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tv   Twin Sisters  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 3:15am-4:01am CET

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and one's 3 saw me quite sure. it's very hard, they beat you, they say everything, audio stuff find out about some on stores. and so migraines, reliable news to migrate wherever they may. not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in the look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is not just another news. so weekdays on d, w, the of the
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the paint you are pushing me. i'm very sorry, man of the push to get out of the way. use yourself digital to way through say excuse me, the,
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i don't know my name, my, to me and i'm a mom. if a child is who was born 1st name, we've tried asking her, but she weren't site. so we have to the this be. so i know you
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saw the claims to be the old and says, i am the youngest of the people who i say i move would choose and my job because i'm i could do tool without thinking me on a 12000 or thing. the, at least for me, i like to try it. i'm learning i let come the to, i didn't like, i'm so much. i love the coming a seamstress. i'm still trying need to. i don't get a salary any, get munoz, upon the, the
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one last week in full or culture give in the house of wedlock means you're no good
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anymore. and because of that, my mother treated these avenue in the i think, i mean, i think maybe it would be best to, to your staff to someone know that like sometimes it will raise her best. so the night because we get for the and i was so ashamed when i got pregnant and she and, and because my family didn't think i would ever do something like that. so i lived visit, however, the one who could i feel safe telling in my family that i was pregnant. but i find the cold. my sister is and told her that the
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the only thing my twin sister thinks about is traveling. the 1st time she travel, she went to queue weight in 2014. did she stay for one year? then she was the 4th time she went back and go to post it again and then went back again for full months before being finally divorced again. and she seemed back and see, are you close to a year? are you in the hall? and that's probably the same. i still live in the same place. i've lived all my life with my mom and dad, so my twin sister grew up without onto me. my mother seals fish
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pools is a small trying to find me that in and then my dad was a taxi driver but he's retired now from the the i don't want them to feel the time running away from them because the pool, i will notify them the i need to get in that when i wanted to give them the normal, easy life, they never had to be young before. we didn't get the
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model to get to get to learn and tell me what the name of the game. yeah about live. i'm in model, i do all this to take care of my children. if they had enough money, i would stop. but they will depend on me. my mom and dad also dependent on me. not that me. me, my mom is all on. should i stop because business is slow. i wouldn't do that. the that i like both of the 4 that has the, grew up with me,
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which is why we are so glad you called on the 24 hour. i like to sign very much. even though we aren't, as she was taken in by my sister who lived in london, which is why i'm not that close to her. i mean the reach with my wish was for her to be successful and to help me from a can. but she disappointed me. you know, i want the i'm, it is, these are some keep kids all me please wait. i used every thing is the will of gold is on. i'll dress you last year. at least you said it is my mother and full of societies stigmatize my twin sister. they ostracized,
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because she gave this out of wedlock the monday, the one the guy seeing as if she was the only person to ever get books out of with no 115 i was offered to me. so i tried to move the stigma to convince people to and they said, god, send them to tell them i tell them it was because of the situation. she was in mutual funding to that kind of really the mostly phone. she didn't mean things to happen that way. there was no one to advise to get a license. at that time. it is long she was young and naive and i'll get that time and didn't have enough sense to know what to do.
