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tv   The War Diary  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 12:02pm-1:01pm CET

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and why does that mean? because i'm leaving the new host to join us for an exciting exploration and everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d, w. i hope that you will tune in every jenny is far less surprises. we've gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time, but still very much alive. your guy to the special
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recognizes where exactly i learned a lot of our culture history. you travel extremely worth a visit, the because i, you know, i was machine and i'd have to take this was coming up on it. it was supposed to me and another another thing you know, fuck me public is most in yes. ms park. it has to be a mystery shows up as embody sort of tie up the
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the what's winning and are coming in to the jane prison worth and work off of my public key new to me. some of the game that told me quite a bit, a ship featured image, opinion image of a to deliver, to sort of digital code for systems know into the how much combine needing tests coming goes to give it to me like to from my age would i get
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food from, from the audience. i'm supposed to get her thoughts, but i'm not back on you to click on the video to me so much item is called what organized to where to present this option to be. so you can ask both of us on media, spite of an opportunity or the big johnson edits. you have a problem that is causing what's the item that you put on. so to make both of those swimming cause give them an opportunity to the buffers. let's just assume you have 5, it's in motion for new certainty. how much 40 can you go to get it for you find it or i. so to nominate enough to use the
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positive in order to look on the reach name, use this on lady at the most conscious using length. and notice how setup too much . you have jane that doesn't include misconduct and but that doesn't mean that the missile need. so i just come here i get out of it to sean. so really, once i get over this one which it should, you should take it in. but on the who's got opportunity from x. mosis is gonna cut off it. it gives the woods. so i've bought searches, me jobs, how cause i went into her house with all of them. cool. what to do then they would
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have them go more fish. they'll go to hold you most of the losses. body product almost said i'll go sit on the level of as soon as a german not cut off and mixed about going into could good not try to cut off soon. here for sending me thought i had to, how did on still go to mazda and go to the assistance there was an age that one is how is that going to be done? the little girls knew, well, i'll get you and get this visual. oh, that seems to be selling that i'll do some i think and cut off with the 5. uh huh. suck cost is not so highest on the high side of the saucepan. novel spun grain. you heard him. he might yes. and get off at the sound of the human,
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it's me to do is get us out these name cut off with the model condo, gum unity. you to please have to saw for me if this thoughts be how to good model go big. most dog with business have a gift card up at the plus student, a small bond book, i guess on a monument has to get to my us. do i think i know best toggle not use global. i think on time. any thoughts com you must, i'm on the park in. did you? i'm on the amount you will also have to hold on give, taking. there's nothing on books on the list that came up with us on the highest on us and with us on the computer screen, he buys what else done? it was suspended, so i'm on that. it pumpkin hope in the last working until i remember it was the sisters so, you know, i guess by you know what? i knew him about that as well. so you let me try the fist panel a
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show toyota now cause you save us both. i mean, i didn't make you quote as to how much good to me on the use of the web. and i don't know if there's nothing there but johnny hit the option is to do the 1st time you have to charge up to jump hot check, municipal spun apartment, our kitchen. indeed you must automotive adjustment on the
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muscle into the machine was less than 30 minutes. of a time pot chop all about the
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government policy. mm hm. and what to do is i took on signs in chicago with key institutions. you know, the americans missing so much has been well thought of the easiest convo then is a minute or 230 can a 131 book with name some one on this to the screen. so somebody will see now who posted on to see if somebody can just talking to the table is still and then go to the
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to the most of the i think this a lot this, to the i know mindy, i think a demco angle because then you don't have one, i don't know which one is a go guy new. mommy's ok and go my know you me. ok as go on i will do she did. will need to look, i'm since i've tried the is i'll just have you kind of just bring those over there when they thought about someone. and then i just think i know that you've got them and then we'll, we'll do it kind of it's okay. i was, my gosh notes i'm on english, i'm a mid for them. is of the
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testing that you'll truly so sort of cut off and that's good to know, you know, to missed on duty as the actual jamaica. nice main concept. not the condo session. i know that they're being scripts that seem to need that or the visa cutting in this the middle of the stage the seeing that that being said, i responded to notice in him in order to us by manager in mama as above us was in
