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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, to the news. why from berlin? counting the cost of the $100.00 days of war. as in israel from us conflict continues, we report from the refugee camp in southern gaza, where displaced people are coping in desperate conditions. and taiwan is present and elect valves to defend the island against twits from china. in his election victory speech lighting to says, he'll safeguard, tie one against what he called intimidation from beijing. we have the latest from our corresponded in tie pack the
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i, michael. ok. welcome, the war between israel and the moss is entering. it's 100 day. the fighting erupted after i'm us launched a terrorist attack on october 7th, and israel responded with air strikes and the ground invasion of the gaza strip. since then, the toll has been devastating around 1200 people, including 520 soldiers had been killed on these really side. most of them on the 1st day, making october 7th, the deadliest day since the founding of the jewish state. the homos run health ministry and gaza. it says almost $24000.00 palestinians have been killed. that's one percent of the population. these really military says more than 7000 of the dead are militants. the u. n says at least 300 palestinians have been killed in the west back. israel's military campaign is damaged or destroyed around half of gauze as buildings and displaced almost 2000000 people. dw reported mohammed al coolard
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visited a refugee camp in the southern city of rasa, to learn more about the difficult conditions displaced people face their. a clean pseudo is living in difficult circumstances. here in a tent in milwaukee, in a city of rafa. in the south of the gaza strip, she was forced to flee home in northern garza in search of sight, shelter, displacement has deprived of even the most basic necessities. the one i will tell you. for the holidays we are suffering in this kind of knocking jeep. we cook over fire and we have to carry water in buckets of a long distances, move off and there's no access to safe water food which forces us to drink dirty water. how our children get sick frequently and suffer from all nutrition and cold was all. many bad relief organizations will not be entering the gaza strip
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covers only 10 percent of its need. rudimentary comforts, such as blankets, mattresses and tens are in dangerously short supply chain and sick. i'm nothing to me. you see how we lived in the tent. we have no codes to protect us from the code that we do not have fed cup us. lovely. there's not enough food and we are suffering from some the little girl like enough instead of the just the one i'm was going to say about 117 people live here in this town. and there are only 3 beds and 3 bed covers life a month or so long as you can see, there's no roof to protect us from the rain. and the dent is dilapidated, say my children are you and her family have been appealing some blankets and other donations and distributing these to those most media across the camp. many remain extremely vulnerable in harsh weather conditions. now on the bottom of the slide here after the house next or i was,
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was struck by the my daughter was injured. so we had to get out from the so we had very few things with all of that. when we came here to rough, um we had little clothes, but it's not enough that if it's cold in the 10th, it's not cool in the summer. well, and not warm in the winter. when it rains to 10 fits with water. one little pain, oklahoma. yeah. shortages of blankets, clothing and tents, just some of the many challenges facing displaced people here in rafa. unless great to humanitarian aid arrives and soon even valuable work such as the themes is i'm likely to bring it in to suffering for more. let's now speak to keep a t b. she's the acting deputy regional director for the middle east and north africa for the n g o care and joins us now from amman. he but the war between our mazda
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and israel has now been waged for a 100 days, with no end in sight. how is your staff coping? a good idea? i wish i can bring better. good news around how my team is doing and they, austin. very similar to what you have just shown on battery for they are among those who have, who have most of the houses, who are suffering to secure their, their needs, their a basic needs. and the same time they are the ones who are running going intervention and does not include and support the alarm partners and other i n g o isn't and you work in the same field. they put the needs of the month before the needs of their families and they jump in to the distribution of our humanity and assistance using the chance best. we have to find out the time against whether against protections trying and trying to reach out to as many people as possible.
