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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the to be in use live from berlin. ly. ching, tad wins taiwan presidential election. the ruling democratic progressive party's candidate emerges victories over his 2 opponents for the presidency. his election will set the trajectory for tense relations with china. for the next 4 years, also on the program, the u. s. military strikes, who's the targets in yemen for a 2nd day is the leaders 5 to retaliation boards that us and british interests are now considered legitimate targets the
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problem phone areas. thanks for joining us. in taiwan, the ruling party, candidate lighting, tazz, one, the presidential election, giving his party the d p. p. an unprecedented 3rd term life took a comfortable lead early in the vote. kent ahead of his nearest drive and in the opposition k empty. china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election cold lie a dangerous separatist edging also warrant. the vote was a choice between war and peace. so let's go to taiwan and d, w use correspondent james changer joins me from the governing the p. p. party headquarters in taipei. james, great to see again. so celebrations. and i'm assuming it's so it means that the d. p. p. i headquarters. and this is gary, a joyful moment for lighting time is party opportunity
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to save a pretty extraordinary events in the history of his high ones. politics, selecting them, and now the president elect to taiwan is hardly speaking to the national media behind me. he's already mentioned some key things in his press conference or so i can relate the now. so he said there was 3 significant verification from his weight . and one of which he said that uh is that part of the choice between democracy and of course, harry to stand on the side of democracy. he also said that time when these people have demonstrated resistance against, for an election, as it relates to china, is obviously this is the white one, the selection he's going to commit to say that he's committed to the states as quote piece instability across the taiwan strait and that he is willing to communicate with china on the basis that there is parts and taking it to you and not relationship. but as for you to now see with the big life behind us for an
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extreme events in the history car was politics. the 1st time the policy is one trance, excessive elections last time was going to proceed. and now we ways of aging. since the phones are a james, despite what you've just said to us lighting to has been dubbed uh, a trouble maker by china. so how is beijing likely to react? when does a, before the election of the election, we have a comment from china. a warning that that taiwan is, people should make the rights of the choice that has been the was, it should not, that would be an increase inside the system. and that comes from the military in front of, you know, make fun and easy remains to be seen. whether that will not cause that wasn't an expectation from, from the court. the day that they would be able to ration in the immediate onto multiple selection. that happens with increase tensions looking to come any closer
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to be able gratian which isn't on monday, the 20th. and so there is a bit of time until the sale volume only comes officially time was present, but every stop to wait and see now. and so we come all right, what impact, james, do you think these elections on this, this when will have on taiwan and the rest of the world? well, as i mentioned, this is an extremely environments in the history of a 6. and wouldn't really tell me that the strategy, even though with ancient china, has been placing alongside one the last few years are for see minute trends. very nice and friendly progression. finance of sky high levels, chinese new plains insurance, our one bedrooms identification. so in showing these balloons flying over ty, once you will, main, despite to him about pretty serious thing on the minute, you know, i am the economic from my once people have decided to continue with this policy,
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which somebody want you is liking for guarantee that the protection is with china if not, remain, and will go high, but these remain the same. so this is a really significant buttons, the time on smoking environments, in the, in the developments in the history across trade relations. and as i mentioned, it remains to be seen on our way to respond. all right, thanks for that update on analysis. james t w's correspondent james chapter in taipei. let's take a look now. so what the story is making use around the world. the key residents have taken shelter in the city's metro after russia fired a by roger of miss. how's that ukraine overnight? ukrainian officials say dozens of me. cells on drones were launched a targets across the country. keith is pushing allies for more air defense systems to defend itself against russian attacks. turkey's defense ministry says this air force has carried, i'd strikes, encouraged americans interact and syria. officials say the targets belong to the
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bonds. curtis done workers party or p k. k strikes come a day after 9 turkish soldiers were killed in an attack on a turkish military base in rack sizes. and people have reilly the number to call in for a bonham jeremy's fall. right. a, if the party protests being triggered by the exposure of an alleged plan to deport millions of people with non german ethnic backgrounds, including german citizens, investigative journalists, site party members, discuss the proposal with a neo nazi group near berlin and accusation. the a f d. tonight's of the israeli. germany says it will request to join the international court of justice case in support of israel. the german government says there is no basis for south africa's accusation that israel is committing genocide in gaza. shows of africa has argued that israel's and military response to the october 7th thomas terror attacks was an attempt to destroy the palestinian people of this crime. the u. s. has carried out a 2nd day of military strikes on who is the rebel targets in yemen?
