tensions between the countries that have been really spilling as control. so you have a sense because everyone's a little bit on their best behavior at the moment. once to avoid the crisis, includes something surprising can always have to, we really don't know. but so far, the science of, from us from china and also from candidates here in taiwan,
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that there was a trying to, to, to do that best to avoid doing the things that could provoke some kind of process. richard or less than 20 seconds. but i do have to ask you who is likely to win. that's the big question, michael. but at the 50 no opinion polling for 10 days since a blackout before the election, but at the initial pulse had the governing potty tow for the presidency. it. but it's like needs to be close, and it's not just a who's gonna come for us for the presidency. it's gonna be interesting race between the who's going to come 2nd, who's gonna come side. so that's gonna be place the watch. plus, likely to be hung parliament and that's going to make life difficult for who ever becomes president will certainly be watching that. so dw chief international energy, richard walker intellect, pay many things, richard to the middle east now and the u. s. is carried out a 2nd day of military strikes on who's the rebel targets in yemen. us official say the new targets post a threat to shipping in the red sea,
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which has been disrupted by who with the attacks in recent weeks, hooting leaders have failed to retaliate following the attacks. so naz street packed with protest since they're in sensed by a wave of us and british strikes on thousands of here's the targets in yemen, launched in retaliation for a tax on shipping in the red sea island. this is a message to britain and especially the united states of america, that they will pay. i have a prize for this aggression. those crowds today authorized the leader of the revolution and authorized the military leadership to respond to this aggression a, ty levels, etc. and on land, but the us and u. k. say the strikes which hit military targets, acts of self defense. who's the rebels, who a batch by
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a run have been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks, with the group releasing this voltage in november of its flashes, appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war in gaza against from us in the u. s. a. u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization. the you k prime minister richie soon act who is currently visiting ukraine, said the strikes when necessary, proportionate and targeted. but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of here's the, a tax on commercial shipping. in the red sea, that's putting innocent lives at risk is disrupting the global economy. and it's also the, the stabilizing the region. and in that time, we've also seen the single biggest attack on the navy bullshit. the british navy for ship that we seen in decades now it's clear that that type of behavior con, carry on. the big question now is what this could mean for the war in gaza as to
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why to region with the world bracing for a response from the who's these and those who support the general is karim l. glory joins me now from cairo. cream strikes on who's the targets in the admin followed weeks of warnings to difficulties to stop attacking red c shipping. is this essentially what the, who these wanted, in other words, is their thinking in the region that the quote to your tax were provocation. i mean, the plan was not to be bumped by the u. s. obviously. but the, i think the idea was to put the red sea on the agenda as a site that's of field to all the cause of all because for the use it was used as a key, a connection between their operations and the they won't and cause a they were saying that originally about tech ships that coming from and going to
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is read or connected to is written the didn't time for her for that information. always strange. but they are saying clearly we would continue until that was in the gaza strip stops. now we have 2 new regions, year worldwide, we have the one in the west which says this is a terrorist organization that is threatening the red see the commercial traffic. we have also light parts of the public good opinion in the airport to seize this as a way to put the pressure in order to stop the, the war and causes. so i think there's basically 2 possibilities there. how to stop that. one of them is now what exactly what's happening, which is like striking there was these really charity and hoping that this is some kind of deterrent. the other way would be, of course, working on ending the gaza strip. and that would be actually also a way to bring back come to the right seat. the course is, of course, invalid to retaliate. if they do a we heading into a, a tit for tat escalation. as far as you can see,
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where the i think is they are clearly m as continuing. i mean the, basically, if they no proof that the they can still strike ships in the, in the red sea. and i think this military wrong is going to them because they say they go to show that they're not the detroit by everything. this was, these are basically re, since many, many years. the 1st of course, they have a very red deal or cheap, but they also mazda in us and we took the welfare. they proof this again. and again, in the 9 year long war, we sold you a review of where they attacked this drones, or the installation scale posts and things like this is a very cheap weight, very big effect. and the so they probably going to continue to do this in the red sea though. this is a dynamic situation, of course, who knows what tomorrow will bring. but so far, i'm curious from what's been the reaction in egypt and in the wider region there.
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what one of the most interesting things is that the, the 2 big error neighboring states under betsy a, this saudi arabia and uh, basically in the last round to you know, uh, staying out of it. uh so, so the rebate is a freight that the then we'd be drag back into a won't we say the who sits in game and then did you choose, although they have the last as and this was kind of feeling their own public opinion and home which is kind of supporting this extra so if there was this in order to increase the pressure to stop the war and cause that is a cream alga, warry journalist reporting from egypt, capital cairo. many thanks you sir. some other stories making news around the world at this hour. germany says it will request to join the international court of justice case in support of israel. the german government
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says there is no basis for south africa as accusation. that israel is committing genocide in gaza. south africa has argued that israel's military response to the october 7th a most terror attacks was an attempt to destroy the palestinian people. yes and service here in berlin. hundreds of people have called for a ban on germany's far right, a f d party after the exposure of an alleged plan to the port, millions of people with non german ethnic backgrounds, including german citizens. a group of investigative journalist says, party members discuss the proposal with a neo nazi group at a meeting new berlin. the f d has denied the allegations nasa and loc hard martin has unveiled a brand new supersonic aircraft. the x 59 in california. within 20 years since concord last flu, this experimental plan could be the beginning of
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a new era of ultra fast commercial air travel. while concord was too noisy to fly over urban centers, the manufacturers of the new x 59 quest, say it will break the sound barrier with a 3rd no louder than a card door closure in the x 59 quest, short for quiet supersonic technology, an airplane that could lead to a new generation of faster than sound airliners. the sunset on the previous generation over 20 years ago, with the final flight of the concord, which has since been relegated to museums, the franco british ultra fast passenger plane, was always too expensive to operate. but that wasn't its biggest problem. aircraft generate pressure waves in the air, kind of like ripples and water that propagate away from them at the speed of sound over 1200 kilometers an hour. when a supersonic plane hits or exceeds that speed,
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the pressure waves compress and merge into shock waves. these are perceived by people on the ground when the plane passes over as a loud thunder clap of sound called a sonic boom. nasa and aerospace company, lockheed martin, have been working on the ex 59 since 2016. it's an experimental plane able to fly faster than sound that doesn't blast the ground with unwarranted noise. using models and new technologies, the company's engineers came up with a design that minimizes the boom. after the playing crosses the sound barrier. only smaller waves reached the ground, making only as much noise it's makers say as a car door setting shot. dx 59 design still has to go through rigorous testing. its developers are also planning trips over population centers to see how people perceive its sonic footprint. a 1st flight is slated for later this year. if the
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plane passes those tests, they could one day make high speed flight quiet enough to be a feasible possibility for passenger planes. up next we follow the dilemma is faced by guess a closer, a professional athlete in mother. bye for now the so either insane and see you the same way you expect. and one different thing is from life when your parents i just want to pursue was that's my thought was fired or you think you'll kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop and part of those nonsense? i was under the dr. joe in the clubs. it's time to to get your generation
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with a sleep asked and then.


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