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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 3:02am-3:14am CET

3:02 am
other women, the fonts design doesn't have to. so i just think it's a shame that a lot of women quit their sport early like when they could still have many good years left ahead of them. yeah, the for the time being the mother and the professional athlete for a long time. it was a rarity. he's a trouser, it's to show, it's perfectly possible scale, but i think raising a child that's the biggest gift life has to offer. for me, it's kind of the meaning of life, but there are risks. can she get back to peak condition? that the finally coming a mother for the 1st time, it's the 1st time i'll be giving birth. i'd be lying. if i said, i'm not afraid of what is to come and the challenges facing me to come in all the it's new years eve 2022 is a crowd to is competing in has us rice,
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the she's already extensive. 5 columbus is a minute slow. uh then when she wasn't pregnant in the coming months she will no longer take part in any competitions from now, one of the challenges lie ahead for the professional athlete and you chapter in her life begins southwest noise, but no, it's not. it's also something new. it's i know, but it's not something new makes you happy, but it also always makes you a bit scared or intimidated pull the t 5. but in the meantime, i'm feeling very positive. i the 1st of all, it's good timing of. secondly, i'm not done with competitive sports yet, so let's see. i would like to continue. that's my, with my goal with that. and so it has always been my dream to combine both and i
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guess i, that's always appealed to me. and why does one exclude the other? and that's why i definitely want to try this. and of course, i really hope it works out the 1st few weeks of hope pregnancy, what tough time and again is a found that her normal sporting life was going to be disrupted between the 4th and 6th week, i was feeling nauseous all the time. i felt sick from morning till night. i didn't know what to eat. i didn't feel well at all. i had no energy or power in it for someone who usually runs a 140 kilometers a week having days where you can barely get up. and that was new for me kind of thing. kind of stuff is noise. diesel reduced to running sessions and adapted to training in consultation with the coach and don't is pregnant competitive athlete 10 and must train differently compared to a recreational. lastly, the
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instead of running outside, she's taken to the want to so called aqua jogging in the pool, replaced long distance runs outdoors, essentially. so that is the gain more and more weight. it gets harder to get the distance under your belt. so at this stage of my pregnancy, as i near the end of it, i clicked on doing is a great alternative to maintain that running movement. i put in a way that is easier on the drawing. on 60 minutes in the water is who training today? the session strength and so cardiovascular system. the exercise is also good for him. mind. let me know if i is on. i'm not as an outdoor runner. i put you all getting is not your 1st choice, of course. but now that i'm in the water regularly swimming and jogging, i notice that it is simply good for me. it's
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a good feeling. so i think i can continue to integrate it into my training plan until the end of my pregnancy. and i'm on the training is done for today. now it's time to go home. gazes, daily routine has changed. less exercise means more time for herself and to upon the robot. in the last few months, her belly has grown. she's now a close heavy uncle. but it's not just a buddy that has changed. she's learned a lot about yourself. i have them in my voice. yeah. one is what i always find to myself is by my athletic performance and supporting success in the it was also how i viewed my personal value in on. i think that's
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a big mistake to make as an athlete. i missed that because i know that i can do so much more and that i'm worth so much more than just my athletic performance. and so i think it's really positive to change your self perception in order to improve your sense of self. whereas i reset and it's a and not an i'll have to assess that for sure that i can use another method to maintain who athleticism is regular performance diagnostics. this dante will help gays a to effectively taylor her training of to have pregnancy and avoid issues as she wraps up again. i'm not asking blake, other for both sites are stuck on false starters. now the
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there are just a few weeks left before giving birth. everything has been prepared just a few finishing touches, the left to be made in the baby's room isn't who come live? yeah, we're really curious on the i could also imagine that in a few weeks or months that will be annoyed when there's a lot of washing to do some sort of a moment. but at the moment i just feel excited and curious. i can't wait. no, you know, and there's tons come of the anticipation is building and gaze is feeling physically well too so well that she is still training twice a day tailored to her current condition. of course, today she is doing polanski is remotely with a coach and australia or miss
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dim woman was most viewed items, the pregnancy and stuff. i know that i won't be training for a while to the finish of an extreme, but i don't think it's a bad thing a lot because all have a new purpose in life. when a new chapter guns comes on the leaves option that i think it's a time you can never quite experience again. you've got that 1st moment with your baby and your family is there to be intensely enjoyed. the video has come here. yeah, i'm father. just one day off to have final run. it's finally time. okay, so it gives birth to a healthy doing so low the emilio keys and robot spend time with lola in the immediate aftermath of the bus. but some weeks later, training resumes gets, it begins working on her, come back with the support of her coach, the trauma shift is it can it can pregnancy isn't the newness you shouldn't plan
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too much. just enjoy. and if you're in a good relationship and you want to bring a child into the world that's totally normal. and if there are no medical mutations given by the doctor, you can receive a physical activities soon after birth, it's called photos. you do need to know what you're doing though this is and that's how i hope that we can continue to ramp up training until the end of august. so that we can then begin for the competitive training again, love plato. actually today's task 8 fast pace rooms is 1000 meters. each case is finding her way back but sofa. it's a struggle for it right now. it's not feeling so good though. i was running during my pregnancy, i've changed a lot physically. i immediately lost a few kilo's, but i'm still a bit overweight. my ligaments tendons, my whole body, feel different as i'm getting to know my itself again physically most ms. carter asked, what if you got this to can of to training gives
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a head to him for his 2nd job. okay. being a mother. yeah. do this the oh. exactly. the stresses and thought of him sending all of the most beautiful thing is coming home after training and seeing the little one last august. you forget everything that's just happened in training. that idea of whether you want it to be faster or way 3 kilos less. that's the secondary unless i'm guessing how to then put in here, you can just enjoy the family life and it's really wonderful in the mix them on the transportation being a mother and a professional athlete isn't easy though. many sporting organizations onset help to support athletes who have children venison spots. when i'm back to full training,
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i want to take my daughter to training camps with me, but that's more expensive. so i always have to take my partner or family member with me so that they can look after the baby while i'm training. there's this when it's done for me, you want me to try to come up. are the types of parts a to this day. we still don't have the necessary structures in place to normalize taking your child with a would. you have to take your own initiative types of cases, family support when, if they can split, sporting organizations must find solutions to help the young mothers who i'm to be competitive. actually this new mother certainly believes in her ability to continue competing with homeless by the dream is to the opponent podium again in the future . and that's fine. whether that's possible after my pregnancy, i don't know, but it's worth a try to sell them. i can only win at the end of the day because my child gives me joy every day and makes me smile. and it's
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a really cool new life and it inspires me every day. 070. so investment. okay, and talk with you guys the, the, the, enjoying the views and come to take a look at this. out to the highlights. every week inbox, subscribe, now, i tried several times. i went down 6 times to peace. is what i have to spend life from 500 to 600 currently more people than ever on the move worldwide in such of address in life. you know, it's a very difficult journey. and one is very hard. they beat you everything on you know stuff. find out about some on stores
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in so migrant reliable news to migrate wherever they may. not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in the look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is not just another new. so weekdays on d w the .


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