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let's talk about those people in need. we've been hearing particularly about the strain on women and children. what are you hearing from the ground specifically about the challenges and what are you doing to help them or so one of the focused main areas of working does not is to work with human, specifically pregnant women and those who give birth to the new the babies in 100 days, nobody, the time would have a chance, it's estimation process where they start to know their sleep in class. and then i did kind of communication with the, with the outward and you're interested relate to the fact of and you can imagine in the last 100 days, the number of them and when to give birth under very high circumstances. very pretty, giving birth for 2 reasons, either for complications but the kind of happen with them without and then be consistent and also from the very unknown future for them and for the babies. and
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this is something that we have seen our one thing i want to share with you as you know, in these 100 days, the babies themselves, the children that you have also shown in your a few seconds ago. and that for their images, they want to move into some doctors and these give us and the others, the whole for the future reactions. best minds even for barely. some of the things like this very basic food that they use theme or the all calm down, whether to give them warm in the, in the night without any, without being in their houses or something. that is he but to be original director for the middle east and north africa for care. many thanks to you. thank you. a tens of thousands of israelis gathered in protest in tel aviv demanding the government do more to secure the release of hostages. held by him us. the protest
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marked a 100 days in some us kidnap some $250.00 people during the october 7th. the tax dozens were released during a week long november cease fire, but more than $130.00 remained in captivity israelis or calling on their government to do more for the release of the hostages to include civilians and is really soldiers. in taiwan, the ruling party candidate, the lightning has won the presidential election given his party, the d. p. an unprecedented 3rd term lies secure. just over 40 percent of the vote ahead of his nearest rival in the opposition can t, china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election called lie a dangerous separate test. the d p. p champions tie one separate identity and rejects beijing's claims of sovereignty over the island. now let us welcome our next president and vice president lights in the and show me t a. it's
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a moments with far reaching implications for taiwan future. liking the of the routing d p, victoria softer a tightly for 3 way race. this is him speaking to the international press, moments of to winning the presidency. that's it. i wonder. i mean, well thanks to the time when these people for writing a new chapter in our democracy, we've shown the world how much we cherish our democracy. this is the unwavering commitment to the defending time, owns democracy, was it the hearts of life campaign and rejecting pressure from badging to succumb to chinese rule as opposed to the government led by lodging. the, because his goal was very clear, he knows clearly that we are a country and the taiwan has an independent government to, to a position policies at fort for a recess of relations with aging. and some 60 percent of votes is back to them. but
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with the opposition, 3rd splits, it wasn't enough. back at the d. p. lighting the insisted he was ready to talk, pointing out it was china that had long stumbled him. he called on badging to think of get logan exchange can mitigate the risk to china. only when we replace obstruction is them with communication and confrontation with dialogue. can we achieve peace and share prosperity? for more on this, we are joined by dw chief international editor richard walker and ty pay, who has been following the electrons very closely. richard beijing, oppose the d p. p, and they were candidate during the campaign. how did china react to lightroom does when? so yeah, so we're beginning to see so fast reactions. in fact, 1st we actually came in pretty soon the off to the result was an ounce on saturday night from the chinese farm industry. and they made the statement saying that the
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tie, one question is time is internal fat, very much the usual kind of thing that china says about it and whatever changes may take place. that fact that time one is positive, china will not change. so. so right much, you kind of message suggesting that, you know, the selection doesn't really match, it doesn't change and a thing which may be what you would expect from china. but you could interpret that as a relatively positive message to come from china. because if you interpret that will, if nothing's changed, then well, why would you then take drastic action in response to something that you believe it is not even a major change? so. so there's that messaging coming on the military level, some sadly, minor things have been seen to the time when he's ministry defend saying that it's so navy ships around taiwan during the course of the day. but that also is very much not out of the usual the, as of the ordinary, we've seen that kind of military pressure from, from china very much in recent years. so,
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so that doesn't seem to be really major. it's quite a single. so to have a quick look at the united states citizen, american unofficial delegation arriving to have meetings with positions in the week ahead. so that was also trailed before the election. so, so that the confirmation that these people to the former officials are not official political level delegation but, but former officials will be arriving and talking here in the coming days. and those are joe biden saying, an interesting thing saying that the us does not support taiwanese independence, which is something that the chinese will be very glad to hear that constantly using the united states of encouraging a taiwan to declare independence joe biden. tonight that's and of course, liking to the victorious candidate also is make clear he has no intention of declaring independence which as a result of moving parts here, but so far so good. yeah. so to interrupt you there. uh, as a report indicated,
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the opposition candidates for it for a reset with china to be clear. what does that mean in a nutshell? and what do you make of the fact that the majority of tyra needs 60 percent, in fact voted for that vision and not lice? yeah, that is interesting. it was a 3 way race this time. so william lie liking to winning, which is 40 percent of the rate of the, the devote 60 percent voting for parties, the seeking better relations with china. so the thing to see what william like does about that, whether he really takes, as does a q, i mean to, to read what that could mean. but the opposition process was saying what it wouldn't mean necessarily the, something you were having to towards between a tie when these leader and changing peo and the thing anywhere near that level, that it would start slowly, maybe increasing cultural exchange, pets, uh, building up business ties by the way, to afraid, somewhat in recent years. um, but it is interesting that there was these kind of 2 takeaways from this election on the one hand, the people of taiwan a not being intimidated by china into, into
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a not relaxing a liking to, into the adult electing lighting to into the president, seed spiteful of that one is bought on the other hand, 60 percent backing parties. that once a new effort of dialogue with china. so yeah, we'll be watching, latching day in the box ahead to see what he does about that if he can find a way to forward starla with china that so dw is a chief international editor, richard walker. thank you, richard. a reminder of our top story. the war between israel and the mosque is entering, it's 100 the day, the attack by as long as militant group, a moss on israel, on october 7th. and israel's military campaign that followed i'd have resulted in over 1200 deaths on these really side and 24000 killed and gone to with almost 2000000 made refugees. that's all from us. up next we have
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our tech programs shift, which looked at how social media is being used in people smuggling. unlike look who i'll be back with more news at the beginning of the next hour. my name is the calls back saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay? like good, everyone to kings. check out the award winning called com. so hold back. what do these do for fun via do gravitational ways squeeze out buddy. how do.


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