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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the, the, this is deal of the news lie from berlin, ly ching tag wins taiwan presidential election. the routing democratic progressive party's candidate emerges victorious over his 2 opponents for the presidency his election. we'll set the trajectory for tense relations with china for the next 4 years. also on the program, the u. s. military strikes here at the targets in yemen for a 2nd day in theaters 5 to retaliate and warn dash us and british interests are now considered legitimate targets the
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fine pablo fell. yes, thanks for joining us. in taiwan, the ruling party candidates liking to has won the presidential election, giving his party the d p. an unprecedented 3rd term life took a comfortable lead early in the vote times had of his nearest rival. in the opposition k m t. china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election, hold like a dangerous separatist. beijing also will warrant the vote was a choice between war and peace. let's go to taiwan now and dw as chief international editor. richard walker joins me from the governing party headquarters in taipei. richard, great to see you. so tell us highlighting tag and his party have reacted to darwin . yeah. is so popular, i mean i have to sit and see and hear a little bit because yeah, thanks for the last several hours here at the d. p. parties. riley does this sound
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to see the absolutely keep deafening levels. this has been kind of rough folks, and that must be a, ever, since it's starting to look like a big party was going to come up on top in the presidency. so there was a huge amount of energy here in the crowd, a huge amount of excitement and, and yet, and i think this is really interesting before william lie or liking to, as he's a no need chinese, before he even took to the stage behind me here to to declare victory to, to the crowd teach. he went into the tent even behind the stage and spoke to the assembled international press. so a press conference came before the victory speech. i'm not sure i've seen that anywhere else in the world, but i think that is a sign of the seriousness with which the taiwanese take kind of the castle communication to the outside world about what has happened to you. and of course, particularly capital communication towards the giant neighbors that they have just
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across the taiwan strait china, which is across being so threatening in the run up to the selection. well, richard, actually let's talk about china because like i said, he has to defend taiwan from at china, is quote intimidation. so how is beijing likely to react to lies victory? yeah, so we're gonna see in the coming days what the answer to that question is, but certainly a william lice message in that press conference. and also on this stage here was one of the of caution of continuity, saying that he's committed to the states as quote which in his eyes means that taiwan is no ton of most democracy and get started with his own business. he said that this was ty, one's choice to make and essentially the taiwan is demonstrating that it is committed to its own peace and democracy. but he did say towards the chinese we are ready to talk to you. we are ready to talk to if,
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if no conditions are made on talking to you. and if we treat it with respect to the quality. so it's a kind of the pool is pretty much in china is court here, but certainly the messaging coming from william ly entity and he's partially with the p p. he's very much, we're committed to this stages quote, we don't want to rock the boat. so we'll see in the coming days where the china reacts in some way, it may choose to wait until the inauguration, which has until may this is the so o'clock at the time when the system so. so the new duration of the new president. what happened for a few months, yet they may choose to kind of really find some sort of metaphorical or re a warning shots around that time before he is in organization speech. but we'll see in the, in the next couple of days, what the chinese decide to do about that is because one thing for sure. they didn't want william lights when the selection they made that very clear. thanks, richard for your update on analysis teagle these chief international editor richard
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walker in ty papers. time for some other stories making use around the world. t residents have taken shelter in the cities, metro after russia fire died by roger of me cells that ukraine overnight. ukrainian officials say dozens of miss housing drones were launched. a targets across the country chief is pushing allies for more air defense systems to defend itself against russian attacks. turkeys defends, ministry says it's air force has carried, i'd strikes. encouraged americans in iraq and syria. officials say the targets belong to the bind. curtis done workers, party or p k. k strikes come a day after 9 turkish soldiers were killed in an attack on a turkish military base. interact the sizes of people around in hubbard calling for a ban on jeremy's fluoride, a f d party protests of being triggered by the exposure of an alleged plan to deport millions of people with non german ethnic backgrounds, including german citizens,
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investigative journalists, say, party members discussed the proposal with a neo nazi group near berlin and accusation, the yesterday to nice. the germany says it will request to join the international court of justice case in support of as well as the german government says there is no basis for south africa's accusation. that is rarely as committing genocide in gaza. so not forget has argued on israel's military response to the october 7th israel and hamas terror attacks was an attempt to destroy the palestinian people. yes, the us is carried out a 2nd day of military strikes on whose he reveled targets, indiana us. officials say the new targets posed a threat to shipping in the red sea, which is being disrupted by the attacks in recent weeks. since the leaders have 5 to retaliate following the attacks, the aftermath of air strikes on who's the targets, the ripples said at least 5 people were killed. as 2 waves of strikes had 28
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targets in parts of government controlled by the rebels. the us and u. k. c, the strikes were acts of self defense. the who was these are backed by iran. they've been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with the group releasing this voltage in november. a bit. spiker is appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks are in response to israel as warren gas it against the radical islam is from us organization, which the u. s. b, u and other countries, i'm labeled a terrorist group a different ship though the us. it's connie launched another attack on saturday, destroying a who was the radar station with a miss file present in $5.00 and $1.00 there would be more to come if the who these didn't leave shipping alone. we will make sure that we respond but he also said that who these main allies knew better than to escalate the
