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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the the, this is cdw news line from berlin. vote counting is underway in, ty, one's pivotal election to decide a new president and parliament. the outcome is set to shape the course for relations between china and taiwan. also coming up the us military strikes with the targets in yemen for a 2nd day. that's after tens of thousands of yemenis protested against the 1st wave of bonnet. 40 leaders, one that us and british interest are now considered legitimate targets. plus the plane that promises to change the way we travel. nasa teams up with lockheed martin to unveil the experimental xt 59 aircraft. it's make or say 8 flies at supersonic
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speed. and so quietly, the, and a warm welcome to a viewers around the world. unlike locate, vote counting is underway in taiwan after polls closed and the poem entry and presidential elections. the outcome is being closely watched in the us and china. beijing claims taiwan as part of its territory. and as warren, that the vote could be a choice between peace and war. the governing d. p. p is seeking a 3rd term with its candidate. the current vice president ly. change is near his rival is who you'll be of the main opposition k m t. a 3rd candidate is the form in there of type pay, co wynja of the smaller t p p. c. w, as correspond to james trader easy,
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and ty pay. i asked him if security with china is issue number one in the selection of us. want to give you a sense of where we are right now. we're outside the park, the headquarters, the democrats, that progressive policies in the next few hours together to present to the events email when it comes to the main excuse of this selection, especially on how to keep it in taiwan. and it's really one election, a one the selection issues with something that's already been response to the people essentially it's the main government policy definitely very much
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the same relation. so we see the combination of the 2 of those relations with china. but domestic issues have played in poor james or surely china, it has made its presence known in the run up to this selection. how much pressure are we seeing from beijing the in the day before the election, we had a statement from china offensive industries saying that it was wanting thursday was the problem really liked the most reporting, a problem actually bearings and the election. the likely outcome is finding a way and then for the main opposition policy to k n c, but it's not regardless of which quantity ends up winning the selection that the fundamental question bound depends on tension fits. so i want to start is going to remain saying, i'm sorry, we can't expect the defense in the north. it will be going to go away on this one.
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james, i hope you will allow me to ask you to play prognosticator based on what you're seeing, the mood on the streets of the reports in the media who is likely to win. sorry, we haven't had to be very interested in learning. take the last post of wherever the really, you know, most of the one thing that people done the power broker role in an event situation right now be very
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very it's a dw corresponded james trader dealing effectively with the din of election day into i pay many many thanks chance in the us, it was carried out a 2nd day of military strikes. so includes the rebel targets in yemen. us officials say the new targets posed a threat to shipping in the red sea, which has been disrupted by who is the attacks in recent weeks for the leaders have vowed to retaliate following the attacks. so naz street packed with protest and their incense by a way of us and british strikes on thousands of here's the targets in yemen, launched in retaliation for a tax on shipping in the red sea island. this is
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a message to britain and especially the united states of america, that they will pay. i have a prize for this aggression. those crowds today authorized the leader of the revolution and authorized the military leadership to respond to this aggression a, ty levels, etc. and on land, but the us and u. k. say the strikes which hit military targets. what acts of self defense? who's the rebels who a batch by iran have been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with the group releasing this voltage in november of its flashes, appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war and gaza against him. us in the u. s. a. u and other countries have labeled a terrorist organization. are you k prime minister richie soon act who is currently visiting ukraine? said the strikes when necessary, proportionate and targeted. but over the last month, we seen
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a significant increase in the number of who's the attacks on commercial shipping in the red sea, that's putting innocent lives at risk. it's disrupting the global economy. and it's also the stabilizing the region. and in that time, we've also seen the single biggest attack on the navy bullshit, the british navy bullshit that we've seen in decades now it's clear that that type of behavior con, carry on. the big question now is what this could mean for the war in gaza. and the wider region with the world bracing for a response from the who's these and those who support them. let's dig deeper now with journalists go email, go already who joins me now from cairo. kareem strikes on who are the targets in yemen, followed weeks of warnings to the who they used to stop attacking red c shipping? is this essentially what the, who with these want it, in other words, could it be that the, who the attacks were provocation?