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the pa herndon and there it is. my last vision is really i'm out for me, a good job fair mailing it to insurance from the to get it yes. got it and then i just have them valdero's and then i've done. oh, i saw they didn't realize she had enough of re gun. hazel, them is a gun. it goes on. yeah, the has the vision. oh, to do oh, can you put on the dim and going there is the name fuller's just less as a gauge main contributor in good, amazing, hold on get done a door. meg, lot of the insure. uh, the brand gum on your noses. in general, i can go to the model to get gave magazine when the model of gen gig a message is good, then let's go, mabel chang gig as
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the she already uploaded it. that way i can remember what rivera the visual and then is there. so have a new toners the low to get most next to me is good. when does the say you're done us on the, on their, the total of the years. i don't show me and make it. you can, i may who are the jobs. it's funny cuz i just thought this was ms. jones. the gone family was move on. now i might have to run the, the middle going to like the bbc latrina, some cultures,
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laguna just kids and they're sending to them as well through secret. those are the people that ask go to, they don't get them. i'm not seeing that. he didn't mean drilled as easy as pick. get them on the switch and meaningless of them. they don't some of the us. oh yeah. no good for the styling of that. be little bit to study to that. i do. how do i feel chest? it's not just one doubled. those last neville. the,
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the, it is nice if the company to solve it did some good to merge it for me or a video me, a us by junior junction, a prospect fetish to be nice. got lost because of the ro gifts. good, beautiful, come with all those up. maybe what was in the cut, a symbol just caught that i'd be to talk identities demo. the also got too old people to go to the be a big go barrel bidwell, but basically they built bobby's great, toughest um got the childcare and up call do up. i'll do a lot going on. so i'll move with the another to was. so that's the gum, which is the best got there, the big the room. hold up. i'm the got the tides it up and it has the, the,
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is that a do out this a little put a little, i'll take the, i'll submit to get off the leveled up. there won't be ready to pick and choose not be the item. good. i don't the, the total of the pretty guy is what was it is i'll give you the a rod really him. danielle gloss. only got it all. so that's a challenge very well. so those are the 2. 0, that's about the them. i'll how, what about the 2 also because you don't want to move the cause it will be what some of the, the you the in the army of the toner they're going to the luxury not i are because of the, the. ready
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the goodness, click on united states lives and beyond them, i stood above them. they don't, many escalated without seeing that each other. they don't seem that easy of up somebody's custom of us. most of the, from the press, the home prism a to a positive enough time to talk with them for hundreds after the submissions are assigned that you have to jump a pleasure part the cuz that's even the budget. so you don't how come up with you on his thoughts fits? fuck on song,
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cuts us by and cut over cooking very suspend the really the summer we gave you request to so that i have these next 2 movies you to discuss. so good. i need to most of the what the status is a says, you know, the immediate off was due by the settlement. you know, it is by no use no, but they look like yes night daughter. why not? why not? why not? why know it the who is the shop? crazy man. that's what i hear you clear most people really? yes. everywhere. yeah or so she is told that i know so much for each day. oh so
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here's your film. calculate this. it was really nice. you could either g, i get your body. honda blew me off what. what do you yeah. well i yeah about doing that and i do believe she has a 2 g h 3. yeah. you would you agreed for that? let me have them give you one for delivery and we'll be glad to help with that. but what not the we were not, we are pretty deal, which is what was that i have really a pretty good deal. no put them special way. novelist rationing, yours won't be in your internet, but you see a demo, be sure, as with the school, good school grades you could you just don't you wanted to double check fresh
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concepts sort of the but if you come him see you should hear this from previously. guild she was not sure she didn't yet stay here. right? yeah. so that's the sort of killed me too. yeah, pretty close to doubly stage machine or data to who knows both. logistically. you state what a hood lation for you then no. the financial, you should say, i think a lot of money go to our america 250 actually knew the way why he would like to shoot because she didn't use the deal. it. yes, you stood personally for like the is like a lot cuz before you know me and your billing and when you're sitting in a nearby shop. yeah. you have to go especially like well, mileage good. yep. well that's good. that's nice and i'm used to pollution literacy shows
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slowly, and this is cushions to tell you was a 1st class though she isn't either or she i just looked at. but just as to who is who me that are still is not done. i should ask you usually there, ma'am, would you ship the love song, listen to me. you ready for this number as part of the lineup?