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conflict at the united nations. the us once again pointed the finger at turned on. we need to also be clear about the role of iran and these attacks without arriving in support in violation of their obligations under resolution $2216.00. the who these would struggle to effectively track and strike commercial vessels. navigating shipping lines through the red sea and the gulf of aidan to the iran. that's how i russia is currently waging a war of aggression against ukraine. but it condemned the striking claiming that they were against international law that make up. that is, that's it, though there is no authorization for the arbitrary act that the us and its allies are carrying out in human. and there is the risk of a full fledged war not only in human, but throughout the region. it's
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a worry shared by some, including these protesters in seattle, but washington, once again, sees era strikes as the least bad option to keep a conflict from spreading hands yak, option dollar is with the counter extremism project in new york, i asked him whether the air strikes would impact the who peace ability to attack ships in the red sea? yes. how much we're having a well, yeah, i'm afraid this is not going to be the end of it. so what we need to reopen, really the maritime straight. the, um, uh, but the one that adds the, uh, so is canal, is it sustained maritime military presence to make sure that they will, these cannot compact and piracy, um, any ships anymore, and you need to deter them from using that long range striking capabilities. that's why the message from us and okay, and the international coordination was, or the only problem that is both towards the, with these as well as to the wrong motivation wise to both. these are a super empty based, and i'm ti submitted. both meant as logan is called,
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is the greatest as to where i got this to israel occurs upon the jews victory to his lab. so we have to assume that they are continue wanting to continue to try to take advantage of the situation of the war of harm us against the as well to gain favor within their support as within the capabilities that they will. these have uh, streaming from your r i n e v e, who is yep. well, if they're getting their weapons from around, is there a way then that the supply chain can be caught? so we need to be much stick to have with what the right invest in get right, so everyone knows where this locally smuggling roots go. everyone knows, with supply chains, go mazda to ship step, and sees that for the straight up, for most is the water. we have our, most of the long range capability spat pots the will, these have the ability to assemble rockets, they don't have the ability to produce that path coming from that needs to be much
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tried to control right now the, if the u. s. ministry strikes time to turn the group from attacking ships in the red sea. are there other means of stopping this, like for example, and come to be told what other means does the international community have? yeah, so a couple of issues here that it turns is going to be 2 full number. one is going to be sustained, military present state is going to be sustained strikes every time the work is to something, the americans i tried reaching the escalations solomon used to like 150, hit 3 targets. that's the, that a most united states. secondly, more controls on what the maintenance of doing in supplying the face, in particular as long, right? the main string is straight try capabilities go. and sadly, we need to be really serious about this actions that already exist against the roof . he's and the violent behavior inside of human and that means may need to be much
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better in controlling the version off actual who many 10 results is with, with these regularly steve regularly resale and which contributes a major part of their income. right. now another question i really want to put to you is that instead of weakening the whose these code, these strikes by the us actually give the, the who sees more leverage of course inside them. and if you can tack sign outside force, you always gain some more sympathizes in the max to 1.5 because he's doing this, that feeling very comfortable with this conflict as task you're wrong inside what you're on doesn't go on. is the mutual cause? yeah, no regional friends of the with these outside of the range and uh, the some of the republic i just as a reminder, the coalition that i saw the lips in yemen in 2015 included in the bathroom. saudi arabia, the nightingale emerick, dom rank res, cutoff, egypt, jordan,
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more when sending out. so there's really no out of state whose hock is needing for the reading books the like. so we just simply need to make sure that the rains understand that they are walking sleep, walking into a regional confrontation with united states, which they apparently in the last couple of months do not want to have otherwise, they would have activate this for a long time. ago thanks. uh huh. and so, yeah, go pounds. yeah. cobra shinta or senior director at the counter extremism project. thank you. so nasa lockheed martin have unveiled what they call the next generation of supersonic aircraft. the makers say the experimental plane combined supersonic travel with low noise. the public got the 1st glimpse of the new x, 59 research plane of lockheed martin's design center in california. the manufacturer say you will break the sound barrier and state no louder. i'd be no later than a car door closing the last supersonic commercial aircraft concord stopped flying
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more than 20 years ago. as a reminder of our top stories, a slight change has one to taiwan to presidential election. the routing democratic progressive party's candidate emerged victorious after his 2 opponents for the presidency. can see that china has criticized lie as a dangerous separatist to the rebels have 5 to retaliate for us and british air strikes, which they say killed at least 5 people in the us and the u. k. a targets in the capital china and across the country. has these have been attacking shipping in naples units in the red sea for weeks? don't forget, you can always get the the news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the apple app store. that'll give you access to all the data seems from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news. so for most of next, the aftermath of devastating floods in pakistan in reporter announce after
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a short break. i'm just plenty more news and information on our website, the www dot. com. and you can follow up on our social media channels. my popular police for me, the team here and pretend. thanks for watching. take care of the the shuttle and key more people than ever on the news world volume in such a fashion life on the facile, jessica admitted god the castle. josh the piano, is it going back on the car then? that's okay. that's the nanda.


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