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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, marching tay. when's taiwan presidential election? the ruling democratic, progressive party's candidate emergence victorious over his 2 opponents for the presidency, is election will sense which are dec, 3 for tense relations with china for the next 4 years. also in the program can chief keep up with the technological demands of the war. after russia launch is a rush of overnight attacks on the capital. we speak to a security analyst whether ukraine has a tool that needs to continue to defend himself and heavy rains cause the river congo diverse its banks, turning roads into rivers and flooding. the country's capital can shop
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the next by sir, welcome to the program. in taiwan, the ruling party candidate, lodging tay, has won the presidential election, giving his party the d p. p. and unprecedented 3rd term lied. took a comfortable lead early in the vote, count ahead of his nearest rival and the occupation. i'll keep up off position rather k m t. china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election called like a dangerous separatist. the d. p. p. champions taiwan separate identity and rejects page james claims of sovereignty over the island. earlier i spoke to bonnie glaser, the managing director of the in the pacific program at the german marshall fund. she explained to us what ly chang, tase win means for taiwan. as well. first and foremost, it's
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a victory for taiwan democracy that despite china is attempts to interfere in the elections. of that they did hold a legitimate election out. only 40 percent of taiwan folders are cast. their votes for lighting does start with 60 percent, voted for the opposition. and that is an expression of dissatisfaction to some extent the current policies. but nonetheless, i expect that there will be consistency, especially in foreign policy. that means approach to china to the united states and uh, and to europe. i do think that ty, once a partnership with the world with democracies will remain very strong. and you mentioned continuity in foreign policy lodging. k has said, he vows to defend taiwan from what he calls china's intimidation. what is a james initial reaction been to his victory well entering,
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expected life and go to win. and so they were well prepared. the initial reaction and my view is relatively marked. china. we integrated statements that it has set up for some time and the emphasis was on warning against separatist activities and foreign interference. that particularly means the united states. the statement from the taiwan affairs office in beijing also reiterated that re unification is inevitable. and this of course was a statement made by cedric ping in his new year's address, where he said that reunification is a historical inevitability. so once again, this is consistent with prior statements. that was bonnie glazer from the german marshall fund talking to me earlier. c, u. s. has carried out. ms file strikes on who the rebels in yemen. us officials say
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the new targets posed a threat to shipping in the red sea, which has been disrupted by who the attacks in recent weeks. routine leaders have vowed to retaliate following the attacks. the after massive air strikes on who's the targets. the ripples said at least 5 people were killed. as 2 waves of strikes had 28 targets in parts of yemen, controlled by the rebels. the us and u. k. say the strikes were acts of self defense. the who is these are backed by iran. they've been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with a group releasing this voltage in november. a bit. spiker is appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks or in response to israel is war in gaza against the radical islam is how much organizations in the u. s. b, u and other countries. i'm labeled a terrorist group a different ship though,
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the us. it's connie launched another attack on saturday, destroying a who was the radar station with a miss file present in 5 and one. there would be more to come if the who these didn't leave shipping alone. we will make sure that we respond but he also said the who these main allies knew better than to escalate the conflict at the united nations. the us once again pointed the finger at turned on. we need to also be clear about the role of a ron and these attacks without a running in support in violation of their obligations under resolution $2216.00. the who these would struggle to effectively track and strike commercial vessels. navigating shipping lines through the red sea and the gulf or the then to the iran
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. that's how i russia is currently waging a war of aggression against new crane. but it condemned the air striking claiming that they were against international law that make up the website. though there is no authorization for the arbitrary act that the us and its allies are carrying out in human. and there is the risk of a full fledged war not only in human, but throughout the region. it's a worry, shared by some, including these protesters in seattle. but washington, once again, sees era strikes as the least bad option to keep a conflict from spreading time. now for some other stories related to news in the middle east, thousands of pro palestinian po testers have marched in central london. they have called for a cease fire and gas as the conflict between israel, how mass approaches its hundreds day on sunday, london's metropolitan police had some 1700 officers were deployed for the march or not. so it is rarely prime minister benjamin nathan. yahoo!
