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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CET

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the, the, this is the daily news life from breland, taiwan, president elect device to defend the island against threats from china and his press speech sense of selection victory lighting does so seal safeguard taiwan against what he called intimidation from beijing. we'll get the latest from our correspondent in taipei and report from a refugee camp and southern gossip where people are facing increasingly desperate conditions after 100 days of the home. thanks for joining us. in taiwan,
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the ruling party candidate lighting has won the presidential election, giving his party the d p. an unprecedented 3rd term lies secured, just over 40 percent of adult had have his nearest rival in the opposition. k empty china claims taiwan as its territory and then the run up to the election called lie a dangerous that protest. wp champions tie one separate identity and rejects beijing's claims of silver and t over the island. now let us welcome our next president and vice president light seen the and show me t a. it's a moments with far reaching implications for taiwan future. liking the of the routing d p. p. victoria softer a tight you for 3 way race. this is him speaking to the international press, moments of to winning the presidency. that's it. i wonder. i mean, go, well, thanks to the time when these people for writing a new chapter in our democracy, we've shown the world how much we cherish out democracy. this is the unwavering
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commitment policy. the defending time owns democracy was at the hearts of life campaign and rejecting pressure from badging to succumb to chinese rule as opposed to the government led by lodging. the, because his goal was very clear, he knows clearly that we are a country and that taiwan has an independent government to, to a position policies at fort for a recess of relations with aging. and some 60 percent of votes is back to them. but with the opposition voted splits it wasn't enough. back at the d. p. lighting the insisted he was ready to talk. pointing out it was china that had long stumbled him . he called on badging to think of get logan exchange can mitigate the risk to china. only when we replace obstruction isn't with communication and confrontation with dialogue,
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can we achieve peace and share prosperity? well, earlier i spoke with d. w as chief international editor of richard walker, who's been following the elections in taipei. he told us how china reacted to lodging, goes with. so yeah, that, that's why it had to, i mean in advance of this selection, the chinese was saying that the tie, one of voters must make well they called the correct choice and the selection and picking liking to is certainly not the correct choice from badging point of view, and this being the statement where there was a statement released by the foreign minister, we pretty soon off to the result came in. and it's quite you seem to look at what the statement says. it says that, you know, whatever changes take place in tie. one of the simple fact that there is only one china in the view of china that taiwan is positive. that china, those simple facts will not change. so that was in that statement. and i think that could be interpreted as being relatively reassuring the message saying that nothing
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has changed might be interpreted as meaning that badging a would see no reason for a really major reaction to this. but of course, this is the type of straight. we would say it's an unpredictable pos of the world. we cannot be sure and certainly taiwan and the ministry of defense here. and the people here will be watching very closely in the hours and days ahead for any kinds of reactions that may come from aging on the military level. but we sure that that the military harris summit from china towards taiwan is really part of daily life here. just yesterday on the election day in the morning, the ministry defense reported. that's what claims we're flying close to taiwan. again, this is really pretty much a daily occurrence, so it's a business sense threshold beyond which it would really start to count to something major was possible is that china will decide to hold back at least until around the in organization, which isn't until may a bit of a collective data,
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a tie when he system here and to kind of reserve its either real or metaphorical warning shots for around that time when a lighting there will be assessing out the policy but for his time in office. but um, yeah, as i say, and i'm predictable cost of wells will be watching in the hours and days ahead. and so what's actually the reaction there from the people of taiwan? i mean 60 percent of voters voted for the opposition parties. does that mean that taiwan changing? yeah, i mean this is a really interesting aspects of the result because of course, yet lighting the one he won by a fairly significant margin. but still he only got 40 percent of the fight. 60 percent of the voters, as you say, voting for the opposition and both opposition parties were calling for a kind of reset and relations with china, a really major attempt to to get dialogue going again. now, as we heard in the report, then i think this is well, you know,
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i'm very happy to talk to china. it's the chinese refuse to talk to me. my door is open and trying to sort of put the pool in china is quote that, but it's, it's very questionable whether the chinese would be willing to talk to, i think the, unless you make some kind of major change in his position on this idea of where the time when he's part of china, and we shouldn't hold up press for that. so that's the, one of the big questions emerging from face selection will lighting to take this kind of message, this mixed message from, from the time when these votes is that they pick him up that they want dialogue. will he take that as a real and protest to try some kind of creation you thinking of how to kind of break through this deadlock in terms of communication with, with a china. we simply don't know the opposite that yet, but that is another thing that we're going to be watching coming out of this for an interesting election result. yeah, of course, the whole world will be watching to see what china is. reaction is the w as chief international editor richard walker. thank you so much. that's always. so let's
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take a look not at some headlines related to the conflict in the middle east. who is the leaders in yemen? have bye to retaliate after the u. s. and the u. k. card at the 2nd day is air strikes, us officials set the new targets posed a threat to shipping in the red sea, which has been disrupted by who's the attacks in recent weeks is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, no one will stop his country from achieving victory against thomas, which committed the worst her attack and israel's history. on october 7th, he said, israel is planning a huge addition to his defense budget to cover its future neighbors. he added that one goal as an independent military manufacturing sector to ensure is real security . tens of thousands of his rallies have begun to protest in tel aviv to demands the government do more to secure the release of hostages held by him on sunday, march 100 days since a mosque had not some 250 people during the october 7th attacks dozens were