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spot on expensive job or not kind of tickets right now. just wondering how much time it is. monday start. it is 11. the thought, you know, the image it, those are but i yes. so i already know. yes that's it was and as you knew yesterday boom, be. suggest some noise. the move, the, the some of the just security venue. he's a, she made it to me will book i didn't was i create the dot org, you know, because i need to still have
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a single snippet special needs. they need the most storage units, the version that you throw glee that ovals still by. so i see if you have to the, for those right. so they are likely to meet with you the me by the name on the
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line is going to call you to hold them up in the pump because converts into somebody for time hung up with each and then knock off like something was funny. how modern you stuck on for food, which i'm, it's funny wouldn't let me off and it was due to a conflict of the rest to this is marsha from the watching video. i was looking at the crash machine, you still with the surface just please forward you, which in which it took to your notes, i guess can sales which is the pain of which is the cause of many includes here as for driving the fonts in front of me as you have them vicious prompts,
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i guess gonna say that the quick rushing mean you're stuck with that if that because you don't the you may have missed the bridge. so there's simply provide a rich to when they made support of machine you're creating your computers chose to lean your cell one more, just the chests over a menu, which is it a bridge on a space for the to put it in for you in this address for the city me use to give them a picture on this semester so you can reach me at the super slips through the james . and i may ask you probably the most to show you the civics the fall of? no, yes, of course. that's when we use for teeth that you line your living to cause you to serious. so you really did a motion on 1st the semesters choice inclusion in your you're considering for those or if you're looking for additional regards to samuel. sure. but yet see where it the
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medical just to see how is that not of carlos directly to the most. okay. motor guy to make but i'm expecting to get the, the theater category on the 2nd one that i most of the must have done with this. so going miss the move, medi on post, you know, but general maintenance on the bus to assume that it's shut so it will be double the weight enough for jim shift was electrocuted. not all missed it. so you all the so i don't got the level with you. what seems you got the man schedule is yeah. what is the the with this yeah. guy with a button. you know, it's
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a photo. no. get the for the one method of what's a bit more just because it's just the, the with a mr. white, it will get you from this stuff more. so is this idea of what does this tell you all the bible or on the other? so when you publish it, yup. so no plus clinical, you have some real, i'm logo watching over me. talk to me about what you with the love that you put it costs nearby. we program the talk uh i gave voice from the day you originally really part of the businesses to do this. you guys with us, what i mean? well it's not fully let me even if i bought i got to i'm all good. it's good. i know it's just gonna be a there's,
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you know, mean north of a little much, 22 needs of both. you should have talked about some as with a c plus and click here to get up and get symbols. make these 2 to spill me to ship with water. oh man. oh, good. ok. well, they don't do too much as you make now. enjoy. going to the email, go back. connie will to get him on seen that at the probably to head over to insure the by the 23rd on your dressing folder on
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the stove seekers. the i don't really think it's an employee near atlanta. it, it just really east appearing to on hold on for sure with me and me and less than, pardon me. and i need a name for your much for your lawyer is the parent. you only have a little hanging on it. and as you and i a, let me,
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let me then me when i see i'm living a and man is usually the know him can not to just play a new here one thing. i mean, yeah, sure. the space here sounds good. i mean, you see again as kelly, let me see just me too. so those kind of stuff do you, but i have to be by the suggest it was listed as the but he's not saying you provide much so much see a variety of to do you put some of that for us quite a few and has not yet been fellows that the students the know going into us, you can spell it submitted to these. i don't know. so to, to these and now what's engrossed have with almost at the moment it's just that i thought you would have my great and good i. e. and last name. yep. shit ago and use when you to me i'm sure it's fine. and if i can do it 1st,
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less unusual and then we're still on the stretch though. my boy, he and my uncle farms could tell me what was the illusion when you me, and then when you pull lessons. yeah, most of which has to put in a thumbs the way motion. if i do to that, why are they when you, when you write them, i don't mind if i don't for though it still may still be too much to publish. but you mostly just by now the way i hear you directly who. ready you know whom body has already known of carlos phonetic model. go back, let me jump just anything additional minute. yes, deepest thing. go touching on. come on. just tough to get him on us. you need hit that meets to one of the mess. sounds not about several g, $232.00 from
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a journal. buddy's home depot and then expand them in both can tony l committee. how you doing an inch of all day to be? you have come to each of us. the
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vision, the what, what do you mean? yes. says point. is there any way you mean like ccm. somebody will difficult already said i think you just get this filled with nickel method us, which is today for us to get to which is sonya but he, i'm of us. so you will be sent to us. when does that? number 7, let me give you what i just see. what it is. it's only middle but yet, but it's the press here. let me just ask you
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a question. yes sir. we're giving you a vicious, beneficial vehicles. lots of inside the visit, visit dakota dice pools. it'd be 2 units that the residents to someone in by saying are over to you or chained by c. no, i go, it's a scott, but now we'll see if it would be just this afternoon to go, which is the focus of the budget. numerous email would you be here? that would be the last question about the new mobile we if it's easy, if i ask you for the so let's get on the share button up on the
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back. see if that are in the factories, not just a different phone. mute. i'm searching for a dentist appointment. not monday. the last was, i mean, unless you have an exam not to get a deluxe already and yes, but i'm like most times, little cheap. whatever. i got another abilities they me now really quick and get started and that might have some eligibility, the
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genetic video to include about the bus multi heading supp. indeed 50 new costing me as knowing that negative trip is up. and i think so, monique pedagogy, again, we're not seeing that in, on general students, but not yet again through most of the gift cause i cannot send the multi okay, this. ready the dual can someone skip over them, done, but i just read you see that when we set you up with chester?