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he says no one will stop his country from achieving victory against how much militants in this guy's a strip. he said, israel is planning a huge addition to its defense budget to cover future needs. yeah, that, that one goal is an independent military manufacturing sector to ensure israel security the master on health ministry says at least 60 people have been killed and the latest is rarely strikes on gas. it bringing the total death total in the territory to almost $24000.00. these really minutes military says this strikes destroyed rocket launchers and killed several palestinian militants. masses designated a terrorist organization by several countries. frances new foreign minister has reiterated his country support for ukraine during his 1st trip and bought since taking office. steve had a seizure on they said ukraine is and will remain in priority for france. is visit comes after another barrage of miss silo taxed by russia overnight. key residents
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took shelter in the cities metro when russia fired dozens of massages and drones across to crime. ukrainian government is asking for more air defense systems to defend itself against russian attacks. lorina me wrong is a defense analyst with kings college london. i asked her what she made of the air strikes a good evening. nick, well, the russian strikes are a part of the newly commenced in error can pain that the russians will be conducting in order to damage ukrainian military industrial complex and in order to make. so you cream forces week, or the a most the russians has, of course, to remove any possibility of a counter offensive. and to make it easier for the russian forces to take more territories and to achieve the military and the political objective. so we're likely to see more strikes for the coming months,
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because the russians will want to achieve air superiority or air supremacy if they come in ukraine. and if you could just help us understand what's actually taking place in the sky. ukrainian official said, just 8 out of 40 missiles in this latest barrage, we're actually shot down this. the others were disabled using electronic warfare. what does all that mean? a way, 1st of all, the missiles that were shut down, they were shut down by the year defenses. but we see that you crane is lacking air defenses and as far as electronic warfare is concerned, it's a rush and specialty actually areas um basically opperation in the electromagnetic spectrum where a system would send out a signal in order to confuse the muscle. so to prevent the missile from um and detecting the target uh, sending one measurements to it, it's also use to suppress radars to cam gps signals. and this goes also
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for drones, for instance, as well. so these are these kinds of systems that the ukrainians have been asking for um, in the united states. but this is sensitive technology. so your brain has to work with what it has in order to, to try to gem russian missiles and to prevent them from reaching is a target. and just briefly, this new technology is ukraine trying to develop its own in a while the ways for american and other supplies the premiums have captured some electronic warfare assistance from the russians and handing them to nathan or that to study. but i'm sure that they kept some part of upon which they can work because west through the allies cannot explore this technology to ukraine. so ukraine is on his own when it comes to the development of electronic warfare systems, able to jam russian radars and russian missiles ok, defense satellites, marina,
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the role of kings college london. thank you so much. thank you for having me. so let's have a look at some other worlds from around the world news for around the world. now. thousands have joined to protest in tbilisi to demand harsh punishment for women. accuse of splashing paint on a religious icon depicting joseph stalin. the crowd of orthodox believers gathered in front of george's parliament before marching through this city to holy trinity cathedral, where the icon is on display and knows the german chest are all f schultz has warned against political extreme is trying to exploit social unrest and made the comments after far, right supporters joined farmer protests and blocked traffic. this we showed said that if legitimate interest turn into anger, attempt for democratic process as an institution, everyone lose their substance, then talks. this was goodness. a mudslide in northwestern columbia has killed at least 33 people. in injured dozens, the landslide buried
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a busy highway linking the cities of keep go and admitting and completely engulfed several vehicles. an unknown number of people are still missing. districts of kinshasa, the capital of the democratic republic of congo, had been submerged by flooding after heavy rain caused the congo river to burst its banks. the waters have risen to their highest level and decades. more than 300 people have died in the disaster. and many thousands are living in misery. not much remains of a shade tintin bob populace bought for the people have congestive to relax on the banks of the congo has now been partly swallowed up by the rising waters. the manager estimates $20000.00 worth of damages through the padded like we've had many laws for you already since we've seen the we've lost the customers. the space is not as busy as it used to be. you said i'd be so for our counter was destroyed but we lost the furnace or escape is that unfortunately,
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we weren't careful and saved a few things for our walkways are broken and have been washed away and we lost our kitchen with all the furniture. but in any case, it's not going well. i got up out of the unit i need to, i took some several neighborhoods along the congo river and congest. so were submerged when it 1st its banks. the water reaches highest levels since 1961. locals are now finding new ways to get around. so making money ferrying people across flooded streets. that when i believe, as you can see, my, it's the river that slot to see that every year the river overflows. but not to the 6 down. at 1st we used to carry people on their backs or the we but now we may dug out canoes. i'm going will be about 5, but you are what we do a lot to know. experts say climate change is the main reason for the heavy,
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inconsistent rainfall. the cause, the river to rise. residents here think bad waste management has made the problem worse. way a lot is really significantly the river. it's not a river lo shit. it's the place where all the trash from the city of kent shots, it is growing and sell. it did it by the only hit the last minute blow. so it blocks the passage of water board in front of it. and when the river overflows it comes back to us at all, but it is all due because the river is not able to sustain that amount of water. the citric auntie did do it for the problem. the physical contrast is not the only area of the floods of heads. authorities say that flooding and much lights are happening around the country. more than 300000 homes have been affected. that's all from us. now. next reporter, with a look at how people in northwestern pakistan are dealing with the aftermath of
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devastating floods together is always more on our website at social media channels . i'm next by ser, for me in the entire news team here in berlin. thanks for watching the world in progress. pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. the 2nd son of about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. the w talk caught fateful encounter in the late 19 seventy's former concentration camp inmates shlomo. smiles not met the man who had to maintain him. go stop fog now. 2 years later, vaux now was dead. was it.


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