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released during the week long november cease fire, but more than a 130 remain in captivity. and now at least 60 people have been killed and the lease just as rarely strikes on gas out according to the hamas one house ministry. bringing the total death total in the territory to almost $24000.00 israel's military campaign against from austin and gaza has left most of the population displaced dw, as mohammed code visited, a refugee camp in the southern city of ralph ought to learn more about the dire conditions there us 3 insured is living in difficult circumstances here in a tent in milwaukee in a city of rafa. in the south of the gaza strip, she was forced to flee home in northern garza in search of sight, shelter, displacement has deprived to even the most basic necessities. how 9 the one i am for the harlem, we are suffering here and does come knocking cheap. we cook over fire and we have
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to carry water in buckets of a long distance. this will shut off and there's no access to safe water which forces us to drink dirty water. so our children get sick frequently and suffer from all nutrition and cold water. nevada relief organizations will not be entering the gaza strip covers only 10 percent of its need. rudimentary comforts, such as blankets, mattresses and tents. dangerously short supply chain is a gun. nothing to me, you see how we lived in the tent. we have no clouds to protect us from the code that we do not have fed cup us. luckily, there's not enough food and we are suffering from some uh oh god like enough instead of a place like to just move on in within the night. 17 people live here in this town . and there are only 3 beds and 3 bed covers life a month or so long as you can see. there's no roof to protect us from the rain. and
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the dent room is dilapidated, say my children are you and her family have been appealing for blankets and other donations and distributing these to those most media across the camp. many remain extremely vulnerable in harsh weather conditions. now on the bottom of the slide here after the house, next 2 hours were struck, the bump my daughter was injured so we had to get out false. i'm going to, we had very few things with us. when we came here to rough, um we had little clothes but its not enough that if it's cold independent, it's not cool in the summer and no room in the winter when it rains to 10 fits with water. one little pain, oklahoma. yeah. shortages of blankets, clothing and tents, just some of the many challenges facing displaced people here in rafa. unless great
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to humanitarian aid arrives and soon even valuable work such as the themes is i'm likely to bring it in to suffering. but let's take a look at some other stories from around the world. and who do i was present agency . it says over 4 to prison workers who are being housed hostage by inmates, have been freed or escaped. the guards were among nearly a 180 staff taken captive by prisoners and a number of jails for almost a week. soldiers and police are increasing patrols as that quarter of face is a security crisis to, to spike in gun violence. a mudslide in northwestern columbia has killed at least 33 people. an injured dozens more. the landslide buried a busy highway linking the cities of keep to admitting. i'm completely engulfed. several vehicles, an unknown number of people are still missing now or far to use in spain have declared an environmental emergency after millions of tiny plastic pellets washed
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up on the northwest coast. normally used in the manufacture of household items. the micro plastics, naples, a threat to marine life volunteers have been working for days to clear the beaches but with little or no especially equipment. a simple kitchen save for beach load of sand. these what the volunteers are searching for tiny plastic pellets. valley the size of the lentils, or it's slow, painstaking what kind of the arrived. it seemed a when so many to clean compared to other days. but once you start to pull its keep coming out, it's quite a tedious job. but a fee, it's like we're doing something on the bottom and who's done with the pallets have been washing up on beach is like this $1.00 across north west in spain for weeks. now, tons of the minuscule bowls went overboard from a cargo ship during a storm in december. while volunteers have been scouring the beaches with anything
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that comes to hand, local se the official response has been slow. many a worried about the economic impact in the area that relies heavily on fishing the booklet importance. yep. i see a powerless and angry because so many people make their living from the see. they don't have the means to avoid it. it's n g a. i think we are all in the same situation. let's look at those. some of somebody's must be blasio, experts, one that we're covering all the pallets is essentially an impossible task. many of those that remain will likely be eaten by birds, fish and other aquatic life. often with deadly consequences. storms are set to dump even more of the micro plastics onto the sand over the weekend. oh, okay, well before we go off air, we have some hot air for you if you'll excuse the pun. the clear skies over to lee is casso santiago are filled with hot air balloons this weekend
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and its underway as chilly hosted the international building festival. the event started over 2 decades ago and usually takes place in mexico. this is the 1st time this colorful festival has floated into a slice american country 25 for air balloons, some depicting well known cartoon cartridges, are offering visitors and birds live use of chillies, capital and he's a reminder of our top stories lodging to has one tie one's presidential election, the ruling democratic progressive party is confident emerged victorious after his 2 opponents for the presidency. can see that china has criticized lie as a dangerous set person. and that's all for me. sports live is up next. don't forget there's always more on our website on our social media channels. our honda is dw news. i'm out of here well and thanks so
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much for watching from me and the whole team here in berlin. take care. the secret slide discovered new adventures in 362 and explore fascinating. both. heritage dw world heritage 360 now dw 416, all we in fact every day the world kasha really world wide web feel free to.


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