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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, this is due to the news live from berlin, lodging tay, when's taiwan presidential election? the ruling democratic progressive party's candidate emerges victorious over his 2 opponents for the president's election. we'll set the trajectory for tense relations with china for the next 4 years. also in the program, the us military strikes hooting targets in yemen for a 2nd day with the leaders about or retaliate. and one of the us and british interests are now considered legitimate targets. the
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next by sir, welcome to the program. in taiwan, the ruling party candidate, lodging tay, has won the presidential election, giving his party the d p. an unprecedented 3rd term logic. a comfortable lead early in the vote count ahead of his nearest rival in the opposition. k empty. china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election called lie a dangerous separatist. but the p. p champions taiwan separate identity and projects pages claims of sovereignty over the island. or earlier i spoke to bonnie glaser, the managing director of the in the pacific program of the german marshall fund. she explained to us what light ching taste when means for taiwan. well, 1st and foremost, it's a victory for taiwan democracy that despite china is attempts to interfere in the elections and that they did hold
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a legitimate election out. only 40 percent of taiwan folders are cast. their votes for lighting does start with 60 percent, voted for the opposition. and that is an expression of dissatisfaction to some extent current policies. but nonetheless, i expect that there will be consistency, especially in foreign policy. that means approach to china to the united states and uh, and to europe. i do think that ty, ones, a partnership with the world with democracies will remain very strong. and you mentioned continuity in foreign policy lodging today has said he vows to defend taiwan from what he calls china's intimidation. what is vague james initial reaction been to his victory well expected lighting to win. and so they were well prepared, the initial reaction and my view is relatively marked china. we integrated
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statements that it has set up for some time and the emphasis was on warning against separatist activities and foreign interference. that particularly means the united states, the statement from the taiwan affairs office in beijing also reiterated that re unification is inevitable. and this of course was a statement made by cedric ping in his new year's address. where he said that reunification is a historical inevitability. so once again, this is consistent with prior statements. so that was binding laser from the german marshal fund talking to me earlier. now for some other stores making use around the world, thousands of joined to protest in tbilisi to demand harsh punishment for women, accused of splashing paint on a religious icon depicting joseph stalin. the crowd of orthodox believers gathered in front of george's parliament before marching through the city to the holy
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trinity cathedral, where the icon is on display. a mudslide in north western columbia has killed at least 33 people in injured dozens of land slide buried. a busy highway linking the cities of keep though admitting and completely engulf several vehicles. an unknown number of people are still missing. thousands of pro palestinian protesters have marched in central london. they called for a cease fire and gas as the conflict between israel and how about as approaches, it's hundreds de london's metropolitan police said some $1700.00 officers were deployed for the march. the u. s. has carried out a 2nd day of military strikes on who the rebel targets in yemen. us official say the new targets posed a threat to shipping in the red sea, which has been disrupted by who the attacks and recent weeks with the leaders have vowed to retaliate following the attacks. the aftermath of air strikes on who's the
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targets. the ripples said, at least 5 people were killed as 2 waves of strikes had 28 targets in parts of game and controlled by the rebels. the us and u. k. c, the strikes were acts of self defense. this is, these are backed by iran. they've been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with a group releasing this voltage in november. a bit. spiker is appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks or in response to israel is war in gaza against the radical islam is how much organization boots the u. s. b u and other countries. i'm labeled a terrorist group a different ship though, the us. it's connie launched another attack on saturday, destroying a who was the radar station was a miss file present in $5.00 and $1.00 there would be more to come if the who these didn't leave shipping alone. we will make sure that we respond
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but he also said that who these main allies knew better than to escalate the conflict at the united nations. the us once again pointed the finger at turned on. we need to also be clear about the rollover, ron, and these attacks without arriving in support in violation of their obligations under resolution $2216.00. the who these would struggle to effectively track and strike commercial vessels. navigating shipping lines through the red sea. and the goal for the then to the iran is highlight, russia is currently waging a war of aggression against ukraine. but it condemned the air strikingly claiming that they were against international law that make up the website. though there is no authorization for the arbitrary act that the us and its allies are carrying out
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in human. and there is the risk of a full fledged war, not only in yemen, but throughout the region. it's a worry shared by some, including these protesters in seattle, but washington, once again, sees era strikes as but least bad option to keep a conflict from spreading. enrolled as a maritime security analyst. i asked him what he made of the notion that carrying out air strikes was a way to contain the situation. well, i, i think we fall in the fall of one of the fundamental principles of military strategy, which is to know your enemy, your know, your adversary. i like in this. so game and tennis and most people are we going back hand. but some people are very strong on their back end. so if you're playing somebody with a strong back in, you don't do what you would normally do and, and he to it. and that's exactly what we've done. we've hit add to a very strong back handed or even underneath the player, and we are unfortunately realizing now that this is not have the effect that we want it. we have to keep the goal in mind,