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us officials say the new targets posed a threat to shipping in the red sea, which is being disrupted by his he attacks in recent weeks with the leaders of 5 to retaliate following the attacks. in the aftermath of air strikes on who's the targets. the ripples said, at least 5 people were killed as 2 waves of strikes had 28 targets in parts of government control by the rebels. the us and u. k. c. v strikes were acts of self defense. the who is these are backed by iran. they've been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with a group releasing this voltage in november. a bit. spiker is appearing to seize the vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel's war in gaza against the radical islam is from us organizations. which the u. s. b, u and other countries, i'm labeled a terrorist group a different ship though,
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the u. s. s. carney launched another attack on saturday, destroying a who's the radar station with a miss file present in 5 and one. there would be more to come if the who these didn't leave shipping alone. we will make sure that we respond but he also said that who these main allies knew better than to escalate the conflict at the united nations. the us once again pointed the finger at turned on. we need to also be clear about the role of iran and these attacks without arriving in support in violation of their obligations under resolution $2216.00. the who these, which struggled to effectively track and strike commercial vessels, navigating shipping lines through the red sea and the gulf of aidan to the iran.
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that's how i russia is currently waging a war of aggression against new crane. but it condemned the are strikingly claiming that they were against international law to make up that he is upset though there is no authorization for the arbitrary act that the us and its allies are carrying out in yemen. and there is the risk of a full fledged war not only in human, but throughout the region. it's a worry, shared by some, including these protesters in seattle. but washington, once again, sees error strikes as the least bad option to keep a conflict from spreading off more of the story, i'm joined nearby hands yak. options are at senior director at the n g o. the counter extremism project to join us from new york city. thanks for joining us on dw and hughes. so will the damage caused to bite these strikes impact the who piece affinity to attack ships in the red sea? so, thank you so much for having me. mon, well,
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i'm afraid this is not going to be the end of it. so what we need to reopen, really the maritime straight to a bunch of money that adds the so it's canal is a sustained maritime military presence to make sure that there was these cannot compact and piracy um, any ships anymore. and you need to deter them from using that long range, striking capabilities. that's why the message from us and okay. and the international coordination was, or the only problem there is both towards the lucy's. as well as to the wrong motivation wise to both. these are a super empty based i'm, i'm ti submitted both with as logan is called, is the greatest as to where i got this too, as well occurs upon the jews victory to his lab. so we have to assume that they are continue want to continue to try to take advantage of the situation of the war upon us against the as well to gain favor within their support as within the capabilities that they will. these have uh,
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stemming from iraq. i already the who is yeah, well, if they're getting their weapons from around, is there a way then that the supply chain can be caught? we need to be much strict to have with what the wrong path can get, right? so everyone knows where this locally smuggling roots go. everyone knows with supply chains, go mazda, proceed except, and sees that for the straight up, for most, is the water way. here, most of the long range capability spat pots the will. these have the ability to assemble rockets, they don't have the ability to produce that path, are coming from that needs to be much try to control. right now the if the us ministry strikes time to turn the group from attacking ships in the red sea, are there other means of stopping this? like for example, um come to be told what other means does the international community have as yeah, so a couple of issues here. um that it turns is going to be too full number one is
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going to be sustained military presence. that is going to be sustained strikes every time the work is to something the americans are trying to retain the escalation. so many used to like 150 hit the target that's the, that aim of the united states. secondly, more controls on what the maintenance of doing in supplying the fees, in particular as long, right? the main stream is straight try capabilities go. and sadly, we need to be really serious about this actions that already exist against the roof . he's and a violent behavior inside of human, and that means may need to be much better in controlling the version off. actually who many 10 results is with, with these regularly speed, regularly resale, and which contributes a major part of their income. right? now another question i really want to put to you is that instead of weakening the who sees could these strikes by the us actually give the,
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the who sees more leverage, of course inside them. and if you can tack fine outside force, you always gain some more sympathizes and, and that's the whole point by the who's he's doing this, that feeling very comfortable with this conflict as task you're wrong inside what you are on doesn't one is the regional call. now i know regional friends of to with these outside of the ring and i saw mcrae public i just as a reminder the correlation that i saw the lips in yemen in 2015 included the pot from saudi arabia tonight at the image. don, rank waste cutoffs, egypt jordan more when sending out. so there's really no out of state whose hawk is feeding for the reading books the likes. so we just simply need to make sure that the rains understand that they are walking sleep, walking into a regional confrontation with united states, which they apparently in the last couple of months do not want to have otherwise they would have activated this for a long time. ago thanks hon. see echo pansy i coefficient or senior director at the
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counter extremism project. thank you. so here's a reminder of our top stories of the slicing tat has one taiwan presidential election . the ruling democratic progressive party's candidates emerged victorious after his 2 opponents for the presidency, conceded china, it's criticized. lie as a dangerous separatist. the rebels survived to retaliate for us and british air strikes, which they say killed at least 5 people. the us and buquet had targets in the capital china and across the country. these have been attacking shipping, unable units in the red sea for weeks. and don't forget, you can always get to the news on the go, just download our app from google play or from the apple app store. and that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push
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notifications for any breaking news. you're up to date of an extra documentary series on the threat of greenland dwindling license state june for that. so after a short break, i'm from in the team here ex, watching, take care the can use. yeah. we are all set. we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new we own about palm biased information for free might do to name.


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