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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is due to the news life from berlin, blanching de wins taiwan presidential election. the ruling democratic progressive party's candidate in march is victorious over his 2 opponents for the presidency. his election will set the trajectory for times, relations with china for the next 4 years. also on the program, the u. s. military strikes, views the targets in yemen for a 2nd day to the leaders vi to retaliate. and one that us and versus interests are not considered legitimate targets.
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the who moment. thanks for joining us. in taiwan, the ruling party candidate lodging day has won the presidential election, giving his party the p. p. an unprecedented 3rd time ly secure just over a set 40 percent of the vote ahead of his nearest rival. and they all physician k empty. china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election called lie a dangerous set protest, wp champions taiwan separate identity and rejects beijing's claims of sovereignty over the island. now let us welcome our next president and vice president lights in the and show me team a. it's a moment with far reaching implications for taiwan future. liking the of the routing d p. victoria softer a tightly for 3 way race. this is him speaking to the international press,
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moments of to winning the presidency. that's it. i wonder. i mean, well thanks to the time when these people for writing a new chapter in our democracy, we've shown the world how much we cherish our democracy. this is the unwavering commitment to defending time wants. democracy was at the hearts of lies, campaign and rejecting pressure from badging to succumb to chinese rule as opposed to the government led by lodging. the, because his goal was very clear, he knows clearly that we are a country and the taiwan has an independent government to, to a position policies at fort for a recess of relations with aging. and some 60 percent of votes is back to them. but with the opposition that splits, it wasn't enough. back at the d. p. lighting the insisted he was ready to talk, pointing out it was china that had long stumbled him. he called on badging to think
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of get logan exchange can mitigate the risk to china. only when we replace obstruction isn't with communication and confrontation with dialogue, can we achieve peace and share prosperity? well born in the laser as the managing director of the indo pacific program at the german marshall fund, she told us more about china's reaction to lighting does when well, thinking expected lights and go to wind. and so they were well prepared, the initial reaction and my view is relatively moderate. china, we integrated statements that it has said for some time and the emphasis was on warning against separatist activities and foreign interference. that particularly means the united states. the statement from the taiwan affairs office in beijing
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also reiterated that reunification is inevitable. and this of course was a statement made by c companion, his new year's address, where he said that re implication is a historical inevitability. so once again, this is consistent with prior statements. well over to the middle east now or the us as carried out the 2nd day of military strikes on who's the rebel targets in yemen. us officials say the new targets pulls the threat to shipping in the red sea, which has been disrupted by ruthie attacks and recent weeks. 50 leaders have bowed to retaliate following the attacks. the aftermath of air strikes on who's the targets. the ripples said, at least 5 people were killed. as 2 waves of strikes had 28 targets in parts of government controlled by the rebels. the us and u. k. c, the strikes were acts of self defense. the who is these are backed by iran. they've been targeting ships in the red sea for weeks with
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a group releasing this voltage in november. i've been spiker is appearing to seize a vessel. it claims the attacks or in response to israel is war in gaza against the radical islam is how much organization boots the u. s. b u and other countries. i'm labeled a terrorist group a different ship though the us. it's connie launched another attack on saturday, destroying a who was the radar station with a miss file present in $5.00 and $1.00 there would be more to come if the who these didn't leave shipping alone. we will make sure that we respond but he also said that who these main allies knew better than to escalate the conflict at the united nations. the us once again pointed the finger at turned on. we need
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to also be clear about the role of iran and these attacks without arriving in support in violation of their obligations under resolution $2216.00. the who these would struggle to effectively track and strike commercial vessels. navigating shipping lines through the red sea and the gulf of aidan to the iran. that's how i russia is currently waging a war of aggression against ukraine. but it condemned the striking claiming that they were against international law that make up the website. though there is no authorization for the arbitrary act that the us and its allies are carrying out in human. and there is the risk of a full fledged war not only in human, but throughout the region. it's a worry, shared by some, including these protesters in seattle. but washington, once again, sees error strikes as the least bad option to keep a conflict from spreading. well let's take
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a look now. some other headlines related to the conflict in the middle east is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says no one will stop his country from achieving victory against him off which committed the worst terror attack. and israel's history. on october 7th, he said, israel is planning a huge addition to its defense budget to cover its future needs. he added that one goal as an independent military manufacturing sector to ensure is real security. tens of thousands of his relays have begun in protest and tel aviv to demand to the government do more to secure the release of hostages held by him off sunday, march $100.00 days since i'm aust could not some 250 people during the october 7th attacks, dozens were released during the week long november cease fire, but more than a 100 and their cheese remain in captivity. now at least 60 people have been killed in the latest as rarely strikes on gaza, according to the mos run health ministry. bringing the total death row in the territory to almost $24000.00 israel's military campaign against him off and gaza