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so we are going to need the leaky and actually share the data within the if we and what the speech that i see is a be done by what the submitted the claims the most. that's already. so it did. yeah. the groups keep the service with somebody about changing them, but i didn't have some of them give us because what the of the booth is going for the data but, but then your school and he is upset and the sit on the boat, the bus, the go to church, usually grades you give me thought i mean, you know cheap version. uh you just put them with uh with just the value of i need
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uh, furniture that i need. yeah. he does. yes. pretty stuff just not the listing distribution of uh was not right. because i don't think he could even insurance is going to use a super for from the subject is so significant sort of a furniture need of some of the piece in there. so on pallets you smith sitting there. i mean yeah. better for the company. yeah. sort of the dates of, of go to the for the noun clause. and we would do, you know what you're asking me if you don't mind me. so we have some sort of stomach bug which
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a little bit these are the what they do. so let me use of the most of us, but others have windows for spanish. these windows can so good deal in spanish and isabella swim's cause items consumes williams. why didn't give me that the results can pull them up because she wasn't going to spell the stick. lots of the she used to sort of thought, 019 good. when they don't show us and you may ask in, i'm not sure what's the last one last? look it over with us with us pushed us 32 little bit. these are still good. we have a solution. you don't have a student. ok to finish it. the old address piano and what's the name so much of the post case. so let's go with governor of consider that so that we didn't, it wasn't truly the 1st you wish i would put on the edition, i guess such as i see,
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i see that as i thought over here the assessment could you suggest to just see me right and you just, you just think of it is nice with the which and so those are the costs, the technician in for the tires, but i need to go nick jr. come through. i usually would suggest grades the
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what could i know to new to send one in and tell me fuck mccune you have my truck with a full month with some a new digital. right. and i've never been how cost, which in that photo, excuse me, not that exciting studies because they close at boston. first of all, come in to see me, but not so much at all. and i thought that you and the lovely set of it's easy to go to get the most of your because excited with of upcoming post on the line. that's about how come a little i know to nadine, we have on a come by cutting the during these new schedule. simple clicking this thing and put through with them the new schedule. good. simple, good. think that was not on board and i'm assuming at the symbol i choose that the symbol and you put them in a little for your reason, you know mean yeah. but it is it just steal assume yeah. last and stipulating. yeah,
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i'm almost up my way in a waste that and yeah, we do such as we have to go out of memphis 50 is with the and yeah, lucy young back up to or any sort of solid and then 2 to 3. ok. and then 5 machine, you get, remember reaching them. did them start in pleasure, limited with them. dimension of, of i'm you know, with 0 us with that the truth when you lose to can you me a little less of that you stuff but the, to the yeah. it should do some necessary and that's a minus it's m as in william, i got the service. yeah, this will be a pretty new way to sign your say of those. and the shape isn't. it doesn't stay as in your, your lives, in your style with and by the way those sonya was the when you still relate, this thing is i'm going to of the chest. the issue was, implants,
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it only seems go a slope of jo, nice and the sides within gym. it's very similar to the store school lift though. is the door still put in your system previously? yeah. a couple of what, but this is deputy, is there any sort of way to get a little sign in? okay,
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going if though, as you yes, old up. if you do, let's see. what was the music when they covered through last effects? this is the news boomers know the show you to who are both to give them vehicles to belong to me, but then you do money for between what she have the zip and yet you need to get that as well. but what else do you give us? let me know. she wants to speak to some doctor yet. if the machine is this, it just takes me to get worse. she me,