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i tell people that if it didn't happen today, keys they wouldn't have managed as well as she has the on the . 2 the the
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last name i didn't grew up was my biological parent, 80 some stuff in my auntie and her husband raised me that much. they didn't have much, but they did do their best to raise me in recess. and i promised myself that i would work hard and become a best supposed to have. and they called me and said i would take care of them when they need it. so my parents could be proud of me the
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least. miller, i was so happy when i landed in better years because i have my visa there without the happiness it was my twin sister paused to say on the one ending end when the stump, the visa in the passport. i felt as if someone had pulled cold water on my back. i felt so happy to take on the full happy that i said to myself, has the, my sister, you really? oh, good luck to pass with at the hospital. got me here. and now it has given me a visa, happen to that, that i was in such a happy mood lasting well. no. i did up. and then when i went to the next check points, they asked me about the small on my face. yeah. the phone and i told them i go to the office of the passport so so it was taken on or i should have, let me see the,
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the in the sense that they went to wage with kona, i'm talked for a while, then i was asked to identify my luggage identified me and they told me to remove my hid job so they could take some photos that i was off to get them dressed. and then i started to cry. isn't that cuz i know it's not that i traveled for fun or anything. i went, that's why i didn't even know that even though i didn't know what kind of job i wanted, i just decided to go in the side and look where i ended up in prison with those 2, those criminal was the day i live it in less than i
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was thinking, what will become of me in prison? the prison gave me strength thing. look up is one of the one that would be it gave me even more motivation, more determination to achieve my dream. the goal is to hold on 10 times, making them however many times that change i will do is i say i see the hotel on as i see that the
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e. it will cost $4500.00 us dollars. you will need a deposit 1st. the 10021501000. and then when we get the visa, you'll pay the rest of the balance, excluding the cost of the ticket. all right, and more than 21. europe in countries, norway in denmark, slovenia. jen. sylvia. how legal is this program? very legal. many people have come from that basis. so i've been thinking a lot about music,
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especially about my daughter. so i didn't want my daughter to ask me for some things. i cannot afford never warranty. so that's the reason why i said i need to go that route. i also really want to pay back the money my job, lend me for my 1st trip situation. 2014. i got a hold of money. he's lend me. he has only asked me to pay back 5000000 videos and i want to on the docs. and i the, the
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what are the kind of the of the me with the, what off it kind of jumps out there. ruth, it, it was village of the why the, i've only heard of cleaning cooking make sense or the i bought from readings always . and what else is that i for on cleaning the the secure, see and there's nothing, no watching at the move the height of a guessing into a program that will land you. those jobs is not easy. the
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people are saying that you've been to portion of or knows that because we times with separation you mean, do you believe you seem to which find me listen, why do you listen to what people say? i don't blame anyone for my problems. it's the will, is my creates a sub, you know, when i'm happy or sad, i know it's because of my creational deduct flooded somebody just in that proposal level. so don't listen to people who say it's your phones, not the one who said, so it was crazy. and he says it's because which was he's the one that you'll be wishing me to come back. i asked him how so you will the one that gave me my 1st
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chance to travel the navigator will them do me to get that is camille jimmy. i came back from getting in. you handed me the trip that was meant for you. so i went to the new post, the 2nd trip on to me as well. i'm in the trinity board and the 1st one was because of you to this whole problem. so how nice because i think that you are responsible for my field trips. oh, not too much of a yields. are you thinking? well, it's not about what you think literally. i know, and i know you'd never say it's me. you know yourself that you never said that i was the one bringing you back since i was the one giving you the opportunity to travel no way one on one, but i don't want you to go away and have to come back this time. that's why i've decided that we will travel together. i decided fully to go to bed. and i believe
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that by the grace of god can travel together. and even if we don't work at the same place, at least we'll be in the same country. something with maybe to get to you and i wouldn't have the same problems that other markets. half of it is it because everyone has their own destiny design to find god creates everybody get how everybody knows how they may do without this it. is it a download because maybe the hard work that out this is doing see maybe have we won't even have to work when we travel hills in wanting to talk to another because everything because god decides everything. so though no, go for weeks. maybe we won't even work with all the different in there, so maybe we'll do something different. how's your day which this slide guard will send us whether you want or the destiny beside those one for me, when i what could, what do we go with? we can be free, we do for me. well, they won't work as like slides,
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screw us lived in one and gave it a so my decision is final. the fine. we'll go together to get a good relationship to the doing. what does this program cost you to do on this program is different positive pressure. so if it's not working, one of the american companies to them are eating and they're all black market agents discount for workers. and if you want to work in a mall, they'll take a long trip to the dentist for you and your agent on the go shake the salary on