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which is to stop. there are tax on shipping, and unfortunately this is only exacerbated and existing problem within the army, which is the divide between the government of human and these rebels who operate as terrorist. and so we've actually strengthened over the recruiting for this terrace organizations by virtue of drawing attention to them and hitting these targets in a way that hasn't actually taken out their full capabilities. but allow for them to find. we have fruits in the narrative that they are fighting against the us in the u. k, which is something they have taught in henry for the last decade as a way of trying to mobilize force behind them. so we're in a situation where we, we maybe made the situation a little bit worse rather than better. i can't understand how that might have helped recruiting for the who these. and so what about shipping, which is the, you know, reported objective, protecting it. is it going to be any, as i was fortunately, don't think we're there yet. um, as the, the ability to attach shipping is, is fairly easy. we seen, you know,
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mercedes ropes and ladders be enough to undermine the ability for, for ships to flow freely. and for the freedom navigation to continue unimpeded in places like somalia, the gulf of guinea, the strait of a single 4 and the pseudo and celibacy. so the ability to disrupt shipping is, is pretty easy to do the problem now, is it, the hutus now have more motivation because the approach of attacking shipping as it has been, what's garner them all this attention. so yesterday, even after the 1st that it strikes, we saw an attack and, and just to be very clear, this was against a vessel that was carrying russian crew. this was not against and is really vessel or a vessel in any way tied to israel, who has a long past the point where they are narrative of supporting palestine supporting god. that is, it holds any water they are now attacking shipping and he goes backwards, getting them the attention that they desire. and we have a position now where they may continue to lash out in somewhat of a hazard or reckless way of making all shipping unsafe throughout the region. and
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it just a quick final question, if i may, as regards the military capabilities of the united states and united kingdom, if they wanted to engage in constant showing environment of, of who he talked to, they have the means, or are they overstretched as well? i, i think that that is a really impression i can answer in terms of just looking at weapon supplies and stocks. but i think we have the ability to operate with a lot more force than we have. but unfortunately, the who these also have an ability to respond with a lot more force than they have. and that's where we need to be prepared. and so what we need to focus on are the non kinetic ways of dissuading the who is from continuing to a shot attack shipping. first of all, the voice, the narrative from the israel gods and situation. second level them a terrace organization, which is what they are mobilize and support the government of young and re engaging, mobilize and support. those who are suffering most from this, like egypt, like much of the rest of the world who's, who's also reliant on shipping and not protect the ships that around is using in
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the southern ramsey from the who it's either errands and erratic attacks. so if, if so these start watching these, these attacks, how do we, we should do know, you know, good in helping protest be is the radians ships who are providing both the intelligence and the positioning like the side is like the best shot and other so we need to we need to rethink our strategy and focus on the adversary that we have not the one that we wish we had. okay, thank you for that in robbie of the center for maritime strategy. thank you so much . sunday. make marks a 100 day sense of how much terrorists attacked on israel, which started a new war between the 2 sides. over the past 3 months, most of gas has population has been displaced by the fighting mass. run health industry says almost $24000.00 palestinians have been killed. dw reporter mohammed other kind of who visited the refugee camp in the southern city of rough thought to learn more about the dire conditions faced by civilians or or even pseudo,
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is living in difficult circumstances. here in a tent in milwaukee, in a city of rafa. in the south of the gaza strip, she was forced to flee home in northern garza in search of se shelter. displacement has deprived of even the most basic necessities she had. i'm the one who am for the harlem. we are suffering in this kind of knocking jeep. we cook over fire and we have to carry water in buckets or a long distance this off. and there's no access to safe water food which forces us to drink dirty water. how our children get sick frequently and suffer from all nutrition and cold water. really bad relief organizations will not be entering the gaza strip covers only 10 percent of its need. rudimentary comforts,
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such as blankets, mattresses, intense, dangerously short supply chain and sick. i'm nothing to me. you see how we lived in the tent. we have no clouds to protect us from the code that we do not have fed cup us lovely. there's not enough food and we are suffering from some the little girl like enough instead of the just the one i'm was going to say about 117 people live here in this town. and there are only 3 beds and 3 bed covers life a month or so long as you can see, there's no roof to protect us from the rain. and the dent is dilapidated, say my children are you and her family have been appealing some blankets and other donations and distributing these to those most media across the camp. many remain extremely vulnerable in harsh weather conditions. now on the bottom of the slide here after the house next or i was, was struck by the my daughter was injured so we had to get out false. i'm going to
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so we had very few things with so when we came here to rough, um we had little clothes, but it's not enough that if it's cold in the 10th, it's not cool in the summer and not room in the winter. so when it rains to 10 fits with water, one will pay more for the homely yeah. shortages of blankets, clothing intense, just some of the many challenges facing, displaced people here in rafa. unless great to humanitarian aid arrives and soon even valuable work such as the themes is i'm likely to bring it in to suffering. and a reminder of our top story. watching tay has one taiwan is presidential election. the ruling democratic progressive party's candidate emerged victorious after his 2 opponents for the presidency, conceded. china has criticized my as a dangerous separatist and that's all from us for now of an extra porter with
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a look at how people in north western pakistan are dealing with the aftermath of the devastating floods mixed by ser for me and the entire new seemed here in berlin, thanks for watching the c w. this is everything else is available to them and it has never been since the germans imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy murder, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world,
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people learned.


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