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i mean, the who sees the on the agenda basically it to bring to the situation of the war and cause a into the red sea. and international commerce is the state and that they are attacking ships that are going and coming cold going to it coming from this rate or uh, connected to is read all the information is not always correct. but they're saying that that this when stop, they would stop the moment, the war in the cause us troops stops. we basically have to narratives here. and the words, one of them is the rest of narratives which says the terrorist organization that is strengthening, international shipping. and white parts of the public. ok, let's see as a way to create pressure to enter warrant because of stripping. basically, there is 2 ways to deal with that. one of them is for the u. s. in franklinton.
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joseph since yesterday, that is attacking the who's these on lens hoping to tour for the attacks on ships. and then of course is easy for the who sees to undermine they just have to continue their attacks and ships. and the disability are on to the last one, they wouldn't be c s the window. the other possibility is of course, to really work on ending the walk in the gaza strip. is the help that then come with return to the red sea as you well know there who things have value to retaliate? if they do, is there a sense there that we're heading into a tit for tat escalation us? well, i think good there who is, of course, uh, vindicated by error, a public opinion that they have radically a geology and they are mazda in, i'll see metric welfare. and they were proving this in the 90 year, the war against saudi arabia when they attacked was drones. but important point
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installation was airports and so on it for 9 years until is sold uribe of finally gave in and start the peace negotiations. it was that was these and so we can imagine something similar happening now that they would just continue this me to the. ready policy of striking ships in the, in the, in the, in this, in the right seat. it hoping that the they will reach that goal and the ending, the war, the gaza strip. mm. green. this is clearly a dynamic situation. who knows what tomorrow will bring, but so far, i'm curious, what's been the reaction in egypt and in the wider region where this to be neighboring states on the, on the, on the red sea that is sell the rapier and egypt, saudi arabia is very hesitant to the invoice because they are afraid to be direct
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back into what was the office and usually it, which is really like a having lost us in the switch, cannot also hesitant to be getting involved because of public opinion in the home which it sees that this was that doing this a way of putting pressure to end the war. and because after that is karim l. g o r, a journalist reporting from egypt, capital cairo, many tax, some other news now, making, making headlines around the world at this hour. germany says it will request to join the international court of justice case in support of israel. the german government says there is no basis where south africa's accusation that israel is committing genocide and gaza. south africa has argued that israel's military response to the october 7 to most terror attacks was an attempt to destroy the palestinian people. here in berlin, hundreds of people have called for
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a ban on germany's far right a f d party. after the exposure, having a ledge plan to deport millions of people with non german ethnic backgrounds, including german citizens. a group of investigative journalist says, party members discussed the proposal with a neo nazi group at a meeting near berlin. the a, f. d has denied the allegations. the fear storm has broad heavy snow to the midwestern united states. you know, i went, blizzard warnings are, in effect until saturday. the weather has to rails campaigning for mondays caucus road, which kicks off primary election season and in chicago o'hare international airport cancelled thousands of flights. nasa and lockheed martin have unveiled a brand new supersonic aircraft. the x 59 in california. more than 20 years since concord last flew, this experimental plane could be the beginning of
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a new era of ultra fast commercial air travel. while concord was too noisy to fly over urban centers, the manufacturers of the new x 59 quest to say it will break the sound barrier with a thud. no louder than a cart door closing the x 59 quest, short for quiet supersonic technology, an airplane that could lead to a new generation of faster than sound airliners. the sunset on the previous generation over 20 years ago, with the final flight of the concord, which has since been relegated to museums, the franco british ultra fast passenger plane, was always too expensive to operate. but that wasn't, it's biggest problem. aircraft generate pressure waves in the air, kind of like ripples and water that propagate away from them at the speed of sound . over 1200 kilometers an hour window, supersonic plane hits or exceeds that speed,
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the pressure waves compress and merge into shock waves. these are perceived by people on the ground when the plane passes over as a loud thunder clap of sound called a sonic boom. nasa and aerospace company, lockheed martin, had been working on the x 59 since 2016. it's an experimental plane able to fly faster than sound that doesn't blast the ground with unwanted noise. using models and new technologies, the company's engineers came up with a design that minimizes the boom. after the plane crosses the sound barrier, only smaller waves reached the ground, making only as much noise it's makers say as a car door setting shot. dx 59 design still has to go through rigorous testing. it's developers are also planning trips over population centers to see how people perceive its sonic footprint. a 1st flight is slated for later this year. if the
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plane passes those tests, they could one day make high speed flight quiet enough to be a feasible possibility for passenger planes as well ended there. more newsletter. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible.


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