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your behalf, somebody and they send you to what you provide residents for the work as you get cost, as you say you just get find cost 1150 don't under i 50 he gets you. but i suppose you just have to let me send the meal possible if that's for the last gun. and then once they have them, phases will be issued for the fall, but what is the cheapest basis and we don't have any money. is there another one? because i told her side that if she wants, we will pay for her trip now. and she can pay me back off the stopped working. now, this is my is the vote. the
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why, why don't you want us to travel, man alone? i want to see both of you get married before you go any way. if i want to go inside remember almost remember the last time whose i traveled. i went to hell because of what g stuff. ok. the shame she brought to me. i need you to do it. you know, i'm on. so i don't want that to happen again. to my family make it way. so we're not forcing a no fee to my you don't see the mom. what
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happened to who side could happen to anyone? yeah, so and there are others with worse stories than hers they, they ended up as we say to make, i'm in my, you're them. and then i think i'm reminding you of what happened to us because of how you see we have to send him money when he comes. so i don't want that to happen again. mean table, you know, model loss of mom that slice, let it go. the disease, so my in the past mean others have had it was the night into 175. how many years will you be gone? for a new cost to us is a contract is like, well, i don't know, maybe 2 or 3 years since we moved to elias have gotten better fine. go to the or the world isn't an easy place. we know we just to post on the month,
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one of the options marriage is the master of destiny and he says, we can get married even when we're 50 years old. is that is all destiny in the forty's, the everything is the willis go. defeat really been been been, be me when i'm not, i'm really afraid. and you know, that has to be has hiccups sickness. that's why i don't want to to go far away from me. so i'm about to make. i don't do one label. i use the one that has how cute or is it got so and i that to me. so that's why i don't want them to go anywhere. you see any d additional? yes. i don't believe her sickness is incurable. oh my god will have
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to box i didn't. yes, i'm just pessimistic about to kill me. i have to give my children my best advice and that's not to travel, laid me picking them. no problem. me if he left to me. if it were up to me, michel, i would want both of them to get married before traveling any way. funding from land and wayne, the side nowadays is like dying, their absence. my soul couldn't rest in peace. that's. that's what i want me meaning once and the name you want the. the
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thing the most important thing is that you make sure to get your salary at the end of the month. was that when you get the you need to know that arabs don't like slow workers. workers who found all the way is just small ways. do your best to smile. always try and look good because it was telling me that i was always presentable with my uniform. but my use the small set that i smoke by that i didn't phase. that's why i didn't get along with the way you present yourself will decide and how they will treat the i've tried twice now that i'm going to the us the you wants to meet donald trump. i just totally. so wait, let me ask you something. is is the us diversity visa on the visa? does it give us a castle? came at the same time, resolved,
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but then closed. com. edison. yes. and also one for code is done to which one would you choose? which one is really it's the question. yes. which one would i get using american? i'm in the top. yeah. because the male lives within 2 would be left to me. why? because america wouldn't treat me as badly as good as to what's it? oh, that's how they'll treat me well. i'd become a naturalized citizen of american medical. you should. oh, yes. watson. yes. on the other hand, maybe the same day you travel to the us all good. so the castle is different from every bad image. looks like but likely i'd be so successful before me. i have no problem with that,
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though the only thing i want is for you to be happy to get what you want, so you can take care of saucier. no matter where. yeah. even if its far away or the least, you know, the only thing i am fighting for is to take care of sasha and all parents, and that's it as close to the needs as it goes up. yeah. well that's what matters most. and if you make money before, make great, i'm fine with that. and if i make it before you, i know you'd be okay with a to the when one of us is rich. so is the of, oh, i'm happy regardless of what happens. but if i go to all 3 of them, i would choose america. i would like to use these to you should do is you can solve your used to be are well look through the twice. i dreamt that i have my traveling bag, dragging it slowly on the street. yeah. i think this and i
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know to find the grace of god, it must happen. and if it doesn't happen again, then, then go to the gym with the it was the old man as yes, no one was allowed to use. this always
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happens when it gets colder. the good drink some bosa the sweet honey driving to it. otherwise it is the sandal, the that
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the yeah, yeah, the this often drink it has the during a he cuff attack you aware of what you're doing? you know, you, you just not going to do that, pitching the ground and dry heaving. it'd be enough to warn you then piece between that it was the dry heaving it. yeah. yeah. you were coughing as well so i just didn't know i was struggling. i couldn't catch my breath. this is
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who to my throat. and so i should now when i to yeah it's so why did you look like you need you to vomit or meet someone that happens? i feel like this something like a boy. he only the engine ideals, 30 boys expense. small boys. little boy comes up in my throat and then it starts to i guess, different equal. so i just don't know what to do. so whenever i do, they can comes and stops with my chest. whenever it happens, my chest tightens up. my. com breeze in or do the most implementing and wondering how you'll manage now that you have decided to travel with me because i know i'm about to travel to a country where i have no mother or father that seek a job in the me least you go look at a he cup a tack, what will i do of yours?