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has left most of the population displaced him off as considered as harris organization by multiple countries including germany and the u. s. w. as mohammed colored, visited a refugee camp in the southern city of rafa to learn more about the dire conditions there. 3 insured is living in difficult circumstances here in a tent in milwaukee in a city of rafa. in the south of the gaza strip, she was forced to flee home in northern garza in search of sight, shelter, displacement has deprived of even the most basic necessities. and i'm the one i will tell you. for the harlem, we are suffering in this kind of knocking jeep. we cook over fire and we have to carry water in buckets of a long distance. this last and there's no access to safe water was which forces us to drink dirty water. how our children get sick frequently and suffer from all
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nutrition and cold was a little better relief organizations will not be entering the gaza strip covers only 10 percent of its need. rudimentary comfort such as blankets, mattresses, intense, dangerously short supply chain and sick. i'm nothing to me. you see how we lived in the tent. we have no clouds to protect us from the code that we do not have fed cup us lovely. there's not enough food and we are suffering from some a little like enough. instead of the just the one i'm was going to say about 117 people live here in this town. and there are only 3 beds and 3 bed covers life a month or so. long as you can see, there's no roof to protect us from the rain. and the dent is dilapidated, say my children are him and his family have been appealing some blankets and other donations and distributing these to those most media across the
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camp. many remain extremely vulnerable in harsh weather conditions. now with the bible, we slide here after the house, next 2 hours were struck. the bump my daughter was injured, so we had to get out false. i'm going to come. we had very few things with us. when we came here to rough, um we had little clothes, but it's not enough that it's cold in the tons. it's not cool in the summer and not warm in the winter. so when it rains to 10 folds with water, one little pain, oklahoma. yeah. shortages of blankets, clothing and tents, just some of the many challenges facing displaced people here in rafa. unless great to humanitarian aid arrives and soon even valuable work such as the themes is i'm likely to bring it in to suffering. let's take a look at some other headlines from around the world. headquarters present at
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agency says over 40 present workers who are being held hostage by inmates, have been freed or escaped. the guards were among nearly a 180 stuff taken captive by prisoners and a number of deals for almost a week. soldiers and police are increasing patrols as that quarter. our face is a security crisis due to a spike in gun violence. a much slight and northwestern columbia has killed at least $33.00 people, an injured dozens more fill on slide for a busy highway linking the cities of keys. so i'm ready and completely engulfed. several vehicles. an unknown number of people are still missing. authorities in spain have declared an environmental emergency after millions of tiny plastic pellets washed up on the northwest coast normally use in the manufacture of household items to michael plastics. no pool was a threat to marine life. volunteers have been working for days to clear the beaches
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with little or no special equipment. a simple kitchen save for a beach load of sand. these what the volunteers are searching for tying the plastic pellets, valley the size of a lentil. it's slow, painstaking. what kind of the arrived? it seemed a when so many to clean compared to other days. but once you start to pull its keep coming out, it's quite a tedious job. but a fee, it's like we're doing something a couple of minutes is done with the pallets have been washing up on beaches like this one across northwest in spain for weeks. now. tons of the minuscule bowls went overboard from chicago ship during a storm in december. while volunteers have been scouring the beaches with anything that comes to hand local said the official response has been slow. many a worried about the economic impact in the area that relies heavily on fishing
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down for holding for the i see a powerless and angry because so many people make their living from the sea. they don't have the means to avoid it. it's n g a. i think we're all in the same situation. let's look at those simultaneously. blasio, experts, one that we're covering all the pilots is essentially an impossible task. many of those that remain will likely be eaten by birds, fish and other aquatic life. often with deadly consequences. storms are set to dump even more of the micro plastics onto the sand over the weekend. well, before we go off air, we have some hot air for you, if you'll excuse the pun, the clear skies over to raise capital santiago are filled with hot air balloons this weekend and its up up up underway as chili. who's the international balloon festival. the event started over 2 decades ago and usually takes place in mexico. this is the 1st time this colorful
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festival has floated into size american country 25, quite terrible, in some depicting well known cartoon characters are offering visitors of birds. i do of chillies capital the, the, the, well, it's nice to and to show with some good news. that's all from us from that for now . reporter is up next, looking at a hotel owner and pakistan. i'm trying to start over after his village was washed away in a flood. don't forget, there's always more on our website and social media channels. i'm hunter who mo, from me,
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in the whole team here in berlin. thanks so much for watching. take care the can use. yeah, we are all set. we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new your own about palm by as information for free might. so do to name what do these do for fun?


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