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me. but you can leave. it isn't actually the basics of the, the image. you want to move it to the floor. so you have to do some ups. you put the sit then you to set the fun. yeah. it's but you is this, you're going to use this for the z and the what did you hear me think? yeah, but it's like a just because that to your jump as soon as you know most others can just over bill me and those in the post because you have for the did you have my budget for my um do because the girlfriend yes. certainly that that can be done. she lives in needles or likes to be seen upstairs in the meeting. we just took is the municipal way media, but the person able to pull, going to get but he buys gnostic me g g a. move this for, move with them,
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so we'll talk to that as a heads up with you. mounting, let somebody get another he's nice the,
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it's a waste of ease of use marjorie. 1 you on the right, the junior but his
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eyes are not somebody. gotcha. so the amount that i'm missing the underneath that might be true. would you put the pressure on some issue or the spanish for insurance which the the
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that as to the overhead. what was the thing on the issue with the collaboration? we have to do the 3 go to some of those that the me, pollution is small. some people so it just sniffed you. it's enough you so much for me. i guess it based on the got the following. she seduce me or if i knew, if i had to move you was probably just to go over the from palo step. uh, nothing did you she did or no. yeah. easy. full. uh, fucking, i knew these just about that. i'd be sure with them. uh, yeah. so this looks like it is gonna be your familiar move will probably not be senior for me just off. one of these just
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a cylinder near sirizi from red use is just throwing open systems and it says they have no virus coming in the home phone. you and your last name is there is no what, what does that make when you uh oh, i make a new ones. those gonna be medical and young caught up with a shock of each the uh instead of those. and we got the, uh the one thing in the full portion of, i'm curious as and what is, this is equal nancy, this is a full name for me. it was a more to do, this is what i sense or foothold so in. ready public use, john,
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i bought i bought from nash that this car term and the press bought it as my comments. you thought bedroom it would have bought it isn't that it's transferred to somebody there. thought they didn't even turn up off to turn on task home. so i'll talk about the genetic a convertible fits in, this kind of note, under my head. you know, that i won't do it enough of them, right, am sure, sure. but it's measurement i spoke to in touch comments on defensive body multics of a hop on guy who submission from the
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12:56 pm
shift your guide to life. and it did to, to you know, all the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll be your guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really matters to you. sit in 15 minutes on the double you try and repeat after me there will again to god read,
12:57 pm
sherwin google god's guy. it's full screen gauge, vocab, aquarium. so pools i'm interested in leo for that is the longest name of the place in europe. and it's the wells we should definitely try to pronounce at least one the session minutes on d w. it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. hard not to feel that something really is happening here. what is happening is degrees in size. a team of time it researches a store and on task for put in place the into the ice in 75 minutes on d w. the
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sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. 7 to ask because the engine, you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't go to 65 last last those top 5 years. $1.00 to $115.00. we're here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so talk to you from campbell, fixed a new culture and then 15 minutes left side of our community life on the research is now on the top. so you don't feel
12:59 pm
the same way you expect and want different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought was fired or you think you kid is 2 different risk, irresponsible on reason. the whole southern part is nonsense. i wonder it was under the doctor. is there an alternative plan? we've done everything to prevent a divorce, but nothing works. so in the clouds, it's time. you're a sweet thing for us. and then when generation starts january 14th and this kind of fun, it feels like the
1:00 pm
this is dw news live from berlin. ly ching, to the presidential candidates of taiwan is reading party takes an initial lead in pivotal elections. both kind of thing is still ongoing in the polls that will decide the parliament. i'm the president and shaped the course for relations between china and taiwan. also coming up in the u. s. military strikes, who a few targets in yemen for a 2nd date that's after tens of thousands of families protested against the 1st wave of funding. the leaders, one, the us and british interests are now considered legitimate targets also. and the
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program israel defends itself in court against accusation.


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