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who is you're going to do the one understand what's happening to me. even if i explained it to the those that you, i just pray to god when it happens to people. i'm with wanting to bend and me the, the the the,
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the school is crazy, the, but if anything comes up, we will update you. are you traveling to anyone anymore? no, i will travel from sierra leone to guinea, and then we'll keep going. we're not going out there just for ourselves, but for the whole family nation.
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yeah, yes. we doing this to our future if we but it's for the future. we all know that we want to succeed and then forget about. yeah, that's not possible for me. a lot of the so the only thing we need some, you and dad, as you'll suppose and you'll press to go to help us out the the lot they forget about what outside is will say to people, people always talk to me and they told me i mean the i've told you weren't time think and what is bad?
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i'm turn. there's no one to me. i don't want you to go anywhere. not until you'll marry a suitable marriage and you don't stand 5 or if i already say send that, which is go to it. you have to make god bless you. good. the drains. i'm really feeling it the sort as much that i'm really
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feeling it was during the exact same way last time. the literacy, it seems as if you packed more clothes than me. fist please let me think the of the
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. yeah. how are you? good, thanks to god you're breaking up. oh okay. a i just wanted to let you know that we've reached getting what did you say? yes. never, and could i agree? now? we'll spend some time here with region 4. we travel because of coverage will spend about a week here before we move on. would it take maybe, maybe something that you need to be careful going up and then we're all fine. yes.
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yes, i'm the. well, it isn't because you mr. to ready. yeah, yes. sleep and i miss you already. that's why i didn't want you to travel on that. i never wanted that to happen. mm. well, be strong. okay. okay. with the phone so we can say hi. okay. hello. hi, how are you? i'm fine. how is everything you need sleep? okay. step 12 and then go to the left
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menu and then you can uncomfortable. okay, okay, go see both the safety a bit, take care of yourself and i will be patient with each other. okay. i will, we will try for a safe journey. i'm sure that you and it will be smooth and everything goes well by god's grace, it shall be well. okay, let me go to the the the the the, the
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the, the, the when i was younger, kind of the best one of the most part is choice. it was stigmatized, flight generation. these candidates as a part of our culture. no, we're not doing bad views on marijuana. accrued strongly conflicts, but sometimes to unexpected reason. we the new young generations want to change our region lucky, older generations, equal rejected legalization. and then when generations class in the same it is on the d. w course
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with the female start to see knology both a k a don t. darlene loves her b, m w. a lot of times she has no fear, no limit, no mercy. in 19 minutes on dw, the get ready for an exciting auditorium full of surprises. i am shutting down and i am ready to dive into the house of gentlemen to us coupon we have you as a one does not do need the support of this card via included us on the vehicle bush box. this process and the an expected size of life enjoyed the
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this is the news life from breland. taiwan is president elect device to defend the island against red from china. in his 1st speech, since the election victory lie chained us, i feel safe guard taiwan against what he called intimidation from beijing. we'll get the latest from our correspondent in taipei and we report from the refugee camp in southern gospel where people are facing increasingly desperate conditions after 100 days of the
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